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what is that?;)

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Yes, You are right but there is big IF here and that is amount of resources to invest on under sea fleet.
we spend huge amount of money on the missiles technologies; sometimes we forget this important point and developing submarine technologies are more expensive and high tech than missiles.
This is Nahang Submarine

we build it domestically but it lost competition to north Korean submarine. hopefully we had not any competition for Fateh class sub, so they forced to solve some inherent problems of domestic sub technologies and we get fruit of that in Besa't class submarine in future.

Fateh is continuous of this domestic path of the development.
it takes around 10 yrs for us to reach from Nahang to Fateh when our budgets mostly meet. we can do any thing in next 20 yrs but all depends on amount of our budgets.
also, we need to train many technicians and submariners to use and keep these subs in service.
so my Assumption about building one Fateh class sub per yrs in next 10 yrs is fair enough.

one of our priorities should be invest on drone subs in the next 20 yrs and launch them from bigger submarines.

this drone subs most have ability to launch from bigger submarines and carry one torpedo.
this drones can go deeper in the water and fire their torpedo and come back to mother sub.

Your mistaken!
It took Iranian engineers 15 years to build Iran's 1st domestically built liquid fuel Ballistic missile that was a short ranged SLBM but going from that to various other missiles clearly didn't take that long!

And much like missiles or any other weapons system or platform to build subs you need tools and facilities to build every part and maintain them and how many subs you build and what kind mostly varies based on the tools and facilities you have.

It cost Iran nearly $2Billion USD to go from no subs to building Nagang and Ghadir not because the subs cost a lot of money but because tool and infrastructure was not there and once you have the tools and facilities to build every component and the facilities to maintain them then building something like the Fateh class doesn't really cost that much especially in a country where most mines are government owned and you can simply exchange raw minerals with the alloys you need or give tax breaks to privet company producing the alloys you need or simply pay for the manpower and tools to produce it yourself....
Even if you buy at international value

So once you have the tools and capability to produce most of the components(Engine, Battery, Sonar, Weapons and weapons systems,....) and the facilities and personal needed to build them then something like the Fatteh class really shouldn't cost even $30 Million USD to produce and a sub twice it's mass $50 Million per unit on a basic diesel version so even if you build 100 1500 tone subs over a span of a decade the actual cost for the Sub's aren't going to be that much but what will cost you and break your back if not done properly will be the tools and facilities needed to produce that many subs a year and since we are NOT going to be constructing 10 Subs at a time we might as well use the tools and facilities we have to build larger more capable force multipliers with high depth capability rather than wasting the tools and facilities we already have on subs like the Fatteh

Right now I would say the smartest investment for Iran's Navy would be the construction of one massive shipbuilding facility (preferably underground) right behind the big drydock at ISOICO that's dedicated to constructing hulls in a short time for the navy that is equipped with
few hundred low cost industrial robot & manufacturing equipment (averaged at ~ $50,000 per unit) + ~100 advanced heavy industrial robots, industrial equipment & industrial 3D printers,.. (~ average of $1 Million per unit) + another $50 Million in lifts, precision sensors, massive precision rails each capable of spinning 8 or more robotic arms with high precision, massive oven presses,.... (If the tools are mostly domestic it would cost far less)
where various parts produced at other facilities get brought in and almost everything from outside in gets get put together into section and slices by industrial robots and is later screwed welded on by your industrial robots...…. Were you can assemble 5000 ton sub or ship within a week(At least most of it).

For Iran's Navy that's the type of ship building facility they should invest in that allows one facility to build as many Subs or Ship the Navy needs in a fraction of the time it takes today that can over time massively cut down the cost of constriction
And everything I just mentioned is already within Iran's capabilities we just need proper leadership with a proper vision for Iran's future and some investment!
Netanyahoooo's nose.
:lol:. i think its ciws




You can clearly see the name of F-22 and U2 and other American so called STEALTH in their list of tracked targets in the video..!!
f-22 rq-4. and t-50 is that su-57 code name?


You can clearly see the name of F-22 and U2 and other American so called STEALTH in their list of tracked targets in the video..!!
داداش اسم این کشور هایی که توی لیست دیدی منظورش پایگاه های امریکا هست یا کشور امریکا؟ چون اسم کشور هایی مثل المان و اذربایجان و روسیه و... هست فکر نکنم کشور هلند در خاورمیانه پایگاه داشته باشه ولی اسمش توی لیست هست یعنی هواپیمای ائتلاف بوده؟
French frigate which was forced to mount Iranian flag to let pass through our waterways:
View attachment 502200
No, there is international rules which dictate that any foreign ship passing through another country's territorial waters will fly That country's flag in addition to own flag.
No, there is international rules which dictate that any foreign ship passing through another country's territorial waters will fly That country's flag in addition to own flag.
No, when u watch the video that picture is taken from you clearly hear and see that the French boat did not want to comply with the rules and raise an Iranian flag but immediately follows orders after warning...

:lol:. i think its ciws



View attachment 502070

f-22 rq-4. and t-50 is that su-57 code name?

View attachment 502071

داداش اسم این کشور هایی که توی لیست دیدی منظورش پایگاه های امریکا هست یا کشور امریکا؟ چون اسم کشور هایی مثل المان و اذربایجان و روسیه و... هست فکر نکنم کشور هلند در خاورمیانه پایگاه داشته باشه ولی اسمش توی لیست هست یعنی هواپیمای ائتلاف بوده؟
Tracked T-50s are Iraqi KAI T-50 Golden Eagle which are korean birds.

it is this, covered by a protective sheet

Exactly.. seems like a NEW remote controlled Gatling. It does not look like any other known Iranian gatlings...

Here are three main Iranian heavy caliber Gatlings;

Muharram: (Army)
12.7mm - 6 barrels - 2500 rpm



Asefeh: (IRGC)
23mm - 3 barrels - 900 rpm



NASIR (IRGC) + Hami 12 Robotic Fire Control System
12.7mm - 6 barrels - 2400 rpm



There,s also this one which I,m nor sure which one it is!


In addition, there are news coming out about Iranian Kamand CIWS phalanx-like system which is being installed on already. Kamand is able to track targets autonomously and destroy them in a distance of 2000 meters having a rate of fire of 4000 to 7000. so it must be something totally new... as it has a higher rate of fire... right?

So is it one of these modified for the navy or a new one!?
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