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Iranian navy future frigate, mowj 6


May 10, 2016
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Total 96 vls missiles
3000 ton displacement
2 helicopter hangar
4 camand 30 mm ciws

I am about doubtful about the scale of this ships model and the specs provided.

A US cruiser with displacement of 12K can carry 96 launchers. This ship is 1/4 of the displacement. Also by just eye balling it, the Kamand's size with respect to the ship chassis size is significantly smaller than Kamand size with respect to Sahand (which is <1/2 of the displacement). I think this mock up is accurate for a much bigger ship but I reserve judgement until I hear more from you folks.

Also it would help if we see the first VLS implementation on current Mowdge class chassis.
I am about doubtful about the scale of this ships model and the specs provided.

A US cruiser with displacement of 12K can carry 96 launchers. This ship is 1/4 of the displacement. Also by just eye balling it, the Kamand's size with respect to the ship chassis size is significantly smaller than Kamand size with respect to Sahand (which is <1/2 of the displacement). I think this mock up is accurate for a much bigger ship but I reserve judgement until I hear more from you folks.

Also it would help if we see the first VLS implementation on current Mowdge class chassis.
The number of vls could be exaggerated. I am no expert. However, one thing we should keep in mind is that being a trimaran this ship has the advantage of not needing a ballast to achieve balance. So it could use its tonnage much more effectively resulting in a lot of deck space (because of multihull construction), as visible on the model and creating generous space for VLS cells.
The number of vls could be exaggerated. I am no expert. However, one thing we should keep in mind is that being a trimaran this ship has the advantage of not needing a ballast to achieve balance. So it could use its tonnage much more effectively resulting in a lot of deck space (because of multihull construction), as visible on the model and creating generous space for VLS cells.

Dude it is literally a copy of the LCS ship the US produces down to the same design and tonnage (2800 full vs 3000).

So if the US can only stick 16-20 VLS on theirs. How the hell is Iran going to stick 96?!

So either VLS number is typo and they ment 16 not 96 or the tonnage needs to be closer to 10,000!
Dude it is literally a copy of the LCS ship the US produces down to the same design and tonnage (2800 full vs 3000).

So if the US can only stick 16-20 VLS on theirs. How the hell is Iran going to stick 96?!

So either VLS number is typo and they ment 16 not 96 or the tonnage needs to be closer to 10,000!

The pictures posted by Tasnim depict 6 x (4x4) = 96 VLS cells, so we can rule out a typo. Compared to the LCS the section where the VLS are located on the Iranian mock-up is wider which could fit more cells and their placement extends both further back and to the front. The individual cells on the Iranian mock-up seem also proportionally smaller to the ship than on the LCS.
The pictures posted by Tasnim depict 6 x (4x4) = 96 VLS cells, so we can rule out a typo. Compared to the LCS the section where the VLS are located on the Iranian mock-up is wider which could fit more cells and their placement extends both further back and to the front. The individual cells on the Iranian mock-up seem also proportionally smaller to the ship than on the LCS.

Of course there is a possibility that the missiles used are different in size and performance. I however have a hard time believing the 96 missiles number. Let us wait and see how much they are packing the current gen Mowdge and what they are packing them with.

To maximize the density, they are likely using Iran's smallest antiship missiles.
The pictures posted by Tasnim depict 6 x (4x4) = 96 VLS cells, so we can rule out a typo. Compared to the LCS the section where the VLS are located on the Iranian mock-up is wider which could fit more cells and their placement extends both further back and to the front. The individual cells on the Iranian mock-up seem also proportionally smaller to the ship than on the LCS.

You do realize that the ship also has to carry a reload capacity of AT LEAST another 96 missiles. So where are you going to safely store that on that ship?

I mean one hit by an anti ship missile and that will ignite the supply and blow the ship into the stratosphere.

Doesn’t matter what the mock up shows. Tonnage is tonnage. I find it hard to believe that Iran managed to squeeze 600% more VLS than an US navy shipyard while maintaining similar tonnage.
96 vls on 3000 ton ship? Seems another propaganda like the stealth jet.
96 x 4 = 384 missile... Now you can multiply your desired point defense or short to mid-range air defense missile's weight with this number. If you want to compare with western standard. If we speak on US standards RIM-162 ESSM is around +250 kg. If you want areal defense at least SM-2 is around +750 kg, one per cell.

The above model is an extremely raw, even we cant say it is a prelimanary design. As it continues to develop, its geometry will improve and the superstructure will become more logical. @ANMDT

Well, I guess they're talking about this type of launch system:

Royal Navy Type 23 Frigate HMS Portland fires a Sea Wolf missile
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