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nobody likes music ??? :unsure:

I think the problem for most of us is it's in Farsi, a language we don't understand. Sure people can still listen and think it sounds beautiful but to a certain extent you will lose interest because you don't understand.
A request to all Iranian members, Please guy post some of poetery related muslik with ennglish subs, like Poetery of Hafez, Omer Khayam, Maulana Rumi , performed by any of Iranian Artists ... For Starters i will post Zolf Barbaad by Hafez

Zolf Bar Baad By Singer Mohsen Namjoo(Tresses in the Wind )

Let not the wind into your tresses or I will go into the wind

Let not seduction be your way or I will loose mine

Drink not with any old contender or I will drown in pain

Savor not your wine or I will turn red in sobriety

Lock not your hair or I will be locked in remorse

Twist not your hair or I will get twisted

Become not the rival's friend or I will become mad with rivalry

Feel not for others or I will cease to feel

Open your face and I won't need a flower

Stand tall and I won't need the air of heights

Paint not the town red or I will shed blood for tears

Cherish not the other's company or I will perish

Steal not the limelight or all light will leave me

Ogle not or I will melt beneath your gaze

Be kind to this poor suitor and come to my aid

For me not to appeal to the Messenger

Hafez will never turn away from you

For he became free the day he was entrapped by you.

Zolf Bar Baad - By Singer: Mohsen Namjoo - YouTube
A request to all Iranian members, Please guy post some of poetery related muslik with ennglish subs, like Poetery of Hafez, Omer Khayam, Maulana Rumi , performed by any of Iranian Artists ... For Starters i will post Zolf Barbaad by Hafez

Zolf Bar Baad By Singer Mohsen Namjoo(Tresses in the Wind )

Let not the wind into your tresses or I will go into the wind

Let not seduction be your way or I will loose mine

Drink not with any old contender or I will drown in pain

Savor not your wine or I will turn red in sobriety

Lock not your hair or I will be locked in remorse

Twist not your hair or I will get twisted

Become not the rival's friend or I will become mad with rivalry

Feel not for others or I will cease to feel

Open your face and I won't need a flower

Stand tall and I won't need the air of heights

Paint not the town red or I will shed blood for tears

Cherish not the other's company or I will perish

Steal not the limelight or all light will leave me

Ogle not or I will melt beneath your gaze

Be kind to this poor suitor and come to my aid

For me not to appeal to the Messenger

Hafez will never turn away from you

For he became free the day he was entrapped by you.

Zolf Bar Baad - By Singer: Mohsen Namjoo - YouTube

:kiss3: !!!
Please if some one can translate this into English...

Kenare sibo razeghi neshaste atre asheghi
Man az tabare khastegi bikhabar az delbastegi
Habr shodam seda shodi, Shah shodam geda shodi
Sheer shodam ghalam shodi, Eshgh shodam to gham shodi

Leylaye man, Daryaye man, Asoode dar royaye man
In lahze dar havaye to, Gomshode dar sedaye to
Man ashegham majnoone ro, Gomgashte dar baroone to

Majnoone leyli bikhabar dar koochehaye darbedar
Masto parishoon o kharab, Har arezoo naghshe bar ab
Shayad ke roozi aghebat aroom begirad dar delat

Kenare har setarehi neshaste abre parehi
Man az tabare sadegi bikhabar az deldadegi
Mah shod shodam abr shodi, Ashk shodam sabr shodi
Barf shodam ab shodi, Ghesse shodam khab shodi

Leylaye man, Daryaye man, Asoode dar royaye man
In lahze dar havaye to, Gomshode dar sedaye to
Man ashegham majnoone ro, Gomgashte dar baroone to

Majnoone leyli bikhabar dar koochehaye darbedar
Masto parishoon o kharab, Har arezoo naghshe bar ab
Shayad ke roozi aghebat aroom begirad dar delat

Found an online translation

Beside the Jasmine tree, sits the perfume of love.
From a long way I come, Unaware of the approaching love...
I'm in love.
I became the _____(habr?), you became the voice. I became the king and you became the beggar. I became the lion and you became the pen. I became love and you became sorrow.

Lover of mine, ocean of mine, the peace in the dreams of mine,
In this moment in your presence, I lose myself in your voice.
I'm in love, lover of yours. I lose myself in your falling rain.

The lovers unaware, on the streets, from door to door,
Drunk, depressed and ruined, each wish gone with the water,
Perhaps one day finally, your heart will find peace.

Beside every star, sits a torn cloud.
Me from my simple background, unaware of giving my heart...
I'm in love.
You became the moon and I became the ______(something seems to be missing?), I became tears and you became patience, I became snow and you became water. I became the story and you went to sleep.

Lover of mine, ocean of mine, the peace in the dreams of mine,
In this moment in your presence, I lose myself in your voice.
I'm in love, lover of yours. I lose myself in your falling rain.

The lovers unaware, on the streets, from door to door,
Drunk, depressed and ruined, each wish gone with the water,
Perhaps one day finally, your heart will find peace.

p.s. Majnoon and Leyla are the lovers from a well known Arabic tale. I've referred to them simple as the "lovers". I guess the english equivelent would be Romeo and Juliet. You can think of it as him referring to himself as Romeo and her as Juliet if it helps.
Btw could you tell me where this is from? I'd love to listen to it if it's a song. Or if it's a poem the artist would be very much appreciated. ^^

Mazyar Falahi - YouTube
Ey Sareban

ای ساربان
ای ساربان ، ای کاروان ، لیلای من کجا می بری ؟
با بردن لیلای من ، جان و دل مرا می بری.
ای ساربان کجا می روی ؟ لیلای من چرا می بری ؟
ای ساربان کجا می روی ؟ لیلای من چرا می بری ؟

در بستن پیمان ما ، تنها گواه ما شد خدا
تا این جهان ، بر پا بود ،این عشق ما بماند به جا
ای ساربان کجا می روی ؟ لیلای من چرا می بری ؟
ای ساربان کجا می روی ؟ لیلای من چرا می بری ؟

تمامی دینم به دنیای فانی، شراره عشقی که شد زندگانی
به یاد یاری خوشا قطره اشکی ، به سوز عشقی خوشا زندگانی
همیشه خدایا محبت دلها به دلها بماند ،بسان دل ما
که لیلی و مجنون فسانه شود حکایت ما جاودانه شود

تو اکنون ز عشقم گریزانی غمم را ز چشمم نمی خوانی
از این غم چه حالم نمی دانی
پس از تو نمونم برای خدا تو مرگ دلم را ببین و برو
چو طوفان سختی ز شاخه ی غم گل هستی ام را بچین و برو
که هستم من آن تک درختی که در پای طوفان نشسته
همه شاخه های وجودش ز خشم طبیعت شکسته

ای ساربان ای کاروان لیلای من کجا می بری ؟
با بردن ، لیلای من ، جان و دل مرا می بری. ای ساربان کجا می روی ؟ لیلای من چرا می بری ؟
ای ساربان کجا می روی ؟ لیلای من چرا می بری ؟


Ey Sareban

Oh you cameller, oh you caravan! Where are you taking my Leili( My lover)?
As you take my Leili with you, you take my heart and my soul along,
Oh you cameleer, where are you heading to? Why are you taking my Leili along with you?
Oh you cameleer, where are you heading to? Why are you taking my Leili along with you?

As we avowed our love, no one witnessed but our Lord,
As long as this world is revolving, may our love live,
Oh you cameller, oh you caravan! Where are you taking my Leili( My lover)?
As you take my Leili with you, you take my heart and my soul along,
Oh you cameleer, where are you heading to? Why are you taking my Leili along with you?
Oh you cameleer, where are you heading to? Why are you taking my Leili along with you?

All the religion I prtacticed, in this mortal world, turned into a sprickel of love, annd that became my living,
How good it is to shed a tear in the memory of a lover, how good it is to live, as you are burning with love,
O,G-d, I pray to you so thay always love stays in the hearts, as ours do
Because the story of Leili and Majnoon[ the Easten legendary lovers] become a fiction, but ours becomes immortal,

Why you are running away from my love now? Why you are not reading the signs of dispair through my eyes?
The way I feel sad you have no clue,
I will not survive after you I swear to G-d, (so) stay and confi8rm the death of my heart and then leave,
As a mighty storm, pick the flower of my being from the branches of sorrow and leave,
Because I am that one tree that stays in the way of strom,
The same tree whose branches are all broken by the anger of nature,

Oh you cameller, oh you caravan! Where are you taking my Leili( My lover)?
As you take my Leili with you, you take my heart and my soul along,
Oh you cameleer, where are you heading to? Why are you taking my Leili along with you?
Oh you cameleer, where are you heading to? Why are you taking my Leili along with you?

Ey Sareban
I have music by Babak Rahnama, Ashkan Kooshan, and Griffin on my ipod.

Are there any other good Persian songs? In particular "Persian techno" :D
well i just heard few Persian songs here are those..

Hmm Arash. I really hate that guy but he did a lot for Persian music in Europe.
Even if his music is basically trash he used persian tunes and made many people like/love it.

Ps. It seems like most of the Iranian artist live in the US does any one know why?
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I have music by Babak Rahnama, Ashkan Kooshan, and Griffin on my ipod.

Are there any other good Persian songs? In particular "Persian techno" :D

Some of these songs will be a repeat of what I posted on page 2.
They're all dance/electro songs and if you search the name of the artist you will get more of the same type of music on youtube.
I like this one
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Also, my favorite DJ right now is an Iranian guy. He really makes good music (not Iranian though). This is his latest mix.
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