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Iranian missile humiliated US air defenses around ARAMCO once again

Muricans are a bunch of lowlife genocidals who have nothing to feel good about themselves so the take pride in their missiles, bombs, fighter jets, .... hell, they even decided to put them in their national anthem, lol. That's why their air defences getting humiliated like this causes them to feel butthurt so they come out of the woodwork to express their butthurtness they why you see in this thread.
So this was used for the attack...View attachment 691072View attachment 691073
How many here think the Saudi AD could detect something this small with a small cross section and act against on time? This isn’t an a fighter jet. Nor is it likely to produce a significant heat signature for any IR sensors to identify it. My point is: many are blaming the Saudis for something they probably couldn’t avoid.
Ehm, no. People are laughing at Saudi for getting owned by people fighting on flip flops.
So this was used for the attack...View attachment 691072View attachment 691073
How many here think the Saudi AD could detect something this small with a small cross section and act against on time? This isn’t an a fighter jet. Nor is it likely to produce a significant heat signature for any IR sensors to identify it. My point is: many are blaming the Saudis for something they probably couldn’t avoid.
Syrians are detecting even smaller objects the jews are throwng at them (MUCH SHORTER FLIFGT PATH) so the Saudis with all their top of the line US junk should at least know something is coming at them..incompetence combined with bloated price junk is the real reason.
Syrians are detecting even smaller objects the jews are throwng at them (MUCH SHORTER FLIFGT PATH) so the Saudis with all their top of the line US junk should at least know something is coming at them..incompetence combined with bloated price junk is the real reason.
Would ground radars detect AMRAAMs? Here is your answer: No.
Last time they attacked , qasim solemani and mohandes were bar b qued , do they want to sacrifice khameni now ?
Ismael Ghaani, Soleimani's replacement cannon fodder has been in Iraq and is ready for bar be cuing so why havent you bar b qued him yet???
Would ground radars detect AMRAAMs? Here is your answer: No.
They have airborne radar ..but there is no substitute for incompetence. Ground radar should detect in a flat terrain but it won't if the operator is out of it..
drone cost few thousand dollars at best
Patriot missile cost...hundreds of thousands of dollars
That's not how it works, you only defend critical infrastructure, not a kebab shop. They have 100's of billions to spend with a 30 million population. They can afford it.

You are mistaken in the absence of Air borne or OTH radar, low flying cruise missiles /drones are detected at 20 kms. Patriot, S400 etc. are truly effective only when layered as shown in the image on the right. The low flying CM or drone is only detected by PANSTIR and IGLA and not the S400 Radar.

In military terms the ARAMCO facility is a soft target because there is no close in weapons systems to defend against low flying munitions. Saudi has ten of thousands of ARAMCO installations across Saudi, layered defense across all installation is impossible..

You are mistaken in the absence of Air borne or OTH radar, low flying cruise missiles /drones are detected at 20 kms. Patriot, S400 etc. are truly effective only when layered as shown in the image on the right. The low flying CM or drone is only detected by PANSTIR and IGLA and not the S400 Radar.

In military terms the ARAMCO facility is a soft target because there is no close in weapons systems to defend against low flying munitions. Saudi has ten of thousands of ARAMCO installations across Saudi, layered defense across all installation is impossible..

All these blabbering to justify the failure!

Put your graph against this picture:
what the hell are you talking about?? the houthis arent hitting random houses of Jassems and abuds...

they are attacking extremely large, and unbelievably expensive and critical oil infastracture. the lifeline of the wahabi state created by the british....

They have heavily concentrated american garbage around those sites. they could not protect literally THE most important economic asset in the country last year.. and it wasnt some 1 drone attack. it was a mass precision attack on THE MOST IMPORTANT ECONOMIC SITE IN THE COUNTRY that temporarily knocked half their oil productuon out. your attempts at face saving are absolutely pathetic.

even the saudi military prefer to mass its troops and equipment on massive bases that make them extremely high value targets. because AC equipped bases are more important to them then small , dispered and more survivable bases that would lack AC and other comforts that can be crammmed into large bases.

overpriced american garbage is being exposed for what it is. you can accept the facts or live in delusion.
This target was not extremely large nor was it important. It is an insignificant facility.
Yemen's Houthi Struck Saudi Oil Facility With New Type Of Cruise Missile - the DRIVE

Not even a mass of missiles to overwhelm their air defenses, one shot, one kill. This time they can't say it was launched from Iran too, cause missile hit the other side of the country, protected by all the western and US made air defenses, and warships.

Yemen army has built the missile with Iran's help and US/Saudis will call it Iranian missile for sure, so I called it Iranian missile as well, with pleasure!

It was a controlled damage with one missile to prevent civilian casualty like the previous time, but a clear message for Saudis, right when US foreign minister along Prime minister of Zionist regime were meeting Saudi dictator.

Like the previous time, their air defenses didn't react at all, cause as usual, their radars couldn't detect the missile.
I admire Iranian resolve and resilience facing the American aggression and hegemony for over 4 decades but there is a limit of fingering your enemy and giving it a reason to go all out hostile.

playing in the hands of Israelis and their Arab allies is anything but smart.
but who are we the lesser race to advise Iranian empire?

I know the regime will survive the Saudi American invasion but I care for the ordinary Iranians as human beings even if they are of a superior kind.
So this was used for the attack...View attachment 691072View attachment 691073
How many here think the Saudi AD could detect something this small with a small cross section and act against on time? This isn’t an a fighter jet. Nor is it likely to produce a significant heat signature for any IR sensors to identify it. My point is: many are blaming the Saudis for something they probably couldn’t avoid.
They could have avoided a war in Yemen.
They have airborne radar ..but there is no substitute for incompetence. Ground radar should detect in a flat terrain but it won't if the operator is out of it..
They would detect the missile at a small range if detecting such an same airframe was possible in the first place. Again, what you’re mentioning isn’t something that is practically impossible here. Do you think it’s easy to for an F-15 to shoot down a missile that is small to be mounted on an underwing pylon? Even more: do you think it’s possible for an AMRAAM to hit another missile of such size? Not to say a big and heavy AD missile that KSA owns.
They could have avoided a war in Yemen.
I don’t think that would’ve been a good thing for KSA. I think it’s time for them to destroy the storage sites for these missiles given their intelligence discovers the locations.
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