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Iranian missile humiliated US air defenses around ARAMCO once again


Feb 26, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Yemen's Houthi Struck Saudi Oil Facility With New Type Of Cruise Missile - the DRIVE

Not even a mass of missiles to overwhelm their air defenses, one shot, one kill. This time they can't say it was launched from Iran too, cause missile hit the other side of the country, protected by all the western and US made air defenses, and warships.

Yemen army has built the missile with Iran's help and US/Saudis will call it Iranian missile for sure, so I called it Iranian missile as well, with pleasure!

It was a controlled damage with one missile to prevent civilian casualty like the previous time, but a clear message for Saudis, right when US foreign minister along Prime minister of Zionist regime were meeting Saudi dictator.

Like the previous time, their air defenses didn't react at all, cause as usual, their radars couldn't detect the missile.
Looks like the Patriots were removed after the General got blown up.

SEP 26 2019
Pentagon to deploy Patriot missile system to Saudi Arabia after Iran oil attacks
additional forces include two Patriot missile artillery batteries and one Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD missile defense system.

January 3 2020
Qasem Soleimani: US kills top Iranian general in Baghdad air strike

MAY 11, 2020
US to Withdraw Patriot Defenses from Saudi Arabia
On May 7, U.S. officials confirmed plans to remove two Patriot air and missile defense batteries from Saudi Arabia. According to the official, the move would mark an end to the U.S. buildup of forces in response to recent hostilities with Iran. In addition to removing two batteries defending oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, the United States has withdrawn two fighter jet squadrons and is considering further reductions.
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Some of the stuff which were covering the area:




Looks like the Patriots were removed after the General got blown up.

SEP 26 2019
Pentagon to deploy Patriot missile system to Saudi Arabia after Iran oil attacks
additional forces include two Patriot missile artillery batteries and one Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD missile defense system.

January 3 2020
Qasem Soleimani: US kills top Iranian general in Baghdad air strike

MAY 11, 2020
US to Withdraw Patriot Defenses from Saudi Arabia
On May 7, U.S. officials confirmed plans to remove two Patriot air and missile defense batteries from Saudi Arabia. According to the official, the move would mark an end to the U.S. buildup of forces in response to recent hostilities with Iran. In addition to removing two batteries defending oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, the United States has withdrawn two fighter jet squadrons and is considering further reductions.

Ignore the troll, no one not even the Saudi’s have enough money to protect every installation, every building in every city from low flying cruise missiles and drones.
Ignore the troll, no one not even the Saudi’s have enough money to protect every installation, every building in every city from low flying cruise missiles and drones.

That's not how it works, you only defend critical infrastructure, not a kebab shop. They have 100's of billions to spend with a 30 million population. They can afford it.
Ignore the troll, no one not even the Saudi’s have enough money to protect every installation, every building in every city from low flying cruise missiles and drones.

what the hell are you talking about?? the houthis arent hitting random houses of Jassems and abuds...

they are attacking extremely large, and unbelievably expensive and critical oil infastracture. the lifeline of the wahabi state created by the british....

They have heavily concentrated american garbage around those sites. they could not protect literally THE most important economic asset in the country last year.. and it wasnt some 1 drone attack. it was a mass precision attack on THE MOST IMPORTANT ECONOMIC SITE IN THE COUNTRY that temporarily knocked half their oil productuon out. your attempts at face saving are absolutely pathetic.

even the saudi military prefer to mass its troops and equipment on massive bases that make them extremely high value targets. because AC equipped bases are more important to them then small , dispered and more survivable bases that would lack AC and other comforts that can be crammmed into large bases.

overpriced american garbage is being exposed for what it is. you can accept the facts or live in delusion.
How about a hit on the royal palace? During Zion and Bedouin representatives' meeting.
It's an option for Yemeni army and Ansarallah) to hit the leaders of their enemies since they also killed 2 brothers of Abdulmalek Al-Houthi. So killing their leaders in retaliation is not a taboo anymore, it's an open option for the Houthis.
Last time they attacked , qasim solemani and mohandes were bar b qued , do they want to sacrifice khameni now ?
Put down your bhutt.

Soleimani was murdered cowardly at Baghdad international airport, at 1AM by a unmanned US drone. If this is not the height of cowardice then what is it?
So this was used for the attack...

How many here think the Saudi AD could detect something this small with a small cross section and act against on time? This isn’t an a fighter jet. Nor is it likely to produce a significant heat signature for any IR sensors to identify it. My point is: many are blaming the Saudis for something they probably couldn’t avoid.
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