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Iranian military engine development news and updates

Thanks for the good answer.

When you said Iran should build R-35 or Al-21 turbojets instead of turbofans, I was not convinced.
Only when I recently checked the data on these both engines I realized how close they are to comparable western turbofans in terms of thrust and fuel consumption.
So your point was a very good one.

For commercial high volume production Iran will go with the CFM56-5 in the future, probably with Mapna as producer.
But for limited numbers and non-commercial fighter applications, JT8D is the technology that has been mastered and is working.

The Spey on British F-4 was around 30% more fuel efficient then other F-4 with J79.
JT8D could do the same for Irans F-4 and make a better and somewhat more efficient engine for the F-14.

Getting R-35/Al-21 TBO levels high enough could be a challenge.

Grabbing some lunch at work, let's see if I can address some of your great points in your post.

Wished you were here, I could take you out (my treat) to a great fish restaurant in Seattle and we could brainstorm an engine for Iran, and talk about it for 10 hours.

I will try to address a few things, in no particular order. I will rush through it, and no doubt lots of grammar error as usual.

U.S. (and their gang of economic rapists) have used the idea of "turbofan" as the means to convince counties (like S Arabia) to buy expensive, hard to maintain (requiring high level of technical expertise) engines, so they can have personnel in these countries, essentially controlling what they sell, constantly making money from maintenance contracts, allowing the door to be open for CIA operatives, and keeping a tight control, etc. etc.

For oil producing countries that have refineries and can produce jet fuel, ... it is madness to have turbofans in most cases. Because it does not make logical/practical/financial sense.

Fuel efficiency depends on quite a few factors, depending on low-level, mid-level, or high-level flight, and also on the type of engine, and the payload, and the aerodynamics of the aircraft. Let me give some basic examples:

F5-E has got an incredible aerodynamic efficiency due to its pointy nose (people often forget the slim body and low wings of course). But it is very efficient in producing relatively very little drag.

F4-E is also the same (relatively) let's say compared to a mig-29. Even though F-4E is bigger, heavier, less thrust, and yet it has substantially higher maximum take off weight that mig-29 or mig-35. Mig29/35 never should have been a 2-engine aircraft. So much drag. What is the point of fuel efficiency in one area when there so much inefficiency in another area. Just simple engine comparison is illogical.

Most turbofans and turbojets use lower amounts of fuel at lower altitudes. With the exception of F4E which uses about 400kg-600kg of fuel during take off, depending on weapons load. This is due to its engine design having the priority for high altitude air flow specific design. In fact F4E is great for low level flight handling and high altitude flights, but bad at mid-level, especially fuel consumption. REALLY bad.

Al21F is good at low level (which is why it was preferred over R29 for Su-24), and it is good enough for mid-level flight. But not so good above 40,000 ft.

TF30 that Iran got for F-14A actually has one of the best fuel efficiencies around. You will not find this anywhere on the Internet. Iran's 20,900lb max afterburner thrust engine, produced almost 11,000 lb non afterburner around 0.67 lb/lbfh - and the upgraded U.S. TF30 was about 0.76 - of course depending on many factors, but just generally speaking. The reason for this is what we call MAXing OUT an engine, meaning that you add more stages to the engine to get maximum thrust at turbine stage considering the limits of the air flow for the engine. The U.S. MAXed OUT the TF30 to about 25,000 lb of thrust and hence about 15% less fuel efficient.

Most turbojet engines for fighter jets are low-level bypass and hence they are about 10%-30% increase for a turbojet compared to a turbofan, comparing apple for apple (e.g. low level, or mid level, size, weapons load, drag ratios, etc.).

The turbofans the Brits used for F4 and later decided to use it for testing design concepts for EuroFighter, was actually about I think 30% more efficient as you said compared to J79 (as long as we do not compare them at low level flight). But Al21 is actually much more fuel efficient than J79. In fact, these two engines weight almost identical, same length, same width, diameter, mostly same technology, about 10 years of technology apart, couple of air-flow differences (deliberately at design requirements required expectations), and J79 is a 17/11 engine and Al21 is a 24/17 engine (afterburner/non afterburner). And Al21 is 20%+ more fuel efficient depending on scenarios we can discuss.

Al31F is only about 10-17% more efficient than Al21f.

Again, as I mentioned above most of these engines fan/jet, have similar (ish) fuel consumption during take off. At very low level, there is higher air density, higher oxygen that can burn, and hence lower fuel consumption for power generation. And all these aircraft engines perform quite a bit similar if we look at apple for apple, aerodynamics, wing surface, drag ratio, weapons load, etc. etc. This is however only for low level flight.

One odd thing I would mention here that no one else seems to want to talk about. During take off, fighter jets use afterburner. In most cases, afterburner turbojet engines use slightly less fuel than turbofan engines ... like about 10% or around that.

As soon as you go to mid level, above say 10,000 ft to 35,000 ft, the above no longer holds true. That is where you can see major differences between fuel efficiencies.

F4E was designed for low level attack, and Su-24 was designed for lo-hi-lo, so depending on how you intend to use your platform, the engine may or may not be efficient for what you are trying to do.

One thing I see all the time: engines that are not sold to many countries, and hence the "truth" about its performance cannot be disputed ... then the manufacturer will BLATANTLY LIE publicly about the engine performance. Let me give you an example. The engine in F22 (F119-PW-100) is not a 35,000 lb thrust engine. It is a 41,000lb thrust. The U.S. lies to hide calculations regarding certain combat scenarios with its adversaries. However, both Russians and Chinese take this into account anyways.

Considering the above as a basis for choosing an engine for Iran, I suggested R35 or even AL21F for the following reasons:

- Iran can easily reverse engineer R35, as the Chinese did the R29 which is the same engine although R35 is (almost) MAXed OUT. Iran can take R35 to 30,000lb/20,000lb with today's technology and materials engineering while increasing turbine stages.

- I would rather have a 20,000lb non afterburner than a 17,000lb non afterburner even if the former has higher fuel consumption because that extra 3,000lb is huge amount of thrust at 35,000 ft when you are looking at T3 (time to target), without burning almost triple fuel consumption with afterburner, and higher heat signature.

- Russia built I think (my number is not exact) about 15,000+ or more R29s/R35s - older versions and upgraded versions for newer mig-23s. That engine has a huge history, detailed documentation (which Iran can get from China), and it is a proven engine with many known knowns. The engine was very reliable although the aircraft not very successful in combat. Iran does not need to take much risk and start adding and modifying parts and components and testing JT8D. If I thought Iran can do this fast, then I would want Iran to reverse engineer a D3 engine (Mig-31) which Iran has plenty of (Il-76) and knows it quite well (to a degree), just need to modify a few things with that heavy turbofan engine.

- Iran already has R35 engines and has been testing them for almost 20 years but not put a serious effort into it. Like everything else with Iran funding of the Air Force.

- Both Al21F and R35 offer high thrust engines which Iran can utilize for quite some time (may be the next 10 years) before having to seriously consider more advanced engines to keep up.

Almost the first 10 years of my career I was in design, manufacturing, materials engineering, quality improvement, and quality assurance. The next 10 years of my career was project management (or actually a little bit more that that). Now I am a fat a$$, lazy, has-been, who gets paid for virtually doing something fun that I use to do at post grad projects, which is to play with technology for the next 10 years in the aviation industry, be it tools, components, process manufacturing, robotics, ergonomics, modern management systems, value-chain management software, partner integration systems, IT security systems, project management tools, AI automation, sourcing, and a lot of useless things to keep me busy. But I am not complaining since I am over paid, and I can take 3 hour lunches and no one cares.

My point is ... development time is extremely IMPORTANT.

Yes I very much believe Iran can build a turbofan out of JT8D given time, resources, effort, and full 100% political will. But is it the FASTEST in my opinion based on all my years of design and project management?

I would say ... I rather bet on Iran reverse engineering an AL21F or R35. Just a gut feeling hunch, based on so many projects and so many things I have seen that can happen from the start to the end.

If JT8D-based fighter jet low bypass engine development is being "concurrently" done while doing a AL21F .... then HECK YES. YES, yes, yes, yes please.

But Iran can only afford one platform at the time (well apparently NONE at this very time).

If all put on the table and I had to choose ... I would choose AL21F or R35. Just me though. I could very well be wrong.

I do not at all worry about this one. Iran has incredible capabilities with overhaul and maintenance. I doubt if people can imagine how HARD Tf30 is to maintain and overhaul and inspect and make sure the freakin thing works okay without radical temperament. AL21F is much better and easier and materials can be used for the temperatures at higher thrust and hot and high that would help enormously (relatively).

So, TBO for a country that has low cost of labor, does not concern me, and high level of expertise and it is its OWN built engine.

If the engine is simple (and turbojets are indeed much simpler, fewer parts/pieces, easier to manufacture, etc.) then it costs less, more can be built, then engines can be rotated in 30 minutes and the aircraft is air worthy now and allows for higher number of sorties, which the other engine is being inspected and repaired, damaged parts replaced, or overhauled if needed.

This is only the opinion of a lazy old man. hehe.

Now I better go back to work before they can my a$$ and I lose my retirement bonus. hehe.

Thank you PeeD for bringing to all of us your knowledge. I very much enjoy reading and learning from your posts, especially the missile stuff you know. WOW. I am trying to learn and keep up. Have an awesome day.
Grabbing some lunch at work, let's see if I can address some of your great points in your post.

Wished you were here, I could take you out (my treat) to a great fish restaurant in Seattle and we could brainstorm an engine for Iran, and talk about it for 10 hours.

I will try to address a few things, in no particular order. I will rush through it, and no doubt lots of grammar error as usual.

U.S. (and their gang of economic rapists) have used the idea of "turbofan" as the means to convince counties (like S Arabia) to buy expensive, hard to maintain (requiring high level of technical expertise) engines, so they can have personnel in these countries, essentially controlling what they sell, constantly making money from maintenance contracts, allowing the door to be open for CIA operatives, and keeping a tight control, etc. etc.

For oil producing countries that have refineries and can produce jet fuel, ... it is madness to have turbofans in most cases. Because it does not make logical/practical/financial sense.

Fuel efficiency depends on quite a few factors, depending on low-level, mid-level, or high-level flight, and also on the type of engine, and the payload, and the aerodynamics of the aircraft. Let me give some basic examples:

F5-E has got an incredible aerodynamic efficiency due to its pointy nose (people often forget the slim body and low wings of course). But it is very efficient in producing relatively very little drag.

F4-E is also the same (relatively) let's say compared to a mig-29. Even though F-4E is bigger, heavier, less thrust, and yet it has substantially higher maximum take off weight that mig-29 or mig-35. Mig29/35 never should have been a 2-engine aircraft. So much drag. What is the point of fuel efficiency in one area when there so much inefficiency in another area. Just simple engine comparison is illogical.

Most turbofans and turbojets use lower amounts of fuel at lower altitudes. With the exception of F4E which uses about 400kg-600kg of fuel during take off, depending on weapons load. This is due to its engine design having the priority for high altitude air flow specific design. In fact F4E is great for low level flight handling and high altitude flights, but bad at mid-level, especially fuel consumption. REALLY bad.

Al21F is good at low level (which is why it was preferred over R29 for Su-24), and it is good enough for mid-level flight. But not so good above 40,000 ft.

TF30 that Iran got for F-14A actually has one of the best fuel efficiencies around. You will not find this anywhere on the Internet. Iran's 20,900lb max afterburner thrust engine, produced almost 11,000 lb non afterburner around 0.67 lb/lbfh - and the upgraded U.S. TF30 was about 0.76 - of course depending on many factors, but just generally speaking. The reason for this is what we call MAXing OUT an engine, meaning that you add more stages to the engine to get maximum thrust at turbine stage considering the limits of the air flow for the engine. The U.S. MAXed OUT the TF30 to about 25,000 lb of thrust and hence about 15% less fuel efficient.

Most turbojet engines for fighter jets are low-level bypass and hence they are about 10%-30% increase for a turbojet compared to a turbofan, comparing apple for apple (e.g. low level, or mid level, size, weapons load, drag ratios, etc.).

The turbofans the Brits used for F4 and later decided to use it for testing design concepts for EuroFighter, was actually about I think 30% more efficient as you said compared to J79 (as long as we do not compare them at low level flight). But Al21 is actually much more fuel efficient than J79. In fact, these two engines weight almost identical, same length, same width, diameter, mostly same technology, about 10 years of technology apart, couple of air-flow differences (deliberately at design requirements required expectations), and J79 is a 17/11 engine and Al21 is a 24/17 engine (afterburner/non afterburner). And Al21 is 20%+ more fuel efficient depending on scenarios we can discuss.

Al31F is only about 10-17% more efficient than Al21f.

Again, as I mentioned above most of these engines fan/jet, have similar (ish) fuel consumption during take off. At very low level, there is higher air density, higher oxygen that can burn, and hence lower fuel consumption for power generation. And all these aircraft engines perform quite a bit similar if we look at apple for apple, aerodynamics, wing surface, drag ratio, weapons load, etc. etc. This is however only for low level flight.

One odd thing I would mention here that no one else seems to want to talk about. During take off, fighter jets use afterburner. In most cases, afterburner turbojet engines use slightly less fuel than turbofan engines ... like about 10% or around that.

As soon as you go to mid level, above say 10,000 ft to 35,000 ft, the above no longer holds true. That is where you can see major differences between fuel efficiencies.

F4E was designed for low level attack, and Su-24 was designed for lo-hi-lo, so depending on how you intend to use your platform, the engine may or may not be efficient for what you are trying to do.

One thing I see all the time: engines that are not sold to many countries, and hence the "truth" about its performance cannot be disputed ... then the manufacturer will BLATANTLY LIE publicly about the engine performance. Let me give you an example. The engine in F22 (F119-PW-100) is not a 35,000 lb thrust engine. It is a 41,000lb thrust. The U.S. lies to hide calculations regarding certain combat scenarios with its adversaries. However, both Russians and Chinese take this into account anyways.

Considering the above as a basis for choosing an engine for Iran, I suggested R35 or even AL21F for the following reasons:

- Iran can easily reverse engineer R35, as the Chinese did the R29 which is the same engine although R35 is (almost) MAXed OUT. Iran can take R35 to 30,000lb/20,000lb with today's technology and materials engineering while increasing turbine stages.

- I would rather have a 20,000lb non afterburner than a 17,000lb non afterburner even if the former has higher fuel consumption because that extra 3,000lb is huge amount of thrust at 35,000 ft when you are looking at T3 (time to target), without burning almost triple fuel consumption with afterburner, and higher heat signature.

- Russia built I think (my number is not exact) about 15,000+ or more R29s/R35s - older versions and upgraded versions for newer mig-23s. That engine has a huge history, detailed documentation (which Iran can get from China), and it is a proven engine with many known knowns. The engine was very reliable although the aircraft not very successful in combat. Iran does not need to take much risk and start adding and modifying parts and components and testing JT8D. If I thought Iran can do this fast, then I would want Iran to reverse engineer a D3 engine (Mig-31) which Iran has plenty of (Il-76) and knows it quite well (to a degree), just need to modify a few things with that heavy turbofan engine.

- Iran already has R35 engines and has been testing them for almost 20 years but not put a serious effort into it. Like everything else with Iran funding of the Air Force.

- Both Al21F and R35 offer high thrust engines which Iran can utilize for quite some time (may be the next 10 years) before having to seriously consider more advanced engines to keep up.

Almost the first 10 years of my career I was in design, manufacturing, materials engineering, quality improvement, and quality assurance. The next 10 years of my career was project management (or actually a little bit more that that). Now I am a fat a$$, lazy, has-been, who gets paid for virtually doing something fun that I use to do at post grad projects, which is to play with technology for the next 10 years in the aviation industry, be it tools, components, process manufacturing, robotics, ergonomics, modern management systems, value-chain management software, partner integration systems, IT security systems, project management tools, AI automation, sourcing, and a lot of useless things to keep me busy. But I am not complaining since I am over paid, and I can take 3 hour lunches and no one cares.

My point is ... development time is extremely IMPORTANT.

Yes I very much believe Iran can build a turbofan out of JT8D given time, resources, effort, and full 100% political will. But is it the FASTEST in my opinion based on all my years of design and project management?

I would say ... I rather bet on Iran reverse engineering an AL21F or R35. Just a gut feeling hunch, based on so many projects and so many things I have seen that can happen from the start to the end.

If JT8D-based fighter jet low bypass engine development is being "concurrently" done while doing a AL21F .... then HECK YES. YES, yes, yes, yes please.

But Iran can only afford one platform at the time (well apparently NONE at this very time).

If all put on the table and I had to choose ... I would choose AL21F or R35. Just me though. I could very well be wrong.

I do not at all worry about this one. Iran has incredible capabilities with overhaul and maintenance. I doubt if people can imagine how HARD Tf30 is to maintain and overhaul and inspect and make sure the freakin thing works okay without radical temperament. AL21F is much better and easier and materials can be used for the temperatures at higher thrust and hot and high that would help enormously (relatively).

So, TBO for a country that has low cost of labor, does not concern me, and high level of expertise and it is its OWN built engine.

If the engine is simple (and turbojets are indeed much simpler, fewer parts/pieces, easier to manufacture, etc.) then it costs less, more can be built, then engines can be rotated in 30 minutes and the aircraft is air worthy now and allows for higher number of sorties, which the other engine is being inspected and repaired, damaged parts replaced, or overhauled if needed.

This is only the opinion of a lazy old man. hehe.

Now I better go back to work before they can my a$$ and I lose my retirement bonus. hehe.

Thank you PeeD for bringing to all of us your knowledge. I very much enjoy reading and learning from your posts, especially the missile stuff you know. WOW. I am trying to learn and keep up. Have an awesome day.

Thanks for the knowledge filled answer!

Basically I want fuel efficiency for kinematics.
Cruise at low SFC, stay longer on station, cover larger areas with CAP, have more fuel left to hit the afterburner to get to F-pole and fight.
For bombing: Cruise efficient at lowest altitude terrain masking and reach more distant targets.

Those slight benefits can make the difference and may be worth the additional headache.

Al-21 is incredible fuel efficient for a turbojet that is to work at low altitude.
R-35 has thrust levels of F-15/-16, but already is a twin shaft turbojet with added complexity.

J8TD is something Iran already went the technological path for its MD-8X fleet. Such an effort wasn't done for the D-30.
I would also absolutely not recommend changing the how section, but a change in fan and LPC could be sufficient, together with an compact afterburner.
So never touch the hot section, this would make the modification a complete re-design.

With 60's J8TD you also avoid somewhat the technology trap you correctly mentioned

Also we are not fantasizing here. If Iran selected to produce virtually all parts of the J8TD for the MD's, I expect a secondary agenda to justify that effort.
We both know how incredibly difficult it would be to copy an engine without the original documentation.
If Iran went that long way to do it, I would expect that a military application was also envisioned.
Given Volvo RM-8, that would be a good motivation.

Current situation is that Iran feels its industry is capable to take on a mega project such as reverse engineering a beast like CFM56.
Its already serial producing those little simple J85 and soon wants to add an advanced, but small, turbofan like the FJ33.

1960's tech. JT8D for the MD fleet and F-4/-14? Without commercial costs pressure?
Certainly nothing certain, but it would make sense.

PS: Good to see another Iranian who made a successful carreer abroad!
Thanks for the knowledge filled answer!

Basically I want fuel efficiency for kinematics.
Cruise at low SFC, stay longer on station, cover larger areas with CAP, have more fuel left to hit the afterburner to get to F-pole and fight.
For bombing: Cruise efficient at lowest altitude terrain masking and reach more distant targets.

Those slight benefits can make the difference and may be worth the additional headache.

Al-21 is incredible fuel efficient for a turbojet that is to work at low altitude.
R-35 has thrust levels of F-15/-16, but already is a twin shaft turbojet with added complexity.

J8TD is something Iran already went the technological path for its MD-8X fleet. Such an effort wasn't done for the D-30.
I would also absolutely not recommend changing the how section, but a change in fan and LPC could be sufficient, together with an compact afterburner.
So never touch the hot section, this would make the modification a complete re-design.

With 60's J8TD you also avoid somewhat the technology trap you correctly mentionedView attachment 780994

Also we are not fantasizing here. If Iran selected to produce virtually all parts of the J8TD for the MD's, I expect a secondary agenda to justify that effort.
We both know how incredibly difficult it would be to copy an engine without the original documentation.
If Iran went that long way to do it, I would expect that a military application was also envisioned.
Given Volvo RM-8, that would be a good motivation.

Current situation is that Iran feels its industry is capable to take on a mega project such as reverse engineering a beast like CFM56.
Its already serial producing those little simple J85 and soon wants to add an advanced, but small, turbofan like the FJ33.

1960's tech. JT8D for the MD fleet and F-4/-14? Without commercial costs pressure?
Certainly nothing certain, but it would make sense.

PS: Good to see another Iranian who made a successful carreer abroad!

Love your idea here, and I hope Iran can do this as you hope for.

But I see a few things that concern me.

First, if Iran is going to put everything it has into a CFM56-5 mega project, then I would ask them to also use the core to develop 30,000lb thrust F101-GE-102 which would be an incredible turbofan engine for Iran's fighter jets or even future bombers. This baby has an SFC that you want at about 0.6 and it is a very reliable engine from what I have heard.

Why then do TWO projects? one CFM56-5 and one JT8D?

These two engine cores are totally different technology generations. It's like building a 1960s compact car and a 2010 executive car. Does Iran need to have BOTH of these projects running while it is cash strapped? I am not sure.

I rather Iran have one engine development project and one air-to-air missiles development project focusing on building R-33/Meteor/AIM120/P12/P15.

AESA radars and good missiles are more important than close-range dog fighting capabilities in all-out wars. Any pilot I have listened to before have indicated to me that they don't necessarily want to hit the afterburner to go full speed to f-pole to engage. Afterburner to an opponent has its issues, depending on altitude and launch platform. Pilots don't often want to furball it if they can avoid it. They prefer to fox III launch a missile or ideally long range BVR R-33 and firewall out to RTB, as they say.

With satellite radars and long range radars, furballing would happen less and less. May be long gone those days that a pair of F-14Ds shoot down Libyan Mig-23s at close range. In all out air war, it will be many-on-many. Meteor somewhat has redefined air combat a little. What will happen more often is ambush.

AIM120D has a range of 190+ km at 35,000 ft altitude although they say the range is only (b.s.) about 160km.

Another thing, Iran is very familiar with twin-shaft. It is something they are perfectly fine with.

Either way, I just hope they can FINISH sometime to a degree of reliability that is industry standard and acceptable, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

And also hope if they go the route of JT8D, the final turbofan is not as heavy as a single spool Volvo RM8.

Heck, I'll be happy if they build a copy of J79.

Iran has EVERYTHING it needs to reverse engineer J79/AL21F and R35. Everything it needs, even alloy composition. That one I assure you. Iran has no one that is larger than life and take on this project, or they think they don't and don't agree with him, at the moment. He is in Iran and trying but what he wants is not something Iran is so far willing to give him. He wants his own old team moving to Iran.

Iran AF (or any aspect of Iran), NEEDS A WIN to motivate them They have had very few wins lately.

Great ideas you have. Hope they come to fruition for Iran and all of us.
Love your idea here, and I hope Iran can do this as you hope for.

But I see a few things that concern me.

First, if Iran is going to put everything it has into a CFM56-5 mega project, then I would ask them to also use the core to develop 30,000lb thrust F101-GE-102 which would be an incredible turbofan engine for Iran's fighter jets or even future bombers. This baby has an SFC that you want at about 0.6 and it is a very reliable engine from what I have heard.

Why then do TWO projects? one CFM56-5 and one JT8D?

These two engine cores are totally different technology generations. It's like building a 1960s compact car and a 2010 executive car. Does Iran need to have BOTH of these projects running while it is cash strapped? I am not sure.

I rather Iran have one engine development project and one air-to-air missiles development project focusing on building R-33/Meteor/AIM120/P12/P15.

AESA radars and good missiles are more important than close-range dog fighting capabilities in all-out wars. Any pilot I have listened to before have indicated to me that they don't necessarily want to hit the afterburner to go full speed to f-pole to engage. Afterburner to an opponent has its issues, depending on altitude and launch platform. Pilots don't often want to furball it if they can avoid it. They prefer to fox III launch a missile or ideally long range BVR R-33 and firewall out to RTB, as they say.

With satellite radars and long range radars, furballing would happen less and less. May be long gone those days that a pair of F-14Ds shoot down Libyan Mig-23s at close range. In all out air war, it will be many-on-many. Meteor somewhat has redefined air combat a little. What will happen more often is ambush.

AIM120D has a range of 190+ km at 35,000 ft altitude although they say the range is only (b.s.) about 160km.

Another thing, Iran is very familiar with twin-shaft. It is something they are perfectly fine with.

Either way, I just hope they can FINISH sometime to a degree of reliability that is industry standard and acceptable, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

And also hope if they go the route of JT8D, the final turbofan is not as heavy as a single spool Volvo RM8.

Heck, I'll be happy if they build a copy of J79.

Iran has EVERYTHING it needs to reverse engineer J79/AL21F and R35. Everything it needs, even alloy composition. That one I assure you. Iran has no one that is larger than life and take on this project, or they think they don't and don't agree with him, at the moment. He is in Iran and trying but what he wants is not something Iran is so far willing to give him. He wants his own old team moving to Iran.

Iran AF (or any aspect of Iran), NEEDS A WIN to motivate them They have had very few wins lately.

Great ideas you have. Hope they come to fruition for Iran and all of us.

The issue with the CFM56 project is, that's its still several years away. But it would certainly make the better core, see WS-10.
JT8D was claimed to have been reverse engineered 6 years ago.
They apparently needed to at least rebuild existing ones for the MD8X fleet, hence its already there and mastered.
But was the MD-8X fleet worth such a effort? I doubt it.
But combined with re-engining F-4 and -14 it would make more sense.

Could also be nonsense, but Manuchehr Manetghi is not a nonesense guy but probably the most capable man Iran has in that field.

I fully agree with you on that AAM emphasis. Yes, airplane kinematics can be compensated by a long range AAM.
Iran is certainly doing so, as its only BVR missile is already a kinematic giant, Fakkur-90.
So they are aware that they need more than something in the AIM-120 class to compete with their inferior fighters.
Also those 160 or even 190km ranges for AMRAAM are ideal values which will never be reached in actual combat.
Even half of it is often optimistic.
The lack of funds for aerospace is direct result of disastrous economic policy of the republic post revolution. It spent critical years from 1980-2000 acting more like Shiite version of Taliban with oil revenues than an strategic economic visionary.

Also the IRGC domination of military funds and philosophical differences of importance (or lack thereof) of modern air power also plays a part.

The issue is now when you need critical cash flow for high tech industries like aerospace you are severely lacking in funds due to your underdeveloped economy (less than 400B GDP). Where as China has immense funds to tap into whatever technology to fund its security and military growth.
The issue with the CFM56 project is, that's its still several years away. But it would certainly make the better core, see WS-10.
JT8D was claimed to have been reverse engineered 6 years ago.
They apparently needed to at least rebuild existing ones for the MD8X fleet, hence its already there and mastered.
But was the MD-8X fleet worth such a effort? I doubt it.
But combined with re-engining F-4 and -14 it would make more sense.

Could also be nonsense, but Manuchehr Manetghi is not a nonesense guy but probably the most capable man Iran has in that field.

I fully agree with you on that AAM emphasis. Yes, airplane kinematics can be compensated by a long range AAM.
Iran is certainly doing so, as its only BVR missile is already a kinematic giant, Fakkur-90.
So they are aware that they need more than something in the AIM-120 class to compete with their inferior fighters.
Also those 160 or even 190km ranges for AMRAAM are ideal values which will never be reached in actual combat.
Even half of it is often optimistic.

I am sure my friend, you and I, and all of our brothers here in this Iranian section of this forum, KNOW that Iran needs to move its @$$ quickly and get going with building a strong military, the AF is a component of it. The Turkey/Israeli/Azari and all of our neighbors are gagging for a beating of Iran, they are working together, they see Iran financially weak, and emotionally vulnerable.

Thanks to those who love Iran more than themselves, Iran is still standing.

You are a very sharp guy. I can tell. You know that this world is all b.s. and the WEAK ARE THE MEET AND THE STRONG DO GET TO EAT. Iran has little time, not much.

If Iran has developed the JT8D, then great. Time to get our @$$ moving, fast. If not, Iran can build an okay engine with good radars and missiles, let's shut down a corridor of war threat against our country by developing an okay air force.

I agree with your great ideas/points. Impossible to disagree with you since you make a lot of sense.

Now, I like to address something you mentioned yesterday, which I have been having a heavy heart about and refused to answer you. I wanted to protected my pride. But I have decided you are all here my brothers, and you are all in my heart, so I am going to share something personal with you all.

Regarding your comment:

PS: Good to see another Iranian who made a successful carreer abroad!

My entire life I have been angry, somewhat, with Iranians who lie. Some of them lie all the time. I have known Iranians in Orange County (which is why I hate that place), who tell their family members and friends back home in Iran that they are ... teaching at Harvard, they are manager at Sun Microsystems, they are senior advisor to Bill Gates at Microsoft, etc. etc. While I know that each of these individuals are liars and they are actually working at Deny's or Pizza Hut, or they have a floral shop, or they are a truck delivery driver. I have known Iranian women (older women) who steel from their son (through their scheming and buy crap for their grand kids in Iran, send it back, and the kids brag about how their grand mother bought them stuff, and make others in Iran feel bad about being in Iran.

For this above, and many other examples of it, I want to share somewhat of my personal life with you all so you don't think living abroad is all rosy.

I left Iran before the revolution, I think I mentioned that before. I got a military scholarship and went to England. I went to Hatfield school of Aeronautics and RMA Sandhurst military school. After the revolution my funding was cut and it was quite humiliating to finish those last 3 years, in particular. My family is a military family from Iran, all my 4 brothers were in Iran military or studying abroad for Iran military, and they are still in military outside of Iran or recently retired. I cannot talk about that further.

I have been subjected to humiliation by the Brits in propositions I cannot even explain if I wrote this post for 10 hours. Skipping most of it and starting with RR, I was always given the harshest and the impossible projects. Every step of the way, I had been set up to fail. I am not ever angry with the Brits, in fact, I am happy about it. They failed every time. But winning always comes at an expense. Believe me. It may appear that I won, but the scars are there even after decades. We think 12 teenagers beating you to an inch of your life in a military school is bad, and think of the 11 days in hospital as painful. It was nothing compared to people ganging up on you at work. Even Iranians. But they had to, for their own sake.

The only reason I never gave up, is that I had nothing else in my life. Nothing to go back to. I only had LOVE for Iran.

I have been with the most beautiful women I have ever seen. One would think this would be so pleasurable. With all honestly, the pleasure of have such experience was never anything near the love I feel for Iran. Never. Never, not for a second.

The only thing in my life that I loved so dearly, and this love was endless, and never change form or shape, HAS BEEN MY LOVE FOR IRAN.

I don't know if you all feel what I feel or not. But I will try to explain it this way ... I FEEL LIKE SUFFOCATING WITH NO AIR IN MY LUNGS WHEN SOMEONE THREATENS IRAN OR THREATENS IRANIAN PEOPLE. It's a feeling that is hard to explain unless you feel it yourself too.

I would have left RR a million times, if I had anywhere else to go to. I took on every impossible project just to get the hell out of that country, to France or Germany, even for a short while.

There came a time that I was (after all the nightmare years) so good at what I did, that they just did not want to let me go for fears of me going back to Iran. There were 3 Iranians at RR (much older than me at the time, and 1 of them is in Iran right now and we correspond together often), they saved my life. They talked to me and made sure I can somehow keep going everyday. I had thought about suicide at least 1000 times, and that is not an exaggeration. I love nothing other than Iran. Staying at RR was a 1000 nightmares a day.

I understand Iran is a bad place for a lot of Iranians, so they complain endlessly. But ask any Iranians who has lived in the West LONG ENOUGH, they prefer Iran than this $#!T we have had to endure since we were kids. Scars from beatings go away, but scars from psychological abuse don't go away and have their own side effects, such as sensitivity to noise, even the slightest noise.

Sometimes I feel only Professor Marandi at Tehran University understands me since he was born and grew up in U.S. - and he has seen the TRUE FACE OF EVIL while the rest have fallen victim to the propaganda of "materialism" and been hood winked and bamboozled and hypnotized.

I rather work in a factory in Iran, sleep on the factory floor, have nothing but bread and water, than to have the life I have now or had for the last 4 decades. I mean that 100%, whether you all believe it or now. The only love inside of me is the love for Iran. Only my brothers understand and share the same feelings as I do. Every funeral I go to for some old ex-Iranian military person, seeing their grand kids, seeing their family, reminds me that 100 years from now ALL OF US are most likely, NOT HERE. Iranian AF saying from 1976 comes back to my head again, ... IT'S NOT ABOUT SURVIVING TO AN OLD AGE, IT'S ABOUT LIVING YOUR HEART TO FULL CONTENTMENT. Most people, past or present, don't LIVE. They survive.

The Westerners have a similar idea, "it's better to burn out than fade away".

When I felt there were no more things to concur at RR, and by then UK had changed so much compared to 1980s, I moved to U.S. where most of my family was based (having come here so many times before). I had great job offers from FBI to U.S. Air Force that interviewed me again and again. I refused to join. The last specialist AF recruiter who came and interviewed me at my place of work in the coffee room where there were no colleagues, said to me "... your heart is somewhere else. Can we not win your over?". This is about 15 years ago I believe. My heart is in Iran. It will always be there. My dad refused surgery in U.S. and his doctor did not want to let him leave the hospital, but he got on a plane the next day back to Iran, landed and died a few hours later. It's all he wanted. Nothing else would have been good enough for him.

I was once in a gas station in Oregon waiting for the attendant to fill up the tank. Like others, I was waiting outside the car and chatting until a young boy with his parents started to ask me about weight training. After talking to him a bit with his parents standing next to us, he asked where I was from, so I said Iran. He then turned to his family and said ..."mom, an Iranian sand nigger terrorist". Once in a meeting where I was doing presentation on future aviation AI tools (about 7 years ago) someone asked during question time, " ... great presentation on AI tools of the future, but can you answer a different question like how do you get through an airport with a name like yours?" Everyone laughed and thought it was funny.

I never changed my name for my work. No matter how many times I was asked to do so.

My other half was told in a meeting at her office, apparently meant to be a complement, I think more like a passive aggressive insult, "... there are 2 kinds of Iranian women in CA, the ones that are married and good wives, and the ones that are whores".

Not a single day working or living in U.S. have I not been subject to some kind of a visual or verbal racist insult or innuendo of some sort. The fact that it doesn't bother me, is because I was getting a beating every day in military school while my instructors felt that it was good for me since it would make me stronger, I guess they felt being hit in the back of the head by a cricket bat makes me stronger.

It appears that I have a great career and make good money. But (I am sure you do not believe this) I would give every material object I own or have to go back to my country and see Iran STRONG and fight for a land that is mine and people that I love, no matter what their behavior is like.

Long before everyone else got to see the real America, the fighting for toilet paper, the desire to hurt others for financial gain, to serve their interests an anyone else's expense, the unnecessary Iraq war, etc. I HAD ALREADY SEEN THE REAL NATURE OF U.S. and the WEST.

Iran and Iranians HAVE A HEART. Yes they also have bad habits. Westerners have a culture of cruelty and slavery. My views of the West is not based on my personal experiences in the West. It is from the last 500 years of Western history and what they did to Africa, then North America, then South America, then South East Asia, and 100 years ago they started on the Middle East.

PeeD my friend, I am sorry to give you a headache. But I just needed you to hear the truth so that I do not think of myself as another Iranian who LIES to others to elevate themselves to win respect for a shattered vulnerable ego. Now you know the truth about me. I am a prisoner who puts on a happy face since I have no real choices.

Thank you for letting me have my public therapy here. hehe.
I am sure my friend, you and I, and all of our brothers here in this Iranian section of this forum, KNOW that Iran needs to move its @$$ quickly and get going with building a strong military, the AF is a component of it. The Turkey/Israeli/Azari and all of our neighbors are gagging for a beating of Iran, they are working together, they see Iran financially weak, and emotionally vulnerable.

Thanks to those who love Iran more than themselves, Iran is still standing.

You are a very sharp guy. I can tell. You know that this world is all b.s. and the WEAK ARE THE MEET AND THE STRONG DO GET TO EAT. Iran has little time, not much.

If Iran has developed the JT8D, then great. Time to get our @$$ moving, fast. If not, Iran can build an okay engine with good radars and missiles, let's shut down a corridor of war threat against our country by developing an okay air force.

I agree with your great ideas/points. Impossible to disagree with you since you make a lot of sense.

Now, I like to address something you mentioned yesterday, which I have been having a heavy heart about and refused to answer you. I wanted to protected my pride. But I have decided you are all here my brothers, and you are all in my heart, so I am going to share something personal with you all.

Regarding your comment:

PS: Good to see another Iranian who made a successful carreer abroad!

My entire life I have been angry, somewhat, with Iranians who lie. Some of them lie all the time. I have known Iranians in Orange County (which is why I hate that place), who tell their family members and friends back home in Iran that they are ... teaching at Harvard, they are manager at Sun Microsystems, they are senior advisor to Bill Gates at Microsoft, etc. etc. While I know that each of these individuals are liars and they are actually working at Deny's or Pizza Hut, or they have a floral shop, or they are a truck delivery driver. I have known Iranian women (older women) who steel from their son (through their scheming and buy crap for their grand kids in Iran, send it back, and the kids brag about how their grand mother bought them stuff, and make others in Iran feel bad about being in Iran.

For this above, and many other examples of it, I want to share somewhat of my personal life with you all so you don't think living abroad is all rosy.

I left Iran before the revolution, I think I mentioned that before. I got a military scholarship and went to England. I went to Hatfield school of Aeronautics and RMA Sandhurst military school. After the revolution my funding was cut and it was quite humiliating to finish those last 3 years, in particular. My family is a military family from Iran, all my 4 brothers were in Iran military or studying abroad for Iran military, and they are still in military outside of Iran or recently retired. I cannot talk about that further.

I have been subjected to humiliation by the Brits in propositions I cannot even explain if I wrote this post for 10 hours. Skipping most of it and starting with RR, I was always given the harshest and the impossible projects. Every step of the way, I had been set up to fail. I am not ever angry with the Brits, in fact, I am happy about it. They failed every time. But winning always comes at an expense. Believe me. It may appear that I won, but the scars are there even after decades. We think 12 teenagers beating you to an inch of your life in a military school is bad, and think of the 11 days in hospital as painful. It was nothing compared to people ganging up on you at work. Even Iranians. But they had to, for their own sake.

The only reason I never gave up, is that I had nothing else in my life. Nothing to go back to. I only had LOVE for Iran.

I have been with the most beautiful women I have ever seen. One would think this would be so pleasurable. With all honestly, the pleasure of have such experience was never anything near the love I feel for Iran. Never. Never, not for a second.

The only thing in my life that I loved so dearly, and this love was endless, and never change form or shape, HAS BEEN MY LOVE FOR IRAN.

I don't know if you all feel what I feel or not. But I will try to explain it this way ... I FEEL LIKE SUFFOCATING WITH NO AIR IN MY LUNGS WHEN SOMEONE THREATENS IRAN OR THREATENS IRANIAN PEOPLE. It's a feeling that is hard to explain unless you feel it yourself too.

I would have left RR a million times, if I had anywhere else to go to. I took on every impossible project just to get the hell out of that country, to France or Germany, even for a short while.

There came a time that I was (after all the nightmare years) so good at what I did, that they just did not want to let me go for fears of me going back to Iran. There were 3 Iranians at RR (much older than me at the time, and 1 of them is in Iran right now and we correspond together often), they saved my life. They talked to me and made sure I can somehow keep going everyday. I had thought about suicide at least 1000 times, and that is not an exaggeration. I love nothing other than Iran. Staying at RR was a 1000 nightmares a day.

I understand Iran is a bad place for a lot of Iranians, so they complain endlessly. But ask any Iranians who has lived in the West LONG ENOUGH, they prefer Iran than this $#!T we have had to endure since we were kids. Scars from beatings go away, but scars from psychological abuse don't go away and have their own side effects, such as sensitivity to noise, even the slightest noise.

Sometimes I feel only Professor Marandi at Tehran University understands me since he was born and grew up in U.S. - and he has seen the TRUE FACE OF EVIL while the rest have fallen victim to the propaganda of "materialism" and been hood winked and bamboozled and hypnotized.

I rather work in a factory in Iran, sleep on the factory floor, have nothing but bread and water, than to have the life I have now or had for the last 4 decades. I mean that 100%, whether you all believe it or now. The only love inside of me is the love for Iran. Only my brothers understand and share the same feelings as I do. Every funeral I go to for some old ex-Iranian military person, seeing their grand kids, seeing their family, reminds me that 100 years from now ALL OF US are most likely, NOT HERE. Iranian AF saying from 1976 comes back to my head again, ... IT'S NOT ABOUT SURVIVING TO AN OLD AGE, IT'S ABOUT LIVING YOUR HEART TO FULL CONTENTMENT. Most people, past or present, don't LIVE. They survive.

The Westerners have a similar idea, "it's better to burn out than fade away".

When I felt there were no more things to concur at RR, and by then UK had changed so much compared to 1980s, I moved to U.S. where most of my family was based (having come here so many times before). I had great job offers from FBI to U.S. Air Force that interviewed me again and again. I refused to join. The last specialist AF recruiter who came and interviewed me at my place of work in the coffee room where there were no colleagues, said to me "... your heart is somewhere else. Can we not win your over?". This is about 15 years ago I believe. My heart is in Iran. It will always be there. My dad refused surgery in U.S. and his doctor did not want to let him leave the hospital, but he got on a plane the next day back to Iran, landed and died a few hours later. It's all he wanted. Nothing else would have been good enough for him.

I was once in a gas station in Oregon waiting for the attendant to fill up the tank. Like others, I was waiting outside the car and chatting until a young boy with his parents started to ask me about weight training. After talking to him a bit with his parents standing next to us, he asked where I was from, so I said Iran. He then turned to his family and said ..."mom, an Iranian sand nigger terrorist". Once in a meeting where I was doing presentation on future aviation AI tools (about 7 years ago) someone asked during question time, " ... great presentation on AI tools of the future, but can you answer a different question like how do you get through an airport with a name like yours?" Everyone laughed and thought it was funny.

I never changed my name for my work. No matter how many times I was asked to do so.

My other half was told in a meeting at her office, apparently meant to be a complement, I think more like a passive aggressive insult, "... there are 2 kinds of Iranian women in CA, the ones that are married and good wives, and the ones that are whores".

Not a single day working or living in U.S. have I not been subject to some kind of a visual or verbal racist insult or innuendo of some sort. The fact that it doesn't bother me, is because I was getting a beating every day in military school while my instructors felt that it was good for me since it would make me stronger, I guess they felt being hit in the back of the head by a cricket bat makes me stronger.

It appears that I have a great career and make good money. But (I am sure you do not believe this) I would give every material object I own or have to go back to my country and see Iran STRONG and fight for a land that is mine and people that I love, no matter what their behavior is like.

Long before everyone else got to see the real America, the fighting for toilet paper, the desire to hurt others for financial gain, to serve their interests an anyone else's expense, the unnecessary Iraq war, etc. I HAD ALREADY SEEN THE REAL NATURE OF U.S. and the WEST.

Iran and Iranians HAVE A HEART. Yes they also have bad habits. Westerners have a culture of cruelty and slavery. My views of the West is not based on my personal experiences in the West. It is from the last 500 years of Western history and what they did to Africa, then North America, then South America, then South East Asia, and 100 years ago they started on the Middle East.

PeeD my friend, I am sorry to give you a headache. But I just needed you to hear the truth so that I do not think of myself as another Iranian who LIES to others to elevate themselves to win respect for a shattered vulnerable ego. Now you know the truth about me. I am a prisoner who puts on a happy face since I have no real choices.

Thank you for letting me have my public therapy here. hehe.
I am almost going to be 25 soon, and it seems like it would take several lifetimes to acquire the depth of knowledge both of you have.

P.S. The thing you said about the lieing is so true. I know someone who said they work at a multi-billion dollar company...I would assume it was the corporate office but no, it was a McDonalds restaurant, and this is very common. They report back home to Iran about how well they are doing, but they aren't do anything. They will never admit they made a mistake.

Customers waive their finger at them to come to them, when in Iran they were a business owner or in a respectable job.
I am sure my friend, you and I, and all of our brothers here in this Iranian section of this forum, KNOW that Iran needs to move its @$$ quickly and get going with building a strong military, the AF is a component of it. The Turkey/Israeli/Azari and all of our neighbors are gagging for a beating of Iran, they are working together, they see Iran financially weak, and emotionally vulnerable.

Thanks to those who love Iran more than themselves, Iran is still standing.

You are a very sharp guy. I can tell. You know that this world is all b.s. and the WEAK ARE THE MEET AND THE STRONG DO GET TO EAT. Iran has little time, not much.

If Iran has developed the JT8D, then great. Time to get our @$$ moving, fast. If not, Iran can build an okay engine with good radars and missiles, let's shut down a corridor of war threat against our country by developing an okay air force.

I agree with your great ideas/points. Impossible to disagree with you since you make a lot of sense.

Now, I like to address something you mentioned yesterday, which I have been having a heavy heart about and refused to answer you. I wanted to protected my pride. But I have decided you are all here my brothers, and you are all in my heart, so I am going to share something personal with you all.

Regarding your comment:

PS: Good to see another Iranian who made a successful carreer abroad!

My entire life I have been angry, somewhat, with Iranians who lie. Some of them lie all the time. I have known Iranians in Orange County (which is why I hate that place), who tell their family members and friends back home in Iran that they are ... teaching at Harvard, they are manager at Sun Microsystems, they are senior advisor to Bill Gates at Microsoft, etc. etc. While I know that each of these individuals are liars and they are actually working at Deny's or Pizza Hut, or they have a floral shop, or they are a truck delivery driver. I have known Iranian women (older women) who steel from their son (through their scheming and buy crap for their grand kids in Iran, send it back, and the kids brag about how their grand mother bought them stuff, and make others in Iran feel bad about being in Iran.

For this above, and many other examples of it, I want to share somewhat of my personal life with you all so you don't think living abroad is all rosy.

I left Iran before the revolution, I think I mentioned that before. I got a military scholarship and went to England. I went to Hatfield school of Aeronautics and RMA Sandhurst military school. After the revolution my funding was cut and it was quite humiliating to finish those last 3 years, in particular. My family is a military family from Iran, all my 4 brothers were in Iran military or studying abroad for Iran military, and they are still in military outside of Iran or recently retired. I cannot talk about that further.

I have been subjected to humiliation by the Brits in propositions I cannot even explain if I wrote this post for 10 hours. Skipping most of it and starting with RR, I was always given the harshest and the impossible projects. Every step of the way, I had been set up to fail. I am not ever angry with the Brits, in fact, I am happy about it. They failed every time. But winning always comes at an expense. Believe me. It may appear that I won, but the scars are there even after decades. We think 12 teenagers beating you to an inch of your life in a military school is bad, and think of the 11 days in hospital as painful. It was nothing compared to people ganging up on you at work. Even Iranians. But they had to, for their own sake.

The only reason I never gave up, is that I had nothing else in my life. Nothing to go back to. I only had LOVE for Iran.

I have been with the most beautiful women I have ever seen. One would think this would be so pleasurable. With all honestly, the pleasure of have such experience was never anything near the love I feel for Iran. Never. Never, not for a second.

The only thing in my life that I loved so dearly, and this love was endless, and never change form or shape, HAS BEEN MY LOVE FOR IRAN.

I don't know if you all feel what I feel or not. But I will try to explain it this way ... I FEEL LIKE SUFFOCATING WITH NO AIR IN MY LUNGS WHEN SOMEONE THREATENS IRAN OR THREATENS IRANIAN PEOPLE. It's a feeling that is hard to explain unless you feel it yourself too.

I would have left RR a million times, if I had anywhere else to go to. I took on every impossible project just to get the hell out of that country, to France or Germany, even for a short while.

There came a time that I was (after all the nightmare years) so good at what I did, that they just did not want to let me go for fears of me going back to Iran. There were 3 Iranians at RR (much older than me at the time, and 1 of them is in Iran right now and we correspond together often), they saved my life. They talked to me and made sure I can somehow keep going everyday. I had thought about suicide at least 1000 times, and that is not an exaggeration. I love nothing other than Iran. Staying at RR was a 1000 nightmares a day.

I understand Iran is a bad place for a lot of Iranians, so they complain endlessly. But ask any Iranians who has lived in the West LONG ENOUGH, they prefer Iran than this $#!T we have had to endure since we were kids. Scars from beatings go away, but scars from psychological abuse don't go away and have their own side effects, such as sensitivity to noise, even the slightest noise.

Sometimes I feel only Professor Marandi at Tehran University understands me since he was born and grew up in U.S. - and he has seen the TRUE FACE OF EVIL while the rest have fallen victim to the propaganda of "materialism" and been hood winked and bamboozled and hypnotized.

I rather work in a factory in Iran, sleep on the factory floor, have nothing but bread and water, than to have the life I have now or had for the last 4 decades. I mean that 100%, whether you all believe it or now. The only love inside of me is the love for Iran. Only my brothers understand and share the same feelings as I do. Every funeral I go to for some old ex-Iranian military person, seeing their grand kids, seeing their family, reminds me that 100 years from now ALL OF US are most likely, NOT HERE. Iranian AF saying from 1976 comes back to my head again, ... IT'S NOT ABOUT SURVIVING TO AN OLD AGE, IT'S ABOUT LIVING YOUR HEART TO FULL CONTENTMENT. Most people, past or present, don't LIVE. They survive.

The Westerners have a similar idea, "it's better to burn out than fade away".

When I felt there were no more things to concur at RR, and by then UK had changed so much compared to 1980s, I moved to U.S. where most of my family was based (having come here so many times before). I had great job offers from FBI to U.S. Air Force that interviewed me again and again. I refused to join. The last specialist AF recruiter who came and interviewed me at my place of work in the coffee room where there were no colleagues, said to me "... your heart is somewhere else. Can we not win your over?". This is about 15 years ago I believe. My heart is in Iran. It will always be there. My dad refused surgery in U.S. and his doctor did not want to let him leave the hospital, but he got on a plane the next day back to Iran, landed and died a few hours later. It's all he wanted. Nothing else would have been good enough for him.

I was once in a gas station in Oregon waiting for the attendant to fill up the tank. Like others, I was waiting outside the car and chatting until a young boy with his parents started to ask me about weight training. After talking to him a bit with his parents standing next to us, he asked where I was from, so I said Iran. He then turned to his family and said ..."mom, an Iranian sand nigger terrorist". Once in a meeting where I was doing presentation on future aviation AI tools (about 7 years ago) someone asked during question time, " ... great presentation on AI tools of the future, but can you answer a different question like how do you get through an airport with a name like yours?" Everyone laughed and thought it was funny.

I never changed my name for my work. No matter how many times I was asked to do so.

My other half was told in a meeting at her office, apparently meant to be a complement, I think more like a passive aggressive insult, "... there are 2 kinds of Iranian women in CA, the ones that are married and good wives, and the ones that are whores".

Not a single day working or living in U.S. have I not been subject to some kind of a visual or verbal racist insult or innuendo of some sort. The fact that it doesn't bother me, is because I was getting a beating every day in military school while my instructors felt that it was good for me since it would make me stronger, I guess they felt being hit in the back of the head by a cricket bat makes me stronger.

It appears that I have a great career and make good money. But (I am sure you do not believe this) I would give every material object I own or have to go back to my country and see Iran STRONG and fight for a land that is mine and people that I love, no matter what their behavior is like.

Long before everyone else got to see the real America, the fighting for toilet paper, the desire to hurt others for financial gain, to serve their interests an anyone else's expense, the unnecessary Iraq war, etc. I HAD ALREADY SEEN THE REAL NATURE OF U.S. and the WEST.

Iran and Iranians HAVE A HEART. Yes they also have bad habits. Westerners have a culture of cruelty and slavery. My views of the West is not based on my personal experiences in the West. It is from the last 500 years of Western history and what they did to Africa, then North America, then South America, then South East Asia, and 100 years ago they started on the Middle East.

PeeD my friend, I am sorry to give you a headache. But I just needed you to hear the truth so that I do not think of myself as another Iranian who LIES to others to elevate themselves to win respect for a shattered vulnerable ego. Now you know the truth about me. I am a prisoner who puts on a happy face since I have no real choices.

Thank you for letting me have my public therapy here. hehe.

Great, wise post.
We two have much in common, too bad I can't talk about details, need to remain somewhat anonymous. Otherwise we could talk for many hours.

Iran is the stabile pillar, the one thing that every peace of it belongs to us. Its that one house we own the papers for, which just needs some renovation.

Iranians have some cultural problems that block progress, but it just needs time. Good people are needed, so I hope you have created a new generations, which you can teach on the important things. They may some day come back to Iran and help.
As for fears for Iran: I'm known to be not a real friend of an airforce. You can do with a inferior, legacy AF if all other aspects are met.
That's why I favor asymmetric IRGC approaches, missile forces.
Since many years I have no fears of a military threat against Iran, and soon this will include U.S nuclear threat.

Soft war is a threat, due to the poor awareness of young Iranians about the world, yes.

So have fun with this tweet:

(beware of tears filling your eyes after hearing this)
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Great, wise post.
We two have much in common, too bad I can't talk about details, need to remain somewhat anonymous. Otherwise we could talk for many hours.

Iran is the stabile pillar, the one thing that every peace of it belongs to us. Its that one house we own the papers for, which just needs some renovation.

Iranians have some cultural problems that block progress, but it just needs time. Good people are needed, so I hope you have created a new generations, which you can teach on the important things. They may some day come back to Iran and help.
As for fears for Iran: I'm known to be not a real friend of an airforce. You can do with a inferior, legacy AF if all other aspects are met.
That's why I favor asymmetric IRGC approaches, missile forces.
Since many years I have no fears of a military threat against Iran, and soon this will include U.S nuclear threat.

Soft war is a threat, due to the poor awareness of young Iranians about the world, yes.

So have fun with this tweet:

(beware of tears filling your eyes after hearing this)
Seeing that this video is from some years back, has the air defense system he discussed been seen publicly at all or evolved into something that we have seen over the years? Could some of the smart anti jamming capabilities he mentioned be found in the 3rd, 15th Khordads and Bavar and Talash but not mentioned during their unveilings?
Seeing that this video is from some years back, has the air defense system he discussed been seen publicly at all or evolved into something that we have seen over the years? Could some of the smart anti jamming capabilities he mentioned be found in the 3rd, 15th Khordads and Bavar and Talash but not mentioned during their unveilings?

You have seen it, its there and its the backbone of IRGC air defense.

Video is from sometime between 2005 and 2010
Iranians have some cultural problems that block progress, but it just needs time. Good people are needed, so I hope you have created a new generations, which you can teach on the important things. They may some day come back to Iran and help.
I know a few Iranians that frequently travel back and forth, they have a deep love and appreciation for Iran, even if their quality of life can be better where they are, they can't help but go back to be with their compatriots. I've been back a couple times as well. They have never felt comfortable here, and have always felt as foreign. Educated in top universities as well.

As for fears for Iran: I'm known to be not a real friend of an airforce. You can do with a inferior, legacy AF if all other aspects are met.
That's why I favor asymmetric IRGC approaches, missile forces.
Since many years I have no fears of a military threat against Iran, and soon this will include U.S nuclear threat.
This doctrine has been successful for many years, one of the key missing pieces is intelligence gathering satellites. The asymmetric doctrine would be great enhanced with a survivable network of satellites. Especially useful for the missile corps. Would like to see this one day.
Soft war is a threat, due to the poor awareness of young Iranians about the world, yes.
This is a threat more effective and lethal than bombs.
I don't think any country in the world has been under such extensive soft war bombardment. Some of it is the fault of the government for providing ammunition to opposition through stupidity, part of it is due to the weakness of the Iranian media industry as a whole. The Islamic Republic has yet to understand the power of media and although the doctrine is the correct approach for the current conditions, and the equipment is extremely lethal in full-scale use, at the end we need men to fire them, and to man them, and to fight for Iran. They seek to take this aspect away by breaking the psyche of the people so that shot does not need to be fired. They've had a lot of success in this, but not without pushback and alot of resistance.

Renovate the house - Improve media and public relations.

I have been on this forum from when I was a teenager, and have learned much and still have much to learn. I think you already know PeeD, at this point, their are many ignorant Iranians I know that I've had to educate on military matters specifically about our Iran. If they choose to listen, you can see them change their opinion overnight, and thoroughly impressed with the extensive infrastructure, construction capabilities that have been built from the ground up in Iran, and of course the strategies employed, air defense systems, history of missile development, nuclear program etc...

You can see their eyebrows raise when they truly grasp the scale of projects being done in Iran at the moment, but of course I spend alot of time as a hobby on this, but one should ask why they are so ignorant on these matters. Even the dumbest British or American knows some things about their countries militaries and projects. It's because our media sucks badly, as far as parades in 2019 they are still using 480p cameras. Seems to be changing slowly but surely, like all things in Iran, the seeds are planted and the results will be seen in the years ahead. This soft war is dangerous and people are unable to see the threat behind it. While it cannot be stopped, it can be countered with high quality media production.

Some might disagree with this but the IR would have alot better time, incorporating and catering a bit to the "Meli Gara" segment of the population in Iran who have been loyal despite the soft war, but they are not particularly mashabi. Just something to consider.
I am sure my friend, you and I, and all of our brothers here in this Iranian section of this forum, KNOW that Iran needs to move its @$$ quickly and get going with building a strong military, the AF is a component of it. The Turkey/Israeli/Azari and all of our neighbors are gagging for a beating of Iran, they are working together, they see Iran financially weak, and emotionally vulnerable.

Thanks to those who love Iran more than themselves, Iran is still standing.

You are a very sharp guy. I can tell. You know that this world is all b.s. and the WEAK ARE THE MEET AND THE STRONG DO GET TO EAT. Iran has little time, not much.

If Iran has developed the JT8D, then great. Time to get our @$$ moving, fast. If not, Iran can build an okay engine with good radars and missiles, let's shut down a corridor of war threat against our country by developing an okay air force.

I agree with your great ideas/points. Impossible to disagree with you since you make a lot of sense.

Now, I like to address something you mentioned yesterday, which I have been having a heavy heart about and refused to answer you. I wanted to protected my pride. But I have decided you are all here my brothers, and you are all in my heart, so I am going to share something personal with you all.

Regarding your comment:

PS: Good to see another Iranian who made a successful carreer abroad!

My entire life I have been angry, somewhat, with Iranians who lie. Some of them lie all the time. I have known Iranians in Orange County (which is why I hate that place), who tell their family members and friends back home in Iran that they are ... teaching at Harvard, they are manager at Sun Microsystems, they are senior advisor to Bill Gates at Microsoft, etc. etc. While I know that each of these individuals are liars and they are actually working at Deny's or Pizza Hut, or they have a floral shop, or they are a truck delivery driver. I have known Iranian women (older women) who steel from their son (through their scheming and buy crap for their grand kids in Iran, send it back, and the kids brag about how their grand mother bought them stuff, and make others in Iran feel bad about being in Iran.

For this above, and many other examples of it, I want to share somewhat of my personal life with you all so you don't think living abroad is all rosy.

I left Iran before the revolution, I think I mentioned that before. I got a military scholarship and went to England. I went to Hatfield school of Aeronautics and RMA Sandhurst military school. After the revolution my funding was cut and it was quite humiliating to finish those last 3 years, in particular. My family is a military family from Iran, all my 4 brothers were in Iran military or studying abroad for Iran military, and they are still in military outside of Iran or recently retired. I cannot talk about that further.

I have been subjected to humiliation by the Brits in propositions I cannot even explain if I wrote this post for 10 hours. Skipping most of it and starting with RR, I was always given the harshest and the impossible projects. Every step of the way, I had been set up to fail. I am not ever angry with the Brits, in fact, I am happy about it. They failed every time. But winning always comes at an expense. Believe me. It may appear that I won, but the scars are there even after decades. We think 12 teenagers beating you to an inch of your life in a military school is bad, and think of the 11 days in hospital as painful. It was nothing compared to people ganging up on you at work. Even Iranians. But they had to, for their own sake.

The only reason I never gave up, is that I had nothing else in my life. Nothing to go back to. I only had LOVE for Iran.

I have been with the most beautiful women I have ever seen. One would think this would be so pleasurable. With all honestly, the pleasure of have such experience was never anything near the love I feel for Iran. Never. Never, not for a second.

The only thing in my life that I loved so dearly, and this love was endless, and never change form or shape, HAS BEEN MY LOVE FOR IRAN.

I don't know if you all feel what I feel or not. But I will try to explain it this way ... I FEEL LIKE SUFFOCATING WITH NO AIR IN MY LUNGS WHEN SOMEONE THREATENS IRAN OR THREATENS IRANIAN PEOPLE. It's a feeling that is hard to explain unless you feel it yourself too.

I would have left RR a million times, if I had anywhere else to go to. I took on every impossible project just to get the hell out of that country, to France or Germany, even for a short while.

There came a time that I was (after all the nightmare years) so good at what I did, that they just did not want to let me go for fears of me going back to Iran. There were 3 Iranians at RR (much older than me at the time, and 1 of them is in Iran right now and we correspond together often), they saved my life. They talked to me and made sure I can somehow keep going everyday. I had thought about suicide at least 1000 times, and that is not an exaggeration. I love nothing other than Iran. Staying at RR was a 1000 nightmares a day.

I understand Iran is a bad place for a lot of Iranians, so they complain endlessly. But ask any Iranians who has lived in the West LONG ENOUGH, they prefer Iran than this $#!T we have had to endure since we were kids. Scars from beatings go away, but scars from psychological abuse don't go away and have their own side effects, such as sensitivity to noise, even the slightest noise.

Sometimes I feel only Professor Marandi at Tehran University understands me since he was born and grew up in U.S. - and he has seen the TRUE FACE OF EVIL while the rest have fallen victim to the propaganda of "materialism" and been hood winked and bamboozled and hypnotized.

I rather work in a factory in Iran, sleep on the factory floor, have nothing but bread and water, than to have the life I have now or had for the last 4 decades. I mean that 100%, whether you all believe it or now. The only love inside of me is the love for Iran. Only my brothers understand and share the same feelings as I do. Every funeral I go to for some old ex-Iranian military person, seeing their grand kids, seeing their family, reminds me that 100 years from now ALL OF US are most likely, NOT HERE. Iranian AF saying from 1976 comes back to my head again, ... IT'S NOT ABOUT SURVIVING TO AN OLD AGE, IT'S ABOUT LIVING YOUR HEART TO FULL CONTENTMENT. Most people, past or present, don't LIVE. They survive.

The Westerners have a similar idea, "it's better to burn out than fade away".

When I felt there were no more things to concur at RR, and by then UK had changed so much compared to 1980s, I moved to U.S. where most of my family was based (having come here so many times before). I had great job offers from FBI to U.S. Air Force that interviewed me again and again. I refused to join. The last specialist AF recruiter who came and interviewed me at my place of work in the coffee room where there were no colleagues, said to me "... your heart is somewhere else. Can we not win your over?". This is about 15 years ago I believe. My heart is in Iran. It will always be there. My dad refused surgery in U.S. and his doctor did not want to let him leave the hospital, but he got on a plane the next day back to Iran, landed and died a few hours later. It's all he wanted. Nothing else would have been good enough for him.

I was once in a gas station in Oregon waiting for the attendant to fill up the tank. Like others, I was waiting outside the car and chatting until a young boy with his parents started to ask me about weight training. After talking to him a bit with his parents standing next to us, he asked where I was from, so I said Iran. He then turned to his family and said ..."mom, an Iranian sand nigger terrorist". Once in a meeting where I was doing presentation on future aviation AI tools (about 7 years ago) someone asked during question time, " ... great presentation on AI tools of the future, but can you answer a different question like how do you get through an airport with a name like yours?" Everyone laughed and thought it was funny.

I never changed my name for my work. No matter how many times I was asked to do so.

My other half was told in a meeting at her office, apparently meant to be a complement, I think more like a passive aggressive insult, "... there are 2 kinds of Iranian women in CA, the ones that are married and good wives, and the ones that are whores".

Not a single day working or living in U.S. have I not been subject to some kind of a visual or verbal racist insult or innuendo of some sort. The fact that it doesn't bother me, is because I was getting a beating every day in military school while my instructors felt that it was good for me since it would make me stronger, I guess they felt being hit in the back of the head by a cricket bat makes me stronger.

It appears that I have a great career and make good money. But (I am sure you do not believe this) I would give every material object I own or have to go back to my country and see Iran STRONG and fight for a land that is mine and people that I love, no matter what their behavior is like.

Long before everyone else got to see the real America, the fighting for toilet paper, the desire to hurt others for financial gain, to serve their interests an anyone else's expense, the unnecessary Iraq war, etc. I HAD ALREADY SEEN THE REAL NATURE OF U.S. and the WEST.

Iran and Iranians HAVE A HEART. Yes they also have bad habits. Westerners have a culture of cruelty and slavery. My views of the West is not based on my personal experiences in the West. It is from the last 500 years of Western history and what they did to Africa, then North America, then South America, then South East Asia, and 100 years ago they started on the Middle East.

PeeD my friend, I am sorry to give you a headache. But I just needed you to hear the truth so that I do not think of myself as another Iranian who LIES to others to elevate themselves to win respect for a shattered vulnerable ego. Now you know the truth about me. I am a prisoner who puts on a happy face since I have no real choices.

Thank you for letting me have my public therapy here. hehe.

I grew up in England in the early1990s, and can say I have had similar experiances. Although I grew up in wealthy Essex...I have heard its a lot worse in the North of England.
Although I think the British are probably the worst in Europe, most of the rest of Europe is the same.
I live in Bodensee in Germany now (I think you worked here at the Airbus factry) cause I hated the UK so much I wouldnt stay there any longer....probably will never visit it again.
Racism and hate is part of the British DNA, eventhough there are good people there too, but hate is just something eternal in them. I wont say how many times I have been abused too, but many times it was by officials, and not just regular scum.

What I would say is that from 25 years ago, I have been following the industrial /militry capabilities of Iran, and can say that I have no doubts that Iran will become a global super power again within our life time. The global powershift has become obvious to everyone by now. The west is going down, so alway have a plan B to get out quick.
My aunts family were multi millionairs (dollars) in Iran, then they took their money to LA california and lost almost all of it. If they had stayed in Iran, they would have lived like Royalty. Now they only have stress and taxes to their name.
I have personally heard dozens of pople bringing money from Iran and losing it all in the west..... I have NEVER personally know anyone who brought money to the west and grew their wealth. But its difficult to tell the truth to people who dont want to hear the truth.
I am sure my friend, you and I, and all of our brothers here in this Iranian section of this forum, KNOW that Iran needs to move its @$$ quickly and get going with building a strong military, the AF is a component of it. The Turkey/Israeli/Azari and all of our neighbors are gagging for a beating of Iran, they are working together, they see Iran financially weak, and emotionally vulnerable.

Thanks to those who love Iran more than themselves, Iran is still standing.

You are a very sharp guy. I can tell. You know that this world is all b.s. and the WEAK ARE THE MEET AND THE STRONG DO GET TO EAT. Iran has little time, not much.

If Iran has developed the JT8D, then great. Time to get our @$$ moving, fast. If not, Iran can build an okay engine with good radars and missiles, let's shut down a corridor of war threat against our country by developing an okay air force.

I agree with your great ideas/points. Impossible to disagree with you since you make a lot of sense.

Now, I like to address something you mentioned yesterday, which I have been having a heavy heart about and refused to answer you. I wanted to protected my pride. But I have decided you are all here my brothers, and you are all in my heart, so I am going to share something personal with you all.

Regarding your comment:

PS: Good to see another Iranian who made a successful carreer abroad!

My entire life I have been angry, somewhat, with Iranians who lie. Some of them lie all the time. I have known Iranians in Orange County (which is why I hate that place), who tell their family members and friends back home in Iran that they are ... teaching at Harvard, they are manager at Sun Microsystems, they are senior advisor to Bill Gates at Microsoft, etc. etc. While I know that each of these individuals are liars and they are actually working at Deny's or Pizza Hut, or they have a floral shop, or they are a truck delivery driver. I have known Iranian women (older women) who steel from their son (through their scheming and buy crap for their grand kids in Iran, send it back, and the kids brag about how their grand mother bought them stuff, and make others in Iran feel bad about being in Iran.

For this above, and many other examples of it, I want to share somewhat of my personal life with you all so you don't think living abroad is all rosy.

I left Iran before the revolution, I think I mentioned that before. I got a military scholarship and went to England. I went to Hatfield school of Aeronautics and RMA Sandhurst military school. After the revolution my funding was cut and it was quite humiliating to finish those last 3 years, in particular. My family is a military family from Iran, all my 4 brothers were in Iran military or studying abroad for Iran military, and they are still in military outside of Iran or recently retired. I cannot talk about that further.

I have been subjected to humiliation by the Brits in propositions I cannot even explain if I wrote this post for 10 hours. Skipping most of it and starting with RR, I was always given the harshest and the impossible projects. Every step of the way, I had been set up to fail. I am not ever angry with the Brits, in fact, I am happy about it. They failed every time. But winning always comes at an expense. Believe me. It may appear that I won, but the scars are there even after decades. We think 12 teenagers beating you to an inch of your life in a military school is bad, and think of the 11 days in hospital as painful. It was nothing compared to people ganging up on you at work. Even Iranians. But they had to, for their own sake.

The only reason I never gave up, is that I had nothing else in my life. Nothing to go back to. I only had LOVE for Iran.

I have been with the most beautiful women I have ever seen. One would think this would be so pleasurable. With all honestly, the pleasure of have such experience was never anything near the love I feel for Iran. Never. Never, not for a second.

The only thing in my life that I loved so dearly, and this love was endless, and never change form or shape, HAS BEEN MY LOVE FOR IRAN.

I don't know if you all feel what I feel or not. But I will try to explain it this way ... I FEEL LIKE SUFFOCATING WITH NO AIR IN MY LUNGS WHEN SOMEONE THREATENS IRAN OR THREATENS IRANIAN PEOPLE. It's a feeling that is hard to explain unless you feel it yourself too.

I would have left RR a million times, if I had anywhere else to go to. I took on every impossible project just to get the hell out of that country, to France or Germany, even for a short while.

There came a time that I was (after all the nightmare years) so good at what I did, that they just did not want to let me go for fears of me going back to Iran. There were 3 Iranians at RR (much older than me at the time, and 1 of them is in Iran right now and we correspond together often), they saved my life. They talked to me and made sure I can somehow keep going everyday. I had thought about suicide at least 1000 times, and that is not an exaggeration. I love nothing other than Iran. Staying at RR was a 1000 nightmares a day.

I understand Iran is a bad place for a lot of Iranians, so they complain endlessly. But ask any Iranians who has lived in the West LONG ENOUGH, they prefer Iran than this $#!T we have had to endure since we were kids. Scars from beatings go away, but scars from psychological abuse don't go away and have their own side effects, such as sensitivity to noise, even the slightest noise.

Sometimes I feel only Professor Marandi at Tehran University understands me since he was born and grew up in U.S. - and he has seen the TRUE FACE OF EVIL while the rest have fallen victim to the propaganda of "materialism" and been hood winked and bamboozled and hypnotized.

I rather work in a factory in Iran, sleep on the factory floor, have nothing but bread and water, than to have the life I have now or had for the last 4 decades. I mean that 100%, whether you all believe it or now. The only love inside of me is the love for Iran. Only my brothers understand and share the same feelings as I do. Every funeral I go to for some old ex-Iranian military person, seeing their grand kids, seeing their family, reminds me that 100 years from now ALL OF US are most likely, NOT HERE. Iranian AF saying from 1976 comes back to my head again, ... IT'S NOT ABOUT SURVIVING TO AN OLD AGE, IT'S ABOUT LIVING YOUR HEART TO FULL CONTENTMENT. Most people, past or present, don't LIVE. They survive.

The Westerners have a similar idea, "it's better to burn out than fade away".

When I felt there were no more things to concur at RR, and by then UK had changed so much compared to 1980s, I moved to U.S. where most of my family was based (having come here so many times before). I had great job offers from FBI to U.S. Air Force that interviewed me again and again. I refused to join. The last specialist AF recruiter who came and interviewed me at my place of work in the coffee room where there were no colleagues, said to me "... your heart is somewhere else. Can we not win your over?". This is about 15 years ago I believe. My heart is in Iran. It will always be there. My dad refused surgery in U.S. and his doctor did not want to let him leave the hospital, but he got on a plane the next day back to Iran, landed and died a few hours later. It's all he wanted. Nothing else would have been good enough for him.

I was once in a gas station in Oregon waiting for the attendant to fill up the tank. Like others, I was waiting outside the car and chatting until a young boy with his parents started to ask me about weight training. After talking to him a bit with his parents standing next to us, he asked where I was from, so I said Iran. He then turned to his family and said ..."mom, an Iranian sand nigger terrorist". Once in a meeting where I was doing presentation on future aviation AI tools (about 7 years ago) someone asked during question time, " ... great presentation on AI tools of the future, but can you answer a different question like how do you get through an airport with a name like yours?" Everyone laughed and thought it was funny.

I never changed my name for my work. No matter how many times I was asked to do so.

My other half was told in a meeting at her office, apparently meant to be a complement, I think more like a passive aggressive insult, "... there are 2 kinds of Iranian women in CA, the ones that are married and good wives, and the ones that are whores".

Not a single day working or living in U.S. have I not been subject to some kind of a visual or verbal racist insult or innuendo of some sort. The fact that it doesn't bother me, is because I was getting a beating every day in military school while my instructors felt that it was good for me since it would make me stronger, I guess they felt being hit in the back of the head by a cricket bat makes me stronger.

It appears that I have a great career and make good money. But (I am sure you do not believe this) I would give every material object I own or have to go back to my country and see Iran STRONG and fight for a land that is mine and people that I love, no matter what their behavior is like.

Long before everyone else got to see the real America, the fighting for toilet paper, the desire to hurt others for financial gain, to serve their interests an anyone else's expense, the unnecessary Iraq war, etc. I HAD ALREADY SEEN THE REAL NATURE OF U.S. and the WEST.

Iran and Iranians HAVE A HEART. Yes they also have bad habits. Westerners have a culture of cruelty and slavery. My views of the West is not based on my personal experiences in the West. It is from the last 500 years of Western history and what they did to Africa, then North America, then South America, then South East Asia, and 100 years ago they started on the Middle East.

PeeD my friend, I am sorry to give you a headache. But I just needed you to hear the truth so that I do not think of myself as another Iranian who LIES to others to elevate themselves to win respect for a shattered vulnerable ego. Now you know the truth about me. I am a prisoner who puts on a happy face since I have no real choices.

Thank you for letting me have my public therapy here. hehe.
Thank you for sharing your story with us.
I think that it very eloquently illustrates the cost on the individual human scale of the wests [and others] policies and actions [still ongoing,of course] in the region over the last hundred-odd years.
The sad fact of the matter,is that many [most?] westerners are still quite ignorant,even proudly so,of the things that have been done in their name in the region over the decades.
At times it even makes one quite ashamed to be a westerner.
. .
can someone translate the most important things into english, many thanks in advance
he is also talking about an air defence system right...

Goes along the lines of this (paraphrasing)

"In the domain of surface to air missiles, we have systems that can remain survivable during an American air operation. If you look at the best air defense systems of the world, they can all be jammed and bombed. We've designed and manufactured a system that if I can show you, you will understand what I am saying. This medium range system by the name of "Beit-ol Moghadas" has been completed."

<I'm not actually sure what system he is referring too>

"With desire with money, willpower, help and management of Sardar (General) Kazemi."

"Within the domain of surface-to-surface missiles, all i can say is this........their is no limit to missile range"...

If I made any mistakes feel free to let me know.

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