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Iranian military engine development news and updates

the name of Iranian turboprop that we know about is Chamosh, well shahed-129 uses Rotax 914 and Mohajer-6 uses Rotax 912, but there is another engine that Iran is developing for Mohajer-6 that is more powerful then its Rotax 912.

this engine is german used in ababil-3. Is it produced in iran or they buy it?
... and there is the problem. The titanium wing box is not easy to manufacturing, or I should say, it is difficult to setup the infrastructure for laser welding the way it has to be setup.

Look at R35-300 it has an 29,000 pounds of thrust with afterburner and 19,000 pounds without. For an engine that is only 5 meter longs, and 1.7 ton.

Overall, nice idea Sineva. Wished Iran would put in the time and the funds to do a project that you are proposing, like this.

Aircraft force
As I described above, contrary to what asserts the western's propaganda, the air force was never crucial in a conflict, the best case it helped to the victory in a significant way. Everybody remembers the famous sentence or remarks made by president R. Nixon about the air campaign above Vietnam :
"We have 10 years of total control of the air in Laos and Vietnam the result=zilch. There is something wrong with...."
He said the result is equal to zilch, it was the same during the Gulf war 1991 -on 19 critical targets, only one completely destroyed-. The results were zilch against Serbia, as Serbian's ground forces were nearly intact. The same result "zilch" during Lebanon's war between Israel and Lebanon etc...the only significant victory was during 6 days war -5, to June 11, 1967- when Israel attacked Arabs' middle-aged societies called countries, meanwhile, they were all failed stated. So, why do you want to follow the same wrong western's path?

F-14's case

At first to build an aircraft like F-14, obviously, it asks tremendous efforts and problems. A lot of problems occurred when the US implemented the F-14's program, they claimed -Western data, however, the figure must be far higher- more than 200 F-14 lost due to accidents. But Western media retained only the good side. I don't want to trigger an infinite debate, however, I don't believe the Iranian figures that claimed more than 160 Iraqi aircraft were downed by Iranian F-14.

Iran's Needs

Like any country, the Iranian resources are not infinite, and Iran cannot afford to waste money. However, they must defend the country. The Iranian high responsibles defined choices regarding what it is the best against what enemy. Against the US, in the actual situation, it would be suicide to engage IRIAF. If you try to follow the US in arms races, the country will be quickly in bankruptcy. Against the US, the West's threats, asymmetric ways are the best choices. Iran now produces radio photonic radars -that nullify any stealth advantages-, air defense with S-300, SA-22 Pantsir, anti-aircraft guns, etc... As Iran accessed recently to the hypersonic's technology, next -in a few years- it is reasonable to expect Iran will produce S-400, beside railguns, magnetized plasma anti-aircraft artillery. Thus, none aircraft will dare to enter in Iranian air space. It will far less expensive and more effective for a country like Iran, instead of developing an air force.

Nevertheless, against the PKK terrorists, or DAECH a fair fleet of modern aircraft is a must. Against Israel, a fleet of 60-80 SU-30 will be enough.

Can Iran build indigenous aircraft?

In my view, without reading any other western media, I heard that Iran produces centrifuges, nuclear devices, has metallurgy's infrastructure, produces SLCM -very few countries in the world can-, produce Destroyers, and they can produce SLBM. Iran became among the few nations that masters the 3D print. Then it is easy to conclude that Iran has the industrial infrastructure to do so.
Surely, a day or another Iran will have this infrastructure to do this and can implement any jet engine, including commercial aircraft too.

Chinese's case, The Very Bad Example.

Many of you conclude that Iran cannot reach the status that will allow the country to build a heavy indigenous jet engine, because it took decades for China. These allegations are only fake news spread by western media. Most of you think, it asked the Chinese for 20-30 years to build the WS-10 and they still have problems, then Iran cannot. If you think like that, U are wrong. Let's see the quick history of WS-10. It was initiated by Deng Xiaoping in the early '80s. However, its implementation began really around the early 2000s. Chineses leaders for geopolitical reasons decided to go smoothly. Because we were at a time when China wanted the Westerners to invest in China, in order to modernize the entire China's industry. And Chinese were helped by the West, to industrialize the totality of China. Moreover, a China building quickly its jet engines at that time might be perceived as a potential War Machine, by the West, and by its neighbors. And Japan is far to be the last Chinese enemy. Chineses even abstained to implement another video standard than the awful Japanese's Blu Ray, meanwhile, they could afford it. The main policy at that time for Chinese "low profile". For that reason, the Chinese slowed down the development of the indigenous aircraft industry. After 2009, the West began to shift its policy, this is the time chose by China to speed the development of the WS-10. If indeed, there were problems at the beginning, do not forget, until now, the F-35's jet engines have great problems, and it is still not enough mature, as the F-22's ones. Once West started to talk about pivot's strategy, China decided to speed the development of WS-10 and WS-15, and from 2009 to 2012, the engine was ready to equip the fleet of sino-flanker.
Nevertheless, the West continues via its awful media -flightglobal, janes, Strategy...spacewar etc... - to debunk as long as it is possible Chinese industry, by fake news. For them, China continues to have problems, and won't be a powerful country. If they admit that China succeeded, the US will be perceived as weak, especially in front of Japan, and Germany.


Iranian leaders decided in spite of the embargo to go toward the cleverest solution. To confront the west, it was better to choose air defense. Once the situation became more affordable, Iranian leaders shift towards the aircraft industry. At the same time, they ensure their freedom, and they are less dependant, in the same time it helped to industrialize the entire country. Now the embargo is no longer existing, and Iran is ready to go towards modern jet engines. The infrastructure is ready.
Can Iran now build a new modern jet engine? Yes indeed.
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Aircraft force
As I described above, contrary to what asserts the western's propaganda, the air force was never crucial in a conflict, the best case it helped to the victory in a significant way. Everybody remembers the famous sentence or remarks made by president R. Nixon about the air campaign above Vietnam :
"We have 10 years of total control of the air in Laos and Vietnam the result=zilch. There is something wrong with...."
He said the result is equal to zilch, it was the same during the Gulf war 1991 -on 19 critical targets, only one completely destroyed-. The results were zilch against Serbia, as Serbian's ground forces were nearly intact. The same result "zilch" during Lebanon's war between Israel and Lebanon etc...the only significant victory was during 6 days war -5, to June 11, 1967- when Israel attacked Arabs' middle-aged societies called countries, meanwhile, they were all failed stated. So, why do you want to follow the same wrong western's path?

F-14's case

At first to build an aircraft like F-14, obviously, it asks tremendous efforts and problems. A lot of problems occurred when the US implemented the F-14's program, they claimed -Western data, however, the figure must be far higher- more than 200 F-14 lost due to accidents. But Western media retained only the good side. I don't want to trigger an infinite debate, however, I don't believe the Iranian figures that claimed more than 160 Iraqi aircraft were downed by Iranian F-14.

Iran's Needs

Like any country, the Iranian resources are not infinite, and Iran cannot afford to waste money. However, they must defend the country. The Iranian high responsibles defined choices regarding what it is the best against what enemy. Against the US, in the actual situation, it would be suicide to engage IRIAF. If you try to follow the US in arms races, the country will be quickly in bankruptcy. Against the US, the West's threats, asymmetric ways are the best choices. Iran now produces radio photonic radars -that nullify any stealth advantages-, air defense with S-300, SA-22 Pantsir, anti-aircraft guns, etc... As Iran accessed recently to the hypersonic's technology, next -in a few years- it is reasonable to expect Iran will produce S-400, beside railguns, magnetized plasma anti-aircraft artillery. Thus, none aircraft will dare to enter in Iranian air space. It will far less expensive and more effective for a country like Iran, instead of developing an air force.

Nevertheless, against the PKK terrorists, or DAECH a fair fleet of modern aircraft is a must. Against Israel, a fleet of 60-80 SU-30 will be enough.

Can Iran build indigenous aircraft?

In my view, without reading any other western media, I heard that Iran produces centrifuges, nuclear devices, has metallurgy's infrastructure, produces SLCM -very few countries in the world can-, produce Destroyers, and they can produce SLBM. Iran became among the few nations that masters the 3D print. Then it is easy to conclude that Iran has the industrial infrastructure to do so.
Surely, a day or another Iran will have this infrastructure to do this and can implement any jet engine, including commercial aircraft too.

Chinese's case, The Very Bad Example.

Many of you conclude that Iran cannot reach the status that will allow the country to build a heavy indigenous jet engine, because it takes decades for China. These allegations are only fake news made by western media. Most of you think, it asks Chinese 20-30 years to build the WS-10 and they still have problems, then Iran cannot. If you think like that, U are wrong. Let's take a quick history of WS-10. It was initiated by Deng Xiaoping in the early '80s. However, its implementation began around 2002. Chineses leaders for geopolitical reasons decided to go smoothly. Because we were at a time when China wanted the Westerners to invest in China, in order to modernize the entire China's industry. And Chinese were helped by the West, to industrialize the totality of China. Moreover, a China building quickly its jet engines at that time might be perceived as a potential War Machine, by the West, and by its neighbors. And Japan is far to be the last Chinese enemy. Chineses even abstained to implement another video standard than the awful Japanese's Blu Ray, meanwhile, they could afford it. The main policy at that time for Chinese "low profile". For that reason, the Chinese slowed down the development of the indigenous aircraft industry. After 2009, the West began to shift its policy, this is the time chose by China to speed the development of the WS-10. If indeed, there were problems at the beginning, do not forget, until now, the F-35's jet engines have great problems, and it is still not enough mature, as the F-22's ones. Once West started to talk about pivot's strategy, China decided to speed the development of WS-10 and WS-15, and from 2009 to 2012, the engine was ready to equip the fleet of sino-flanker.
Nevertheless, the West continues via its awful media -flightglobal, janes, Strategy...spacewar etc... - to debunk as long as it is possible Chinese industry, by fake news. For them, China continues to have problems, and won't be a powerful country. If they admit that China succeeded, the US will be perceived as weak, especially in front of Japan, and Germany.


Iranian leaders decided in spite of the embargo to go toward the cleverest solution. To confront the west, it was better to choose air defense. Once the situation became more affordable, Iranian leaders shift towards the aircraft industry. At the same time, they ensure their freedom, and they are less dependant, in the same time it helped to industrialize the entire country. Now the embargo is no longer existing, and Iran is ready to go towards modern jet engines. The infrastructure is ready.
Can Iran now build a new modern jet engine? Yes indeed.

foxhoundbis, You make some very good points, BUT dude lighten up. We all know and agree with you regarding Iran's challenges, and its options. There are a dozen different ways to skin a cat. And, mostly I agree with you, with one small area of disagreement which is that ... Iran needs to develop a light LIFT and a heavy multi-role fighter jet and that is a MUST because of its strategic values and that it is in a neighborhood of Arabs that see Iran as a threat, cause they are scared.

Regarding F-14, Sineva and I were just sharing IDEAS - not necessarily what Iran should do. We were, say, "day dreaming", talking about engines. Sineva is fun to chat with here, so we were just hypothesizing, NOT ATTEMPTING to 'suggest' what Iran SHOULD/MUST do.

Read our post one more time, you will see it was intended in a fun-idea way.

Your points are more serious and more strategic, I certainly agree with you on most of them. But we both know the truth about Iran's challenges.

Have a wonderful Sunday my friend.
Aircraft force
As I described above, contrary to what asserts the western's propaganda, the air force was never crucial in a conflict, the best case it helped to the victory in a significant way. Everybody remembers the famous sentence or remarks made by president R. Nixon about the air campaign above Vietnam :
"We have 10 years of total control of the air in Laos and Vietnam the result=zilch. There is something wrong with...."
He said the result is equal to zilch, it was the same during the Gulf war 1991 -on 19 critical targets, only one completely destroyed-. The results were zilch against Serbia, as Serbian's ground forces were nearly intact. The same result "zilch" during Lebanon's war between Israel and Lebanon etc...the only significant victory was during 6 days war -5, to June 11, 1967- when Israel attacked Arabs' middle-aged societies called countries, meanwhile, they were all failed stated. So, why do you want to follow the same wrong western's path?

F-14's case

At first to build an aircraft like F-14, obviously, it asks tremendous efforts and problems. A lot of problems occurred when the US implemented the F-14's program, they claimed -Western data, however, the figure must be far higher- more than 200 F-14 lost due to accidents. But Western media retained only the good side. I don't want to trigger an infinite debate, however, I don't believe the Iranian figures that claimed more than 160 Iraqi aircraft were downed by Iranian F-14.

Iran's Needs

Like any country, the Iranian resources are not infinite, and Iran cannot afford to waste money. However, they must defend the country. The Iranian high responsibles defined choices regarding what it is the best against what enemy. Against the US, in the actual situation, it would be suicide to engage IRIAF. If you try to follow the US in arms races, the country will be quickly in bankruptcy. Against the US, the West's threats, asymmetric ways are the best choices. Iran now produces radio photonic radars -that nullify any stealth advantages-, air defense with S-300, SA-22 Pantsir, anti-aircraft guns, etc... As Iran accessed recently to the hypersonic's technology, next -in a few years- it is reasonable to expect Iran will produce S-400, beside railguns, magnetized plasma anti-aircraft artillery. Thus, none aircraft will dare to enter in Iranian air space. It will far less expensive and more effective for a country like Iran, instead of developing an air force.

Nevertheless, against the PKK terrorists, or DAECH a fair fleet of modern aircraft is a must. Against Israel, a fleet of 60-80 SU-30 will be enough.

Can Iran build indigenous aircraft?

In my view, without reading any other western media, I heard that Iran produces centrifuges, nuclear devices, has metallurgy's infrastructure, produces SLCM -very few countries in the world can-, produce Destroyers, and they can produce SLBM. Iran became among the few nations that masters the 3D print. Then it is easy to conclude that Iran has the industrial infrastructure to do so.
Surely, a day or another Iran will have this infrastructure to do this and can implement any jet engine, including commercial aircraft too.

Chinese's case, The Very Bad Example.

Many of you conclude that Iran cannot reach the status that will allow the country to build a heavy indigenous jet engine, because it takes decades for China. These allegations are only fake news made by western media. Most of you think, it asks Chinese 20-30 years to build the WS-10 and they still have problems, then Iran cannot. If you think like that, U are wrong. Let's take a quick history of WS-10. It was initiated by Deng Xiaoping in the early '80s. However, its implementation began around 2002. Chineses leaders for geopolitical reasons decided to go smoothly. Because we were at a time when China wanted the Westerners to invest in China, in order to modernize the entire China's industry. And Chinese were helped by the West, to industrialize the totality of China. Moreover, a China building quickly its jet engines at that time might be perceived as a potential War Machine, by the West, and by its neighbors. And Japan is far to be the last Chinese enemy. Chineses even abstained to implement another video standard than the awful Japanese's Blu Ray, meanwhile, they could afford it. The main policy at that time for Chinese "low profile". For that reason, the Chinese slowed down the development of the indigenous aircraft industry. After 2009, the West began to shift its policy, this is the time chose by China to speed the development of the WS-10. If indeed, there were problems at the beginning, do not forget, until now, the F-35's jet engines have great problems, and it is still not enough mature, as the F-22's ones. Once West started to talk about pivot's strategy, China decided to speed the development of WS-10 and WS-15, and from 2009 to 2012, the engine was ready to equip the fleet of sino-flanker.
Nevertheless, the West continues via its awful media -flightglobal, janes, Strategy...spacewar etc... - to debunk as long as it is possible Chinese industry, by fake news. For them, China continues to have problems, and won't be a powerful country. If they admit that China succeeded, the US will be perceived as weak, especially in front of Japan, and Germany.


Iranian leaders decided in spite of the embargo to go toward the cleverest solution. To confront the west, it was better to choose air defense. Once the situation became more affordable, Iranian leaders shift towards the aircraft industry. At the same time, they ensure their freedom, and they are less dependant, in the same time it helped to industrialize the entire country. Now the embargo is no longer existing, and Iran is ready to go towards modern jet engines. The infrastructure is ready.
Can Iran now build a new modern jet engine? Yes indeed.

foxhoundbis, You make some very good points, BUT dude lighten up. We all know and agree with you regarding Iran's challenges, and its options. There are a dozen different ways to skin a cat. And, most I agree with you, with one small area of disagreement which is that ... Iran needs to develop a light LIFT and a heavy multi-role fighter jet and that is a MUST because of its strategic values and that it is in a neighborhood of Arabs that see Iran as a threat
the name of Iranian turboprop that we know about is Chamosh, well shahed-129 uses Rotax 914 and Mohajer-6 uses Rotax 912, but there is another engine that Iran is developing for Mohajer-6 that is more powerful then its Rotax 912.

Iran can get these EASILY. I hesitate to mention how, since no doubt CIA/MOSSAD and Canadian Intelligence and Dutch MI/SS are all listening to get any ideas or information. But I assure you, Iran can get as many of these as it wants and it is TOTALLY irrelevant if Germany refuses to sell these to Iran or not. hint hint.
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farzanegan-company is a private one yet it is manufacturing a mini turboJet and ramjet... Aren’t there more private companies that can manufacture locally advanced things?

Yes there are many now and growing in number, these companies will start to play a much greater role in Iranian future, not just in defence but economy too. Those associated with the defence sector are not openly talked about much, for example there is such a company that has developed the air independent propulsion (AIP) systems for the navy's future submarines.
Irans been producing its own version of the Limbach L550 as the MADO MD550 since at least 2014 and likely even earlier.Not to mention many other types of small piston and rotary engines as well.


It’s name is MADO M550?
So basically, iran produce the engines for all its drones, except mohajer-6,Shahed-129 and Fotros.
farzanegan-company is a private one yet it is manufacturing a mini turboJet and ramjet... Aren’t there more private companies that can manufacture locally advanced things?

of course, not everything is IRGC ;)
For example, an iranian private company is producing this thermal sights:






there is such a company that has developed the air independent propulsion (AIP) systems for the navy's future submarines.

very interesting, do you know the name of the company? any pics?
very interesting, do you know the name of the company? any pics?

They have not revealed more details, all we know so far is what was said by the head of the Iranian Navy Khanzadi i.e they are going to build the AIP for the navy.

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