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Iranian Medicine Saving Lives of Americans



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Sep 7, 2012
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Iranian medicine has been saving the lives of Americans while the illegal US-led sanctions against the Islamic Republic have been adversely affecting the lives of many Iranian patients.

A Sunday report on the website of the Wall Street Journal said the US Defense Department needs Iranian-researched and -produced medicine to treat the foreign forces in Afghanistan who get bitten by “Oxus cobras, Haly's pit vipers” and other snakes peculiar to southwest Asia.

“Medical guidance issued by US Central Command says drugs made by Iran's Razi Vaccine & Serum Research Institute ‘should be the first line of antivenin therapy,’” the report cited a US officer as saying.

“The Iranian antivenin is the best,” said Colonel Rob Russell, the medical director of the pharmacy at British-run Camp Bastion hospital, adjacent to the Camp Leatherneck US Marine base in southern Afghanistan.

The report highlighted the fact that the antivenins produced in the US and approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “won't work on Afghan snake bites.”

This comes as the US-engineered sanctions are putting the lives of Iranian patients in jeopardy. Though the US has not imposed any bans on American firms to sell medicine and medical supplies to Iran, exporters have been required to apply for special licenses. In the wake of the sanctions, the impossibility of transferring money through banks has cast its cumbersome shadow upon medicine and healthcare in Iran, thereby jeopardizing the lives of millions of patients suffering from special diseases such as thalassemia, hemophilia, hepatitis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and many others.

In November, a hemophiliac Iranian teenager lost his life in hospital due to the shortage of required medication caused by the US-led sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

Prominent Iranian author Dr. Ismail Salami has highlighted the inhumane nature of the US-engineered sanctions.

“The sheer idea of imposing illegal sanctions against the Islamic Republic and jeopardizing the lives of millions of patients is indeed an act of brutality which runs counter to the very true spirit of humanity as well as to international humanitarian laws,” Dr. Salami wrote in an op-ed on the website of Press TV on October 19.

Referring to the Iranian antidotes, Hadi Zareh, the lead researcher in Razi's antivenin department, said, “We make this to save lives, and it doesn't matter if the person is Iranian or Afghan or American. We are happy to hear we have saved a person's life, even an American soldier.”

The illegal US-engineered sanctions were imposed based on the unfounded accusation that Iran is pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program.

Iran rejects the allegations, arguing that as a committed signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

Iranian Medicine Saving Lives of Americans while US Sanctions Killing Iranian Patients | Global Research

CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan—Relations between Iran and the U.S. are poisonous, with one exception: an antidote for snake bites.

In a surprising—and irony-rich—byproduct of the Afghan war, the Pentagon finds itself dependent on a scientific research arm of the Iranian government to treat bites by Oxus cobras, Haly's pit vipers and other snakes peculiar to the battlefields of southwest Asia.

Despite U.S.-led international sanctions designed to paralyze Iran's trade with the outside world, the Defense Department buys the drugs through a middleman, with orders totaling 115 vials at $310 apiece since January 2011.

Medical guidance issued by U.S. Central Command says ...

Snake Tale: How Venom Binds U.S., Iran - WSJ.com
now you can see who is good or bad you can choose
it is a good part from IRAN by giving medicine even to the enemy USA they are saving life

MEdicine should not be who should get it or not it is for everyone

Shame on USA even though Iran med are saving USA but USA are not saving Iran civilians
BS title. Iranian medicines haven't saved American lives. The antivenin has been used a couple of times, and in all cases it was used on Afghans who were bitten by snakes.
BS title. Iranian medicines haven't saved American lives. The antivenin has been used a couple of times, and in all cases it was used on Afghans who were bitten by snakes.
dear traitor!
A Sunday report on the website of the Wall Street Journal said the US Defense Department needs Iranian-researched and -produced medicine to treat the foreign forces in Afghanistan who get bitten by “Oxus cobras, Haly's pit vipers” and other snakes peculiar to southwest Asia.
source:wall street
treated soldiers nationality:foreign
buyer:US Defense Department
GTFU plz!
No foreign soldier has been bitten so far, so Press TV has come up with a bullcrap title again.

"A lot of the guys who get bitten have been [messing] with a snake," he said. U.S. military doctors in Afghanistan have administered 21 doses of Razi antivenin since January 2011, all of them to Afghan children, say military records.

Snake Tale: How Venom Binds U.S., Iran - WSJ.com

So it hasn't saved American lives. Bullsh!t article.
No foreign soldier has been bitten so far, so Press TV has come up with a bullcrap title again.

Snake Tale: How Venom Binds U.S., Iran - WSJ.com

So it hasn't saved American lives. Bullsh!t article.
its non of our business that afghan snakes dont beat american.the fact is buyer is US defence department.
is your @$$ burning traitor?are you afraid of IRAN's medicine industries developments?hehe
its non of our business that afghan snakes dont beat american.the fact is buyer is US defence department.

If that's the case, than don't come up with bullish!t titles like 'Iranian medicine saving lives of Americans'.

Yes, I'm afraid of Iran's medicine industries. I'm afraid that Iranians are dying because of all the corruption and mismanagement. Father of a Iranian member on this forum has died because of a lack of a certain antibiotic in Iran:

My father died because the lack of drug in Iran! - SkyscraperCity

Iran can't even save Iranian lives, and you want to talk as if it's capable of saving American lives? That's just funny and pathetic.
Please call 1-800-DIAL-A-HAKIM.

Or.........look up your local medical store in Iran.......or......ask a native.

If you are so confident about what you claim, at least manage to come up with a source, or otherwise, shut the phuck up.
If you are so confident about what you claim, at least manage to come up with a source, or otherwise, shut the phuck up.

Your flag says Iran , 'after you know what'.

Why dont hop on over to your local medical store ? From cipla, ranbaxy....all the way over to Dr. Reddy and VICO :rofl:

There are even Indian ayurvedic medicines being sold (Himalaya, emami) . I wonder if you guys have ayurvedic practitioners to handle prescriptions.

Our surplus of "fairness cream" stock gets dumped in Iran as well i think. Not too sure about that one tbh.
Your flag says Iran , 'after you know what'.

Why dont hop on over to your local medical store ? From cipla, ranbaxy....all the way over to Dr. Reddy and VICO :rofl:

There are even Indian ayurvedic medicines being sold (Himalaya, emami) . I wonder if you guys have ayurvedic practitioners to handle prescriptions.

I don't asked you to come up with a story, while not backing that up with sources. If you are claiming that most medicines in Iran are imported from the EU, US or India, I at least expect you to come up with a source. Or else; mwah, you know what to do.

But if you do want to compare between Iran and India; Iran's health care is much better organized than India's, and more Iranians have health care insurances than Indians. So GTFO.

Iran produces 97% of its own medicines. The 3% it doesn’t produce comes from abroad, and this is where the problem lies — these drugs are all related to chronic life threatening diseases. The sanctions do not ban the sale of medicine to Iran, but they do block every financial route needed to obtain drugs for patients that suffer from diseases like diabetes, kidney failure, hemophilia, ms, and leukemia.


Pathetic Indian. Where did you learn to Lie?

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