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Iranian journalist blasts Burns


Mar 28, 2011
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Iranian Journalist blasts Nicholas Burns, under secretary of State of America:

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I've seen that Iranian journalist speak before and he RAPES a new hole every time

This is what I love about my people. It's not just about not taking **** from others, it's about getting offended that somebody even had the audacity to criticized you. That's how you succeed. You can see the self belief in the guy's eyes. This is what's missing from arabs and the rest of the ME and even parts of IRan. If we all had self belief, these barabarian Europeans wouldn't have the balls to look at us in the face. Thankfully we're living at a time when Asia is rising. In 3-4 decades, Asia will be ruling these *** . Can't wait.
I've seen that Iranian journalist speak before and he RAPES a new hole every time

This is what I love about my people. It's not just about not taking **** from others, it's about getting offended that somebody even had the audacity to criticized you. That's how you succeed. You can see the self belief in the guy's eyes. This is what's missing from arabs and the rest of the ME and even parts of IRan. If we all had self belief, these barabarian Europeans wouldn't have the balls to look at us in the face. Thankfully we're living at a time when Asia is rising. In 3-4 decades, Asia will be ruling these *** . Can't wait.

Cant wait for you to wake up and realize you live in Canada and if Iran is succeeding by "getting offended that somebody even had the audacity to criticize you" then why is it getting handed sanctions after sanctions?

Secondly stop clinging to geographical boundaries Asia is a large continent and it is culturally and politically diverse just like Europe is not one.

3rdly good leaders do whats in there nations best interest your current goverment is about whose got the biggest ego.

4thly Europeans arnt barbarians and will never be scared to look at you in the face:)
Cant wait for you to wake up and realize you live in Canada.

Cant wait for you to wake up and realize you live on stolen land of aboriginal people whom you exterminated.

Cant wait for you to wake up and realize this is a big world.

Cant wait for you to wake up and stop being racist.

PS. I hear race is a big thing in Australia. It is really a shame.
Cant wait for you to wake up and realize you live in Canada.
Around 60 percent of the people in this city (vancouver) have a mother tongue other than English. If you for a second think that there is a unifying culture in this country, my city alone at least, you're sadly mistaken. I went to a high school in the rich part of town and even there, I had 350+ Iranians around me in a school of 1500. 500-600 were Koreans (detailed numbers used to be posted on the walls in 'multicultural week'). Just like the Jews in the US, where their loyalty is to Israel and not the US, our loyalty WILL FOREVER be to Iran.

I respect Canada, but I don't consider it as my country. My parents both had master's degrees when they came here and the govt of Canada needed them to provide a service and they have done so for a decade. We have paid our taxes. Meanwhile I've been able to go to a good university. It's a business transaction and both sides are happy about it.

P.S. I find it ironic that you responded to my original post the way you did. Your own ancestors had the same 'self belief' that I am calling for when they were raping and killing people in the country you now call Australia.
Around 60 percent of the people in this city (vancouver) have a mother tongue other than English. If you for a second think that there is a unifying culture in this country, my city alone at least, you're sadly mistaken. I went to a high school in the rich part of town and even there, I had 350+ Iranians around me in a school of 1500. 500-600 were Koreans (detailed numbers used to be posted on the walls in 'multicultural week'). Just like the Jews in the US, where their loyalty is to Israel and not the US, our loyalty WILL FOREVER be to Iran.

I respect Canada, but I don't consider it as my country. My parents both had master's degrees when they came here and the govt of Canada needed them to provide a service and they have done so for a decade. We have paid our taxes. Meanwhile I've been able to go to a good university. It's a business transaction and both sides are happy about it.

Then go back to your great country Iran.

---------- Post added at 03:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:17 PM ----------

Cant wait for you to wake up and realize you live on stolen land of aboriginal people whom you exterminated.

Cant wait for you to wake up and realize this is a big world.

Cant wait for you to wake up and stop being racist.

PS. I hear race is a big thing in Australia. It is really a shame.

Cant wait for you wake up and realize i was born in this country which is home to all of us and i didnt exterminate anyone.

Cant wait for you to wake up im not being a racist i dont like it when people live in another country and dont give a **** about it and its people especially when they were born there and cling to there parents heritage.

PS.I hear religion and race is even bigger in Pakistan then it is in Australia What a shame considering use have had 100s of years to intermingle.
Then go back to your great country Iran.
what part of 'it's a business transaction and both sides are happy about it' do you not understand? No speak English senor Australian?

Why should I go back to Iran? I can't find a job and I can't help Iran in any way right now. I pay my taxes here, the Canadian govt educates me. I work for 10 years and I go to Iran with a pocket full of cash and employ 10 of my country men back home.

I'm here for the same reason that there are more Jews in the US than there are in Israel.
what part of 'it's a business transaction and both sides are happy about it' do you not understand? No speak English senor Australian?

Why should I go back to Iran? I can't find a job and I can't help Iran in any way right now. I pay my taxes here, the Canadian govt educates me. I work for 10 years and I go to Iran with a pocket full of cash and employ 10 of my country men back home.

I'm here for the same reason that there are more Jews in the US than there are in Israel.

I find it hard to believe you respect Canada and its people but call Europeans barbarians?

There might not be a unifying culture in the country but there is a uniifying flag and nation.

"P.S. I find it ironic that you responded to my original post the way you did. Your own ancestors had the same 'self belief' that I am calling for when they were raping and killing people in the country you now call Australia."

So you want to kill and rape your enemies?
This aint getting anywhere. Our two countries will settle it in the upcoming World Cup qualification game in the next round (we will most likely go into each other's group in the next round). We will prove our superiority like we did the last time we met. What say you?

P.S. you guys were climbing trees butt naked until the Industrial revolution (the Greeks and Romans were the exceptions but compare it to Asia where you had tens of civilizations and you see the magnitude of your uselessness). You've been on top for a few centuries and you're losing it as fast as you got it. This century is ours again and yes, you won't even be able to look us in the face. Billions of people in West and East Asia are gonna make your lives hard in the coming years. You guys are actually lucky. Australia isn't really hated in Asia.
This aint getting anywhere. Our two countries will settle it in the upcoming World Cup qualification game in the next round (we will most likely go into each other's group in the next round). We will prove our superiority like we did the last time we met. What say you?

P.S. you guys were climbing trees butt naked until the Industrial revolution (the Greeks and Romans were the exceptions but compare it to Asia where you had tens of civilizations and you see the magnitude of your uselessness). You've been on top for a few centuries and you're losing it as fast as you got it. This century is ours again and yes, you won't even be able to look us in the face. Billions of people in West and East Asia are gonna make your lives hard in the coming years. You guys are actually lucky. Australia isn't really hated in Asia.

"you guys" im not european.

Your right civilization started in asia but why is this a continental thing? your gonna cling to tectonic plate land mass?

Europe butt naked to the industrial revolution huh the celts wernt as uncivilised as many people think and medieval europe was preety damn well advanced.

Europe isnt going anywhere Asia will develop which is good for everybody doesnt mean Europe is fucked did it die during the great depression? But again your clinging to a giant land mass i hope you accomodate us as well as theyve accomodated you in Canda when the western world collapses:(

Oh wait i cant even become a president in Iran unless im Shia:(

P.S. i accept your challenge things havent been going to good in west asia since the rise of Korea , Japan and Australia in the asian cup huh?;)
"you guys" im not european.

Your right civilization started in asia but why is this a continental thing? your gonna cling to tectonic plate land mass?

Europe butt naked to the industrial revolution huh the celts wernt as uncivilised as many people think and medieval europe was preety damn well advanced.

Europe isnt going anywhere Asia will develop which is good for everybody doesnt mean Europe is fucked did it die during the great depression? But again your clinging to a giant land mass i hope you accomodate us as well as theyve accomodated you in Canda when the western world collapses:(

Oh wait i cant even become a president in Iran unless im Shia:(

P.S. i accept your challenge things havent been going to good in west asia since the rise of Korea , Japan and Australia in the asian cup huh?;)

Iranian teams have been in the last 4 or finals of the champions league almost all the time in the past 5 years, where are Australian teams in the competition? Oh that's right, your league is a joke. Your NT relies completely on players bred in Euro leagues. The coming decade is gonna be hard for you guys (no replacement for your Euro players).

And we still have a superior head to head to every Asian team (or tied in the number of wins), including Japan. We had the best record in the group stages of the Asian Cup (only team with a 100 percent record) and only lost to SK in the next round in the second overtime. This year we've beaten Russia's A team and smacked every other team that we faced. We're on top form.
Iranian teams have been in the last 4 or finals of the champions league almost all the time in the past 5 years, where are Australian teams in the competition? Oh that's right, your league is a joke. Your NT relies completely on players bred in Euro leagues. The coming decade is gonna be hard for you guys (no replacement for your Euro players).

And we still have a superior head to head to every Asian team (or tied in the number of wins), including Japan. We had the best record in the group stages of the Asian Cup (only team with a 100 percent record) and only lost to SK in the next round in the second overtime. This year we've beaten Russia's A team and smacked every other team that we faced. We're on top form.

Our league is 6 years old your country gets 4 teams into the league ours gets 2, last asian champions cup 1 out of 4 of your teams made it passed the group stage against teams from qatar , china , indonesia thats not a great accomplishment.

You havent won a final since 1992.

So what if MOST of our national team is made up for european based players means we have a big talent pool and that overseas clubs have more money.Our players are not European bred all of them started there career in the A-league or NSL.

And we're in trouble? check our 2006 world cup squad and check the squad now we have more options for our team then we have ever had.

All of Irans best feats are from decades ago like i said East asia has taken over west asia.

You beat Russia A team? bro Russia isnt a european powerhouse we beat Germanys A team IN germany 2-1 and we finished runner up in the Asian cup. and made it to 2 consecutive world cups.

Your rank is in the 50s we are constantly in the teens to 20s.

Iranian football is not in its glory days everybody knows this.

To top it off this is with 3 other football codes in the country with a population of 21million.

You cant change the facts no matter how patrioitic you are.

First West asian teams need to learn to seperate sport from politics.Most of the supporters are band wagoners anyway and only go watch them play when they are playing well(i got this from Iranian defence forum lol)

No love of the sport at all its just a patriotic show.
Cant wait for you wake up and realize i was born in this country which is home to all of us and i didnt exterminate anyone.

Cant wait for you to wake up im not being a racist i dont like it when people live in another country and dont give a **** about it and its people especially when they were born there and cling to there parents heritage.

PS.I hear religion and race is even bigger in Pakistan then it is in Australia What a shame considering use have had 100s of years to intermingle.

Cant wait for you to wake and realize there are many races living in Pakistan and there is no race claiming to be "superior" as in "Australia"

Cant wait for you to wake up and realize that you and your race exterminated and raped original population of that place

Cant wait for you to wake up and realize a country which is the size of just one province of Pakistan moved out of their country and committed genocide on an unprecedented scale in faraway lands in order to replicate themselves and create "new" countries and continents naming them absurdly Australia and New Zealand

Cant wait for you to wake up and understand that you are still clinging to your parent nation by keeping Union Jack in your flag

Cant wait for you to wake and renounce your racism and superiority complex

Cant wait for you to undo atleast some of the damages your race has inflicted on planet earth

Cant wait for you to become humane

Cant wait for you to wake up and realize it is not only you who has a cultural heritage and every one's else heritage as important if not more important than yours

Cant wait for you to give up your war mongering and hate mongering ways
Cant wait for you to wake and realize there are many races living in Pakistan and there is no race claiming to be "superior" as in "Australia"

Cant wait for you to wake up and realize that you and your race exterminated and raped original population of that place

Cant wait for you to wake up and realize a country which is the size of just one province of Pakistan moved out of their country and committed genocide on an unprecedented scale in faraway lands in order to replicate themselves and create "new" countries and continents naming them absurdly Australia and New Zealand

Cant wait for you to wake up and understand that you are still clinging to your parent nation by keeping Union Jack in your flag

Cant wait for you to wake and renounce your racism and superiority complex and i believe that all humans are equal.

Cant wait for you to undo atleast some of the damages your race has inflicted on planet earth

Cant wait for you to become humane

Cant wait for you to wake up and realize it is not only you who has a cultural heritage and every one's else heritage as important if not more important than yours

Cant wait for you to give up your war mongering and hate mongering ways

1- what race is claiming to be superior l0l?nice making up ****.

2-I no what my race did but atleast i can say they dont do that anymore.

3-New zealand signed a treaty , Most aboriginals died of deseases brought by europeans.The estimated population of aboriginals when British arrived is 500 thousand

4-No1 clings to britian in fact we have a freindly rivalry with them no one in Australia calls Britian a parent nation.

5-I never said anything thats racist or that i have a superior complex.

6-I dont give a crap about my cultural heritage i care about the country i live in.

7-What war mongering and hate mongering have i said?

So we have come to the conclusion that you make up **** and use reverse racism worry about your own Minority abuses on hindus , christians and ethnic minoritys and dont come saying what my "race" has done when it goes both ways*cough ottoman empire* your religion no?

Did you no that aboriginals get goverment payments and other benefits? they have more benefits and learning programs then the average australian as well as owning there own lands.

Worry on the present instead of the past in which case id rather be a minority in Australia then Pakistan.

Do i need to mention that your own religion teaches that muslims are the best of humankind? and you tell me that i think im superior .plz.

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