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Iranian Hero Pilot Appeals to World

If that was true, then a highly qualified Chinese could be the leader of India. But we all know that's not going to happen.

Instead, you chose a white Italian waitress.

Clearly, the qualifications required have nothing to do with actual qualifications. And more to do with something else, that Abii already pointed out.

What's wrong with this dude?
An Indian guy run off with your girlfriend or something, Chinese-Dragon? Chill out, man.
All he does is spit fury at the Indian posters.
Oh, leave them. They are slaves. Anyways, I think what this pilot is doing is noble. He is turning the tables on human rights on US. So he is a real hero. But technically I do not agree with this. I think Iran should stop begging for the planes. Iran had its chance and still has to buy licenses for local manufacturing of air crafts. They have already done so for Iran-140 and I guess are in the process of doing for Iran-158. Now Iran needs one medium range and one long range wide body aircrafts to complete the whole series of passenger jets. The best options for Iran are Tu-214 and Il-96 which are wonderful aircrafts. The good thing is both use the same engine as well so it is going to be easier for Iran to even manufacture the engines. Iran should pay a few billion dollars to Russians and buy the factories for these aircrafts and manufacture them under license. Just like Russians had proposed to Iran complete technology transfer for Tu-334 which Iran did not opt for and instead going for An-158. Currently no sanctions prohibit Iran from doing it. So it is better if Iran gets these planes with technology as fast as it can. And Iran has the money as well:

the problem with tu-204 was engine it come with 3 engine type one completely based on Russian technology one is American engine and another is a new Russian engine that use some American technology . because American sanctions we could only get the versions with old Russian engines and sadly that engine don't pass new aviation standards.
What's wrong with this dude?
An Indian guy run off with your girlfriend or something, Chinese-Dragon? Chill out, man.
All he does is spit fury at the Indian posters.

It is in everybody's best interest to ignore CD. He is known to drag people down to his intellectual level and beat then with his semi-baked and twisted logic.
Extremely high 101 gazillion IQ indeed.
the problem with tu-204 was engine it come with 3 engine type one completely based on Russian technology one is American engine and another is a new Russian engine that use some American technology . because American sanctions we could only get the versions with old Russian engines and sadly that engine don't pass new aviation standards.

The upgraded Russian engine PS-90A1 used on both Tu-214 and Il-96-400 does pass all safety tests. Now it might be abit less fuel efficient (by 8%) but who cares, as Iran has lots of oil. Besides the planes cost half of western models and if Iran gets the technology to build them, they would cost even less. So fuel efficiency is not a problem. Even if you were buddy buddy with west, they would not still offer you to build Boeing and Airbus. This is Iran's only chance to get some good aviation technology. Iran should go for it or continue to suffer. It is upto you.
The upgraded Russian engine PS-90A1 used on both Tu-214 and Il-96-400 does pass all safety tests. Now it might be abit less fuel efficient (by 8%) but who cares, as Iran has lots of oil. Besides the planes cost half of western models and if Iran gets the technology to build them, they would cost even less. So fuel efficiency is not a problem. Even if you were buddy buddy with west, they would not still offer you to build Boeing and Airbus. This is Iran's only chance to get some good aviation technology. Iran should go for it or continue to suffer. It is upto you.

when there was talk about the purchase I heard the problem with PS-90a is the high amount of maintenance it needed and its noise
when there was talk about the purchase I heard the problem with PS-90a is the high amount of maintenance it needed and its noise

With PS90A1 it is much better. But again it flies safely, who cares? The 707 and 727 Iran is flying are much worse with maintenance and noise. The PS90A1 has technology from 1990's and Iranian planes are running on technologies from 1950's and 1960's. So which is better? I would choose newly built Il-96-400 over any of them. As you can see you have no choice. If Iran can get this technology from Russia and built it itself it is even better than buying a new Boeing. The technology will be yours. Forever. You can later on improve on it. But if you have not technology then you are done for the day. I guess those officials who were complaining about noise and maintenance are traitors amongst you.
Originally Posted By Chinese-Dragon
This is very true.

Even today, the most powerful person in India is a white European.

Back in Italy, Sonia was a waitress. She came to India, and instantly became the most powerful person in the country.

There is nothing wrong in she or as per u a white european to be most powerful in india(actually it should be one of the most as it not dictator oriented country)as long she is willing to work in interest of our nation

and my friend anybody has the right to become wahtever he/she wants irrespective of what he/she is(i didn knew waitress cant become powerful its lot better than country run by goons and goondas)
Originally Posted By Chinese-Dragon
If that was true, then a highly qualified Chinese could be the leader of India. But we all know that's not going to happen.

Instead, you chose a white Italian waitress.

Clearly, the qualifications required have nothing to do with actual qualifications. And more to do with something else, that Abii already pointed out.

Dude u r absolutely right u need totally diff qualifications like any lady of china(eg:waitress) can impress rahul and get married to him and there u go she has better chance :P
Great speech by the captain, its also nice he showed how hypocritical UN and HRO are :tup:

I am yet to meet an Iranian who actually supports Ahmedinajad. People are already against the Iranians regime, so why make them suffer :undecided:

The majority of Iranians I've met (IRL and in forums) support him, but regardless whom we meet, its important whom Iranians themselves support. As Longbrained said, democracy is what majority thinks.

Speaking about leaders like Ahmedinajad, many people from other countries would love to have such leader, I know I would. In other thread a lot of Pakistanis (its their forums after all) said they would much rather see Ahmedinajad as president instead of their gutless leaders. Speaking about my EU country (Lithuania), our government are US policy slaves, and when US says they should "jump", they ask "how high?" :disagree: So yes, as European I would love to have Ahmedinajad as a president too, he has brains and guts few leaders have.
what does this thread have to do with ahmdinejad?

wikileaks has already shown that the sanctions imposed by the unites snakes is aimed at the people of Iran to make them overthrow the regim.

P.S for those people who say we are an slave of arabs lol. most Iranian here are not even religious, people in Iran follow religion for many different reason.whether its for personal reason or simply that they want to think that life is not just something meaningless but we are here for a reason and so on. if you're not intelligent enough to realise that don't talk ****. following Islam does not mean you are an slave to the arabs.
Islam,judaism,,christranity all follow the same god. think of god as a destination and religion as a road.
all the roads lead to the same place, its your choice which road to take.
Hate hate hate, that's what sick people all about some people were telling that Arabs racist but now the most Arab racist is no match for those weight less baseless whom try to raise them self's a little bit since they know they're just nothing.
By the way I have yet to meet an Indian who supports BJP. I swear I have never met an Indian who supports them. I wonder how they get the votes. Most probably by beating the people at the voting stations as is common in India in order to get the required vote count.

looks like you have met very few Indians ...

As regards ex-waitresses, we will sort them out on our own terms, outsiders' opinions don't count.
By the way I have yet to meet an Indian who supports BJP. I swear I have never met an Indian who supports them. I wonder how they get the votes. Most probably by beating the people at the voting stations as is common in India in order to get the required vote count.

I would rather you kept your posts to what you excel in - exposing the omnipresent zionists and their secret cabal.

Dont venture into areas you dont have an idea about.

Islam,judaism,,christranity all follow the same god. think of god as a destination and religion as a road.
all the roads lead to the same place, its your choice which road to take.

I hope you know what you did was blasphemy according to Islamists.

Islam is supposed to be the one and only true path..not anyother.
P.S for those people who say we are an slave of arabs lol. most Iranian here are not even religious, people in Iran follow religion for many different reason.whether its for personal reason or simply that they want to think that life is not just something meaningless but we are here for a reason and so on. if you're not intelligent enough to realise that don't talk ****. following Islam does not mean you are an slave to the arabs.

In this case, I didn't say it was just because of Islam. It was because of the black turbans.

Your ruling elite still has to be the black turban wearing kind, meaning Arab descendents!

Frankly, I won't say this and I don't care who you choose or who imposes himself as your leader.

Some wannabe racist from your country, staying in the West, took offense to innocuous comments from a single Indian member and proceeded to show his primitive instincts, egged on by some identity crisis struck individuals.

My post was meant as a rejoinder to that person and some others like him.

I have high regards for Iran, especially her pre Islamic great civilization.

Doesn't mean we have to suffer racist fools from anywhere.

Islam,judaism,,christranity all follow the same god. think of god as a destination and religion as a road.
all the roads lead to the same place, its your choice which road to take.

Our religion teaches us that there are multiple paths to God.

That is not the teaching of Abrahimic religions. They tell you, my way or the highway (to eternal hell).
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