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Gimme a DTA SRS-A1 with .308 winchester and you be the gunner !!! :D :sniper:
sorry bro :( we dont have that :(

are u intersted in Steyr HS-50 instead ? :D

Lol , yep .

thats even low IMHO , lets give u an example . M2 browning machine gun , which is also a 12.7 mm gun , has a maximum range of 6800 meters :)

Maximum firing range 6,800 m (7,400 yd)

M2 Browning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

lol :rofl::rofl:

5000m is probably when fired in air to ground mode. 50 cal is too heavy to sustain trajectory after 1800m. Cool weapon though, the truck mount is suspect. The suspension would screw the aim.
5000m is probably when fired in air to ground mode.
nope , there is no A-G mode here . like M2 browning , its a typical Gatling gun . whereas YAK-B is designed for A-G mode .

50 cal is too heavy to sustain trajectory after 1800m
Visa vers , the heavier the caliber is , the higher the range becomes . lol

like the sweedish oerlikon (20 mm) Oerlikon 20 mm cannon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia L85: • 6,800 m

so although there are some facts like the bullets weight surrounding the equation but normally its like this :

the higher th caliber , the longer the range .

till some point though , after that due to ultra heavy wieght of bullets , it becomes reveresed maybe @Ostad can give u more info on this

the truck mount is suspect. The suspension would screw the aim.
the truck is for parade . it can be mounted on anything .

do you have a vid of it firing?
soon i'll post it here

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