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Iranian fashion: between the veils

Exactly but only on internet.
The member I am quoting is a fake Tamil refugee who is accusing others of being Tamil to cause fractions in the Sri Lankan community. Don't take home seriously.
The member I am quoting is a fake Tamil refugee who is accusing others of being Tamil to cause fractions in the Sri Lankan community. Don't take home seriously.
oh you filthy garbage followed me here? last time I replied you to your previous account, I got a warning from an Admin. Then you cursed Muslims and your account got banned.
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Exactly , no offence intended but we dont like others (foreigners) to be attracted to our women !!!
cause we are muslims !! islam contradicts liberalism . liberalism is made for and by western countries , but we have a 7000 yrs of culture , so we must define how they should act and we should be a model for them , not them for us !!!
okk....I am nt coming there to marry any one ...first thing...
second ....U may talk for urself and what u want but u cannot talk for the whole population of iran and u cannot talk for what women of iran like in their life....its upto them what they decide....
thirdly, I know islam contradicts liberalism but its consequences cannot be hidden in this globalized world.....there are many thing I can speak on it but I will refrain myself of doing so....for the obvious reasons.....

also , let me explain about the pics :

1- these pics are mostly from the Elite parts of iran (the king's family) not the ordinary people . cause iranian people where struggling with rough poverty during shah's time due to his indifference towards people .

he just wasted millions and millions of $ on his daily life .
I can't comment on this part as I do not have much knowledge on Iran modern history....

2- before the revolution iran was a poor , retarded (in science) country , now iran has the highest science production in muslim countries .

iran produces 2% of the worlds science which is 0.6 % higher than the whole arab world . we currently have the world's highest pace in science production rate .
yes Iran is doing great job in science and itss good for ur nation.....
and may be even good for overall humanity......
3- we are muslims and we have a 7000 yr old history , our people had hijab for thousands of years , and i'm proud to announce that there was no timeline in iranian history were my people where atheist or sth .

we always believed in the almighty lord , so count this on cultural difference ;)
hmm....yes ..
persia is one of the oldest civilization on earth......and u must be proud of it.....
but as of hijab its nothing to do with religion or islam as people have been fooled to believe.....
as Islam is desert realm....and people used to wear this this to cover their faces and hair for protection from sand and dust ....
again on ur atheist remark......I can say things but I will refrain .....
most people on earth do believe on almighty lord be it krishna, jesus or allha.....so, how come this is a cultural difference I am nt getting that....
The member I am quoting is a fake Tamil refugee who is accusing others of being Tamil to cause fractions in the Sri Lankan community. Don't take home seriously.
Wait a minute. I just noticed that you consider belonging to your own race as an insult so you said I am belonged to your race just to offend me??? :cheesy::woot:
U may talk for urself and what u want but u cannot talk for the whole population of iran and u cannot talk for what women of iran like in their life....its upto them what they decide
obviously . no one can claim they talk for a nation here .

what i can say is that iranian people can easily get their voice heard by election . thats why people voted for islamic republic with 99.3 percent of the votes

Iranian Islamic Republic referendum, March 1979 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

also , people reiterate on their vote as each and every election passes . 80% voter turnout is not sth anyone can ignore ,when the same "democratic" or "liberal" western countries have a turnout as low as 30% . but they call it democracy :lol:

I can't comment on this part as I do not have much knowledge on Iran modern history
you can ask any iranian member here about that , my family members were martyred by shah . thats how much oppressive he was .

and may be even good for overall humanity......
science production is good for humanity no matter where it comes from

Science and technology in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

.I can say things but I will refrain
i dont know what you are talking about my friend .

i know my country better than i know myself !! of cource if i claim i know india's history better than you , you'll laugh hard .

thus please tell me what are u talking about .

zoroastrianism was there as iran was :

Zoroastrianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Zoroastrianism /ˌzɒroʊˈæstriənɪzəm/, also called Zarathustraism, Mazdaism and Magianism, is an ancient Iranian religion and areligious philosophy. It was once the state religion of the Achaemenid, Parthian, and Sasanian empires. Estimates of the current number of Zoroastrians worldwide vary between 145,000 and 2.6 million.[1]

Zoroastrianism arose in the eastern region of the ancient Persian Empire, when the religious philosopher Zoroaster simplified thepantheon of early Iranian gods[2] into two opposing forces: Spenta Mainyu (Progressive mentality) and Angra Mainyu (Destructive Mentality) under Ahura Mazda (Illuminating Wisdom) in the 7th century BCE.

Zoroaster's ideas led to a formal religion bearing his name by about the 6th century BCE and have influenced other later religions including Judaism, Gnosticism, Christianity and Islam.[3]


so yes , we believed in the lord before anyone else did . we are proud of that but its not a "superiority complex" its simply being proud of praying to lord .

Good luck my dear friend

Wait a minute. I just noticed that you consider belonging to your own race as an insult so you said I am belonged to your race just to offend me??? :cheesy::woot:
just let it go . will u ?
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oh you filthy garbage followed me here? last time I replied you to your previous account, I got a warning from an Admin. Then you cursed Muslims and your account got banned.
What previous account? I have just joined this forum. And @Oscar , this member is resorting to profanities.

Wait a minute. I just noticed that you consider belonging to your own race as an insult so you said I am belonged to your race just to offend me??? :cheesy::woot:
What do you mean? I am a Sri Lankan Sinhalese, i do not belong to any other race.
What previous account? I have just joined this forum. And @Oscar , this member is resorting to profanities.

What do you mean? I am a Sri Lankan Sinhalese, i do not belong to any other race.
I find it disturbing that you are allowed to keep this account. I never reported anyone here including your other troll accounts but it's annoying when people come in false flags to insult a country or a community. Why not come with your real flags?

As I recall you live in a poor area of Wembly which is pretty low class by UK standards hence the reason for this behavior of yours in this forum.

So you admitted that being belonging to your own race is a reason to be ashamed of.

By the way next time you create a fake account, make sure you consider following points.

-Even the most uneducated/racist Sinhalese is not stupid enough to represent his/her race openly especially in adverse circumstances.

-No other Sri Lankan calls anyone by "brother". We put more emphasis on personality rather than community.

-Gang wars/tribal culture does not concern us at all.


I don't want to derail this topic anymore. So I won't respond to any of your posts.
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this biased article talks about Iran's dictator era, yet interestingly tries to distorts the history and hide the events in the Pahlavi era. the fact is that in the era of Reza shah Pahlavi (first dictator of the Pahlavi dynasty), Iranian women had the Hijab, it was Reza shah who declared a low to force women to remove their Hijab and orders his agents in the streets to violate any woman who was wearing Hijab. Reza shah himself was brought to power by a coup directed by U.K, so he was following their orders till the world war 2 which his relations with Germany caused his masters to decide to remove him and appoint his son as the next king (dictator).
I find it disturbing that you are allowed to keep this account. I never reported anyone here including your other troll accounts but it's annoying when people come in false flags to insult a country or a community. Why not come with your real flags?

As I recall you live in a poor area of Wembly which is pretty low class by UK standards hence the reason for this behavior of yours in this forum.

So you admitted that being belonging to your own race is a reason to be ashamed of.

By the way next time you create a fake account, make sure you consider following points.

-Even the most uneducated/racist Sinhalese is not stupid enough to represent his/her race openly especially in adverse circumstances.

-No other Sri Lankan calls anyone by "brother". We put more emphasis on personality rather than community.

-Gang wars/tribal culture does not concern us at all.


I don't want to derail this topic anymore. So I won't respond to any of your posts.
I have no idea what you are talking about, brother?
oh you filthy garbage followed me here? last time I replied you to your previous account, I got a warning from an Admin. Then you cursed Muslims and your account got banned.

He has already started cursing Muslims.

This is his 7th account.
I have got a question to all my Indian compatriots specially @Dem!god !Why the heck did you open a thread about things which are sensitive to our Iranian friends here in this forum:hitwall:!!I mean why on earth did you start to poke into their internal matters:frown:!It's their own choice whether they want to follow the western custom or not in the matters of fashion(btw personally i think the western society has nothing to offer us and the Iranians are absolutely right not to follow those moronic cultures)!!Don't you know that posting pictures of scantily clad women is regarded as offensive in Islamic cultures.How would you feel if some Iranian member start a thread showing Indian women defecating in the open!!Think before you post something like this in an international forum.
Btw i apologize to all the Iranian members specially @haman10 on behalf of my compatriot for opening a provocative thread like this one:tsk:
Number one these pictures were taken from every elite neighbourhoods and did not reflect Iranian women as a general. Most at the time did dress Western, but it still was conservative. I spoke to my uncle who travelled extensively in Iran during the Shah's time and he also confirmed it and said these pictures are far from the reality of the day.

Secondly I don't understand why some Indian posters are mocking the way Iranian women dress now. It's none of your business and shedding your clothes doesn't equal class or being more enlightened. Many Indians also feel the mini dressed bollywood bimbos degrade the true face of Indian women.
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Number one these pictures were taken from every elite neighbourhoods and did not reflect Iranian women as a general. Most at the time did dress Western but it still was conservative. I spoke to my uncle who travelled extensively in Iran during the Shah's time and he also confirmed it and said these pictures are far from the reality of the day.

Secondly I don't understand why some Indian posters are mocking the way Iranian women dress now. It's none of your business and shedding your clothes doesn't equal class or being more enlightened. Many Indians also feel the mini dressed bollywood bimbos degrade the true face of Indian women.
Believe me mate those Bollywood bimbos are seriously ruining our culture:hitwall:.Our culture has taught us to look towards women as mother,sister and wife and not some materialistic consumable goods but for the past three decades Bollywood has seriously undermined that image which has been impressed on us by the Indic culture for thousands of years.Women have always command the highest respect in our society and our Dharmic faithg has taught us to worship female deities as the source of Universal power and the destroyer of evil.We have nothing in common with the western civilisation or culture,ours is an unique culture and we should preserve it by all means....:coffee:
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