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Iranian fashion: between the veils

These are the products of a dictator's enforced secularism. There are photos taken from the Soviet enclave from Kabul and presented as the 'liberal' Afghanistan for propaganda purposes. Shah of Iran's secularization project failed miserably and the same people kicked him out after they realized how big of a threat his wild pseudo western ideals were to the otherwise well evolved Iranic culture.

Our country was going through its golden age back than .. When I get time il make a thread on it..

As for the topic .. Elite were/are already like this from Afghanistan to Sudan ..

Funny thing: Becoming half-naked, and laughable and imitating West like Monkeys is considered "good" and "fashion" here by many Indian members.

No wonder India has lost its culture, and respect and have become a 'monkey' of the "Master" West.

Islamic World, however, has retained its culture, tradition, religion and so on....heck, even INSIDE Western World, Islamic people have their own unique culture...and we Muslims must be proud of that..since we are a historical superpowers and global shappers of human existence.

Let india be 'happy' by imitating western gargabe in the name of 'fashion'...

These Iranian women are REAL bad-asses


PS, "fashion" isn't just imitating Western ways...but what do slave indians know?

There is a booming 'Islamic Fashion' Industry all across Muslim nations....

Some samples






Superior, dominating civilizations/cultures keep their identity with pride! Offcourse, interaction with other civilizations being change, but "over-all", the superior civilizations don't change....and Islamic World is the same. Even though going through at its worst, Islamic World has not only "maintained", but even expanded its global cultural spread and reach..Mashallah!

Amongst ALL other peoples in the West, only Islamic people have their own unique culture and they carry it on everyday basis. For example, Koreans might wear some 'traditional' Korean dress whatever on 'cultural day' at high school---but Muslim girls wear Hijab everyday! and carry Islamic culture/manners with them..Mashallah....

Here is an example of American-Muslim girls....Fully American, fully Muslim...a unique identity of their own...Look at this one youtube video showing different faces of contemporary Muslim girls' life in U.S

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the same goes for everyone in this region !

every single country from iran to pakistan and afghanistan and others have a history and culture much more rich than its western rivals .

our cultures cannot be overthrown by west no matter how hard they try

By western culture you surely mean the post-modern pop culture right?

@TeesraIndiotHunter you think Indians ape some western culture? Certainly we, like everyone else is affected by the modern pop culture, which is becoming more and more global by the day. But aping the west???

BTW Pakistanis who follow the Islamic culture are aping a ''western culture'' (Islamic culture came from your west), whereas Indians are many times more steeped in our own language, religion, festivals, music, dance forms, greetings etc etc. So cut the crap.
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@TeesraIndiotHunter you think Indians ape some western culture? Certainly we, like everyone else is affected by the modern pop culture, which is becoming more and more global by the day. But aping the west???

BTW Pakistanis who follow the Islamic culture are aping a ''western culture'' (Islamic culture came from your west), whereas Indians are many times more steeped in our own language, religion, festivals, music, dance forms, greetings etc etc. So cut the crap.

I already said in my post...interaction with other civilizations is normal thing....Islamic World, Europe, China etc all interact and exchange with each other.

India, however, is becoming "westernized" ...Your values, your films, your modern urban clothing...EVERYTHING is total 'aping' of West. So much so that your fellow countrymen open threads here to show how "following west" is "fashion" while all other is crap.

The idea of living together in a sexual relationship under one roof without marriage is becoming acceptable in Indian outlook. Your films *actively* project this idea and so on. Tell me if Pakistan has anything similar to that? lol

Pakistanis don't follow any culture. We have our own culture, Mashallah...

This thing becomes CLEAR when you visit west....Indians, specially young Indians, lose their culture in its entirety in Western World. There is, literally, no difference between them and other people in West.

Islamic people maintain, excel, and even spread their culture while living inside the West--Mashallah.

Anyways, thats a different topic all together. But even you know inside your heart that what I'm saying is right...

Islam is a global civilizational force with its own, unique social, religious, cultural, political, and even military aspects..and it is found in every single inch of the world..Mashallah. The largest civilizational force humanity has ever experienced till now.

India has no such 'projection' power or such culture. You know it, I know it.

But on the bright side, Indians don't get the shit in the West for "not assimilating well enough" :lol:
Some people confuse Islamic culture which came from Arabia and nearby civilizations with "their" culture.

As I know Iranians are much more liberal now than in Shah's time due to the Islamic revolution. If you posted this thread in Middle East section then you would get posts from other Iranian members who share a different view.
By western culture you surely mean the post-modern pop culture right?
yes mate , although there is not much of a "pre modern" western culture either . they had none . except all of our countries .

Some people confuse Islamic culture which came from Arabia and nearby civilizations with "their" culture.

As I know Iranians are much more liberal now than in Shah's time due to the Islamic revolution. If you posted this thread in Middle East section then you would get posts from other Iranian members who share a different view.
if you just look at the posts , they have thanked mine .

besides you can mention all of them .

@Serpentine (you get a lot of mentions these days :D poor you ) @Ostad @mohsen @kollang @Islam shall be the winner @SOHEIL and others
yes mate , although there is not much of a "pre modern" western culture either . they had none . except all of our countries .

if you just look at the posts , they have thanked mine .

besides you can mention all of them .

@Serpentine (you get a lot of mentions these days :D poor you ) @Ostad @mohsen @kollang @Islam shall be the winner @SOHEIL and others
How about the rest?

@rmi5 @Abii @gilmard @Sam1980 @rahi2357 Can't remember the names of others.

And of course, they will thank your post. I don't find it as a surprise at all.
How about the rest?
@gilmard @Sam1980 @rahi2357 Can't remember the names of others.

And of course, they will thank your post. I don't find it as a surprise at all.

exactly , except the first two , all of them are very good people and their comments are wise

@Gilamard @Sam1980 @rahi2357

beside , this is not a concern of yours . stop poking your nose in everything .
exactly , except the first two , all of them are very good people and their comments are wise

@Gilamard @Sam1980 @rahi2357

beside , this is not a concern of yours . stop poking your nose in everything .
I comment wherever I want. Who's going to stop me? That's why it's called an "international forum".

After all this is just a forum not life.
And of course, they will thank your post. I don't find it as a surprise at all
there is this fact called embarrassment , if you poke your nose into everything which is not a concern of yours , it will hapen to you .

iranians are all united on their culture

I comment wherever I want. Who's going to stop me? That's why it's called an "international forum".

After all this is just a forum not life.
dont cry like a 2yr old baby ! i cant stop you , but i recommend that you keep your human values and dont get embarrassed by poking your nose in others affairs .

thats all my friend
there is this fact called embarrassment , if you poke your nose into everything which is not a concern of yours , it will hapen to you .

iranians are all united on their culture
Where did I say no?

Embarrassment? This is internet where nothing matters. So sad that you take an internet forum this serious. As I said before, I poke my nose wherever I want. Be it Chinese section or Middle East section. Stop me if you can.
dont cry like a 2yr old baby ! i cant stop you , but i recommend that you keep your human values and dont get embarrassed by poking your nose in others affairs .

thats all my friend

Ok my friend. One post is enough to say it. Don't repeat it everywhere.
Embarrassment? This is internet where nothing matters. So sad that you take an internet forum this serious. As I said before, I poke my nose wherever I want. Be it Chinese section or Middle East section. Stop me if you can.
So technically, you are a nose poker
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