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Iranian Economy.....news and discussions

Like after JCPOA when sanctions were lifted and oil price fallen to $40?

No, thanks.

How come oil price is fallen when there is no change in Iranian oil supply ? There will be little correction, but market in longer course will depend on supply and demand where if what you said is right than there will be no additional Iranian oil supply, the amount will be the same, the different is that Iran will be able to sell its oil based on market price
Another good strategy of the current government is the trade with Africa..Iranian products will make easy inroads into Africa due to Advantage in prices (cheap energy to produce them).

Iranian Exports to African Countries Rise by 50% (in 6 months and non-oil)​

Iranian exports to 37 African countries reached some 1.311 million metric tons worth $696.7 million in the five months to August 22.
Mining sector marching forward...good chance to buy a mine and get rich if you like to work hard.:azn:

Iran to auction 5,000 small, medium-sized mines​

Saturday, 08 October 2022 6:42 PM [ Last Update: Saturday, 08 October 2022 6:42 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Iran will auction some 5,000 small, medium-sized mines as part of efforts to spur activity in the sector.
Iran plans to auction thousands of small and medium-sized mines as part of its efforts to create more jobs and spur more activity in its booming metals and mining sector.
Iran’s Minister of Industries, Mine and Trade Reza Fatemi Amin said on Saturday that the Iranian government will hold 5,000 auctions within the next three months to sell the mines to private investors.
“Some 5,000 government-owned mines will be put at the disposal of people for a first time with the purpose of using these resources to boost production and jobs in the country,” Fatemi Amin was quoted as saying by the IRIB News.
The minister made the remarks while visiting a coal mine in the northeastern province of Golestan. He said the move to privatize small and medium sized mines will be a unique project that would trigger a boom in the Iranian mining sector.

The Iranian government has already divested its shares in many large mines across the country although those shares have mostly been purchased by financial institutions and semi-government companies.
Selling mines to smaller investors will be first in Iran as the country moves to diversify its economy away from crude revenues.
That comes as Iran has increasingly relied on exports revenues from its metals and mining sector since 2018 when oil exports from the country came under American sanctions.
Mining output and exports have grown steadily in Iran in recent years while the government has been able to create tens of thousands of new jobs in the sector, especially for the youth living in the poorer regions of the country.

Russia Plans to Sign Contracts for Developing Iran’s Oil, Gas Fields​

Gazprom is developing a plan, worth $40 billion, to help NIOC with the development of Kish and North Pars gas fields as well as six oilfields

Russian gas producer Gazprom is devising a comprehensive plan to develop six oilfields and two gas fields in Iran, and expects to sign contracts by the end of the current Iranian year (March 2023), deputy oil minister for international affairs and trade said.

“Negotiations were conducted on the issue during the visit of Iranian oil minister and his delegation at the weekend to Moscow where he participated in the Caspian Economic Conference,” the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana also quoted Ahmad Asadzadeh as saying.

“In this trip, Javad Owji met Alexander Novak, the deputy prime minister of Russia and the head of the Russian side of the Joint Economic Commission, and discussed holding a joint commission in Russia from Oct. 30 to Nov. 1. In the meeting, it was decided that the two sides finalize and prepare the road map for bilateral cooperation as soon as possible,” he added.
when I say bunch of traitors and sellouts control our economy ,
right now on TV there was report on Iran exported 200t of Saffron to Qatar for 300 million Dollar thats 1500 Dollar/kilogram and they talked about it as if they did a wonderous thing
the illiterate reporter even did not knew what treason just happened.
I could not copy the packaging from TV just let say it was like it maybe a little bigger

and this is how Qatar is going to export it to the rest of the world several time that price




congratulation we just sold half the world saffron to them
there is only 40% of it remained to be exported to 60 other country under our name
by the way its the price of saffron in europe
something around 6990 euro/kilogram
when I say bunch of traitors and sellouts control our economy ,
right now on TV there was report on Iran exported 200t of Saffron to Qatar for 300 million Dollar thats 1500 Dollar/kilogram and they talked about it as if they did a wonderous thing
the illiterate reporter even did not knew what treason just happened.
I could not copy the packaging from TV just let say it was like it maybe a little bigger

and this is how Qatar is going to export it to the rest of the world several time that price




congratulation we just sold half the world saffron to them
there is only 40% of it remained to be exported to 60 other country under our name
by the way its the price of saffron in europe
something around 6990 euro/kilogram
A very good point..The same issue with Iranian Medical equipment...They are bought by east european countries and re-branded as made in Europe with several times the price..I was told this by a Medical rep herself so it is first hand info.
This issue is because Iran lacks marketing skills and also Iran name is toxic in commerce because of threat of sanctions.

My suggestion...Hire few professional marketing people and make them teach the Iranians how to market..the second issue related to sanction is more difficult to fix...I have noticed China also has difficulty marketing their products in the west due to marketing skills (just try to read the operating instructions that is translated by someone who is not an English speaker) but of course they already sell mostly to Western outfits that do the marketing themselves.
Iran Oil Reserves now:
208 billion barrelso_O..New discoveries have increased the total proven reserves. I recall a decade ago we were at at 145..
Combined with Gas reserves (2nd largest in the world) that makes Iran the Largest hydrocarbon country in the world

Iran Oil Reserves now:
208 billion barrelso_O..New discoveries have increased the total proven reserves. I recall a decade ago we were at at 145..
Combined with Gas reserves (2nd largest in the world) that makes Iran the Largest hydrocarbon country in the world

View attachment 886397
Is it all economically viable to extract?
Is it all economically viable to extract?
With today's Technology Well recovery rates have improved dramatically.. Typical is 40% but with new tech it can be as high as 60%..Russian participation with Iranian Oil will give Iran access to the new technologies.
With today's Technology Well recovery rates have improved dramatically.. Typical is 40% but with new tech it can be as high as 60%..Russian participation with Iranian Oil will give Iran access to the new technologies.
Still solar and nuclear is the way to go now
But so much oil discovered black gold 😅
How has iran increased its production over the years man ?
Still solar and nuclear is the way to go now
But so much oil discovered black gold 😅
How has iran increased its production over the years man ?
New explorations...It costs $$ to drill exploratory oil wells. Iran and Iraq are two countries that still have undiscovered oil reserves.
This is not going to make Trump very happy:p:

Interesting facts about Iranian OIL sales that are not advertised (credit goes to Raisi government and Oil prices! data is by "American free bacon"):

  • Iranian OIL income in 2020: $12.5 billion dollars (peak of Trump sanctions)
  • Iranian Oil income in 2022: $43 billiono_O
  • Just in 5 months Iranian Oil and oil related products have increased 5 fold (data ..Iranian government).
Keep in mind this is just crude OIL income and not Oil products or natural gas income . No wonder Iran is not interested to revive JCPOA...Keep those centrifuges spinning!:azn:

عصبانیت محافل آمریکایی از افزایش صادرات نفت ایران با وجود تحریم‌ها

عصبانیت محافل آمریکایی از افزایش صادرات نفت ایران با وجود تحریم‌ها

یک لابی ضدایرانی با اعلام اینکه در سال ۲۰۲۲ درآمد نفتی ایران به ۴۳ میلیارد دلار رسیده، نسبت به خنثی‌سازی تحریم‌ها از سوی ایران اظهار نگرانی کرد.
به گزارش مشرق به نقل از وبگاه آمریکایی «واشنگتن فری‌بیکن»، لابی «متحد علیه ایران هسته‌ای» (UANI) در گزارشی اعلام کرده درآمدهای نفتی ایران در دو سال گذشته در مقایسه با سال‌های ۲۰۱۹ و ۲۰۲۰، به بیش از چهار برابر رسیده است.
براساس این گزارش، ایران از زمان روی کار آمدن جو بایدن، تنها در یک مورد ۳۸ میلیارد دلار نفت به چین فروخته و درآمد حاصل از این فروش را نیز وارد کشور کرده است.
براساس این گزارش، ایران در سال ۲۰۲۰ که سال اوج‌گیری همه‌گیری کرونا در جهان بود، تنها ۱۲ و نیم میلیارد دلار نفت فروخته بود.
اما در سال ۲۰۲۱ درآمد نفتی ایران جهش یافته و به ۳۰ میلیارد و ۹ میلیون دلار رسیده و در سال جاری نیز درآمد نفتی ایران به لطف افزایش قیمت نفت در بازار جهانی و افزایش تقاضا به بیش از ۴۳ میلیارد دلار رسیده است.
دلایل افزایش فروش نفت
لابی «متحد علیه ایران هسته‌ای» یکی از دلایل افزایش درآمد نفتی ایران با وجود باقی‌ماندن تحریم‌های نفتی و بانکی آمریکا را سهل‌گیری دولت بایدن به منظور افزایش شانس احیای برجام با ایران عنوان کرده است.
برخلاف این ادعا اما ناظران معتقدند سیاست «خنثی‌سازی» تحریم که از سوی ایران به‌ویژه در دولت ابراهیم رئیسی به مورد اجرا گذاشته شده، دلیل اصلی افزایش صادرات و درآمدهای نفتی ایران بوده است.
«کلر جانگمن» رئیس ستاد لابی «متحد علیه ایران هسته‌ای» با انتقاد از رویکرد دولت بایدن نسبت به احیای برجام و سهل‌گیری از اجرای تحریم‌های نفتی علیه ایران، به واشنگتن فری‌بیکن گفت: «ایران دیگر هیچ انگیزه‌ای برای امضای یک توافق هسته‌ای جدید ندارد، زیرا این کشور در حال حاضر و در نتیجه اجرای ضعیف تحریم‌ها به هر چیزی که می‌خواهد و حتی فراتر از خواسته‌هایش می‌رسد.»
براساس گزارش این لابی ضدایرانی، ایران در سال ۲۰۲۰ تنها حدود ۶.۶ میلیارد دلار نفت به چین فروخته بود، در حالی که در سال ۲۰۲۱ و پس از روی کار آمدن بایدن‌، این کشور بیش از ۲۳ میلیارد و یکصد میلیون دلار از فروش نفت خود به چین به دست آورده است و در سال جاری (۲۰۲۲) نیز این رقم حتی بیش از میزان درآمد سال ۲۰۲۱ خواهد بود.
افزایش ۸ برابری درآمد نفتی ایران
اظهار نگرانی آمریکایی‌ها نسبت به خنثی‌شدن تحریم‌ها و افزایش چهار برابر درآمدهای نفتی ایران در حالی است که برخی گزارش‌ها از افزایش هشت برابری درآمدهای نفتی کشورمان خبر می‌دهد.
به گزارش خبرگزاری تسنیم، گزارش‌های آماری رسمی دولت حاکی است، درآمدهای حاصل از صادرات نفت و فرآورده‌های نفتی در سال ۱۴۰۰ بیش از ۱۱ برابر و در پنج ماه اول سال ۱۴۰۱ نسبت به مدت مشابه حدود هشت برابر شده است.
خنثی‌سازی تحریم‌ها
هنر دولت سیزدهم در این بوده که بدون اتکا به وعده‌های پوشالی غرب و متکی‌شدن به برجام، مسیر خنثی‌سازی تحریم‌ها به‌ویژه در حوزه نفت را در پیش گرفته است. دولت توانست با به‌کارگیری روش‌های ابتکاری، نفت بفروشد و پول آن را هم برگرداند.
بازارسازی تضمینی برای فروش نفت خام، راهکاری برای خنثی‌سازی تحریم نفتی بوده است که از سال‌ها قبل در دسترس بود ولی کسی به‌دنبال آن نرفت. دولت سیزدهم این راهکار را پیش برد و در نهایت موفق به خنثی‌سازی تحریم‌های فروش نفت و افزایش چشمگیر صادرات نفت به کشور ونزوئلا به‌عنوان اولین مقصد پالایشگاه‌داری فراسرزمینی شد. در این زمینه شهریورماه امسال یک مقام آگاه در وزارت نفت خبر داد به کمک صدور خدمات فنی و مهندسی به ونزوئلا، ظرفیت یک پالایشگاه این کشور چندین برابر شده و از ۱۰ تا ۱۵ هزار بشکه در روز به ۵۵ تا ۹۰ هزار بشکه در روز رسیده است.
یکی دیگر از راه‌های پیش‌روی کشور، ایجاد واحدهای پتروپالایشگاهی است که به تنوع محصولات تولیدی، اشتغال‌زایی و کم‌اثر یا بی‌اثر شدن تحریم‌های نفتی می‌انجامد. در همین رابطه، مردادماه امسال تفاهم‌نامه مشارکت و تأمین مالی ساخت پتروپالایشگاه «شهید قاسم سلیمانی» با ظرفیت پالایش روزانه ۳۰۰ هزار بشکه‌ نفت خام سنگین و پالایشگاه «مروارید مکران» با ظرفیت پالایش روزانه ۳۰۰ هزار بشکه نفت خام سنگین و فوق‌سنگین با همکاری سرمایه‌گذاران و شرکت‌های داخلی در حضور رئیس‌جمهوری امضا شد. امید می‌رود با اتمام این طرح‌های بزرگ، هم ایران صادرکننده بنزین باقی بماند و هم زمینه خنثی‌سازی تحریم بیش از گذشته فراهم شود.

Some very encouraging news on Iranian economy with sanction in full force:o_O

1- 40% increase of Exports (OIL+non-OIL) last year

2- 13% increase of Exports (non-OIL) in the current 6 months only.

3- GDP growth of 5% in 6 months the GOAL of 8% is attainable by the years end (March 2023).

MY respect to the Raisi government team..They know what they are doing and the numbers are showing the effects.

رئیسی: سال گذشته علی‌رغم تحریم‌ها ۴۰ درصد رشد صادرات و امسال ۱۳ درصد رشد صادرات غیرنفتی داشتیم

Some very encouraging news on Iranian economy with sanction in full force:o_O

1- 40% increase of Exports (OIL+non-OIL) last year

2- 13% increase of Exports (non-OIL) in the current 6 months only.

3- GDP growth of 5% in 6 months the GOAL of 8% is attainable by the years end (March 2023).

MY respect to the Raisi government team..They know what they are doing and the numbers are showing the effects.

رئیسی: سال گذشته علی‌رغم تحریم‌ها ۴۰ درصد رشد صادرات و امسال ۱۳ درصد رشد صادرات غیرنفتی داشتیم

I don't know man. I'm not seeing it reflected in people's daily lives. I hope it's being saved or spent on something special.
If it were up to me, I'd buy as much gold as possible so we could finally establish a commodity backed currency.
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