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Iranian economist: 'China is the worst business partner Iran ever had'

Actually world is that simple. face the reality and see what happened to ZTE. other Chinese weren't as stupid!

You wish :lol:.
wait, actually Iranian vanished during Iran-Iraq war when all world powers united to defeat Iran.
All the blabbering about current Iranian presence in middle east is just ghost stories. I'm a ghost too.
yes we are not that stupid, thats why you only know ZTE and thats all, and regardless of thousands of other Chinese high tech companies with annual output is more than U.S and Japan combined (WIPO figures)````accroding to your funny logic, American super carriers are built with Chinese equipment does that mean America's super carrier is using "Chinese" tech````pure nonsens, only simpleton and ignorant kids would think like that
Iranian think and do things like wayward and extreme children
They will win everything on line debate, and lose everyting in real world
Would China support its friends when it comes to American sanctions, sacrificing its own benefits?

So take it easy bud, that's words of an economist. In Iran, Chinese folks are considered friendly people. And every country puts its own benefits/agenda in the first place. We and our economists have to learn this hard lesson, China as a developing country highly depends upon American currency and economic system. The economist has overestimated China in his own mind.
Would China support its friends when it comes to American sanctions, sacrificing its own benefits?

So take it easy bud, that's words of an economist. In Iran, Chinese folks are considered friendly people. And every country puts its own benefits/agenda in the first place. We and our economists have to learn this hard lesson, China as a developing country highly depends upon American currency and economic system. The economist has overestimated China in his own mind.
China have show our altitude and support through What Chinese government have expressed and done

The point is whatever we have done, there is always critisize from Iranian people,even the worst defame from your so called economist

What Iran behaved is just like a ignorant child, You are pushing your friend leave you
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China have show our altitude and support through What Chinese government have expressed and done

The point is whatever we have done, there is always critisize from Iranian people,even the worst defame from your so called economist

What Iran behaved is just like a ignorant child
Chinese economists also criticize Iranian economic system. In most cases, I have agreed with them. So what is your point buddy?

This economist is sharing his own thoughts, maybe he thought that China has an independent economic system which could ignore American sanctions, while we both know that China has a big share of American market.

As I said, our problem is not China, we should build an economy that depends upon no one. An export oriented economy that works with world not based on selling oil. China had passed through this process almost 50 years ago, I believe that we can get rid of this shitty economy using the Chinese model. And we will have our friends
Chinese economists also criticize Iranian economic system. In most cases, I have agreed with them. So what is your point buddy?

This economist is sharing his own thoughts, maybe he thought that China has an independent economic system which could ignore American sanctions, while we both know that China has a big share of American market.

As I said, our problem is not China, we should build an economy that depends upon no one. An export oriented economy that works with world not based on selling oil. China had passed through this process almost 50 years ago, I believe that we can get rid of this shitty economy using the Chinese model. And we will have our friends
My Masoom Persian friend, you do some how manages to steer the ship away from the iceberg. strictly talking about you :D
My Masoom Persian friend, you do some how manages to steer the ship away from the iceberg. strictly talking about you :D
Well I wish I were persian

Anyway, guys are exaggerating thoughts of an economist. Before Trump declared trade war on China, Chinese companies were completely dependent on American assets. Which means they cannot say something against the will of Washington. Problem is not China, it's dollar that separates free countries like a virus.

Now a great chance is appeared to end its filthy dominance. I hope China stands up to the bully, EU is also suffering from this phenomenon.
Well I wish I were persian

Anyway, guys are exaggerating thoughts of an economist. Before Trump declared trade war on China, Chinese companies were completely dependent on American assets. Which means they cannot say something against the will of Washington. Problem is not China, it's dollar that separates free countries like a virus.

Now a great chance is appeared to end its filthy dominance. I hope China stands up to the bully, EU is also suffering from this phenomenon.
Do what iran can do
Don’t always hope others do this or that

This is your people’s mental illness

Now china is facing trade war with USA, china didn’t ask any country do this or that according to ourself’s understanding. We will solve the problems through our ways
Do what iran can do
Don’t always hope others do this or that

This is your people’s mental illness
And your mental problem my friend, is that you think everyone should believe in you. That's not the way it goes around.

Btw, USA is a bully and highly likely they will continue to bully you, and force their goods into your markets. Your government accepted to buy 200 bn $ American goods yet Trump is saying that you should do more.

Better to get rid of them or do whatever you like. We live our life here,
Can't blame China. Its unfair to blame the Chinese .Afterall there are no friends in geopolitics and every country is out there for their own national interests.. Why should China look after Iran's interests or well being instead of its own people? Lol Only very naive people will believe that. There's no free lunch out there. China is doing what's best for China like every sane government should do.
Iran can only blame its leaders and politicians, since every country's current situation/policies is determined and shaped by their leaders. So can't always lay the blame on 'others'. That's just looking for an easy way out, doesn't solve the underlying issue
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And your mental problem my friend, is that you think everyone should believe in you. That's not the way it goes around.

Btw, USA is a bully and highly likely they will continue to bully you, and force their goods into your markets. Your government accepted to buy 200 bn $ American goods yet Trump is saying that you should do more.

Better to get rid of them or do whatever you like. We live our life here,
If you are poor, there will be many reasons, but first solve the mental problems

Iran is country with long history, I believe you people have the wisdom to find right way to solve the problems

Don’t screw up everything
Give me a break, we aren't forcing anyone to do business with us.

As if India is bankrupting herself with a record Current account deficit just to be friendly to China!

Indian business and Indian consumers choose the most competitively priced product to get the most value.

Nobody deals with China to do us a favour. They do it because we offer the most competitive deal for them, they CHOOSE to deal with us.
Agree 100%
Agree 100%
As usual Old fox and evil witch is in the middle of other fights and pouring oil on the fire.
Don't worry for us, we will soon bring your shitty country under our missile umbrella with nuke warhead. The sissy and stupid period of Rouhani is ending. Europe is the only and bigger loser of the Trump policies.
Americans are pushing Iran to build the bomb. They prefer nuclear Iran rather than Normal Iran.
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