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Iranian CPEC?

May 7, 2012
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United Kingdom
THE Petroleum Economist of Sept 3 reported that China has agreed to invest up to $290 billion in the development of Iran’s oil, gas and petroleum sectors, and another $120bn in its transport and manufacturing infrastructure. This is a calculated kick aimed at America’s strategic objectives.

According to the report, China will have the first right of refusal on all projects in Iran and a 12 per cent guaranteed discount on energy imports from there. China will provide the “technology, systems, process ingredients and personnel required to complete such projects” including “up to 5,000 Chinese security personnel on the ground to protect Chinese projects….”

China’s agreement to so massively finance Iran’s development is an extension of its Belt and Road Initiative. It is also an ‘in your face’ response to America’s aggressive trade, technology and military moves against China over the last year. It will prick the balloon of the US strategy of ‘maximum pressure’ against Iran designed to bring the latter to its knees economically and oblige it to accept additional constraints on its nuclear and missile programs (beyond the JCPOA) and curb its politico-military ambitions in the Middle East. In entering this agreement, China has announced that it is not intimidated by the “secondary sanctions” which the US has threatened to impose on companies and countries which continue economic relations with Iran in defiance of America’s unilateral sanctions against Iran.

China can import virtually all of Iran’s oil and gas production. This could increase Iran’s oil exports manifold from 200,000 barrels per day at present to its full capacity over 4-5 million bpd. China’s energy giants — CNPC, CNOC, Sinopec — can rapidly expand Iran’s oil and gas production from existing and new fields. Iran will not need other markets, such as India which has halted oil imports from Iran in compliance with US sanctions.

China’s agreement to massively finance Iran’s development is an extension of its Belt and Road Initiative.

A considerable part of Iran’s gas could be exported via the existing Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline and new oil pipelines can be constructed on the same route. This will significantly diminish the threat of a US/Western maritime energy blockade against China or Iran. Further, China’s reliance on US-friendly energy suppliers in the Gulf (Saudi Arabia, UAE) and East Asia (Indonesia, Brunei) will be dramatically reduced since it could meet all or most of its requirements from Iran and Russia.

The transport infrastructure which China plans to build in Iran, including high-speed rail on several routes, will provide Beijing with additional avenues for its trade — overland trade through Iran and Turkey to and from Europe and maritime trade through Iranian ports (including, ironically, the hitherto Indian-sponsored port of Chahbahar) to the Middle East, Africa and beyond.

Iran’s economic partnership with China will supplement its current close security ties with Russia and alter Middle East power equations. China will acquire considerable influence over Tehran’s nuclear and security policies, adding to its leverage with the West including the US. On the other hand, Iran’s reinforced ‘strategic’ partnership with China will considerably enhance its capacity to promote its policy objectives in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Afghanistan. Iran may also feel sufficiently emboldened to retaliate robustly to Israel’s frequent strikes on its military assets and militia affiliates in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.

In Yemen, Iran is now playing a more open role to promote a political settlement which accommodates the Houthis. The Arab coalition has been weakened by an unsuccessful military campaign, internal differences and US and Western criticism of the human cost of the conflict.

In Syria, President Bashar al-Assad has clearly won the civil war against the Western Gulf coalition with the support of Russia and Iran. Once its economy is stabilised, Iran could play an even more robust role not only in Syria but also Iraq and Lebanon.

Iran and China may also enhance their influence in Afghanistan. Donald Trump has declared that the agreement with the Taliban is ‘dead’ — at least for now. The most significant provision of this agreement was not the withdrawal of 5,000 American soldiers but the Taliban’s acceptance of the continued presence of 8,600 US ‘counterterrorism’ forces. These troops would prolong US capacity for force projection within and across Afghanistan’s borders. Now, it is possible that the Afghan Taliban, perhaps at Iran’s instance, may no longer accept the rump US presence in a revived deal.

China’s Iran partnership would supplement and reinforce its long-standing strategic participation with Pakistan. Obviously, Beijing wants strategic relationships with both. However, the Iranian partnership offers China another strategic ‘window’ besides CPEC and insurance against possible US or Indian disruption of the China-Pakistan corridor. Moreover, over time, the Sino-Iran economic partnership could add a security and military dimension.Western pundits often speak of a Chinese naval base in Gwadar. In fact, it could well appear in Chahbahar.

Time is running out for India to make a strategic choice between an ‘Asian Order’, combining China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey and Central Asia under the SCO and the BRI, or an alliance with the US and participation in its ‘Indo-Pacific’ strategy. So far, India has had the best of both worlds. It is building an alliance with the US to emerge as China’s Asian ‘equal’ and establish its domination over South Asia and the Indian ocean. Yet, India pleads for US ‘strategic altruism’ to enable it to preserve its traditional arms supply relationship with Russia and its growing trade and investment cooperation with China. As the Sino-US global confrontation intensifies, the strategic space for India, and others, to manoeuvre between the two global powers will become progressively narrow. China’s forthright support to Pakistan on occupied Kashmir is an early indication of the emerging alignments.

So far, despite Trump’s hostile trade tariffs, technology restrictions and military pugnacity, China has kept open the option of reverting to a ‘win-win’ cooperative relationship with the US. But, a firm consensus seems to have emerged in Washington that China is America’s primary rival and threat to its century of global dominance and that China’s further rise can and must be stopped by a ‘whole-of-government’ strategy of comprehensive containment and confrontation. China appears to have picked up the gauntlet. A titanic clash is in the offing across the world.

The writer is a former Pakistan ambassador to the UN.

This is interesting news. If this gains traction Chinese shadow on Iran would entirely obliterate indian influence. You can say Chah to Chah Bahar. This also would force Pakistan and Iran to work together and both would be subject to Chinese overarching purview as both would have to be in tune to leverage in a global strategic environmemt.

Thoughts? @Mangus Ortus Novem @OsmanAli98
I can't see this happening ...
Remind me exactly how much oil India has imported from Iran since last May? Zero or صفر ? I said it all along on PDF that when push came to shove India would flush Iran down the gutter. And it did. Wake up and smell the weed. Fact is China is far less pliable to US pressure or influence. And will get less so even more as we move forward.

Even now Chinese are one of the few STILL importing oil from Iran.

China continued Iran oil imports in July in teeth of U.S. sanctions: analysts

The imports are continuing at a precarious moment in U.S.-China relations: The flow is hampering U.S. President Donald Trump’s efforts to choke off oil exports vital to Iran through sanctions, just as tensions rise in the festering U.S.-China trade dispute that has cast a pall over the global economy.

Senior Trump administration officials estimate that 50-70% of Iran’s oil exports are flowing to China, while roughly 30% go to Syria.


but iranians will not give freedom as chinese got in pakistan.
So? You focus on how much freedom you gave to USA in forcing you to stop buying Iranian oil.
but iranians will not give freedom as chinese got in pakistan.
Iran has agreed to the deployment of 5000 Chinese soldiers while Pakistan has its own task force that takes care of CPEC. But a saffron chaddi and pathological Pakistan hater won't acknowledge that.
Iran’s foreign minister Javad Zarif looks to China, Japan, Malaysia to seek relief from US sanctions


Asia fears ‘second cold war’ as Donald Trump pushes Iran into Chinese arms

    • Washington’s ‘maximum pressure’ campaign to limit Iran’s nuclear initiatives is prompting Tehran to pivot to Beijing and Moscow, experts say
This is interesting news. If this gains traction Chinese shadow on Iran would entirely obliterate indian influence. You can say Chah to Chah Bahar. This also would force Pakistan and Iran to work together and both would be subject to Chinese overarching purview as both would have to be in tune to leverage in a global strategic environmemt.

Thoughts? @Mangus Ortus Novem @OsmanAli98
Amen to that

lets see how it actually plays out in practice
Amen to that
AS far as logic and strategy go this one is a no brainer. The fact is we are moving toward a bipolar world and the the only alternative to US power is China. Given that US is out to screw Iran and snuff it to death. This is obvious as Iranian oil exports are now down 1/10 of what they were last year. Think about this. Most of Iranian exports and foreign exchange is from oil sales. Iran is another petrol economy like Saudia, UAE etc. Rreduction of 1/10 is killing Iran. That is why Zarif arse is on fire and he has been going everywhere. The final slap [which should wake up Iran] came from India when they stopped all oil imports from Tehran. So much for Chah Bahar and blah blah.

Given this reality Iran would have even more reason to ally with China then Pakistan does. Tehran could reap 10 times more benefit from China as the later could buy all Iranian oil exports and in return develop Iranian oil/gas industry. It is a match made in heaven but the problem is the mullahs, like any mullahs never follow any logic. Result Iran often ends up eating 100 onions and 100 lashings.

But still let;'s hope sanity prevails in Iran. Also as @Mangus Ortus Novem said Chinese play the global chess game real well. I think in fullness of time they will get Iran in their orbit of influence. Geography, economy and strategic imperatives will see to that.
I think the reports about Chinese $280 billion investment in Iran have been discussed here before and Chinese said its fake news.

Even if its true, how would China deal with US sanctions?
I think the reports about Chinese $280 billion investment in Iran have been discussed here before and Chinese said its fake news.

Even if its true, how would China deal with US sanctions?
Do you have a source/link to the Chinese rejection?
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