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Iranian couple mugged, brutally beaten up in India

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I mean which robber mugs and beats up their victims????!!! This is unheard of!!! Everywhere else Robbers usually set appointments for the said robbery and are polite and gentle when taking your valuables...
Indians should be ashamed of such uncivilized behavior from these Robbers...It must be because they are Hindus..

BTW...Did the news report say anything about whether the victims were robbed because they were Iranian or was it because they looked like they had money?
Im sure it was because of the Iranian thing...quite positive that the robbers knew their national background and did so in response to an Indian ship being detained...

So in other words you are saying that behind this incident a country or an agency is involved oh Please don't, i think India is in the state of Pakistan and ISI phobia.
dear Aka123, plz look at this:

and also take a look at rubyjackass comments,
I appreciate your attitude, but I think these guys need to behave themselves.
I think this thread has turned into some childish posts, I suggest it may be closed.

Ignore thread buddy or report if you feel abusive!! It's not advisable to get entangled in Subcontinental Slug fest and mud slinging!! It will only help you keep the prestige of your country high. That's what I would suggest you.

I have seen Iranian, Turkish threads, much saner than India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China threads. You are a new member, so welcome to the forum! :)
you are absolutely right. Thank you :)
Ignore thread buddy or report if you feel abusive!! It's not advisable to get entangled in Subcontinental Slug fest and mud slinging!! It will only help you keep the prestige of your country high. That's what I would suggest you.

I have seen Iranian, Turkish threads, much saner than India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China threads. You are a new member, so welcome to the forum! :)
different countries have different level of democracy. Unfortunately, Iran is not considered as a democratic one in my opinion. we have tried to be one for more than 100 years, but we need to work more on that. No, such a thing does not happen in Iran, but there are multiple reasons behind it, such as strong control of government and less population, more welfare and higher education level. but every country has its own problems as well.
I cant see any other major reason instead of religious problem for this hatred. please clarify it for me, if there are other major reasons.
And do u know where India stands in these parts??

Its miles ahead of Iran even in wealth!!!!!!! Still such incidents dont happen in Iran even with Iranis or foreigners!!!!!!

Iran is a democracy u need to get yr facts right! just because it doesnt copycat west doesnt mean its no democratic.

Remember something! there r always multiple reason for some action/reaction in nation to nation levels.

We r not talking abt individuals!!!! but nations of 200 million and 1.2 billion!!!

Even u use yr head and think that how is these nations(not individual people) r in bad terms with each other?

and i would not like to spoon feed u but will like u to do yr own analysis on some points like extreme negative attitude of Indians as a nation and their panic nature!!! besides religion there r more reasons too.

Also now a days if u look at things they hate us more then we used to hate them!!
I know about Kashmir, what they did about kashmir, obviously was not right or legal. but they did it because they wanted to have more lands and ... . what I meant is that it is not related to your religion, they would do the same if you were not muslim. but you are seeing this issue with a religious glass. anyway, past is the past, and its better for every one not to dig it up again.

Obviously you know nothing about the conflict.
I have seen you constantly address other members as kid, kiddo etc. Is thera a phobia related to that word?

And how did you reach to the conclusion about the attackers knowing the victims were non Indians? Have you seen what they look like? They could have very well assumed them to be Indians. A Robber does not look that much into the looks of their targets.

I fully agree with you. You have the utmost respect for your guests. Heck you even allow them to operate Drones and kill innocent fellow citizens of yours. Great Hospitality i must say.


Still we dont beat with rods and rape and loot our guests in our country.

Of course not. In Iran, the state governance itself acts as the honorable criminal against the public.
If it were acting as honorable criminal against public then incidents like these would have been happening in Iran but they happen in the so called biggest democracy :omghaha:

''Biggest Democracy'', what a lie:lol:
Give all indian men extra small size condoms and teach them about negative affects of breeding...
it'd take a few hundred years...

u should first teach this to ur countrymen who are breeding like rats in a tiny country..
I agree with you for most part of your comment. but, in this part "Its miles ahead of Iran even in wealth!!!!!!!" I guess you meant Iran is ahead of India, right? anyway, it doesnt matter. my main contradiction with your comment is this part:"Iran is a democracy u need to get yr facts right! just because it doesnt copycat west doesnt mean its no democratic". some people also say the same thing about human rights. my opinion is that all people around the globe are same. so, we cant discriminate between western democracy, and human rights and other types of democracy, and human rights. they should be the same finally.
And do u know where India stands in these parts??

Its miles ahead of Iran even in wealth!!!!!!!

Iran is a democracy u need to get yr facts right! just because it doesnt copycat west doesnt mean its no democratic.

Remember something! there r always multiple reason for some action/reaction in nation to nation levels.

We r not talking abt individuals!!!! but nations of 200 million and 1.2 billion!!!

Even u use yr head and think that how is these nations(not individual people) r in bad terms with each other?

and i would not like to spoon feed u but will like u to do yr own analysis on some points like extreme negative attitude of Indians as a nation and their panic nature!!! besides religion there r more reasons too.

Also now a days if u look at things they hate us more then we used to hate them!!
If goes by the logic of the comments here i can say that all muslims are terrorist :p
Apologies to Iranian members....

But I guess robberies do happen everywhere...

My laptop and money was stolen in sydney by italian housemates... then should I say Italians are uncivilized people or sydney is bad place to live?

We should not judge a nation by action of few antisocial elements... especially not for nation with 1 billion plus population...
I am not familiar with reporting system of this forum. please report this comment guys. Thanks
If goes by the logic of the comments here i can say that all muslims are terrorist :p

Its post #101.
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