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Iranian Cleric: Promiscuous Women Cause Quakes

^^ night clubs are banned, and parties are very rare, limited to rich class ppl

Even if they are banned it's not even enforced.

Parties aren't rare, you just have to know where to go and who to ask.

The ones i've been to are freakin NUTS.

Anyways back to Iran.
ای ایران;807174 said:
Pakistan is also the only country that i can think of which has no other basis for existing other than being founded on an exclusively religious basis. Not even Israel was created on purely theological arguments. Pakistan i believe holds this distinction alone. Perhaps that is why the people of your country are often perceived as being “ultra-religious”.

Iran was the first country on earth to recognize Pakistan in 1947. Besides, Pakistan was supposed to be a moderate Muslim country but that changed after we had a leader in the 80's who wanted Pakistan to be a strict Muslim country.

There was more to Pakistan's independence it had more to do with Muslims having total control over their area than being an Islamic Republic. The founder of Pakistan was probably the most liberal Muslim during his time. It was the strict Mullahs who didnt want Pakistan to exist.

And you will find all kinds of Pakistanis. Traditional, Religious, Conservative, Moderates and also Liberal westernized Pakistanis and agnostics but you will not find much athiests among us, theres many athiest Iranians living in the west.
Oh, I should have said 'Iranians' instead of 'Iran.'

I remember seeing some pro-Shah Facebook group that had appalling comments about Pakistan.

There was a conversation going on about how Pakistan wants to be like a super-religious country.

Just because we have 'Islamic Republic' in the name doesn't mean we are some super-religious crazy Mullahs controlling our country. And I am glad that we don't. I'd take an idiot over a theocrat any day.

We have a fashion industry, we have nightclubs, we have party's, and we have a struggling economy dominated by spoiled Elites and rich people.

The border-hoppers from Afghanistan have totally ruined our image. :undecided:

Funny. Pakistan had better relations with the secular Iran during the Shah's period than this current regime there is today in Iran.
1947 to 1979 Iran–Pakistan relations

In 1947 Iran was the first country to recognize the newly independent state of Pakistan.

During the Shah's era, Iran moved closer to Pakistan in many fields and the two nations worked closely with each other. Pakistan, Iran and Turkey joined the United States-sponsored CENTO (Central Treaty Organization) defence treaty which extended along the Soviet Union's southern perimeter.

Their relationship further strengthened in the 1970s to suppress a rebel movement in Balochistan, across provinces of Iranian Baluchestan, Pakistani Baluchistan and Afghan Balochistan. In addition the Shah offered considerable development aid to Pakistan including oil and gas on preferential terms. Iran is also believed to have assisted Pakistan financially in its development of a nuclear program after India's surprise test detonation Smiling Buddha in 1974.

Pakistanis and Iranians frequently visited each other's countries. Considerable business, educational and infrastructure development took place in this period.


After Shah and Bhutto , USSR invade Afghanistan and the region became fertile for Mullahs.
Oh, I should have said 'Iranians' instead of 'Iran.'

I remember seeing some pro-Shah Facebook group that had appalling comments about Pakistan.

There was a conversation going on about how Pakistan wants to be like a super-religious country.

Just because we have 'Islamic Republic' in the name doesn't mean we are some super-religious crazy Mullahs controlling our country. And I am glad that we don't. I'd take an idiot over a theocrat any day.

We have a fashion industry, we have nightclubs, we have party's, and we have a struggling economy dominated by spoiled Elites and rich people.

The border-hoppers from Afghanistan have totally ruined our image. :undecided:

Firstly, a pro-Shah forum is the least likely place where you would find any positive correlation with anything minutely related to Islam. Most of the correlations are driven by contempt for the Islamic Rep. of Iran. What Pakistan wants to be is dependent on the will of its population (or those elite few who form the consensus of their people's opinion).

Secondly, having lived and traveled across Pakistan, I did not come across any nightclubs. For that matter, I have heard they are explicitly banned. There are private parties of course as there are in Iran. As for a fashion industry, Iran has one also (though Pakistan's fashion industry is considerably more liberal) and Iran too struggles with major economic problems of its own.
I want to know at least some what of an estimate of how much of Iran's population is pro-Shah?

I mean, these groups can't be so small since they are almost everywhere.

Just an estimate?
I want to know at least some what of an estimate of how much of Iran's population is pro-Shah?

I mean, these groups can't be so small since they are almost everywhere.

Just an estimate?

There is no numerical estimate as such. The sheer majority of Pro-Shah Iranians do not live in Iran. Pro-Shah elements in Iran are to my guess negligible at best.

'they are almost everywhere'

I hope you are not confusing the protesters with monarchist groups. The protesters themselves have no one ideology, rather the movement is an umbrella for various groups and it is a misconception that all are seemingly against the entire idea of an Islamic republic and so forth. Also, within Iran they are limited in numbers. If you rely on western media sources, you would be led to believe the government functions without any public support base which is false. Too my knowledge, the majority of Iranians support the current form of government and the government itself.
^^ night clubs are banned, and parties are very rare, limited to rich class ppl

Clearly you have not seen all of Pakistan. Some of it is like :ph34r:, some like :super:, some like :nono:, you know something for everyone:man_in_love:

^^ night clubs are banned, and parties are very rare, limited to rich class ppl

...and Aliens have landed
descoved Inteligence lifeform on Venus

Did you know there are some Pakistanis drink alcahol regulary ?
1947 to 1979 Iran–Pakistan relations

In 1947 Iran was the first country to recognize the newly independent state of Pakistan.

During the Shah's era, Iran moved closer to Pakistan in many fields and the two nations worked closely with each other. [B]Pakistan, Iran and Turkey joined the United States-sponsored CENTO (Central Treaty Organization) defence treaty which extended along the Soviet Union's southern perimeter.
Their relationship further strengthened in the 1970s to suppress a rebel movement in Balochistan, across provinces of Iranian Baluchestan, Pakistani Baluchistan and Afghan Balochistan. In addition the Shah offered considerable development aid to Pakistan including oil and gas on preferential terms. Iran is also believed to have assisted Pakistan financially in its development of a nuclear program after India's surprise test detonation Smiling Buddha in 1974.

Pakistanis and Iranians frequently visited each other's countries. Considerable business, educational and infrastructure development took place in this period.

Iran?Pakistan relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After Shah and Bhutto , USSR invade Afghanistan and the region became fertile for Mullahs.

as you said Iran helped a lot Pak. could you please tell us what Pak did as a CENTO member when Iraq attacked Iran?
By this logic Ipanema should have been struck by a Richter scale 10.0 years ago.

Nutters that hear voices telling them that girls showing a little bit of hair are why earthquakes occour are in charge and want nukes why dont people think that is very scary? :blink:

COuld be the same voices that told people to invade Iraq and that iraq was behind 9/11 . sigh

ROFL.....I had to do a double take on this one when I saw it. Iran has some very wacky Clerics.

Clerics are only stated thinngs that have nemtioned in the Holy Quran
PLease don't make fun of a religion any part of it when you have no understanding of it Actiling like a complete village idiot doesn't help. Allah(swt) does what He wills.
Afterall you got your own up coming aswell in natural disasters.

Beside wasn't it wacky for Bush to put the blame on cavemen who suppossly mastermind 9/11 ? even more wacky for peole to believe in them ?
what did they do switch of nomrad with a switch?
I mean was Bush trying to put the wool over our eyes to say it was done by a make believe group called Alkyder ?
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There is no numerical estimate as such. The sheer majority of Pro-Shah Iranians do not live in Iran. Pro-Shah elements in Iran are to my guess negligible at best.

Hmm, ok. But seems as though any political opposition that Ahmedinejad's party receives is tackled right?

'they are almost everywhere'

Rampaging the internet. But maybe that's because the Pro-Shah Iranians who do not live in Iran have better access to the unrestricted internet?

Well, thats my guess.
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