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Iranian Chill Thread

Yes,they even sent an A-10 ground attack aircraft to attempt to interfere,tho at that point the vessel was already under iranian control. :sarcastic:
Its funny,I can remember another occasion a bit like this,where you had a western navy,the brits I think,crowing about preventing a seizure only for the iranians to seize another ship a few days later.
what was the point of the A-10 though lmao, scare with a CAS aircraft in PG?

Any idea where it could have taken off from?
I was thinking of Iran changing its method of execution would maybe relieve Iran from some of the propaganda

- Instead of letting the criminal hang on the rope waiting 5min to suffocate and agonize, change the method to:

- Place a trap under the person, open the trap so his neck breaks and die instantly

Second method:

- Still use the noose attached to the person's neck and make him fall from height, same as above, his neck will break but with way more probability of instantly dying without suffering or waiting

These are the most efficient methods with less suffering for the executed, lethal injections is shown to be not reliable in certain cases, they are also used in a majority of country

- Allow parents or family to see the execution, allow the victim family to see it also

- Stop public execution except for special cases, do it inside a special death penalty chamber with all precautions taken and respect of the human

- Stoning is already illegal since 2013

I know that for instance Saudi Arabis cuts off head with a two handed sword with blood everywhere with the near same ratio of executions than Iran, but Iran is still cherrypicked by western medias
what was the point of the A-10 though lmao, scare with a CAS aircraft in PG?

Any idea where it could have taken off from?
I would think that it was probably because there were simply no us/nato naval vessels that were anywhere near close enough to the event to attempt to intervene in any realistic time frame.
The choice of aircraft might just have been something as simple as that it was already in the air and close enough so that it could be quickly diverted to the area.
No idea where it would`ve taken off from tho`,sorry.
I would think that it was probably because there were simply no us/nato naval vessels that were anywhere near close enough to the event to attempt to intervene in any realistic time frame.
The choice of aircraft might just have been something as simple as that it was already in the air and close enough so that it could be quickly diverted to the area.
No idea where it would`ve taken off from tho`,sorry.
I guess Bahrein, UAE or something like that

It was maybe already in flight for whatever mission or patrol but A-10 is never brought into naval warfare or reconnaissance as far as i know, would get shot down by a manpads crew or a simple boat with shorad (zolfaghar) like an AC-130 in Iraq

They would send something like EA Growler from carrier which is a scary aircraft and is the biggest threat aircraft for Iran, even more than F-35 or F-22 i would say, but the A-10 is still a funny but a beautiful aircraft
Why do we need PIJ support for Abu Musa island dispute?

Syria supported Iran against Saddam, but we repaid their support and more to save Assad family (and Syria as a at least semi-functional state), admittedly for our own interests as well.

Ultimately, other countries pursue their own interests but we cannot because instead of not being subjugated to either side we alienated one side entirely so now we have limited options.
Mention only one time that any of these Arab allies supported our stand about these 3 islands . Just one time and I agree they are real ally .
And pij was just an example. Just tell me how much we lost for supporting Palestinian
And a question what was the use of supporting other side
Iran has been helping the people of Gaza for years, but when Syria was invaded, Hamas simply turned on them.
When Iraq was invaded by the Islamic State, Iranian-backed Shiite militias saved the country but are now seen as a hindrance.
And Yemen, Syria, and Hezbollah will never move to help Iran when it is invaded by the US.
Russia will never send supplies or weapons to Iran when it is invaded by the US.
Unfortunately, Iran has no credible allies.
It is hard to understand why Iran is not pushing for more uranium enrichment while NATO is so intent on war with Russia.
You have to defend your own country by yourself.

بدین ترتیب مشخص می‌شود، هیچ گزندی متوجه این گروه از دانشجویان که با تقلب به دانشگاه راه یافته اند، نشده و نخواهد شد؛ افرادی که نامشان مشخص است، بعضا در رشته‌های حساس و مهم مشغول به تحصیل هستند، اما چون دانشجو لقب گرفته اند، مشمول مجازات‌ تقلب در کنکور نیستند!

تصمیمی به غایت عجیب و دور از باور که اگر گفته می‌شد، عوامل دست اندرکار این تقلب شناسایی و دستگیر شده اند و مجازاتشان در حال اجرا یا در دست اجراست، یا اگر تاکید می‌گردید که عوامل همراهی کننده با این تقلب، چه آن‌هایی که دانسته و عامدانه با ایشان همراهی کرده اند و چه دیگرانی که نادانسته و مثلا با اعلام اسامی این افراد شائبه دار در شمار قبولی ها، به رهایی شان از مجازات یاری رسانده اند، متفاوت به نظر می‌رسید.

From dismantling Azad University to accepting wealth and power into best government Universities even when they cheat in admission exams. ( in 1000s scale )

This message has been approved by government and its parliament :)

  1. During the reign of Nasser al-Din Shah, when Mirza Ali Asghar Khan Atabak was the Prime Minister (of Iran), upon the request of the Iranian government, the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom sent a map of the region as an official response to Iran’s request, on which Abu Musa, the Greater Tunb, and the Lesser Tunb were depicted as part of Iran’s territory. This serves as strong evidence of Iran’s sovereignty over these islands.

  1. After the United Kingdom raised its flag on Abu Musa, Mirza Ali Asghar Khan Atabak ordered it to be lowered and the Iranian flag to be reinstalled.

  1. In 1971, when the second Pahlavi (Mohammad Reza) relinquished Iran’s rights to Bahrain and committed a major betrayal, with the mediation of the UK, the aforementioned situation was returned to Iran. In this regard, David Owen, the British Foreign Secretary, played a crucial role.

  1. After the Islamic Revolution in Iran, particularly after the imposed war, the UAE has seized every opportunity to promote this unjust claim. Now, some of our friends, like Russia, have fallen into the same pit that China fell into not long ago. They believe that by endorsing such baseless claims, they will have good economic relations with the UAE in the future. It seems that Russia’s action is also a result of certain naiveties that have been observed in some Russians, especially in areas where there is a lack of deep familiarity and understanding between Russia and those countries.
According to one current and one former diplomat with direct knowledge of the matter, Iran made “full payment” for 50 Su-35 fighter jets during the second term of President Hassan Rouhani. The officials requested anonymity given the sensitivity of Iran’s arms purchases.
Yeah **** off with those anonymous sources and an umpteenth random think-tank

Anonymous sources are known to be used to pass a random, personal, sourceless claim specially with Iran, for instance Iran International used nearly only "anonymous sources" for claims such as "Iran rapes virgin before killing them" or "Khamenei is going to Venezuela to flee the revolution"

Choosing to trust either twitter "expert think tank" claims and think-tank claims is like choosing between the plague and cholera
Yeah **** off with those anonymous sources and an umpteenth random think-tank

Anonymous sources are known to be used to pass a random, personal, sourceless claim specially with Iran, for instance Iran International used nearly only "anonymous sources" for claims such as "Iran rapes virgin before killing them" or "Khamenei is going to Venezuela to flee the revolution"

Choosing to trust either twitter "expert think tank" claims and think-tank claims is like choosing between the plague and cholera

Honestly bro, I was optimistic at first lol then i become somewhat skeptical, after that it moved into ambivalence now I’m exhausted and quite cynical about the whole ordeal.

It’s very tiring to say the least.
Road to Tehran Uni
INDIA: A relatively poor country that has Patriotic leadership today launched her second moon landing mission

Good luck to them..Iran would have been not far behind if IR leadership did not deliberately destroy our civilian space program.:hitwall:...Qajar kings will be happy to know they were not alone!

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