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Iranian Chill Thread

You didn't answer the question

It's irrelevant to my point.

Rouhani is responsible for the last 20 years?

For the current inflationary trend, main cause behind the relative rise in poverty. Read your own post again.

What is the leader doing in all these years, either you think he is impotent or incapable of guiding Iran to better outcomes than the worst poverty rates in 20 years

Leader's not responsible for administration policies.

Since when do Islamist zealots care about scientific disciplines

Resorting to ad hominem now? Neat.

I'd take a so-called "Islamic zealot" any day over those who consider the following to be an illustration of über-"nationalism":



Counterfactuals are a useful comparative tool used in all sorts of analyses

History-fiction is not.
"Iranian Chill Thread"

Yeah, chill with the mullah-battered head of this pretty one :rofl: :

Fake news spread by NATO propaganda mouthpieces and relayed by their footmen and patsies.

But I thought all those burqas, robes and furious prayers will remove hunger from the stomachs of people and remove the helplessness from those Iranis who want to achieve something in life but see all those money-rich mullahs living lavishly. Resistance Economy in full action.

Since when do you care about Iranians? You demonstrated your contempt for Iranian civilization as a whole by blaming Zoroastrianism for the existence of a structured clergy in Shia Islam, while taking aim at clergy in general. Want me to dig it out for everyone to see?

"Money-rich" mullahs. :lol: Spoken like a thorough ignorant of Iranian affairs, who does not realize how the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution has continuously been leading a most simple lifestyle devoid of material luxury.
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"Iranian Chill Thread"

Yeah, chill with the mullah-battered head of this pretty one :rofl: :

Now I wait for @SalarHaqq to tag mods to expel me from this thread too.

But I thought all those burqas, robes and furious prayers will remove hunger from the stomachs of people and remove the helplessness from those Iranis who want to achieve something in life but see all those money-rich mullahs living lavishly. Resistance Economy in full action.
Please only shit in your streets not ours, we don't do that here. Thank you smelly Indian.

I will tag the mods for him, don't worry. @waz @PakSword Can we remove this Indian from the Iranian section, he always visits and leaves a bad smell.
Fake news spread by NATO propaganda mouthpieces and relayed by a their footmen.

I, Jamahir, solemnly declare to SalarHaqq that I have been an undercover footman of NATO since my membership started in 2014. Hail NATO, Hail Imaam Obomba.

Since when do you care about Iranians? You demonstrated your contempt for Iranian civilization as a whole by blaming Zoroastrianism for the existence of a structured clergy in Shia Islam, while taking aim at clergy in general.

1. I care about the innocent, progressive, sensitive and rational Iranis hence my constant declaration : Zan, Zindagi, Aazaadi.

2. I did not blame all Iranis but blamed Zoroastrian priests for conspiring against Islam by being the prominent ones to infiltrate Islam and mislead it by writing those fabrications called Hadiths. I blame not Iran but Zoroastrianism. For example, Hazrat Muhammad had a cat named Muezza and one of his comrades was nicknamed Abu Huraira, literally "Father of the baby cats" and Hazrat Muhammad was empathetic to female humans. On the other hand, the Zoroastrian / priesthood oriented-cultured Bukhari became a prominent hadith writer whose hadith declares hatred for female human prostitutes and love for dogs, and dogs murder cats and would have murdered the cats of Hazrat Muhammad and Abu Huraira if given chance. The existence of priesthood in Islam is due to Bukhari and other crypto-Zoroastrian-priests.

"Money-rich" mullahs. :lol: Spoken like an ignorant of Iranian affairs, who does not realize how the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution has continuously been leading a most simple lifestyle devoid of material luxury.

Supreme Leader of the "Islamic" Revolution empathizing in the money-poverty of Iranis by living in this hovel :

Please only shit in your streets not ours, we don't do that here. Thank you smelly Indian.

The women who flirted with me, including by passing me or standing close to me, never complained that I had bad smell. :)

I will tag the mods for him, don't worry. @waz @PakSword Can we remove this Indian from the Iranian section, he always visits and leaves a bad smell.

@PakSword should explain why he is a moderator. He is more a mullah than a moderator.

And very "democratic" of you to call for removing me from the Iran section when you should be removed from the internet for being a mindless racist. :)
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"Iranian Chill Thread"

Yeah, chill with the mullah-battered head of this pretty one :rofl: :

Now I wait for @SalarHaqq to tag mods to expel me from this thread too.

But I thought all those burqas, robes and furious prayers will remove hunger from the stomachs of people and remove the helplessness from those Iranis who want to achieve something in life but see all those money-rich mullahs living lavishly. Resistance Economy in full action.
she was cute though, bust wasted life..
I, Jamahir, solemnly declare to SalarHaqq that I have been an undercover footman of NATO since my membership started in 2014. Hail NATO, Hail Imaam Obomba.

Some information about the founder of the source, "IranWire", whose propaganda you choose to take at face value:

- Whilst he was under arrest in Iran for activities against national security, Hillary Rodham Clinton publicly came out in his defence.
- The zionist-controlled US Holocaust Memorial Museum conferred its highest honor, the Elie Wiesel Award on him in 2020.
- His campaign against the Supreme Leader was launched in the International Herald Tribune.
- His publication has entered a partnership with the Daily Beast, an American mainstream outlet.

No more needs to be said.

1. I care about the innocent, progressive, sensitive and rational Iranis hence my constant declaration : Zan, Zindagi, Aazaadi.

Whomever you may possibly describe as such, I'll be able to expose their links to the zio-American empire.

2. I did not blame all Iranis but blamed Zoroastrian priests for conspiring against Islam but being the prominent ones to infiltrate Islam and mislead it by writing those fabrications called Hadiths. I blame not Iran but Zoroastrianism.

Apart from the fact that your Shiaphobic rant is perfectly baseless, the above will be enough to delegitimize you with about every Iranian including on this forum. You've got issues with Zoroastrianism, you've got issues with Shia Islam and you think this is something Iranians you claim to be defending will be appreciative of?

For example, Hazrat Muhammad had a cat named Muezza and one of his comrades was nicknamed Abu Huraira, literally "Father of the baby cats" and Hazrat Muhammad was empathetic to female humans. On the other hand, the Zoroastrian / priesthood oriented-cultured Bukhari became a prominent hadith writer whose hadith declares hatred for female human prostitutes and love for dogs, and dogs murder cats and would have murdered the cats of Hazrat Muhammad and Abu Huraira if given chance. The existence of priesthood in Islam is due to Bukhari and other crypto-Zoroastrian-priests.


Nonsense not corroborated by a single serious source.

Supreme Leader of the "Islamic" Revolution empathizing in the money-poverty of Iranis by living in this hovel :
View attachment 928053

By residing in this building, located in the midst of the highly air-polluted, working class district close to Tehran's Railway Station:






Now I don't know of many high officials living under similar conditions. The Gaddafis in any case weren't:










And very "democratic" of you to call for removing me from the Iran section when you should be removed from the internet for being a mindless racist. :)

Says he whose discourse about Iranian civilization is bordering on cultural racism.
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All that US-Shithole countries. If you catch some of the german variant of that arseholes, you are official allowed to kill them.

Iran kicked out four Baku diplomats last month (news coming out now).

۴ دیپلمات جمهوری آذربایجان ماه گذشته از ایران اخراج شدند

  • ۱۵ ارديبهشت ۱۴۰۲ - ۱۳:۵۹​

۴ دیپلمات وزارت خارجه جمهوری آذربایجان به عنوان عنصر نامطلوب شناخته شده و از ایران اخراج شدند.

به گزارش خبرنگار خبرگزاری تسنیم، 4دیپلمات وزارت خارجه جمهوری آذربایجان در تهران و تبریز، به عنوان عنصر نامطلوب شناخته و اخراج شدند.
این اقدام ایران در پاسخ به باکو در اخراج دیپلماتهای ایرانی انجام گرفته است.
اواسط فروردین ماه، باکو 4 دیپلمات ایرانی را عنصر نامطلوب معرفی کرده بود.

Yes, why should one get to eat and a room to live if he killed 25 people in a terrorattack

View attachment 928044
I was thinking about it, I mean on personal level I'm pro capital punishment especially if it is eye for an eye case. or eye for multiple eyes in this particular case.

On public or society level things are much different, I mean for sure there has been cases throughout history that one party reached to ignoring their rights for the sake of gaining something better for their society.

History of Islam has something in that line too, during early years of Islam they had wars. disputes and ... with many parties and in those cases they had prisoners form different regions.

Then there are cases that Muslims set some prisoners of wars to be free if they teach (I think ) Muslims something in return ( some cases teaching 5 Muslims native language of prisoner's )

Fast forward to today we can show similar example of Iraq waging war against Iran which lead to death of 200,000-220,000 Iranians during the war (~300,000 after war ) and maim, injury more than 1 million Iranians in that war. that case is still an open case in the eyes of Iranians yet we see Iran not suing Iraq for loses and damages but investing billions of $s and helping Iraq in other areas (which I have problem with some of these areas :) )
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