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Iranian Chill Thread

+47% in 44 years is a faster increase than +35% in 58 years. If you're incapable of understanding that, you need to return to primary school. Don't play dumb with me.
And +435% in 58 years is a much larger relative increase than +96% in 44 years. If you're incapable of understanding that, you need to return to primary school. I know you are not playing dumb.

IRI sources also claim the literacy rate was 48% (not the 43% you claim) before the revolution, which change those numbers further in favour of 1921-1978 Iran.

The World Bank claims Iran had a 65% literacy rate in 1979, which obviously paints an even stronger picture but we can prefer Iranian sources, that's enough to prove the point.

It is also much harder to produce a literate population in 1921 Iran than in 2023 Iran, so the record of Iran during 1921-1978 is even more impressive. 90% literacy in 2023 is nothing to be proud of, significantly lower than Lebanon and Turkey etc.
And +435% in 58 years is a much larger relative increase than +96% in 44 years. If you're incapable of understanding that, you need to return to primary school. I know you are not playing dumb.

What you term "relative increase" is of zero relevance in this context to any straight thinking person. When examining which government boosted literacy at a superior pace you look at duration and difference in percentage points.

Your contention is similar in quality to a 21 year old person telling his 40 year old parent that their age difference "dropped" on grounds that in terms of percentage, it used to be of 1900% when he was one year of age, whilst now it amounts to less than 100%. Pure wordplay.

Also your statement clearly suggests that you prefer literacy in Iran to increase by a factor of +35 percentage points over 58 years, rather than by a factor of +47 percentage points in 44 years.

This implies one (or several) of three things:

1) You really need to return to primary school.

2) You ought to acquire some intellectual honesty rather than wasting bandwidth with sophistry.

3) It actually bothers you when Iran advances more rapidly.

IRI sources also claim the literacy rate was 48% (not the 43% you claim) before the revolution, which change those numbers further in favour of 1921-1978 Iran.

Data is not favorable to the zionist-subvservient Pahlavi regime whatsoever, so kindly refrain from interjecting misplaced adverbs like "further".

The figures I based myself on were World Bank ones, not Iranian sources considering they might be dismissed by interlocutors as untrustworthy:

The World Bank claims Iran had a 65% literacy rate in 1979, which obviously paints an even stronger picture but we can prefer Iranian sources, that's enough to prove the point.

Wrong, it does not state such a thing. You launched a Google search and took for granted the highlighted result at the top of the page, similar to user sha ah.

Whereas if you had done the right thing i.e. conducted some deeper research, you'd have noticed that the 65% figure provided by the World Bank for Iran's literacy rate in 1979 applies merely to the urban population, not to the country at large. As I explained in detail in one of my previous comments.

So no, you proved strictly nothing in actual fact. What you did was to demonstrate your lacking capability to cite sources correctly.

It is also much harder to produce a literate population in 1921 Iran than in 2023 Iran, so the record of Iran during 1921-1978 is even more impressive.

Spare us the pretexts. Monarchist rants have no leg to stand on, no need to deflect.

90% literacy in 2023 is nothing to be proud of, significantly lower than Lebanon and Turkey etc.

The Islamic Republic has boosted literacy at a faster rate than the ousted pro-western and zionist-subservient Pahlavi monarchy. This was my point, it's a historic fact and it stands 100% no matter how you'll try to spin it.
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All which needed to be said when it comes to the increase Iran's literacy rate prior and after the 1979 Revolution is this:

Pahlavi regime: +35 percentage points in 58 years.

Islamic Republic:
+47 percentage points in 44 years.

Therefore literacy rose at a considerably faster pace post-Revolution.

You failed to disprove the hard-hitting fact I evidenced, which exposes how miserably the western-subservient monarchy fared compared to the Islamic Republic in terms of improving literacy in Iran.

Delightful part is to watch reformists, who consider that "Jewish culture is superior to Iranian civilization", whine when confronted with how the Islamic Republic boosted literacy at a much faster rate than the ousted zionist-subservient monarchy.

Another neat aspect is that now, thanks to the facts and figures I produced, everyone seeing this knows exactly that the Islamic Republic has a vastly superior record.

So cope, because that's ultimately your only option.
all that was needed to be said is said no point in continue the discussion , typing in bold , big font , and in color ,
tel tel sign of desperation
somebody need to blame every problem on previous government to hide the weakness of the group he support.
people answer in the next election is enough answer for you guys. we will soon have our first president that only last one term.

Spare us the pretexts. Monarchist rants have no leg to stand on, no need to deflect.
you don't want accept the fact that pahlavi government had to use gendarmes to make parents send their children to school, some problem that was non existent at the time of the revolution
all that was needed to be said is said no point in continue the discussion , typing in bold , big font , and in color ,

The simple fact I put forth - and easily proved with valid evidence - obviously hurt your pro-monarchist feelings badly.

This got you worked up to the extent that you ended up inadvertently admitting how you prefer literacy in Iran to increase by 35 percentage points over 58 years rather than by 47 percentage points in 44 years. In other terms, that you dislike it when Iran takes greater steps forward.

Which goes a long way demonstrating what it is you're really wishing for. So yes in a way, you really said all that was needed to be said on your part. Thanks for the self-exposure.

Now let's have a good laugh by taking a look at so-called Hack-Hook "logic":

- Imagine a country whose road network totals only 1 kilometer.
- Government A of that country builds 9 kilometers of roads during its 4 years of rule.
- Government B, its successor builds 40 kilometers of roads during its own 4 years of rule.

To user Hack-Hook, this means the country's road network expanded at a "faster" pace under government A. The user's pseudo-"argument" being that the number 9 is 900% greater than the number 1, and that 50 is ~555% greater than 9.

^ This is reformist / shahi "logic" for you, in its full comical splendor. Az Tājzādeh to shāhzādeh!

And these people are begging to be taken seriously... No wonder they're such monumental political failures despite the colossal support their bosses in Tel Aviv and Washington have been granting them.

tel tel sign of desperation

Not at all. Rather, an efficient tool to box you in even more.

These are the anti-Iranian racists you're calling to vote for (on the right):

somebody need to blame every problem on previous government to hide the weakness of the group he support.

No, Rohani was wiggling to blame his abysmal economic performance on the fact that the Leadership wouldn't allow him to ditch Iran's missile power and regional alliances in addition to the nuclear JCPOA.

Probably this was also meant to distract from the fact that his nuclear negotiating team included a spy (Dorri-Esfahani) who was supplying classified information to Iran's mortal enemies, who knows.

Or that his supporters consider Iranian civilization to be inferior to its western and Jewish counterparts like the disgusting compradors they are.

people answer in the next election is enough answer for you guys. we will soon have our first president that only last one term.

People won't be too keen on voting into office a clique of traitors again. No matter how much tactical support said clique will be receiving from Washington, Brussels and Tel Aviv.

Nor will they be keen on electing candidates from a milieu whose members hold beliefs such as that Iran's advancement must be slowed down like under the Pahlavis.

you don't want accept the fact that pahlavi government had to use gendarmes to make parents send their children to school, some problem that was non existent at the time of the revolution

I want to accept that you prefer literacy in Iran to increase at a slower rate, as you've abundantly made clear.

Maybe so that Iranian civilization can stay "inferior" (sic) to "Jewish civilization", eh.

Understand this: zionist and western stooges won't ever be having their way in Iran again. Ever. It's only a vain dream your clutching to, nothing more. That will never turn into reality. No matter how much energy you think you must devote to the realization of such a delusion. Just let go of it, it'll bring immense relief. Trust me.

Until then, have a nice cope with Iran spending hundreds of millions on Palestinian Resistance groups you loath, with the USA regime having no embassy in Tehran, with Iranian-Russian strategic cooperation expanding by the day, with Iran being close to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, with sharia law in place and the dress code not being liberalized, with subversive websites being filtered, with western-backed rioters being put in their place, and so on and so forth. Enjoy!
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The simple fact I put forth - and easily proved with valid evidence - obviously hurt your pro-monarchist feelings badly.

This got you worked up to the extent that you ended up inadvertently admitting how you prefer literacy in Iran to increase by 35 percentage points over 58 years rather than by 47 percentage points in 44 years. In other terms, that you dislike it when Iran takes greater steps forward.

Which goes a long way demonstrating what it is you're really wishing for. So yes in a way, you really said all that was needed to be said on your part. Thanks for the self-exposure.

Not at all. Rather, an efficient tool to box you in even more.

No, Rohani was wiggling to blame his abysmal economic performance on the fact that the Leadership wouldn't allow him to ditch Iran's missile power and regional alliances in addition to the nuclear JCPOA.

Probably this was also meant to distract from the fact that his nuclear negotiating team included a spy (Dorri-Esfahani) who was supplying classified information to Iran's mortal enemies, who knows.

Or that his supporters consider Iranian civilization to be inferior to its western and Jewish counterparts like the disgusting compradors they are.

People won't be too keen on voting into office a clique of traitors again. No matter how much tactical support said clique will be receiving from Washington, Brussels and Tel Aviv.

Nor will they be keen on electing candidates from a milieu whose members hold beliefs such as that Iran's advancement must be slowed down like under the Pahlavis.


I want to accept that you prefer literacy in Iran to increase at a slower rate, as you made abundantly clear.

Maybe so that Iranian civilization can stay "inferior" (sic) to "Jewish civilization", eh.

Understand this: zionist and western stooges won't ever be having their way in Iran again. Ever. It's only a vain dream your clutching to, nothing more. That will never turn into reality. No matter how much energy you think you must devote to the realization of such a delusion. Just let go of it, it'll bring immense relief. Trust me.

Until then, have a nice cope with Iran spending hundreds of millions on Palestinian Resistance groups you loath, with the USA regime having no embassy in Tehran, with Iranian-Russian strategic cooperation expanding by the day, with sharia law in place and the dress code not being liberalized, with subversive websites being filtered, with western-backed rioters being put in their place, and so on and so forth. Enjoy! :lol:
blame the previous government blah , blah , blah , blah.....
people answer in the next election is enough answer for you guys. we will soon have our first president that only last one term.
I think reformist brothers/sisters (main opposition group inside Iran) are way behind the schedule to do something like that, its not that late since we have 10 months till start of election seasons but I doubt it ...

If my memory serves me right at this time Mr Jalily had his own little shadow government :rolleyes: ~4 years ago.

Let's not be that naive some people already planing for the bigger office for current president of Iran and you can see how far they willing to spend from their pockets and people's pockets or burn soft and/or hard power of Iran in order to achieve that goal.
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