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Iranian Chill Thread

That guy isn't a good source, he just aggregates stuff. And if I had 1 million rial every time I heard some 'breaking news' about Israel's preparations to bomb Iran I could afford to buy a pencil.

Bibi is dangerous right now. With the end of the apartheid so called democracy and IDF reservists openly refusing to fight he may try to rally people around the flag.

If Iran really wants to call the bluff they will increase enrichment to 90% consistently. That seems to be the new “red line”.
I was thinking about it, I mean on personal level I'm pro capital punishment especially if it is eye for an eye case. or eye for multiple eyes in this particular case.

In Germany there is a need of death penalty.
You didn't answer the question

Rouhani is responsible for the last 20 years? What is the leader doing in all these years, either you think he is impotent or incapable of guiding Iran to better outcomes than the worst poverty rates in 20 years

Or maybe a war

Since when do Islamist zealots care about scientific disciplines

Counterfactuals are a useful comparative tool used in all sorts of analyses
‘Islamic zealots’? Hmmm. You’re aware that usage of anti-Iranian western terminology is….not good. Right?
Bibi is dangerous right now. With the end of the apartheid so called democracy and IDF reservists openly refusing to fight he may try to rally people around the flag.

If Iran really wants to call the bluff they will increase enrichment to 90% consistently. That seems to be the new “red line”.
Bibi is always in some kind of trouble such that we could say we may look to use Iran as a way to distract from his problems etc. Nothing special this time.

Iran has no reason to enrich to 90%, it wants to keep that in reserve for the next mistake Israel/the West makes. Even enrichment at 60% and installation of more advanced centrifuges is going very slowly, Iran isn't trying to escalate things, and rarely does so unilaterally.

‘Islamic zealots’? Hmmm. You’re aware that usage of anti-Iranian western terminology is….not good. Right?
Islamic zealots is anti-Iranian now? Mullah akhoond etc maybe but Islamic zealot? I don't think so.
Still has nothing to do with the topic.

On top of being fake news to boot:

Yeah sure
And as if it's the first time in 2020 they gave them Dena plus

Yes I am sure.


Shah regime: 35% increase in 45 years. 35% increase in 58 years.

Islamic Republic: 46% increase in 44 years.
No it's not like that at all . That chart prve my world before revolution according to your chart we had 450% increase in literacy rate after revolution in same amount of time we only had 100% increase.

stated facts. If you prefer remaining oblivious to them that's your issue.

Excuses were made up by the Rohani administration, along the lines of "revolutionaries and Leadership did not allow us to sell out more of Iran's assets, hence why people did not reap the fruits of our policy of "normalization"".
Blah blah blah previous government blah blah blah

Iran kicked out four Baku diplomats last month (news coming out now).

۴ دیپلمات جمهوری آذربایجان ماه گذشته از ایران اخراج شدند

  • ۱۵ ارديبهشت ۱۴۰۲ - ۱۳:۵۹​

۴ دیپلمات وزارت خارجه جمهوری آذربایجان به عنوان عنصر نامطلوب شناخته شده و از ایران اخراج شدند.

به گزارش خبرنگار خبرگزاری تسنیم، 4دیپلمات وزارت خارجه جمهوری آذربایجان در تهران و تبریز، به عنوان عنصر نامطلوب شناخته و اخراج شدند.
این اقدام ایران در پاسخ به باکو در اخراج دیپلماتهای ایرانی انجام گرفته است.
اواسط فروردین ماه، باکو 4 دیپلمات ایرانی را عنصر نامطلوب معرفی کرده بود.

It must had happened one month ago not what apathetic foreign ministry did one month late.
Yeah sure


No it's not like that at all . That chart prve my world before revolution according to your chart we had 450% increase in literacy rate after revolution in same amount of time we only had 100% increase.

No it's exactly, absolutely and totally like I said: literacy improved at a faster pace after 1979. Fact, and I demonstrated it.

Pahlavi regime: literacy rate raised from 8% to merely 43% in 58 years = +0,60 average annual addition.

Islamic Republic: literacy rate raised from 43% to 90% in 44 years = +1,06 average annual addition.

Blah blah blah previous government blah blah blah

Learn to live with facts.

It must had happened one month ago not what apathetic foreign ministry did one month late.

It did happen a month ago, as stated in the paper.
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Pahlavi regime: literacy rate raised from 8% to merely 43% in 58 years.

Islamic Republic: literacy rate raised from 46% to 90% in 44 years.

Readers are intelligent enough to understand what it implies.
It imply one increased literacy rate 500% and one a mere 100%

Learn to live with facts.
The fact of every problem belong to previous government
437.5% growth vs less than 100% growth

yes, we understand

+47 percentage points in 44 years is a faster increase than +35 percentage points in 58 years. If you're incapable of understanding that, you need to return to primary school. Don't play dumb with me.

It happened several day ago or treated as one of our top national secrets.
Choice is yours to believe which one is true

It happened a month ago and was kept under wraps for readily fathomable reasons, considering the national security aspects of the dossier.

It imply one increased literacy rate 500% and one a mere 100%

It implies the zionist shah regime managed increase literacy by 35 percentage points in 58 years.

Whilst the Islamic Republic did so to the tune of 47 percentage points in 44 years.

This is the difference between an independent and a zionist- / western-controlled regime.
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+54% in 44 years is a faster increase than +35% in 58 years. If you're incapable of understanding that, you need to return to primary school. Don't play dumb with me.
435% vs 100% people with basic knowledge of statistic can decide

It happened a month ago and was kept under wraps for readily fathomable reasons, considering the national security aspects of the dossier.
I guess you can spin it as such
435% vs 100% people with basic knowledge of statistic can decide

+35 percentage points in 58 years - zionist-subservient shah regime.

+47 percentage points in 44 years - Islamic Republic.

Pilpul and similar sophistry never changed anything to reality.

Conclusion: the Islamic Republic increased literacy at a much faster pace than the ousted, western-installed monarchy.

I guess you can spin it as such


Supporters of a party whose public figures consider that "Jewish culture is superior to Iranian civilization", can't realistically hope to come up with anything better than that.

The fact of every problem belong to previous government

The facts, period.
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+35% in 58 years - zionist-subservient shah regime.

+47% in 44 years - Islamic Republic.

Pilpul and similar sophistry never changed anything to reality.

Conclusion: the Islamic Republic increased literacy at a much faster pace than the ousted, western-installed monarchy.


I.e. the best supporters of a party whose public figures consider that "Jewish culture is superior to Iranian civilization", can ever hope to come up with.
All that need to be said about this issue is already said . Continuing it is repeating myself the facts are there for every one to make their conclusion. Funny part is you don't consider how hard it was to make people send their children to school at first and how easy it became later
All that need to be said about this issue is already said .

All which needed to be said when it comes to the increase of Iran's literacy rate prior and after the 1979 Revolution is this:

Pahlavi regime: +35 percentage points in 58 years.

Islamic Republic:
+47 percentage points in 44 years.

Therefore literacy rose at a considerably faster pace post-Revolution.

Continuing it is repeating myself the facts are there for every one to make their conclusion.

You failed to disprove the hard-hitting fact I evidenced, which exposes how miserably the western-subservient monarchy fared compared to the Islamic Republic in terms of improving literacy in Iran.

Funny part is you don't consider how hard it was to make people send their children to school at first and how easy it became later

Delightful part is to watch reformists, who consider that "Jewish culture is superior to Iranian civilization", whine when confronted with how the Islamic Republic boosted literacy at a much faster rate than the ousted zionist-subservient monarchy.

Another neat aspect is that now, thanks to the facts and figures I produced, everyone seeing this knows exactly that the Islamic Republic has a vastly superior record.

So cope, because that's ultimately your only option.
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