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Iranian Chill Thread

very little seats remain empty in those fields usually because some one get accepted there but for some reason can't attend so his /her place remain empty and if it happen after the time they announce the reserves , the seat fore that year remain empty

متاسفانه ما به سرمایه های مادی فقط اهمیت میدهیم و سرمایه های دیگر را خیلی وقتها سرمایه به حساب نمیاریم اینم ماجرای یک سال و دو سال 10 سال و 20 سال . 100 سال و 200 نیست . ماجرا ریشه ای تر از این حرفهاست​

True. US values internists and primary care less as well.

This is also true for engineers who are paid less than an internists. Their job is very valuable.

Also military people
It's been twenty years or more that the MKO terrorist cult switched from this one to the lion and sun flag (in a design iteration of their own, with a couple of distinctive details). So what was witnessed here was entirely the US regime's own doing.

Also that money the MKO is bribing western politicians with (mostly MP's) originates itself in the west, in zionist circles and in western client states of the Persian Gulf. The MKO has no significant autonomous source of income nor did they inherit a fortune from past activities. They're funded and propped up by the zionists, Saudi regime and NATO members.

The primary source of mischief is and remains the zio-American empire. To the empire a surreal, isolated terrorist cult like the MKO is simply a tool they task with doing their dirty work.
their flag just changed to fool some monarchist , the flag without any emblem was their design
you want to see what they are , this will tell you that

True. US values internists and primary care less as well.

This is also true for engineers who are paid less than an internists. Their job is very valuable.

Also military people
on that you are right but there is a difference here
there the difference in income is between 245000$ yearly to 570000$ yearly at most the plastic surgeon get twice an internist , here they get more than 10-20 time and its all health ministery wrong strategies
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انتشار نتایج پژوهش استاد دانشگاه تهران درباره شیرین‌سازی آب دریا در الزویر


معین‌الدینی درباره ضرورت‌های انجام این پژوهش گفت: یکی از ملزومات توسعه صنعتی، تهیه آب مورد نیاز برای مصارف صنعتی و آشامیدنی است؛ به گونه‌ای که کمترین پیامدهای محیط زیستی را به همراه داشته باشد. نمک‌زدایی آب دریا، راه‌حلی شناخته‌شده برای تأمین آب در سراسر جهان، به‌ویژه در کشورهایی با منابع آبی محدود مانند کشورهای حوزه خلیج فارس است. با این حال ارزیابی پیامدهای محیط زیستی شیرین‌سازی آب دریا در حوزه خلیج فارس تاکنون به طور جامع انجام نشده است.

عضو هیأت علمی دانشکده منابع طبیعی دانشگاه تهران افزود: از این رو با توجه به تغییرات اساسی در شرایط محیط زیستی، نیاز به نگاه نوآورانه در طراحی و اجرای برنامه‌های سامانه مدیریت محیط زیست بر اساس پیامدهای محیط زیستی احساس می‌شود. از سوی دیگر یکی از دیدگاه‌های پیشرو نسبت به شرایط محیط زیست، دیدگاه پایداری و یکی از ابزارهای مهم برای سنجش وضعیت پایداری، روش ارزیابی چرخه زندگی محصولات و خدمات است.

این پژوهش به صورت مشترک توسط عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه تهران و پژوهشگرانی از دانشگاه اراک، دانشگاه جنوبی دانمارک، دانشگاه فنی دانمارک، پتروشیمی پردیس و دانشگاه تربیت مدرس انجام شده و مقاله منتج از آن از طریق پیوند زیر در دسترس قرار گرفته است:

Life cycle assessment of reverse osmosis for high-salinity seawater desalination process: Potable and industrial water production
US military bases...Latest I have seen..looks like Iran's eastern borders are now clear... northern border still has Baku republic infection.. Iran, Russia, China are now gatekeepers of the new world order..lol..


And the other side of our planet..China will be busy!!:undecided::

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Iran is the front line to counter American influence in Asia

China and Russia know this

And they want to support her to be strong
US military bases...Latest I have seen..looks like Iran's eastern borders are now clear... northern border still has Baku republic infection.. Iran, Russia, China are now gatekeepers of the new world order..lol..

View attachment 901402

And the other side of our planet..China will be busy!!:undecided::
View attachment 901404

View attachment 901405
Iran is the front line to counter American influence in Asia

China and Russia know this

And they want to support her to be strong
مشکل حجاب حل شده گویا
No it's not solved, If you think the conservative Islamists would let go of trying to forcefully shove their sh!t down everyone's throat then you're very naive my friend.
their flag just changed to fool some monarchist , the flag without any emblem was their design

It was not their design. The three-colored flag has been the civil and merchant fleet flag of Iran (as opposed to the state flag) for about three quarters of a century. It had official status in that capacity during the Constitutional Revolution (1906-1907), and then from 1910 to 1980. It also appeared as part of the standard of the Crown Prince as well as on certain military banners under the toppled monarchy.

Below's a German descriptive chart of Iranian national, military and state flags / banners in use during the Pahlavi period:


The only (re-)design work done by MKO terrorists was on the lion and sun emblem. And it's been over twenty years that they've no longer sported the plain tricolor flag.

So the USA football team's "Twitter" account posting an image of that sort of a flag does not imply MKO involvement. Also and more importantly, the MKO is a USA and zionist proxy to start with, not the other way around. The MKO does not determine USA regime policy, it's Washington's hostility towards Iran which has spawned the likes of the MKO.

Blame falls on the USA regime either way, since they're the ones pulling the terrorist cult's strings. It's Washington which granted them protected status after its illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003. The CIA has been supporting them systematically, along with Mossad and more recently Saudi intelligence. It's the CIA which oversaw their relocation to Albania and established the local operational base for them, and so on.

you want to see what they are ,

Contrary to the 1970's-1980's, the MKO terrorist cult does not adhere to any coherent, structuring ideology anymore. Or rather, the only "ideology" they follow boils down to the slogan: "the Islamic Republic is evil", and that's very much it.

Internally they may continue to indoctrinate their rank and file with teachings from earlier days but it's been ages since they've ceased pursuing comprehensive ideological goals. A grouplet that acts as a mercenary for the zionists and the USA, that's being advertised on Saudi International broadcasts and which openly celebrated "I"SIS's 2014 occupation of parts of Iraq (on their so-called "NCRI" website, the MKO were then seen describing the Daesh onslaught as a "popular revolution" of Iraqis against the IR-friendly government in Baghdad), does not even believe in the tenets those symbols on their party emblem would tend to embody.

this will tell you that

The standard format of that is red on a white rather than yellow background.
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Wow.. I often do not login. I read a lot of stuff and shake my head... Sometime I want to reply, but I don't... Been there, done that, argued, accumulated hundreds of posts and upvotes, got to the next level....It does not matter.
The days of the K-Pars, and the older IMF site, the IMF site that followed and was taken down... they are all gone, so is the true original "Username".
But come-on!! are we talking about guys living in remote villages of Afghanistan, Southern Balouchestan province of Iran or northern Tehran and other major cities? wake up and smell the coffee! for as many conservative guys that you might see in those places, there are guys in other places who would not even consider a hijabi girl for marriage. I can not believe I even read stuff like this in the 21st century! Looking at a girl differently because she looks more like a normal girl... yeah this is rich! Peace....

Look at the west, they have over sexualised their culture, they have encouraged women to become whores

Feminist ideology and birth control encourage and encouraged women to act like men, they build up a body count of where they started to sleep around from their teen years and got turned out by man after man

The average marriage in the west now last about 7 years

Adultery is rampant

They have multiple partners and thus can't bond with their husbands

Only about 20% of men in the west USE about 70% of the women in their 20s and by use I mean fcuk

Dating apps are prolific

They have encouraged debased, debauched culture

And by the time the women are in their 30s they have ben used repeatedly and dumped by the 20% of men who have the advantage

These women then blame all men including the 80% who have average game as TRASH

As the women enter their 30s they start to lose what made them special, is their beauty and are left

Feminist culture, the over sexualised culture has destroyed the institute of marriage which is so BIASED against men that it's pointless getting married

You might ask me why am I saying all this,,, because this shit is what is why they are trying to promote in Muslim majority

Muslim countries are the last hold out and between the western liberals, Murtads and feminists they want a fall of Muslim society so they can pump this shit everywhere

Hijab is not just a piece of cloth, it's the representation of the faithful, piety, loyalty and should be encouraged and valued as the counter to the debauchery currently being peddled
Look at the west, they have over sexualised their culture, they have encouraged women to become whores

Feminist ideology and birth control encourage and encouraged women to act like men, they build up a body count of where they started to sleep around from their teen years and got turned out by man after man

The average marriage in the west now last about 7 years

Adultery is rampant

They have multiple partners and thus can't bond with their husbands

Only about 20% of men in the west USE about 70% of the women in their 20s and by use I mean fcuk

Dating apps are prolific

They have encouraged debased, debauched culture

And by the time the women are in their 30s they have ben used repeatedly and dumped by the 20% of men who have the advantage

These women then blame all men including the 80% who have average game as TRASH

As the women enter their 30s they start to lose what made them special, is their beauty and are left

Feminist culture, the over sexualised culture has destroyed the institute of marriage which is so BIASED against men that it's pointless getting married

You might ask me why am I saying all this,,, because this shit is what is why they are trying to promote in Muslim majority

Muslim countries are the last hold out and between the western liberals, Murtads and feminists they want a fall of Muslim society so they can pump this shit everywhere

Hijab is not just a piece of cloth, it's the representation of the faithful, piety, loyalty and should be encouraged and valued as the counter to the debauchery currently being peddled

One of the best posts I've ever read on PDF.

Straight facts.
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