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Iranian Chill Thread

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. توی کشتی کج مطمین هستم هست راستش نمسدونم چرا سالتو بار انداز یا کنده فزنگی را اجرا نکرد او حریف را کاملا در اختیار داشت و یک کنده فرنگی که قشنگ اجرا بشه 6 امتیاز بهت میده اگه حریف را بعد از اون بتونی توی پل نگه کنی اونرا ضربه فنی میکنه
من یک لحظه به نظرم اومد سالتو بار انداز کنه که یک هو اونجوری زدش زمین​
As long Russia is in its ''Special operation'' mode versus a total war Ukraine stance it will continue suffer.

They need to declare total war and smash every standing building. They have nothing to lose.
As long Russia is in its ''Special operation'' mode versus a total war Ukraine stance it will continue suffer.

They need to declare total war and smash every standing building. They have nothing to lose.
If this was the west invading they would have left Ukraine without any electricity or running water within the first week. Russia needs to take the gloves off and give these Euros a taste of what they've been doing to the Muslim world for decades.
If this was the west invading they would have left Ukraine without any electricity or running water within the first week. Russia needs to take the gloves off and give these Euros a taste of what they've been doing to the Muslim world for decades.

I hope Iran doesn't make these decisional mistakes if it ever has to confront a specific enemy in combat. Attacking those facility while morally debatable would've help Russia alot in preventing UKR troops from communicating and coordinating themselves during the early stages of the war.
If this was the west invading they would have left Ukraine without any electricity or running water within the first week. Russia needs to take the gloves off and give these Euros a taste of what they've been doing to the Muslim world for decades.
The incompetent Russian air force has not even achieved air superiortity over Ukraine. I mean what can you say? You have the 3rd strongest air force in the world but cant achieve air superiority over a country that basically has a non existent air force? Why not using your massive air force?

This is the modern aircraft in service with Russian air force:
- 249 MIG-29
- 229 SU-27
- 110 SU-30
- 140 SU-34
- 106 SU-35

Not to mention 125 strategic bombers:hitwall:
I'm still confused. If Hezbollah is so advanced that they could already train our armed personnel in the Army, then what do we need Syria for? And if it's for a ground route to provide Hezbollah with weapons while we're doing the same in Yemen by providing Houthies with Dehlavieh, when Yemen has been under a draconian blockade for years, then again, what do we need Syria for?
Most importantly, how do people expect Syria to be of any significance to Iran's resistance axis particularly in time of need (like a potential conflict with the US or Israel) when Assad is so useless and such a coward that is quite happy and content with his country being divided between several countries including Turkey and Israel? How can you trust a guy like that?
It's more than just a ground route. Syria as a state is friendly to Iran, it has not been replaced by a Pro-Saudi/Turkey government who will fulfill the wishes of NATO. Currently the SAA support & cooperate with Lebanese Hezbollah to develop assault units for the Golan. The loss of Syrian theater would create a number of large problems, firstly being the aforementioned land route, at the moment, any Iranian or Iraqi can comfortably travel into Syria, should war break out and engage Israel in the Golan. In total war scenario, one can see people as far as Afghanistan and Pakistan go to war. Truly a multi-national coalition. A possibility that has not happened before. The Syrian theater adds a new front against Israel. Beyond this even, the geopolitical ramifications of Qatar-Turkey-Europe gas pipeline would come to fruition, Neither Iran or Russia wants this to happen. This was a big blow to Nato aspirations.

I would take a different approach to what is on the surface. Try to look at Syria not at how it is now, but what it can become in 10-20 years. Syrian Military has more potential than Hezbollah can ever have just simply by the fact that their land and human resources are much more compared to the smaller nation of Lebanon. His country is in a tough spot, and so are the people, who have lost a large portion of life and suffering is immense in this country. The will for more war is not particularly high, but with the proper support he is willing to engage in Idlib, and work out a deal with the SDF. Unfortunately for him, the presence of Turkey and USA complicate things. Assad like his father is trustworthy, listens to instructions, and believed in Iran to stick by her during this difficult time. The wealthy PG nations tried to frequently bribe him with money and he still stuck by Iran, and did not accept this trap. I understand he has always been a friend to Iran, and we are repaying him for his support.

The people whose business model has become a frightening reality for many rivals, is applying this same model with Syria, I know Iran can infact re-arm Syria with force multiplier weapons beyond the current simpler systems they currently have. But it will take time to cultivate, and no amount of airstrikes can stop this process. I will say, this is a long process for Syria to re-establish its deterrent level. But it could end up stronger than it was in 2010 with this large growth in military relations between Iran-Syria-Hezbollah. More dangerous than before.
Ina faghat zoor daran ke be inaro morde hamele begzorad. Ye keshvare pizoori kheli etemad be nafs darad.

Vaghan heyfe, mitonistim behtarin doosta bashim ba ina, vali engadr az ma tohin va khianat mikonan ke majboor mishim ye roozi be ina dargiri konim.

If true, and we are on the verge of a major operation, Azerbaijan is clearly threatening with Iran's logistical routes to Armenia. Exactly the red line that Khamenei and others have set.
Taking advantage of a busy Russia, and empty handed Armenia. Clearly they are playing the NATO playbook here, probably encouraged by them to strike can create problems for both Iran and Russia.

They should be careful not to push Iran to Nuclearization if NATO seeks to take up a presence in the southern Caucus
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If true, and we are on the verge of a major operation, Azerbaijan is clearly threatening with Iran's logistical routes to Armenia. Exactly the red line that Khamenei and others have set.
Well, the Turkeys want Armenia gone as they want it for over a century. And Aserbeidschan is a state what you can buy. And at the moment the west and Turkey works together in Aserbeidschan. The standard proxy-war. After Armenia, the west and Turkey will build up Aserbeidschan as the main force against Iran while Russia has enough to do in Ukraine. Same old story as everytime.
Well, the Turkeys want Armenia gone as they want it for over a century. And Aserbeidschan is a state what you can buy. And at the moment the west and Turkey works together in Aserbeidschan. The standard proxy-war. After Armenia, the west and Turkey will build up Aserbeidschan as the main force against Iran while Russia has enough to do in Ukraine. Same old story as everytime.
All it takes is one surgical strike on their gas infrastructure and this will all be over.

When the SL himself says it's a redline, I expect them to be very serious about it. Cross border shelling won't be enough but if they wanna make a move for more, then we got a problem

If true, and we are on the verge of a major operation, Azerbaijan is clearly threatening with Iran's logistical routes to Armenia. Exactly the red line that Khamenei and others have set.

I will refrain from jumping the gun. But if true it is directly the result of Russia-Ukraine war I warned about.

Whenever the West slightly exceeds in a conflict they strive to spread like wild fire across the world. When they were halted in Syria they ended up going into brief hibernation. Then It became Russia’s turn to halt NATO advancement and they laid a big fat goose egg.

But again I’ll wait and see more reports roll in. This could be Armenia just acting alarmists at some cross bordering shelling. But it is concerning that Azeribajian is acting emboldened

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