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Iranian Chill Thread

Defense ministry.

As a example, 3rd Khordad ADS would not be included in this as it is a internal IRGC product.

Its nonetheless very low...
Defense ministry is a big part of our defense strategy and i know that not the whole budget but 1 billion for R&D to create new cruise and ballistic missiles, SLVs , satellites , air defense systems, to work on new engines, building new tanks , Navy. thats... im speechless.
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Defense ministry is a big part of our defense strategy and i know that not the whole budget but 1 billion for R&D to create new cruise and ballistic missiles, SLVs , satellites , air defense systems, to work on new engines, building new tanks , Navy. thats... in speechless.
You should remember that 1bln$ in Iran buys several times more goods and services than 1bln$ in USA.

Assuming Purchasing Power Parity rule 1bln$ in Iran is like 3,5bln$ in USA
1 billion dollars funding in Iran is more likely equivalent to $10 billion in the US...in other words..what US produces with $ 10 billion can be done with only $1 billion in Iran provided we are talking about local production with minimal imported materials. (This 1 to 10 ratio has been working well in many instances).
Defense ministry is a big part of our defense strategy and i know that not the whole budget but 1 billion for R&D to create new cruise and ballistic missiles, SLVs , satellites , air defense systems, to work on new engines, building new tanks , Navy. thats... im speechless.
why you dont know anything speaking they build missile drone tank ... but army and irig must buy it from defense ministry they dont give that guns to them for free so dont speak without information
why you dont know anything speaking they build missile drone tank ... but army and irig must buy it from defense ministry they dont give that guns to them for free so dont speak without information
but i do know that, that 1 billion is for R&D and its way less then our enemies budget
Iranians at work:


Iran's southern neighbours also at work!..

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Has anyone else heard about the two US drones that crashed into each other in Syria ? There are some people suggesting that Iran hacked the drones and caused them to collide. Realistically it's extremely unlikely for two drones from the same country to crash into each other randomly. I mean seriously what are the odds ?

So it's official. Trump's foolhardy attempt to "snapback" UN sanctions against Iran is doomed to failure. Many expected the Europeans to abstain from voting, leaving Russia and China to veto any US attempt. However even the EU (Germany, France, UK) are rejecting Trump's attempt outright.


Germany, France & UK REJECT US push to reinstate UN sanctions on Iran

The US exited the Iran nuclear deal and therefore has no right to demand a ‘snapback’ of UN sanctions on Tehran, the foreign ministers of three European powers involved in the JCPOA said in response to Washington’s latest push.
“France, Germany and the United Kingdom, the so-called E3, note that the United States has not been a member of the JCPOA since their withdrawal from the agreement on May 8, 2018,” their respective foreign ministers Jean-Yves Le Drian,Heiko Maas and Dominic Raab said in a statement on Thursday.

Therefore, the E3 “cannot support” the US demand for UN sanctions against Iran to be reimposed, as it is “inconsistent” with their current efforts to implement the deal, the trio added.

JCPOA stands for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the name given to the 2015 nuclear agreement negotiated by the Obama administration, endorsed by all five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany.

Citing UNSC Resolution 2231, which codified the deal, US envoy to the UN Kelly Craft officially requested the “snapback” of sanctions on Thursday, accusing Iran of “significant non-compliance” with the deal. However, China has previously pointed out that the US is not eligible to make that request, having exited the treaty unilaterally. The E3 statement indicates the Europeans share Beijing’s stance on the issue.

The E3 statement came during the press conference US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was giving at the UN, declaring confidently that the rules of the Security Council are “straightforward” and will lead to the sanctions being restored.


In other news, Coronavirus death counts are finally down in Iran. Infection rates are still up, but death counts are on a downwards trend. This is most likely due to the recent distribution of Iranian made medicines like Remdesivir which are helping victims survive.

Iran is number 11 on the global list of total Covid-19 case counts.

following image from https://www.statista.com/statistics/1043366/novel-coronavirus-2019ncov-cases-worldwide-by-country/


following images from https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/


Following image from https://www.bonbast.com/

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