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Iranian Chill Thread

US President Trump evacuated from The White House Briefing Room due to shoots fired outside of the WH according to reports.

یکبار جستی ملخک:-)

US President Trump evacuated from The White House Briefing Room due to shoots fired outside of the WH according to reports.

یکبار جستی ملخک:-)


No, this has nothing to do with Iran. Its not Iran-Style. I personally learned a lot from iranian politics over the decades. This kind of action do not belong to.

If true then it is one from that

1) the retarded leftists
2) Pharmaconcerns
3) Big Internet
4) lone wulf
No, this has nothing to do with Iran. Its not Iran-Style. I personally learned a lot from iranian politics over the decades. This kind of action do not belong to.

If true then it is one from that

1) the retarded leftists
2) Pharmaconcerns
3) Big Internet
4) lone wulf

Definitely not Iran style.
تحلیلت از انفجار لبنان چیه حاجی
جایی برای عمدی بودن تصور می کنی
The US has captured 4 Iranian oil tankers in international waters near Oman. The ships are the Luna, Pandi, Bella, Bering. They seem to be smaller tankers, capable of carrying 200,000 barrels each. They now appear to be on their way to Houston.

Iran recently boarded a ship in the Persian Gulf and then let it go after a few hours. Was this a warning to the US ? How will Iran respond to these actions ?

One thing is for sure. Iran has LOTS of various options when it comes to a potential response. Iran can seize oil tankers bound for the USA. Iran can target or capture US personnel. Iran can destroy the US controlled oil facilities in eastern Syria with a precise missile strike.

The question is not "if" but rather "when" and "what"


The following article is from the website

Officials: US seizes Iranian gas heading for Venezuela
US officials tell AP Trump administration seized cargo of four tankers transporting Iranian fuel to Venezuela.

The Trump administration has seized the cargo of four tankers it was targeting for transporting Iranian fuel to Venezuela, US officials said on Thursday, as it steps up its campaign of maximum pressure against the two heavily sanctioned allies.

Last month, federal prosecutors in Washington filed a civil forfeiture complaint alleging the sale was arranged by a businessman, Mahmoud Madanipour, with ties to Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps, a US-designated foreign terrorist organization.

At the time, sanctions experts thought it would be impossible to enforce the US court order in international waters.

A senior US official told The Associated Press news agency no military force was used in the seizures and the ships were not physically confiscated. Rather, US officials threatened ship owners, insurers and captains with sanction to force them to hand over their cargo, which now becomes US property, the official said.

Prosecutors alleged the four ships were transporting to Venezuela 1.1 million barrels of gasoline. But the tankers never arrived at the South American country and then went missing. Two of the ships later reappeared near Cape Verde, a second US official said.

Both officials agreed to discuss the sensitive diplomatic and judicial offensive only if granted anonymity.

"This is another lie and act of psychological warfare perpetrated by the US propaganda machine," Soltani said. "The terrorist #Trump cannot compensate for his humiliation and defeat by Iran using false propaganda."

It is not clear where the vessels - the Bella, Bering, Pandi and Luna - or their cargoes currently are, but the ship captains weeks ago turned off their tracking devices to hide their locations, said Russ Dallen, a Miami-based partner at brokerage Caracas Capital Markets, who follows ship movements.

The Bering went dark on May 11 in the Mediterranean near Greece and has not turned on its transponder since, while the Bella did the same July 2 in the Philippines, Dallen said. The Luna and Pandi were last spotted when they were together in the Gulf of Oman on July 10 when the US seizure order came. Shipping data shows that the Pandi, which also goes by Andy, is reporting that it has been "broken up," or sold as scrap, Dallen said.

As commercial traders increasingly shun Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro's socialist government has been increasingly turning to Iran.

In May, Maduro celebrated the arrival of five Iranian tankers delivering badly needed fuel to alleviate shortages that have led to days-long gas lines even in the capital, Caracas, which is normally spared such hardships.

Despite sitting atop the world's largest crude reserves, Venezuela doesn't produce enough domestically refined gasoline and has seen its overall crude production plunge to the lowest in over seven decades amid its economic crisis and fallout from US sanctions.

The Trump administration has been stepping up pressure on ship owners to abide by sanctions against US adversaries like Iran, Venezuela and North Korea. In May, it issued an advisory urging the global maritime industry to be on the lookout for tactics to evade sanctions like dangerous ship-to-ship transfers and the turning off of mandatory tracking devices - both techniques used in recent oil deliveries to and from both Iran and Venezuela.

One of the companies involved in the shipment to Venezuela, the Avantgarde Group, was previously linked to the Revolutionary Guard and attempts to evade US sanctions, according to prosecutors.

An affiliate of Avantgarde facilitated the purchase for the Revolutionary Guard of the Grace 1, a ship seized last year by Britain on US accusations that it was transporting oil to Syria. Iran denied the charges and the Grace 1 was eventually released. But the seizure nonetheless triggered an international standoff in which Iran retaliated by seizing a British-flagged vessel.

According to the asset forfeiture complaint, an unnamed company in February invoiced Avantgarde for a $14.9m cash payment for the sale of the gasoline on board the Pandi. Nonetheless, a text message between Madanipour and an unnamed co-conspirator suggest the voyage had encountered difficulties.

"The ship owner doesn't want to go because of the American threat, but we want him to go, and we even agreed We will also buy the ship," according to the message, an excerpt of which was included in the complaint.

SOURCE: AP news agency

The following article is from the website

Intel: Iran’s navy boards oil tanker near Strait of Hormuz, US says

Aug 13, 2020

Iran’s navy temporarily seized control of a Liberian-flagged oil tanker in what the United States said were international waters near the Strait of Hormuz on Wednesday.

The US-led maritime security coalition in the Gulf released photos of Iran forces fast-roping to the deck of the ship, known as the MT Wila, from what appears to be an Iranian Sikorsky SH-3 Sea King helicopter.

Another photo depicts what appears to be an Iranian Hendjian-class support vessel approaching the Wila from the port side. US Central Command released grainy footage of the seizure, apparently taken from the same coalition ship, which remained nearby on “overwatch,” the coalition said in a statement

A spokesperson for the US Navy’s 5th Fleet did not offer an explanation as to why Iranian forces would seize control of the vessel. The Wila issued no distress calls to other ships in the area, the coalition said. The ship was later released.

The Wila was previously moored off Iraq before moving to a port in the United Arab Emirates, The Associated Press reported.

A representative for Greece-based IMS SA, the parent company that owns the ship, did not return a request for comment.

Why it matters: The United States and Iran have had a number of heated run-ins near the Strait of Hormuz as Iran has increasingly targeted shipping over the past year. The strategic waters funnel about 20% of all global oil traded, or roughly $1.2 billion worth of oil, daily. The Trump administration has sought to isolate Iran economically and prevent it from exporting oil abroad in a bid to coerce officials in Tehran back to the table to renegotiate the 2015 nuclear deal, which the United States pulled out of unilaterally in 2018.

Last month, the captain of a crude oil tanker — which had disappeared from port in the United Arab Emirates and later turned up near Iran’s coast — said the ship had been hijacked, AP first reported. The vessel, the Gulf Sky, had been abandoned by its crew months earlier after US sanctions targeted its Iranian owners. The United States had accused the ship’s owners of purchasing the tanker on behalf of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Iranian forces may have attempted to divert two other vessels passing through the strait over the past week, according to Dryad Global. On Saturday, the route of one ship headed toward Khafji, Saudi Arabia made an irregular turn north and sailed into Iranian waters before abruptly turning southwest and resuming course. Three days later, a second vessel was seen making an irregular turn north and drifted into Iranian waters for about six hours before resuming its course toward Jubail, Saudi Arabia.

The United States accused Iran of sabotaging two tankers last year in the Gulf with explosive limpet mines.

What’s next: The US-led maritime coalition is calling on Iran to explain its legal reasoning for boarding the MT Wila. So far, Iranian state media has not reported on the incident.

Know more: Al-Monitor has reported on prior mysterious petroleum tanker incidents near the Strait of Hormuz, including the disappearance of the Gulf Sky.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/or...-strait-of-hormuz-maritime.html#ixzz6V4Tc2y00
It appears that an extensive Psyop is running full steam against Iran ...Trump election is in trouble and we will see more of these fake news article.. (The item below is from Sputinik) .

Iranian Envoy Says None of Its Cargo Ships, Including Those Carrying Gasoline Have Been Seized by US

Iran's Ambassador to Venezuela Hojat Soltani has denied media reports about the seizure of Iranian cargo vessels carrying gasoline to the Latin American country by the US, calling such claims a piece of "psychological warfare by the US propaganda machine". He stressed that the ships actually seized have nothing to do with Iran and its help for Venezuela in the form of fuel shipments.

"The tankers are neither Iranian, nor do their owners or flags have anything to do with Iran. The terrorist Trump just wants to cover up the humiliation of his failure against the great nation of Iran by scattering false propaganda", Soltani said.
According to US, the seized tankers are Bella, Bering, Pandi, and Luna. None were sailing under Iranian flags, but I am interested in knowing wether the oil they carried were Iranian or not.
According to Iranian officials, the ships have nothing to do with Iran and the oil shipment had already been paid for ahead of time. I'm not sure if that I believe that, but only time will tell if and how Iran will respond.

In the big picture though, the US has failed in passing its UN resolution to extend the weapons embargo against Iran. This seizure by the US will only make The Trump administration appear more belligerent to Russia, China and the Europeans.

The New York Times has called the failure at the UN "an embarrassing defeat" with 11 nations abstaining from voting, 2 voting yes and 2 voting no. The US's only option now is to either compromise with the various parties to the nuclear deal or to try and "snap back sanctions" against Iran.

Various legal experts and diplomats however have stated that because the US is no longer a part of the nuclear deal, that it does not have the option to automatically reimpose sanctions against Iran. I suppose only time will tell.

According to US, the seized tankers are Bella, Bering, Pandi, and Luna. None were sailing under Iranian flags, but I am interested in knowing wether the oil they carried were Iranian or not.
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