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Iranian Chill Thread

indeed he was a great man , he is called the maryred teacher here in iran .
he advocated islam and he tried to combine islam and socialism . he has been called the ideologue of the Islamic Revolution

he was strangely martyred in UK


Ali Shariati - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He criticized the traditional clerical system, and called them Safavid Shia. he also criticized modernists opinions as well. but, IMO, he was wrong about both traditional mullahs and modernists.

Brother I have been studying him for a while , This man was a genius . His critics say that he did not create any new theological or philosophical ideas of his own . He just tried to mix already existing philosophies of existentialism with religion and socialism .But the fact is that He never claimed to be a philosopher , he was a mentor , an activist , who loved and cared for his countrymen . Some times he is fundamentalist , some times he is sufi , His strong criticism of clergy is justified . Men like him are born very rarely . His intellect served as the motor that generated the greatest revolution of our times , no wonder why the SAVAK killed this great man .

I came to know that he and his followers were disowned by Khamein`s regime . Really sad . I fully agree with him that true shiaism was the red shiaism ; the religion of martyrs which was turned into black shiaism ; the religion of mourners by the Saffavids . May be he fell victim to the rivalry between Najaf & Qum . I really respect the man . May Allah accept his efforts
I came to know that he and his followers were disowned by Khamein`s regime . Really sad . I fully agree with him that true shiaism was the red shiaism ; the religion of martyrs which was turned into black shiaism ; the religion of mourners by the Saffavids . May be he fell victim to the rivalry between Najaf & Qum . I really respect the man . May Allah accept his efforts
bro ,let me give u some info

i'm really flattered that u r interested in him . he is a great guy as u said .

but , i think u r misinformed a little . 1- he was one of the main supporters of iranian revoloution 2- he is not "disowned" by the leader 3-there is no rivalry between Qom and najaf ! :D who told u that ? i suppose you've mixed the timeline a little bit :D
4-thanks for your effort for learning about shia muslims
but , i think u r misinformed a little . 1- he was one of the main supporters of iranian revoloution 2- he is not "disowned" by the leader 3-there is no rivalry between Qom and najaf ! who told u that ? i suppose you've mixed the timeline a little bit
4-thanks for your effort for learning about shia muslims

I wonder why would someone disown a man like him
but I was told that grand marja Hussein-Ali Montazeri had to face severe opposition from govt. leading to his house arrest for his open support of Ali Shariati views and criticism of regime . Ayatullah Misbah Yazdi declared Ali Shariati an apostate . Most of his followers and supporters have been jailed , this is a very long list bro and truly sad .
As much as I know , Qom is close to red shiaism and Najaf to black shiaism . I may be wrong though
I wonder why would someone disown a man like him
but I was told that grand marja Hussein-Ali Montazeri had to face severe opposition from govt. leading to his house arrest for his open support of Ali Shariati views and criticism of regime . Ayatullah Misbah Yazdi declared Ali Shariati an apostate . Most of his followers and supporters have been jailed , this is a very long list bro and truly sad .
As much as I know , Qom is close to red shiaism and Najaf to black shiaism . I may be wrong though

This website might be useful for you .

Ali Shariati على شریعتی

By the way , Dr Shariati and his view has been attacked by religious characters and their followers ( who were close to Morteza Motaharis' thoughts ) in Iran since Revolution . One of his books called Alawi Shiism - Safavid Shiism was not allowed to be published for years and has recently been published which I'm not sure if is the whole book .

I don't know if you've read one of his books called Yes , Bother , That's the way it was , it was meaningful for me . I suggest you to read it .
Shariati was an fool. He single-handedly created the most violent ideology in Iran's history with his 'everyday is Karbala' analogy. No wonder, since he was influenced by Marxist theories.
Shariati was an fool. He single-handedly created the most violent ideology in Iran's history with his 'everyday is Karbala' analogy. No wonder, since he was influenced by Marxist theories.

of course you must spew your stupidness somehow .

idiota : marxism = atheism

shia = islam = praying GOD .

Get your a$$ back to school now

and you are a fool
since he was influenced by Marxist theories.

He was a strong critic of western sytstems including Marxism which he believed was self contradicting . He thought that only two systems have the potential to change bad condition of masses , Islam OR Marxism .
of course you must spew your stupidness somehow .

idiota : marxism = atheism

shia = islam = praying GOD .

Get your a$$ back to school now

and you are a fool

Marxism is more than atheism. Marx's theory went much further than God. He spoke about the privileged (bourgeois) versus the unprivileged (proletariat). Shariati replaced this somewhat with the oppressed. Many mullahs took over elements of Marxism. Don't try to teach me history. I'm studying at one of World's best universities (Islamic and Middle Eastern studies), while you are stuck in an environment of propaganda and censorship.
Islamic and Middle Eastern studio
thats an studio not a university :lol:

and , i'm much more educated than u can think of . you might be even dreaming about it

you've got no idea of what your talking about . have u even read any of his books ? do u know what is he talking about ?

and i repeat it again , have u read any of his books illiterate person ?

pick up a book and study dude , youre saying non-sense
He spoke about the privileged (bourgeois) versus the unprivileged (proletariat). Many mullahs took over elements of Marxism

wrong again . Islam supported the proletariat over previliged 1300 years before Karl Marx . So It was Karl Marx who was influenced by Islam not the other way around . Do you want I quote references to prove this ?
He was a strong critic of western sytstems including Marxism which he believed was self contradicting . He thought that only two systems have the potential to change bad condition of masses , Islam OR Marxism .

Shariati was influenced by Marxism. Even Vali Nasr acknowledged this. Since I have Nasr's e-book on my laptop, here you go:


And he was wrong anyway. Islam never changed the conditions of the masses positively. In fact, Islam is a huge hindrance when it comes to modern development of societies and people. The same counts for all other world religions.
Islam supported the proletariat over previliged 1300 years before Karl Marx
islam supports anyone with more knowledge and FAITH . (taghva) . so literally islam doesnt say proletariat is better cause they dont have enough money or previliged is bad cause they have it .

islam is always fair , so what if a previliged had used his brain and got rich without hurting others ?

(إِنَّ أَکْرَمَکُمْ عِنْدَ اللّهِ أَتْقاکُمْ)

آیه 13 سوره حجرات
wrong again . Islam supported the proletariat over previliged 1300 years before Karl Marx . So It was Karl Marx who was influenced by Islam not the other way around . Do you want I quote references to prove this ?

Karl Marx wasn't influenced by Islam, or any other world religion. In fact, Marx was raised in a time where capitalistic systems were finding its way in modern society, accompanied by the industrial revolution, which had changed our societies incredibly. We became strongly urbanized, industrialized, divided into social classes, etc. His theories originated in this changing society. By the way, strictly speaking, Jesus was a 'revolutionary socialist' long before Islam originated.
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