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Iranian Chill Thread

But I do agree that Abdollahian's messaging is baseless bellicose rhetoric that undermines Iran's credibility, but this is a problem innate to the IR, not just the FM.
One thing about this. I can't say for sure if these statements from the foreign ministry are without supervision of the IRGC or not, but Abdollahian is well connected to the IRGC and some have accused him of being a Quds force member as well.

if such is the case, I think his statements are supervised with full consent from the military apparatus and not his own words. I don't think he can speak like this without getting the green light from the IRGC and Supreme leader
One thing about this. I can't say for sure if these statements from the foreign ministry are without supervision of the IRGC or not, but Abdollahian is well connected to the IRGC and some have accused him of being a Quds force member as well.

if such is the case, I think his statements are supervised with full consent from the military apparatus and not his own words. I don't think he can speak like this without getting the green light from the IRGC and Supreme leader
He is a politician and delivers the Government's official line. But he doesn't speak for the IRGC or Qods Force.

First we have to deal with the extremely low standards of vetting and propensity to issue fake statements/news in Iranian telegram channels and Iranian media.
But he doesn't speak for the IRGC or Qods Force.
Like I said, he is well connected with them. His statements can be backed by them.

First we have to deal with the extremely low standards of vetting and propensity to issue fake statements/news in Iranian telegram channels and Iranian media.
All too common.
Like I said, he is well connected with them. His statements can be backed by them.
I don't think so. He is the FM of the Government, not the IRGC. He has the same role as Zarif (who complained about the IRGC undermining his diplomatic efforts) except he is known to be more pro-Qods force/IRGC in general.
Lots of people jump up and down with western propaganda. Lets look at some big facts:

-few hundred Palestinian gunmen anahilated the zionist bases , slaughtered hundreds of soldiers, killed/captured senior officers in their underwear and captured several towns and hundreds of prisoners.

-This has shattered the zionist image as a powerful country westerners would immigrate to.

-The ball is firmly in zionist court to make the next big move, and they are clearly stalling and are loathe to send their 140 pound tictoc army jnto gaza

Hezbollah has maintained its posture of relentlessly attacking the Zionist. While recognizing its martyrs (while zionists hide them)

This has put massive constraints on the zionists to operate. They have to commit massive chunk of theor forces north, and take constant casualties.

The ball right now is in the zionist court. They have suffered a massove defeat that they simply cannot make up for in terror attacks

Hezbollah will continue what they are doing until the next phase.

Once zionist ground forces are commited to a ground war, is when hezbollah and Iran will make their next major move
( and this could just mean a couple missile shots on vital infastracture).

Too many people who seem intelligent and geopolitically literate are unfortunately falling for cheap western propaganda.

I dont have a clue where the hell the criticism of hezbollah is coming from? Unless your a braindead emotional child with 0 critical thinking abilities
"If push comes to shove, it is usually better to give up a pawn if it means protecting a rook." --> Iran will not sacrifice Hezbollah for Hamas
I don't think so. He is the FM of the Government, not the IRGC. He has the same role as Zarif (who complained about the IRGC undermining his diplomatic efforts) except he is known to be more pro-Qods force/IRGC in general.
I say he's connect because of his past history before he became FM>

So it begins.
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