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Iranian Chill Thread

Doesn't matter. Taliban has no air-defence.

How are they going to stop the massive wave of Iranian drone, jet attack on their ground units?

It will be a slaughter.
that is not important , important part is some people let them dare to attack Iran , and when they attacked they didn't gave them proper answer
that is not important , important part is some people let them dare to attack Iran , and when they attacked they didn't gave them proper answer
They called them brother after they killed 2 of our young boys ....

ISI is disgrace for Iranians
you make the mistake of wanting to use your social security insurance to buy the drug . tell the clerk that you will buy it by cash and he tell you go and come this evening , the drug is ready
Sir, I'm a believer in social science I tried different approaches but it seems having genes similar to genes of Basiji brothers and the looks like them not gonna help either. :meeting:

One of my pleasant experiences with a random pharmacy goes back to the time of releasing/pardoning hejab prisoners and I had very short hair like the prisoners at that time !

Confident in government below 50 confident in people below 30 :).
Knew this was gunna happen as soon as the talib terrorists came to power. Id rather have had American stooges in power than these morons.

They are just a society of mercenaries and warlords nd don’t understand the concept of prosperity/development. Anyone can twist these fools to their agenda because they have no brain cells. The only thing we can do to them is to obliterate the forces they sent to our border. Doesn’t matter how, there are so many means to do so.

Total disproportionate obliteration is all that can be done to these terrorist nd such an event shud be showcased as propaganda to the Zionist enemy to deter them. We shud use this as an opportunity, displaying a massive show of force to deter the Azeri and Zionist from any mischievous thoughts.

N.B. Really upset over the reaction so far from the government. The enemy will only take it as a sign of weakness. The leaders must act far more boldly.
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Literally a handful of fully loaded F-4’s and F-5’s will do the job of blowing up any major troop and equipment gatherings. No need to bring in 20 drones when our fighter jet pilots can get live combat mission training.
Why use fighter jets when we can use UAVs for much cheaper, 20 drones is nothing
this government won't wake up until the attack start , have you forgotten iran-Iraq war and how all the plea of army and border guards ignored and they actually get disarmed and their equipment sabotaged

Like I said, this is the perfect kick in the gut that leadership needs to wake up from sleep and see the changing world.

Knew this was gunna happen as soon as the talib terrorists came to power. Id rather have had American stooges in power than these morons.

They are just a society of mercenaries and warlords nd don’t understand the concept of prosperity/development. Anyone can twist these fools to their agenda because they have no brain cells. The only thing we can do to them is to obliterate the forces they sent to our border. Doesn’t matter how, there are so many means to do so.

Total disproportionate obliteration is all that can be done to these terrorist nd such an event shud be showcased as propaganda to the Zionist enemy to deter them. We shud use this as an opportunity, displaying a massive show of force to deter the Azeri and Zionist from any mischievous thoughts.

N.B. Really upset over the reaction so far from the government. The enemy will only take it as a sign of weakness. The leaders must act far more boldly.
in the first test flight they don't retract the landing gears

You are naive if you think the first flight test was with reporters/photographers present. That plane has flown before.

Why use fighter jets when we can use UAVs for much cheaper, 20 drones is nothing

Those Drones you have to move command stations into the area since Iran lacks sat-com. A M-6 using ground control is around ~200-250 mile. That area is pretty mountainous so might be even less, could be more.

Iran has plenty of old expiring munitions from F-4’s and F-5’s it can expend and give pilots valuable training. F-4 cost per hour is $8K in a western military. I would imagine much less for Iran and can be counted towards monthly training hours for pilots.

A single F-4 can carry almost 19,000lbs of fuel and munitions.

A single M-6 can carry 4-6 smart guided munitions.

Not even close to being comparable in terms of firepower.
Those Drones you have to move command stations into the area since Iran lacks sat-com. A M-6 using ground control is around ~200-250 mile. That area is pretty mountainous so might be even less, could be more.
200km is plenty for this purpose, even Herat is only 130km away from the border

Iran has plenty of old expiring munitions from F-4’s and F-5’s it can expend and give pilots valuable training. F-4 cost per hour is $8K in a western military. I would imagine much less for Iran and can be counted towards monthly training hours for pilots.
If F-4 and F-5 pilots don't have experience by now then that's concerning

A single F-4 can carry almost 19,000lbs of fuel and munitions.

A single M-6 can carry 4-6 smart guided munitions.

Not even close to being comparable in terms of firepower.
Maintenance and storage and fuel and ... of F-4 and F-5 will be another magnitude to Ababil-5

If things escalate and more significant firepower is needed, F-4 can be a good option. But for now no need to risk lives for the sake of massive bombing campaigns
200km is plenty for this purpose, even Herat is only 130km away from the border

Depends on where the airbase will be set up. Remember these drones fly slow compared to a fighter jet that can be appear at the front in a blink of an eye.
If F-4 and F-5 pilots don't have experience by now then that's concerning

Pilots have to train monthly even veterans. When was the last time Iranian pilots attacked real targets?

That is why Russia didn’t mind joining Syrian war. Putin even said the additional cost is offset by elimination cost of war games and exercises to keep pilots trained. Russian pilots got valuable experience in operational action.

Maintenance and storage and fuel and ... of F-4 and F-5 will be another magnitude to Ababil-5

Whichever air base you have to use will require fuel and munitions for either type strategy.

If things escalate and more significant firepower is needed, F-4 can be a good option. But for now no need to risk lives for the sake of massive bombing campaigns

3-4 F-4’s can do enough damage. And there is no risk as the Taliban lack any AD system. Unless you think a AA gun attached to a pick up truck can knock down a fighter jet.
Source: Rybar Telegram Channel

The Afghan media say that the leadership of the so-called "Islamic Emirate" in response to recent events began the construction of three dams in the provinces of Farah , Herat and Zabul . But work on them began even before the clashes at the border.

At the same time, the construction of several dams at once indicates the serious intentions of the Taliban to use water arteries to solve the problem with energy supply.

In addition, the installation of dams will allow full control of the flow of water to neighboring Iran and Turkmenistan along the Harirud River. In a region where drought is one of the main problems, such a development of events may create prerequisites for further aggravation of the situation.

Afghan resources report the transfer of additional Taliban units to the Islam Qala checkpoint in Herat province on the border with Iran. The other day, negotiations took place between the Iranians and the Taliban, and, judging by what is happening , the parties did not come to a compromise.

The footage shows the transport of a T-55 tank, three ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft guns, at least six D-30 122-mm howitzers, eight MSFV armored personnel carriers, as well as several pickup trucks with machine guns and personnel.

The appearance of the ZU-23-2 is noteworthy. During the special operation in Ukraine, anti-aircraft installations of this type have shown their effectiveness against low-flying kamikaze drones, including the Geran-2, assembled on the basis of the Iranian Shaheds.

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Realistically Iran can't fly those planes to any western or western backed country since they will likely be confiscated. Still it will alleviate the pressure on Iran's airlines. Maybe if they actually serially produce the Iran-140 (Simorgh) for regional travel, that might also help.

God,taghvaae is such a fvcking tool.💩🤡💩

Yes Iran first received the Iran-140 / AN-140 in early 2000s. It appears that this specific airframe was assembled in Iran but I'm guessing that the vital components are likely from previous models, purchased on the black market or from the Russians ? What I'm wondering is did they repair the engine for this plane ? did they reverse engineer it or some of its components ? Or did they purchase engines from the Russians, since the original engines from Ukraine were actually license build variants of a Russian made engine. The best option would probably be to deal with Russia & license build the engines inside Iran.

2 things:

1. cockpit is not modern at all, looks completely analog

2. Do the landing gears not retract on this model of a plane? Long after take off they were still deployed.

Where all these “modern 4++ Kowsar” some users rave about on this board? At least 6-12 have been built.

If you cant use them as CAS against Taliban then what good is that plane?

Not sure what Taliban’s long term plan is. What are they going to do take a few border posts…..then what? The border area is useless and has nothing, all the oil is on the Iraqi side.

Literally a handful of fully loaded F-4’s and F-5’s will do the job of blowing up any major troop and equipment gatherings. No need to bring in 20 drones when our fighter jet pilots can get live combat mission training.
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Realistically Iran can't fly those planes to any western or western backed country since they will likely be confiscated.

They cannot confiscate the planes. They were purchased thru Loop holes.

The only thing an airport can do is refuse to refuel/service the plane or revoke its safety license thus prohibiting it from landing at the host country and/or even using its airspace. This has happened in the past.
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