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Iranian Chill Thread

من این تحلیل رو دیدم الان دو هفته هست حالم بده . اصلا نفهمیدم عید چی شد

واقعا لیبرال ها و نفوذی ها با دلاریزه کردن نون مردم چه بلایی سر اقتصاد ایران آوردن که هیچ ربطی به تحریم نداشت

بیخود نیست دلار از ۱۰۰۰ تومن سال ۸۹ شد ۵۰ هزار

دم روحانی و لیبرال های زمان احمدی گرم !

مشکل لیبرال ها نیستند ...

ببین سهامدار اصلی شرکت های پتروشیمی و شرکت های فولادی کیه تا بفهمی چرا اینقدر قدرت دارند
moral of the story at those times we at least made some answer to the enemy provocation , right know we follow examples of Imam Hasan while boasting we follow the path of Imam Hosein .
its the difference between Raesi government and Roohani Government

The difference is that with the current administration, Iran will strike the enemy either way whenever warranted, and not just in response to provocations. Such as in 2022 when the Mossad compound in Arbil was reduced to rubble by the IRGC's powerful missile forces. Such as the deadly UAV strike on USA occupation troops by Iranian-aligned forces in Syria recently.

When it comes to the two IRGC troops martyred in Syria lately, this occurred just a few days ago. Give it a couple of weeks, passing judgement earlier would not be adequate.

More importantly though, the Rohani cabinet cannot be credited with any military operation conducted by the IRGC during his mandate. This was an administration which opposed Iran's intervention in Syria and set new records in attempting to appease the USA regime. It publicly spoke ill of Sepah, and we all remember the leaked Zarif's leaked interview in which he was lamenting the fact that sardar Soleimani added a significant layer of ground action to Iranian policy.

So when it comes to this, blatant inversion of reality may achieve to fool a person of utmost naivety but not anybody else.

However and as usual, this is a deflection from the subject matter. Which is that you've abundantly made clear following convictions of yours, as demonstrated by the quotes I shared:

1) You are of the belief, shared by myself, that Avi-Har Even the veteran zionist rocket scientist was eliminated as a result of covert Iranian retaliation for shahid Fakhrizadeh's assassination. Mind you, certain users had gone out of their way these days to label said event as a fictitious "phantom operation" imagined by IRGC commanders. That the same users would now applaud your comments in which you're pointing to exactly that same operation and characterizing it as a fully genuine one, is rather peculiar, would you not say? Reasonable people definitely would.

But what matters here, is that you and I both agree Iran was behind the senior zionist scholar's liquidation, contrary to what has been claimed here over the past couple of days. And you and I are also in agreement that our beloved IRGC officials, therefore, did not publish disinformation in this regard.

That's all I needed to show, so thanks for your effective if involuntary contribution to the cause.

2) Unlike users I've been discussing with during the past couple of days, you do not adhere to the viewpoint that Iranian retaliation to the martyrdom of IRGC forces in Syria should have taken the shape of massive escalatory measures such as multiple missile and drone strikes on zionist mainland. In particular, you deemed satisfactory the Iranian missile launch towards Occupied Golan which I myself had referenced while countering certain narratives on here, but which was derided by another participant as, I quote, "pathetic".

I am glad to have proven with concrete evidence that such commentary is incompatible with your perspective. Again, great job confirming what I've been reminding here for the past few days.

3) Exactly as I've been insisting - which earned me repeated jabs from several members, you just corroborated that Iran has effectively been responding to zionist provocations. Good work, nothing more to add.

4) Much like yours truly, you have a history of highlighting the fact that actual Iranian fatalities - not massively magnified zionist lies to that effect, have been overly rare in Syria. And while we're at it, I'm sure you'll be every bit as pleased as myself to learn that I am going to illustrate soon how diligently you strove to drive home this important aspect, through countless posts you made. So stay tuned!

Since circumstances are calling for it now more than before - and not merely because I have personally been targeted and insulted for conveying that same truth, I'm confident you won't mind if I show everyone what you've been writing on the issue.
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مشکل لیبرال ها نیستند ...

ببین سهامدار اصلی شرکت های پتروشیمی و شرکت های فولادی کیه تا بفهمی چرا اینقدر قدرت دارند

If you listen carefully to the source you cited - which is in fact an excellent one since it demonstrates that within the framework of the Islamic Republic there are indeed workable solutions to Iran's current economic challenges, then you will come to the realization that it's precisely because of the intellectual dominance of monetarist neo-classical economics (referred to as neo-liberalism in common usage) among Iranian academia, media and society, that those petrochemical, automobile, steel corporations, you name it, have been favored the way they have and have been empowered to conduct their ill-conceived practices - ever since the advent of the Hashemi administration.

I can only encourage you to listen to more programs from Jedaal. The fact that this video came to your attention is proof that their analyses are gradually starting to reach additional segments of the public. Now if you wish to contribute to those workable solutions, please share this and other Jedaal programs with your acquaintances. If people start understanding where the actual keys to generalized economic prosperity lie - and it's definitely not where liberal economists nor where the anti-IR opposition claim they lie, then the government's hand will be strengthened against interest groups and chances to see the administration implement favorable economic policies will be maximized.
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The main stack holders of these companies are government, bonyads, irgc and etc ...

Jedal simply choose to not mention this simple fact and put all blame on the liberals ...
The main stack holders of these companies are government, bonyads, irgc and etc ...

Jedal simply choose to not mention this simple fact and put all blame on the liberals ...

Shareholders' names are public. There's a website in Iran that lists them, people can consult it freely.

However ownership of these companies is not the point. Rather what I was trying to say, is that it's because of liberal economic policies that said companies came to become what they are. This is where liberal influence comes into play: not just in who the shareholders are, but in the ideological impact of neo-liberal economics on successive governments starting with the Hashemi administration in the 1990's. It's because liberal economic theory (neo-classical monetarist, in fact) has been so predominant since after the war, that practically every government has implemented policies which benefited those companies and their practices. Or in other terms, governments failed to take the appropriate steps needed to regulate the negative consequences of these companies' activities.

Let's take the most pressing economic issue to Iranian citizens today, namely inflation as an example. Well, Jedaal and its guests have shown that because of the dominance of liberal economic theory, almost everyone in Iran - from the simple worker whose interests are in fact incompatible with the policies promoted by liberal theory, to university professors and policy makers in the administration, all are assuming that the cause of inflation can only ever be increased money supply (afzayeshe naqdinegi). Why? Because this is what monetarist (= neo-liberal) economist Milton Friedman postulated. The consequence is that governments, inspired by those ideas, will take measures causing additional pressure on workers and employees in the name of fighting inflation, and in the end inflation is not reduced, since the cause was not properly identified.

By contrast, if you listen to those discussions on Jedaal, they feature economists and other experts with an alternate take. Who demonstrate for example how the dollarization of the Iranian economy, not money supply, is the primary factor behind the inflation witnessed today. They explain how Russia successfully neutralized the effect of sanctions by de-dollarizing her economy and encouraging use of the Ruble by economic actors. How in Iran, even fully domestic transactions let alone foreign trade are formulated in US dollars. And this leads to inflation.

Will try to share a few interesting presentations on the topic soon. The one posted above by user Lydian Fall on how to rapidly get rid of the Iranian economy's dependence on the US dollar is good as well, I'd recommend watching it.
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Hope Iran gets it's Su-35 very soon
And holds a joint air excercise with PAF
win-win for Both IAF and PAF
So Iran could train to lock on Pakistani F-16s in case Israel attacks with their F-16s

And Pakistan could train to lock on Iranian Su-35 in case India attacks or skirmish against Su-30s
So Iran could train to lock on Pakistani F-16s in case Israel attacks with their F-16s

And Pakistan could train to lock on Iranian Su-35 in case India attacks or skirmish against Su-30s

Pakistan couldn’t even finish their own half of a gas pipeline to keep the lights on in their cities due to western pressure.

And now you think they will go against the Zionists and US? Wishful thinking
The difference is that with the current administration, Iran will strike the enemy either way whenever warranted, and not just in response to provocations. Such as in 2022 when the Mossad compound in Arbil was reduced to rubble by the IRGC's powerful missile forces. Such as the deadly UAV strike on USA occupation troops by Iranian-aligned forces in Syria recently.

When it comes to the two IRGC troops martyred in Syria lately, this occurred just a few days ago. Give it a couple of weeks, passing judgement earlier would not be adequate.

More importantly though, the Rohani cabinet cannot be credited with any military operation conducted by the IRGC during his mandate. This was an administration which opposed Iran's intervention in Syria and set new records in attempting to appease the USA regime. It publicly spoke ill of Sepah, and we all remember the leaked Zarif's leaked interview in which he was lamenting the fact that sardar Soleimani added a significant layer of ground action to Iranian policy.

So when it comes to this, blatant inversion of reality may achieve to fool a person of utmost naivety but not anybody else.

However and as usual, this is a deflection from the subject matter. Which is that you've abundantly made clear following convictions of yours, as demonstrated by the quotes I shared:

1) You are of the belief, shared by myself, that Avi-Har Even the veteran zionist rocket scientist was eliminated as a result of covert Iranian retaliation for shahid Fakhrizadeh's assassination. Mind you, certain users had gone out of their way these days to label said event as a fictitious "phantom operation" imagined by IRGC commanders. That the same users would now applaud your comments in which you're pointing to exactly that same operation and characterizing it as a fully genuine one, is rather peculiar, would you not say? Reasonable people definitely would.

But what matters here, is that you and I both agree Iran was behind the senior zionist scholar's liquidation, contrary to what has been claimed here over the past couple of days. And you and I are also in agreement that our beloved IRGC officials, therefore, did not publish disinformation in this regard.

That's all I needed to show, so thanks for your effective if involuntary contribution to the cause.

2) Unlike users I've been discussing with during the past couple of days, you do not adhere to the viewpoint that Iranian retaliation to the martyrdom of IRGC forces in Syria should have taken the shape of massive escalatory measures such as multiple missile and drone strikes on zionist mainland. In particular, you deemed satisfactory the Iranian missile launch towards Occupied Golan which I myself had referenced while countering certain narratives on here, but which was derided by another participant as, I quote, "pathetic".

I am glad to have proven with concrete evidence that such commentary is incompatible with your perspective. Again, great job confirming what I've been reminding here for the past few days.

3) Exactly as I've been insisting - which earned me repeated jabs from several members, you just corroborated that Iran has effectively been responding to zionist provocations. Good work, nothing more to add.

4) Much like yours truly, you have a history of highlighting the fact that actual Iranian fatalities - not massively magnified zionist lies to that effect, have been overly rare in Syria. And while we're at it, I'm sure you'll be every bit as pleased as myself to learn that I am going to illustrate soon how diligently you strove to drive home this important aspect, through countless posts you made. So stay tuned!

Since circumstances are calling for it now more than before - and not merely because I have personally been targeted and insulted for conveying that same truth, I'm confident you won't mind if I show everyone what you've been writing on the issue.
if you believe so .
please inform us of some of these things that current government did .I'll be glad to see some reaction, any reaction.
by the way why you believe israel action is not escalation but iran action will be escalation ?
Pakistan couldn’t even finish their own half of a gas pipeline to keep the lights on in their cities due to western pressure.

And now you think they will go against the Zionists and US? Wishful thinking
I think you misunderstand what i was saying, i was saying that if some day Iran and Pakistan hold a joint air force exercise and if Iran has its Su-35s, it would benefit both Iran and Pakistan as Iran could exercise with PAF F-16s and Pakistan with Iran Su-35s, F-16 is used by all Iran ennemies in the region, and India owns a large amount of Su-30, it would confront Iranian pilots with F-16s in training

Never said that Pakistan is going against Zionists and US, and anyway a joint air force exercise isn't likely to happen with US pressure

US/NATO always had designs on stealing Ukraine from Russian orbit.

Putin spent the last 20 years watching NATO come to its borders while turning his back on Iran every chance he got in order to secure temporary and pathetic concessions. Now he pays the price for his actions.

He was referring to dealing with Indian Su-35's.

He makes a good point, it is a mutually beneficial idea here.

You really think the US will allow Pakistan to use their F-16’s in a war game with Iran and not suffer consequences?

This board is just filled with naivety
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