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Iranian Chill Thread

The year ended and they didn't pay the last month salary of the teachers .... This is first time in past 50 years ....

Generally , they always pay it in advanced ...

ISI is losing its credibility in incredible pace ....

Without serious change in domestic policies , in this year we would witness downside of ISI and no one is to blame except themselves with their corruption , mismanagement and oppressing people in ever possible field....
I don't expect the Islamic Republic to survive. It will eventually fall, not because of some foreign force but because of the weight of its own dysfunctional management.

Failure to simply get things done to function as a government. I am just not sure if it will take the whole country down with it. This is the reality. If the government is unable to manage its finances, its duties towards the people it will fail as a system. I hope it doesn't get to a terrible point, but I do feel like it is likely with time.
Iran is under sanctions for years

They say give us your missiles, give us your nuclear tech

Become a poor country like Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen etc...

So any time we wished we gonna attack and destroy your country because we are afraid of a big united independent and strong IRAN

Now tell me who is oppressing people for God knows centuries? Racist whites or their governments who is protecting their people against these berbers?
Sanctions have some blame, but their are also other things to blame that don't involve sanctions. The sanctions excuse worked before but now that people can see Russia, and see how healthy they have become. People realized this sanctions excuse no longer works, and most sanctions can be mitigated with good diplomacy & politics with the rest of the world. But when something like a Hijab throws the country into riots, this is not a country people want to trade with or invest in.
For Iranian users :

Went to Turkish forum to find a video of actual taxi of their TF-x plane. could only find still images. but I found this interesting piece,,,PLEASE DO NOT GET MAD..AND DO NOT GO THERE FOR REPLY..AND ENJOY YOUR NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS:cheers:

this is the rants from a Turkish member called "X bat" to our friend "Ich" I feel sorry for him..he put up a good fight on our behalf and I thank him personally @Ich . Something is bothering these turks ..can not figure out exactly what it is Why they keep comparing to Iran..why can not just be happy with their airfarme..hug it.. love it..but leave Iran out of it!!:undecided:

So here it is ..rants from a turk that to this day has never flown any turk made manned aircraft in their entire history..none...but they know all about Iran's products.:azn::azn:

What a question! that implies Turkey uses foreign originated parts but IRAN does not. i know you are a nice guy but whenever i discuss this topic with indoctrinated brain dead persian zombies they say same scit to me.. wake up man we are at the champions league now but iran is not!

-iran makes seageh, azarakesh bla bla all of them is an american F5 and uses american design j85, producing them in iran doesnt make them iranian fighter. iran changed f5 design make it double vertical stabilizer version but later they changed their mind and made original types again. why? because they dont have enough know how, thats it. they made f313 for propaganda purposes we still wait for to fly after a decade. another iranian bs is local production, even if we consider j85 production rate we can say you guys import some parts of it. if Turkey doesnt care patent issues we can make F110 at home easily, but that zombies think they are superior than us at this subject, there is no single jet engine in iran designed by iranians(afaik), all of them unlicensed copies of french, american etc. engines, they are still imports jet engines to power their gadgets even little ones like 358 missiles(netherland made turbojet)

-they make yasin jet (which looks 50's era junks) and proud of it , they say it costs 6 million USD, they proud of with it is price too! Our Hurjet budget 750 million USD may be more. they think their chit better than everyone elses. They had tsarv jet 20-25 years ago it crushed a couple times and project cancelled. i see same destiny for yasin. another great iranian aircraft project was IRAN160 which is licensed ukrainian plane, after a couple persian touches to the plane, it crushed a couple times and resulted many deads. after years they reactivated ıran160 project but this time as a cargo plane, we will see the results.

-iran smuggles many things and we provide info some of them in this forum but the zombies insist on rejecting. i dont care it , but if we discuss the matters i wanna see a man at the other side.
if they make something it becames most advanced one in the world automatically , they copied oto malera 76 mm they said this, they copied american rq170 they said same thing and many more.
another bullscit is serial production, we saw khayber 2020 , 15 years ago , they claimed it is in serial production, where is it? we never see it again. same thing for their tanks(all of them versions of foreign tanks) , where are those?

-there was another zombie who claimed turkey will never have unmanned UAVs for decades.... we flew first unmanned fighter jet last year and iranian little toys are already became pussycat ...... anyway iranians under this regime lost their healty way of thinking, there is world who is free , with or without iran

so world is mocking with iran,
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For Iranian users :

Went to Turkish forum to find a video of actual taxi of their TF-x plane. could only find still images. but I found this interesting piece,,,PLEASE DO NOT GET MAD..AND DO NOT GO THERE FOR REPLY..AND ENJOY YOUR NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS:cheers:

this is the rants from a Turkish member called "X bat" to our friend "Ich" I feel sorry for him..he put up a good fight on our behalf and I thank him personally .

So here it is ..rants from a turk that to this day has never flown any turk made manned aircraft in their entire history..none...but they know all about Iran's products.

What a question! that implies Turkey uses foreign originated parts but IRAN does not. i know you are a nice guy but whenever i discuss this topic with indoctrinated brain dead persian zombies they say same scit to me.. wake up man we are at the champions league now but iran is not!

-iran makes seageh, azarakesh bla bla all of them is an american F5 and uses american design j85, producing them in iran doesnt make them iranian fighter. iran changed f5 design make it double vertical stabilizer version but later they changed their mind and made original types again. why? because they dont have enough know how, thats it. they made f313 for propaganda purposes we still wait for to fly after a decade. another iranian bs is local production, even if we consider j85 production rate we can say you guys import some parts of it. if Turkey doesnt care patent issues we can make F110 at home easily, but that zombies think they are superior than us at this subject, there is no single jet engine in iran designed by iranians(afaik), all of them unlicensed copies of french, american etc. engines, they are still imports jet engines to power their gadgets even little ones like 358 missiles(netherland made turbojet)

-they make yasin jet (which looks 50's era junks) and proud of it , they say it costs 6 million USD, they proud of with it is price too! Our Hurjet budget 750 million USD may be more. they think their chit better than everyone elses. They had tsarv jet 20-25 years ago it crushed a couple times and project cancelled. i see same destiny for yasin. another great iranian aircraft project was IRAN160 which is licensed ukrainian plane, after a couple persian touches to the plane, it crushed a couple times and resulted many deads. after years they reactivated ıran160 project but this time as a cargo plane, we will see the results.

-iran smuggles many things and we provide info some of them in this forum but the zombies insist on rejecting. i dont care it , but if we discuss the matters i wanna see a man at the other side.
if they make something it becames most advanced one in the world automatically , they copied oto malera 76 mm they said this, they copied american rq170 they said same thing and many more.
another bullscit is serial production, we saw khayber 2020 , 15 years ago , they claimed it is in serial production, where is it? we never see it again. same thing for their tanks(all of them versions of foreign tanks) , where are those?

-there was another zombie who claimed turkey will never have unmanned UAVs for decades.... we flew first unmanned fighter jet last year and iranian little toys are already became pussycat ...... anyway iranians under this regime lost their healty way of thinking, there is world who is free , with or without iran

so world is mocking with iran,

Eh, doesn’t really bother me nor should we allow hollow words said on the internet (of all places) to get to us even in the slightest.

All that matters is Iran’s continued progress as well as territorial integrity which is now being threatened by Azerbaijan (Turkeys little adopted brother).

These words are meant somewhat jokingly. Just wait till Iran starts obliterating targets in Baku. That’ll REALLY show us what they think of Iranians :rofl:
New year and Iran goes into 2 weeks national vacation..People flock to warm Persian Gulf shores in towns like BUSHEHR..

View attachment 921355View attachment 921356View attachment 921357View attachment 921358View attachment 921359View attachment 921361View attachment 921360
and what i get for new year.
more than 40 cases of car accident plus my usual cases and those were not normal car accident , all of them roll over or cases with casualties and several falling into valley the rest head to head collision :hitwall:. all because some people can't understand there is a reason for speed limit or the lines on the street and seat belt is not an ornamental object and airbag is not supposed to turn off outside the cities .
You dont need...i have fun :lol:
Well said, I learned a long time ago that arguing in earnest on the public forums, or any other internet platform. Is a MONUMENTAL waste of time when the other party appeals to emotions and character rather than facts and evidence.

Simple cordial discussions, nothing more nothing less.
Well said, I learned a long time ago that arguing in earnest on the public forums, or any other internet platform. Is a MONUMENTAL waste of time when the other party appeals to emotions and character rather than facts and evidence.

Simple cordial discussions, nothing more nothing less.
What surprises me and it speaks of nobility of Iranian culture is that we Iranians never do things like that..We never boast about BAVAR by puting Turkish AD down We are just happy and boast about our product..

About Azebaijan republic they are our blood they are Iranians separated from Iran and ruled by an ex KGB agent..Re-Unification of this lost land will happen may be not in my life time but it will happen..but we have to work on the population they are now like the rest of us celebrating Nowrouz..They are our people they are us..
Sanctions have some blame, but their are also other things to blame that don't involve sanctions. The sanctions excuse worked before but now that people can see Russia, and see how healthy they have become.

Comparing a country that went through 40+ years of sanctions, and a crushing 8 year long war with a country that's been semi sanctioned for a few months is unreasonable and unfair. Russia is not healthy. The poverty, the corruption, lack of opportunity and inequality in the federations is on another level.
Iranians dont pay taxes, have free health care, free higher education and subsidized food and energy; that's something Russians will never experience, with or without sanctions.

Sanctions are brutal and will cripple any country that's isolated, see Iraq in the 90's, North Korea, Venezuela and Cuba.
Russia was never isolated and several giant economies still deal with them, however Iran until recently was fully isolated but that's changing fast with the emergence of multipolarity.
The Iranian leadership are far from perfect, but in every category Iran is overpreforming and considering the circumstances that's nothing short of impressive.
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For Iranian users :

Went to Turkish forum to find a video of actual taxi of their TF-x plane. could only find still images. but I found this interesting piece,,,PLEASE DO NOT GET MAD..AND DO NOT GO THERE FOR REPLY..AND ENJOY YOUR NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS:cheers:

this is the rants from a Turkish member called "X bat" to our friend "Ich" I feel sorry for him..he put up a good fight on our behalf and I thank him personally @Ich . Something is bothering these turks ..can not figure out exactly what it is Why they keep comparing to Iran..why can not just be happy with their airfarme..hug it.. love it..but leave Iran out of it!!:undecided:

So here it is ..rants from a turk that to this day has never flown any turk made manned aircraft in their entire history..none...but they know all about Iran's products.:azn::azn:

What a question! that implies Turkey uses foreign originated parts but IRAN does not. i know you are a nice guy but whenever i discuss this topic with indoctrinated brain dead persian zombies they say same scit to me.. wake up man we are at the champions league now but iran is not!

-iran makes seageh, azarakesh bla bla all of them is an american F5 and uses american design j85, producing them in iran doesnt make them iranian fighter. iran changed f5 design make it double vertical stabilizer version but later they changed their mind and made original types again. why? because they dont have enough know how, thats it. they made f313 for propaganda purposes we still wait for to fly after a decade. another iranian bs is local production, even if we consider j85 production rate we can say you guys import some parts of it. if Turkey doesnt care patent issues we can make F110 at home easily, but that zombies think they are superior than us at this subject, there is no single jet engine in iran designed by iranians(afaik), all of them unlicensed copies of french, american etc. engines, they are still imports jet engines to power their gadgets even little ones like 358 missiles(netherland made turbojet)

-they make yasin jet (which looks 50's era junks) and proud of it , they say it costs 6 million USD, they proud of with it is price too! Our Hurjet budget 750 million USD may be more. they think their chit better than everyone elses. They had tsarv jet 20-25 years ago it crushed a couple times and project cancelled. i see same destiny for yasin. another great iranian aircraft project was IRAN160 which is licensed ukrainian plane, after a couple persian touches to the plane, it crushed a couple times and resulted many deads. after years they reactivated ıran160 project but this time as a cargo plane, we will see the results.

-iran smuggles many things and we provide info some of them in this forum but the zombies insist on rejecting. i dont care it , but if we discuss the matters i wanna see a man at the other side.
if they make something it becames most advanced one in the world automatically , they copied oto malera 76 mm they said this, they copied american rq170 they said same thing and many more.
another bullscit is serial production, we saw khayber 2020 , 15 years ago , they claimed it is in serial production, where is it? we never see it again. same thing for their tanks(all of them versions of foreign tanks) , where are those?

-there was another zombie who claimed turkey will never have unmanned UAVs for decades.... we flew first unmanned fighter jet last year and iranian little toys are already became pussycat ...... anyway iranians under this regime lost their healty way of thinking, there is world who is free , with or without iran

so world is mocking with iran,

Mods are very soft with Turks ...
Happiness to all on this New Year. My best wishes and forever selfless success to all the bearers of the flag of justice.

Ya hagh.

A powerful ballad by the people for the people:

I'm sorry if this question is already answered, but does the Iranian section have a MOD? If not, is it possible to appoint an Iranian member who's willing?

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