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Iranian Chill Thread

Good news , soon ISI will be forced to stop this shit-tera-net

Good news , soon ISI will be force to stop this shit-tera-net
How does this work?

Do you need a satellite dish to connect or can it be connected direct to smartphones?
Interesting commentary. I have to say I agree with this guy. I honestly can't blame China for the recent island spat. The Chinese are simply doing what is in their own national interest. The fact of the matter is that when it comes to China, Iran has very little leverage and that's the sad truth.

For China, trade with Iran makes up 1-2% of their export volume at the most. It's negligible and expendable. For Iran however, China is its largest trading partner, currently at 25-30%. It's Iran current establishment who have dug themselves into a deep hole.
I think you`re ignoring the fact that the chinese very quickly back tracked on this,they issued a statement that affirmed their support for irans territorial integrity,and the joint arab chinese statement that had offended iran so much very quickly disappeared down the ccp memory hole,ie it could no longer be found on the official chinese government website,almost as though it had never even existed in the first place.
So it is kind of funny that a country with "very little leverage" was able to get the chinese to back track so very quickly,but then I suspect that it might have something to do with iran being not just the only non us/western vassal,non aligned energy supplier in the region,but thanks to geography also being the effective gate keeper of the access to the energy supplies in the rest of the persian gulf.
So ultimately I think it shows that the chinese arent stupid,they`re not going to shoot themselves in the foot by alienating iran just to please the [western vassal] gulfies.
Lastly lests not forget that it was the west that sanctioned itself out of virtually all trade with iran.
Good news , soon ISI will be forced to stop this shit-tera-net

Good news , soon ISI will be force to stop this shit-tera-net
A whole 100 terminals [I assume thats what they`re meaning] active in iran.......🥱
Truly the iris days are numbered:rolleyes:

I`m sorry but its really hard to take this sort of sh!t seriously.:jester:
Some interesting photos I picked from @Sineva post on the transportation exhibition:
General view of the exhibition


Is this the current" Mossala" or a yet to be built mosque!..looks great architecture ..@Hack-Hook

The axel and wheels for trains rolling stock... Imagine how many of these are builts in Iran (in thousands)..Iran used to import them not long ago.

Air traffic console and the mobile Air traffic control tower.



Some Electronic Navigation and marine radio transmitters and I can see some are built by IEI in Shiraz.





Is the piston aircraft engine made in Iran !!!



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How does this work?

Do you need a satellite dish to connect or can it be connected direct to smartphones?
Well to start with you`ll probably need to [somehow] have these smuggled in...
And altho musk might be willing to subsidize the cost of operating it initially like in the ukraine,dont forget that ultimately the guys a good old capitalist who wants to make lots of money,so someone else is going to have to start paying for all of this eventually.

Thats assuming that the government doesnt ban it,jam it,hunt down and rip out the dishes,prosecute the people using it etc,etc,etc.....
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Well to start with you`ll probably need to [somehow] have these smuggled in...
And altho musk might be willing to subsidize the cost of operating it initially like in the ukraine,dont forget that ultimately the guys a good old capitalist who wants to make lots of money,so someone else is going to have to start paying for all of this eventually.

Thats assuming that the government doesnt ban it,jam it,hunt down and rip out the dishes,prosecute the people using it etc,etc,etc.....

ISI will do everything to stay in power, but some times brutality and opersing people don't work anymore ... that why currently they are are sacking and razing Iran economy and environment to the ground ...

Wtf is Patarmesh on about now? i really like that guy but sometimes he overthinks things- All Iran has to do is ask Russian govt to ask GRU or Russian military how Russia disabled Starlink on the frontline in Ukraine...Russia will gladly offer its "solutions", and starlink in Iran will become history....but then again, this Starlink in Iran is another suspicious US govt + military project that Elon is actively involved in...hje's such a state asset IMO at this time, its not even funny...His company providing starlink connections to Ukranian troops already raised eye brows..so now he wants to help Starlink Iranian gender confusionists in their "protests" that kill security forces to change their govt because Islam is bad and no hijab "frees" Iran? People have forgotten a small but critical point- Iranian govt isnt confused about its mission, dedication, purpose, etc, but some Iranians are and instead of saying that, they naturally will tell others (consertatives and Islamic govt in Iran) they are causing problems- no, its their own lack of happiness that is causing them problems in their lives, and since they've watched too much Kardashians and Radio free liberty (save me from this crap), their now a remote controlled atlanticist- capitalist bot- just helping the greedy rich get richer, for no practical use- see why Jack Ma ran to Tokyo to "relax"? China told him that if he brings his money with problems to CHinese society, he will be good for the justice system to process.

But how many Arash 2s and Shahed 136s is Iran about to send to Russia any moment from now?
Wtf is Patarmesh on about now? i really like that guy but sometimes he overthinks things- All Iran has to do is ask Russian govt to ask GRU or Russian military how Russia disabled Starlink on the frontline in Ukraine...Russia will gladly offer its "solutions", and starlink in Iran will become history....but then again, this Starlink in Iran is another suspicious US govt + military project that Elon is actively involved in...hje's such a state asset IMO at this time, its not even funny...His company providing starlink connections to Ukranian troops already raised eye brows..so now he wants to help Starlink Iranian gender confusionists in their "protests" that kill security forces to change their govt because Islam is bad and no hijab "frees" Iran? People have forgotten a small but critical point- Iranian govt isnt confused about its mission, dedication, purpose, etc, but some Iranians are and instead of saying that, they naturally will tell others (consertatives and Islamic govt in Iran) they are causing problems- no, its their own lack of happiness that is causing them problems in their lives, and since they've watched too much Kardashians and Radio free liberty (save me from this crap), their now a remote controlled atlanticist- capitalist bot- just helping the greedy rich get richer, for no practical use- see why Jack Ma ran to Tokyo to "relax"? China told him that if he brings his money with problems to CHinese society, he will be good for the justice system to process.

But how many Arash 2s and Shahed 136s is Iran about to send to Russia any moment from now?
I think hes literally just "taking the piss" as they say,as I doubt that commercial satellite receivers built no doubt using the maximum of the cheapest cots to minimise costs [and of course by definition maximise profits] are going to be built to anywhere near the standards of military spec systems complete with side and back lobe cancelling and lpi.
Starlink isnt going to be of great use in the latest round of the wests propaganda war directed against irans own citizens.
Hopefully iran will repay the saudis and gulfies in kind with its own propaganda efforts directed against them.I for one would love to see a saudi international or gulfie international website in exactly the same,tho undoubtedly superior,style to the saudi iran international.
One can hope.🤔

Israel Has Improved Readiness to Attack Iran, Minister Says​

Israeli minister sees possible attack on Iran "in two or three years"​

I don't buy it. If they were going to do anything, they wouldn't be talking about it. When they attacked the Iraqi and Syrian nuclear sites they never said a word before hand. Not to mention Iran has dozens of sites spread out throughout the country, a decent air defense network and Israelis would have to refuel twice mid flight wouldn't they ?
From what I heard the Chinese said that Iran and the Gulf states should resolve the issue through diplomacy or something along those lines. Yeah they backtracked once Iran's government made it clear that they weren't happy with those statements.

From an economic standpoint, for Iran, China is Iran's largest trading partner by far, making up about 20-30% of Iran's overall trade volume. For China, Iran makes up 1% of trade volume. The discounted one million barrels per day is the biggest economic leverage Iran has over China at the moment. Regardless China has alot of options when it comes to buying oil, especially with the Ukraine war, they're getting a significant amount of discounted oil from Russia. Although overall the Russian crude is not as good as the Iranian oil in terms of quality I believe.

I think you`re ignoring the fact that the chinese very quickly back tracked on this,they issued a statement that affirmed their support for irans territorial integrity,and the joint arab chinese statement that had offended iran so much very quickly disappeared down the ccp memory hole,ie it could no longer be found on the official chinese government website,almost as though it had never even existed in the first place.
So it is kind of funny that a country with "very little leverage" was able to get the chinese to back track so very quickly,but then I suspect that it might have something to do with iran being not just the only non us/western vassal,non aligned energy supplier in the region,but thanks to geography also being the effective gate keeper of the access to the energy supplies in the rest of the persian gulf.
So ultimately I think it shows that the chinese arent stupid,they`re not going to shoot themselves in the foot by alienating iran just to please the [western vassal] gulfies.
Lastly lests not forget that it was the west that sanctioned itself out of virtually all trade with iran.
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خودباوری و استقلال فرهنگی
شما سعی کنید از متخصصین متدین و متعهد استفاده کنید. ما بارها گفته‌ایم که ما متخصص می‌خواهیم، ولی متخصص متعهد. ولی دشمنان فریاد زدند که اینها با تخصص مخالفند. البته که متخصص منحرف از هرکس خطرناکتر است. خلاصه مطلب، ما باید این را بفهمیم که همه چیز هستیم و از هیچ کس کم نداریم. ما که خودمان را گم کرده بودیم باید این «خودِ» گم کرده را پیدا کنیم و این فکر که بر ما تحمیل شده بود که «اگر دست خارج کوتاه شود، می‌میریم» را با تمام قدرت از بین ببریم. و دیدید که ملتی با دست خالی در مقابل ابرقدرتها و قدرتها ایستاد و این حرکت موجی برداشت که به امید خدا، به این زودیها نمی‌ایستد.
امیدوارم همه آقایان کمک کنند تا فرهنگمان و فرهنگ اسلامیمان، فرهنگی که شیخ الرئیس (1) را درست کرده است را باز یابیم. تکرار می‌کنم: ما باید باورمان شود که چیزی هستیم. اگر اعتقاد پیدا کردیم که می‌توانیم هر کاری را انجام دهیم، توانا می‌شویم.
شما هم اعتقاد پیدا کنید که می‌توانید. مغزها باید شستشو شود و مغزهایی که به خود متکی است جای آن را بگیرد. خداوند همه شما را حفظ کند.

آیت الله جوادی آملی به قالیباف: نباید مسئولیت اجرایی را به آدم های خوب اما بی عرضه و یا بداختلاسی داد

آیت الله العظمی جوادی آملی با بیان اینکه نباید مسئولیت اجرایی را به آدم های خوب بی عرضه و یا بداختلاسی داد، گفتند: اگر درست رفتار نکنیم خداوند ما را خواهد برد و به وسیله قوم دیگری دینش را حفظ خواهد کرد. به گزارش انتخاب، آیت الله جوادی آملی، این مرجع تقلید شیعیان در دیدار آقای محمدباقر قالیباف، رییس مجلس شورای اسلامی بیان داشتند: دو چیز مملکت را نگه می دارد؛ یکی سواد فعلی و دیگری امید آینده که مسئولین باید تلاش کنند این دو امر از دستشان در نرود. اگر سواد فعلی و امید آینده بود، نتیجه اش پایداری مردم در جنگ هشت ساله علیه نظام اسلامی است، اما اگر نه سواد فعلی بود و نه امید به آینده، هم فرار مغزها خواهد بود و هم مشکلات اقتصادی در ازدواج و اشتغال و مسکن جوانان و هم این قرآن سوزی ها و مسجد سوزی ها. ایشان ادامه دادند: ما دو وظیفه داریم، یکی دعا کردن به درگاه خداست که از دعاهای سحر نباید غافل شد و دیگری عقل و تدبیر است. ایشان با بیان اینکه نباید مسئولیت اجرایی را به آدم های خوب بی عرضه و یا بداختلاسی داد، اظهار داشتند: حضرت امیر علیه السلام، کمیل را مسئول منطقه ای نمود، سربازان اموی به این منطقه حمله بردند و آنجا را غارت کردند، حضرت نامه ای به کمیل نوشته که در نهج البلاغه آمده، مضمون آن این است که برخی تنها به درد دعای کمیل می خورند، ولی توان اداره یک منطقه را ندارند! لذا باید از واگذاری مسئولیت به آدم های خوب بی عرضه در کشور جلوگیری و همچنین جلوی آدم های بداختلاسی و نجومی نیز گرفته شود.
Some of the biggest problems of Islamic Republic of Iran comes from these few words of Mr Khomeyni and it's interpretations.It's interesting to see someone like Mr Javadi Amoli take a position like this :)

By the way is there any concept of the "good thief" and the bad thief in Islam or am I just dumb again ?
. .
The head of Mozart PMC Private Military Company), an American/British mercenary group who recently withdrew from Bakhmut after coming face to face with Russia's Wagner PMC, says that "Ukraine is a f#cked up society run by f#cked up people" He goes on to admit that Ukrainian soldiers are committing war crimes, killing prisoners of war.

The entire interview is here

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Tehran university opens medical faculty in IRAQ
  • Accepts 250 Iraqi medical students per year
  • All teaching staff and facilities provided by Iran

All the village came to say goodby😢...Funeral of an Iranian KIA soldier in Iran/Iraq war recently discovered.

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