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Iranian Chill Thread



something changed ?
Cant blame them too much. They are completely surrounded by NATO and their country was disintegrated. They are just too weak and isolated to do anything. Especially after yugoslavias disintegration

There is some irony here somewhere about Iran getting jav geer and supporting NATOs yugoslavia destruction project.

Only to have albania hosting mek rat farms on their territory

I think yugoslavia was Irans biggest geopolitical mistake. (Not that it would have made any difference)

Indeed since Albania was not part of former Yugoslavia, Iranian assistance to Bosnians is unrelated to Washington's resettling of MKO terrorists in Albania. As for the war in Kosovo, an area of Yugoslavia and then Serbia inhabited by Albanian-speakers, Iran opposed the repression of local Moslems but also denounced the way NATO separated the region from Serbia for no other purpose than transforming it into a hub for subversive activities by the USA regime, conducted out of one of the largest overseas military bases (so-called "Camp Bondsteel"). Iran did not intervene on the ground in that conflict.

When it comes to Yugoslavia, keep it mind this used to be one of Saddam's main backers during the Imposed War. Rather unfortunately and strangely so, since Belgrade had been known for its independent-minded foreign policy, maintaining autonomy vis à vis both Moscow and Washington. Yugoslavia also enjoyed a considerable degree of economic and military self-sufficiency. So logic would have dictated that they side with Iran, whose revolutionary guiding principle "neither East, nor West" ought to have won their sympathy.

However, the Yugoslavia of the 1980's in practice was no longer the same state Marshal Josip Broz aka Tito had founded in 1946. It can be said that the later generation of elites strayed from the path set by Tito. Hence they chose to side with Saddam against Iran. So actually, the Yugoslav leadership of that period was composed at least in part by the kind of people who may have agreed to host the MKO at Saddam's behest.

When Bosnia descended into chaos in the spring and summer of 1992, Yugoslavia had already been destroyed for all practical purposes: federal republics of Slovenia and Croatia had successfully declared independence more than half a year earlier (on 25 June 1991) and effectively escaped Belgrade's authority. Iran played no role in any of this.

Only after fighting had started in Bosnia did Iran enter the stage. And she did it to prevent additional atrocities against Bosnian Moslems (of Sunni denomination, by the way). As well as to assist an ally of old, Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic, whose ties to the Islamic Revolution stretched back to 1982, year during which he visited Tehran to participate in a pan-Islamic conference (upon his return to Yugoslavia, he was put on trial and jailed).

Iran's policy and goals were distinct from NATO's. We can discern some parallels to how the empire first propped up "I"SIS in Iraq, and when witnessing how efficiently Iran and local allies were driving back the terrorists, NATO suddenly stepped in with the goal of preventing Iran-friendly forces from liberating the rest of Iraq, because this would have greatly diminished western influence in the country following the war. A comparable scenario unfolded in Bosnia: NATO regimes initially allowed killings to happen at places like Srebrenica but when Iranian aid to the Bosnians proved successful, western regimes forcefully jumped into the fray to prevent a markedly pro-Iranian government from taking shape in Sarajevo.
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Here's what we know:

  • During a press conference, Biden said Griner was relieved to be released: “She is safe. She is on a plane. She is on her way home."

Oman’s energy minister said there’s widespread unease among oil-reliant economies over the cap that the Group of Seven nations has imposed on the price of Russian barrels.

“I don’t think anyone likes it,” Salim Al-Aufi said in an interview in Muscat. “We don’t know how far it will go. Today, it’s Russia. But tomorrow that can change and it could be a global price cap. That would be extremely serious.”
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China’s Xi gets a grand welcome to Saudi Arabia and promises a ‘new era’ in Chinese-Arab relations​



Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman welcomed Chinese President Xi Jinping with a lavish reception in the capital Riyadh on Thursday, as the two countries head for a number of summits heralding an “epoch-making milestone” in China’s relations with the Arab world.

Saudi state TV showed a grand ceremony laid out for the Chinese leader, as bin Salman, the kingdom’s de facto ruler known as MBS, received him at Al-Yamamah Palace. Chinese and Saudi Arabian flags dotted the premises as members of the Saudi Royal Guard lined up with swords and played music.

In complete unrelated turn of events as wise man "once" explained it like it:

It's the most wonderful time of the year:wub:

then hit it by 6000+km range missile
the question is can you detect them in time to be able to send interceptors to counter them ?
don't you think considering the fact for example a TEL launched Solid fuel SLV like Qaem that can be actively controlled in all stage of flight can be easily converted to precisely hit a 100m long hanger ?
Is that a rhetorical question? Can the U.S. detect them in time???
China is the worst country Iran could trust as an ally or as a coop partner in the region and worldwide just after the west
Is that a rhetorical question? Can the U.S. detect them in time???
the question is not USA can detect interceptors like mig-31 in time. the question is can 3rd party country detect aircraft like b-21 in time to send interceptors to confront it before it release its cruise missile and turn back and go home ?
China is the worst country Iran could trust as an ally or as a coop partner in the region and worldwide just after the west
There are so many people who said it , but ISI ignored all warnings

آمریکا هم تا حالا تو بیانیه ای تمامیت ارضی ایران رو نشانه نرفته بود که وین این کار رو کرد

China is the worst country Iran could trust as an ally or as a coop partner in the region and worldwide just after the west
There are so many people who said it , but ISI ignored all warnings

آمریکا هم تا حالا تو بیانیه ای تمامیت ارضی ایران رو نشانه نرفته بود که وین این کار رو کرد
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