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Iranian Chill Thread

میگن تو ایران وضعیت خیلی بد شده

مثلا کارمندای بانک هر روز با ترس و لرز میرن سرکار و میترسن از اینکه اغتشاش گرا بیان و به جرم همکاری با جمهوری اسلامی به قصد کشت کتکشون بزنن

یا مثلا مغازه دارها هر روز باید ساعت ۴ - ۵ مغازشونو ببندن از ترس اینکه اغتشاش گرا نیان و مغازشونو کوکتل مولوتوف بزنن

نتونستن ببینن ایران مثل افغانستان و سوریه و عراق نیست و امنیتمونو با رسانه های کثیفشون گرفتن
yesterday i went to vali-asr street , you could see security forces in number , but all the computer shops were open , and i had no problem finding what i wanted . on other hand around 9 o'clock at least were i live you can here anti government slogans from homes for around 15-30 min
تو محله مام تقریبا یه همچین چیزی هست

اینجا بالای ۵۰۰ نفر زندگی میکنن و هیچ صدایی ازشون درنمیاد

ولی دو نفر هر شب از ساعت

۹ تا ۹.۳۰

عربده میکشن و فش میدن
well here i say they are more than two people , but if police and government don't do something strange , it seems the situation is becoming normal again
Are u bored ? me too :(
Here some "metro, in/under Ahvaz" results of AI creations for you :-)


Last two are belongs to "Iran future"

Shahed Over Ukraine
Iran Shahed Russia

Thanks to

Shahed over Ukraine is scary....

it's interesting that their AI used canon camera in other shahed pic.
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دوستان این تحلیل آقای سورنا چگینی درباره ی اوکراین رو حتما حتما حتما ببینید:

من که تو این مدت که بیکارم معتاد شدم به یوتوب شماها رو نمیدونم...
@925boy so if you do the numbers 500 to 1000 Ukrainian soldiers are out of permanent action a month, 15000 to 30000, so between 150000 to 300000 of most of their best men, in less than a year. One most Russian military analysts and bloggers are now ridiculing this special operation, when you have a feared Chechnyan president ridiculing the performance of these generals and leaders, also out loud yeah big failures. Okay past coupl of weeks Ukraine hasnt taken control of “significant” territory why would they, they’re using a Russian tactic surround these cities and towns that are fortified for attack, just starve them and bombard them daily into submission, why would Ukraine fight door to door with town and cities mined for ambush. I saw you weren’t finished talking so I moved it out of respect for @Stryker1982 also just got off my 30 minute break have a great day
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