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Iranian Chill Thread

And it's Iranian religious people who have to sacrifice their lives to save the a$$ of these Hjab-less people.

that's where the enemy is concentrating.
These nations are small without much resources, they cannot protect themselves very easily against overwhelming powers.
"Lebanon model"

You know hordes of arabs from the Gulf states visit beirut for sex tourism throughout the year, right? Syria was the same until the war.

You people are such fucking hedonists, wanting make halal what Allah [SWT] made haram.

All due respect, iraq isn't the country where they kiss women's arses non-stop either, apart from the Kurdish entity to the north.

They kept traditional gender and societal roles all throughout it's turbulent history. Iranians on the other hand fall over in their haste to simp and white knight for females and that behaviour takes many disastrous forms.

The biggest mistake you made was filling 72% of university seats with women and putting them in the workforce. Place a woman on equal footing with a man and she wants to live like a man but keep a woman's benefits too.

Guess what suffers? Femininity and society.
Lebanon/sex tourism is related to poverty and them having the same language as Arabs. Sex tourism could happen with or without hijab. Even the most secular country could make laws against prostitution. At the same time family and marriage and fertility should be supported in education, media, culture branch and by subsidies.
And it's Iranian religious people who have to sacrifice their lives to save the a$$ of these Hjab-less people.

that's where the enemy is concentrating.
Not to complain but I wish Allah [SWT] had given us an easier test. That or Divine Assistance is sent right away.

This Dar-e-Khyber is proving too heavy for our shoulders. May our Mowla Haider-e-Karrar {A} lend us deliver us.
When it comes to Lebanon, the fact is that this country is essentially a multi-communal one, whose fragile social cohesion entirely rests upon a delicate and permanent balancing act between a multitude of communities defined by religious denomination.

It's telling that in the picture shared above, the hejab-less lady standing between chador-clad ones, is in fact Christian (probably of Maronite confession), as can be seen from the cross pendant on her necklace.

This is the only reason why Lebanese Hezbollah dropped the idea of introducing Sharia law.

Iran's social structure is very different, with a single overwhelming religious community, the Shia Islamic one.
I get that, for the case of Iran, more and more people have become Atheist even!. While a majority of the population is still Muslim, The divide in the population is only increasing as a result especially seen when comparing age groups. Freedom to choose would be a way to create a bridge in that gap, one sector of society is enforcing their belief on another and this is creating friction, especially when the younger generations are easily and completely dominated by western media, it only amplifies. What is the Islamic Republics solution to this?
Lebanon/sex tourism is related to poverty and them having the same language as Arabs. Sex tourism could happen with or without hijab.
Let's be frank - the whores in Lebanon are not some desperados who want bread. It was always about getting expensive cars, Chanel bags and beachfront houses.

And it's not related to the economic crisis either. They've done this for decades.

At the same time family and marriage and fertility should be supported in education, media, culture branch and by subsidies.
I'll admit the IRI's failure here. Issuing birth control in Rafsanjani's era was the worst possible thing to do. Next worst thing was putting women in universities to the crazy extent they do now and in the workforce.
Not to complain but I wish Allah [SWT] had given us an easier test. That or Divine Assistance is sent right away.

This Dar-e-Khyber is proving too heavy for our shoulders. May our Mowla Haider-e-Karrar {A} lend us deliver us.
Let the history move forward as fast as it can, because at the end is Faraj.
These nations are small without much resources, they cannot protect themselves very easily against overwhelming powers.
These countries can't even protect themselves from themselves! and that's exactly what awaits multi ethnic Iran, in the absence of unity factor, Islam.
Let the history move forward as fast as it can, because at the end is Faraj.
Al-Ajal, Ya Emam {ATFS AS HJ}!

These countries can't even protect themselves from themselves! and that's exactly what awaits multi ethnic Iran, in the absence of unity factor, Islam.
Nowadays, I see why Mullah Khalkhali wanted to bulldoze Takhte Jamshid. Still not in agreement with it but I understand his motivation behind it.
And it's Iranian religious people who have to sacrifice their lives to save the a$$ of these Hjab-less people.

that's where the enemy is concentrating.
That's why I respect all Iranians, religious and non-religious ones. When it comes to defending our lands and interests, all should work together.
Where does this all leads to and when does it end.

Well, we may find hints to the answer in our religious scriptures, more precisely in passages dealing with eschatology.

On a side note, I don't know how familiar you are with the work of Martin Heidegger (in particular but not limited to his concept of Gestell). This is an author I'd recommend studying sometime.

Interestingly, Heidegger inspired a specific strain of thinkers who contributed to the intellectual impetus behind the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran. Chief among them is the seminal Seyyed Ahmad Fardid. Another highly recommended source to discover. It was Fardid who first coined the term Westoxification (qarbzadegi), which was then popularized by Jalal Ale Ahmad.

Well, we may find hints to the answer in our religious scriptures, more precisely in the eschatological parts.

On a side note, I don't know how familiar you are with the work of Martin Heidegger (in particular but not limited to his concept of Gestell). This is another author I'd recommend studying sometime.

Interestingly, Heidegger inspired a specific strain of thinkers who contributed to the intellectual impetus behind the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran. Chief among these is the seminal Seyyed Ahmad Fardid. Another highly recommended source to discover. It was Fardid who first coined the term Westoxification (qarbzadegi), which was then popularized by Jalal Ale Ahmad.

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I wish all our brothers thought like you did, Salar Jan 😔. This burden I bear in tanhayi becomes too much to bear.

Last few days have been hell for me especially, knowing what Iranian youth are becoming like.
So you're comparing this with violent assault? Because that's what user sha ah was suggesting. Kindly stick to the thread of the discussion.
no but the party responsible for the death is police , they have problem in training and the stations are not equipped as they should , the personnel probably never passed BLS courses . that's concerning and must be answered swiftly , if they were not lax in that department , this would not have happened.
Well, we may find hints to the answer in our religious scriptures, more precisely in passages dealing with eschatology.

On a side note, I don't know how familiar you are with the work of Martin Heidegger (in particular but not limited to his concept of Gestell). This is another author I'd recommend studying sometime.

Interestingly, Heidegger inspired a specific strain of thinkers who contributed to the intellectual impetus behind the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran. Chief among these is the seminal Seyyed Ahmad Fardid. Another highly recommended source to discover. It was Fardid who first coined the term Westoxification (qarbzadegi), which was then popularized by Jalal Ale Ahmad.

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Bro I am in kindergarten compared to your range of readings.

But I don't care, at the end we are waiting, and we are told that waiting itself if from the Relief. So let's keep waiting.

عن الإمام الرضا -صلوآت الله عليه- اِنتِظَارُ الفَرَج مِن الفَرَج.

اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج
I wish all our brothers thought like you did, Salar Jan 😔. This burden I bear in tanhayi becomes too much to bear.

Last few days have been hell for me especially, knowing what Iranian youth are becoming like.

I understand, but we must learn to compose with reality while striving to accomplish our duty with the means God endowed each of us with. May Allah grant you sabr and cement your faith.
I understand, but we must learn to compose with reality while striving to accomplish our duty with the means God endowed each of us with. May Allah grant you sabr and cement your faith.
Ilahi Aameen. Sorry for the times I get mad at you and turn rude. I only have the best interests of Islam and Iranians/Iran at heart.

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