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Iranian Chill Thread

Situation in Iran still has not stabilized and now the flames are being fanned by western intelligence agencies.

whats strange , they have energy , their value are different from the ones of their grandfathers who do the revolution , and they have time as the job market is not so spectacular for various reasons and ...
Whatever the f-u-c-k does a 15 year old have to do with job market, pray tell? I used to play video games endlessly at that age.

not to ordinary people , but sometimes domestically make some mistake and be assured they never let a single mistake pass , here we made a mistake on attacking wrong people and they saw an opportunity on scoring brownie by portraying themselves as supporters of oppressed and wronged Iranian
that was a gift we gave them in fact every time ahmadi-nejad opened his mouth without thinking twice before it was a gift to Israel

again conspiracy theory and blaming others unjustly
thats how our media own goal us

but what about she ate poison , or her body was filled with drugs while in fact she only had a benign tumor surgery at the age of 6-7 and probably she only used anticonvulsant drugs and even that was probably wes being tapered at this time.
what about her being komoleh member ? how about claiming her cover was in another form , her older photos are available can tell us about how she was wearing clothes more importantly how you think a kurd girl wear clothes while accompanied by his brother
Yeah, I agree there. Monkeynejad was a complete simian who spoke utter rubbish all the fucking time like a dickhead, often damaging Iran in the process.

Also correct - Iranian rumour-mongering is the worst trait, constantly blabbering about matters they know f-u-c-k all about. Unfortunately, Iranian government also did this once before when they arrested and charged 4 young gabar rioters in 2019-2020.
i recall when in such case police used to confiscate , student card of girl university students , and told them to come tomorrow and get it back without even considering that without that card they won't allow the girl into dormitory and she only have two option 1 stay on street all the night (and guess how cold can that be in Iran northern half) or find somebody who take her home and you also can guess what they probably want of her (and don't tell me that would not happened i myself twice saw girls begging them not to take that card and take something else to no avail)
all they need to do if they wanted an identification is taking a photo of the card . or if they wanted a physical evidence take one of her banking cards . there are many ways but we usually opt for some we think is obvious without thinking about consequences
Can't a local masjid help out by sheltering someone in need? A religious organization or building ought to assist. Besides, they can also serve as intermediaries with the student housing in such cases.
Base on article 638 of the Islamic Penal Code there is prison for women without wearing Islamic Hijab but probably it's been amended to just fine also base on article 237 of Iran "Code of Criminal Procedure":

View attachment 885618

Wearing immodesty is in lowest category of crime considered by Iran laws which is in category 8 therefore even temporary detention is not permissible for it.

About her Hijab again makes no different the whole procedures is under question, logic would say her outfit in police station could be considered what she wore in metro where she was arrested in first place as base on CCTV footage in police station before she collapsed she approached the female police officer or as you put it law enforcement agents and asked her about her outfit which implies her outfit got not changed that she asked why she was taken there for it ... furthermore burden of proof is on the plaintiff then where is police proof to back up such a claim? which even if there was any evidence still police is not in any position to determine it let alone teach it or arrest her.
On medical record, well her taking in the custody is not legal ... keeping & teaching her there ain't legal ... her health and life responsibility was on police ... and base on executive regulations of the of the prisons :

View attachment 885624

I look at the roots of it .. what she wore doesn't make any change as if we go down this road a huge chunk of Iran women must be detained.

As @SalarHaqq also mentioned there is no prison punishment for it in the law just fine ,,, Law says women without wearing Islamic Hijab for sure it does not mean wearing bikini for instance but it doesn't clear it too .. your definition has got no legal bases . as long as she was under custody the police was responsible .. base on medical council of Iran her death was due to inadequate and ineffective CPR in the first critical minutes ... so again as I said they had to make sure of presence of EMS.
Law is law ain't flexible .. not pleased with it change it modify it make it more tangible idk expand it but by current law it seems to me this act is not legal.
Police could report such a thing to the court and that's it ...

About the sanction stipulated for by law, I was basing myself on the explanations of whom I believe was a Niruye Entezami representative speaking on the phone during the first open television debate on this affair featuring professor Kushki and liberal member of Majles Pezeshkian, a video of which was shared here by user jauk. This is what I seem to remember, I may be wrong though.

However when it comes to detention, police can always and actually has a duty to stop and immobilize offenders. It is not provisional detention in the legal sense but in order to verify and record their identity and complete other formalities, or to search them if necessary, law enforcement agents can enjoin them to take their place in a police vehicle or even at a police station, during which time they will be in custody (retained by law enforcement).

It is not incumbent upon law enforcement to perform health checks on a thus retained person, nor to proactively inquire about health issues they may have - unless they show clear signs to that effect, I would guess.
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another explanation i came with is she was with her brother , probably they were walking side by side and were talking and laughing , the police didn't consider they may be brother and sister and taught the nature of their relation is different they went to arrest them and when they understood their relation , they didn't want to step back (this happens in fact the exact thing happened with me and my mother when i was 14 in Shiraz amusement park ) they probably say let not admit we were wrong that make us look bad, we will take her to station and get a keep here 2 hours there let she sit at one of those useless class and release her whats the harm .
To be honest, that is pretty corrupt and indefensible.
not to ordinary people , but sometimes domestically make some mistake and be assured they never let a single mistake pass , here we made a mistake on attacking wrong people and they saw an opportunity on scoring brownie by portraying themselves as supporters of oppressed and wronged Iranian
that was a gift we gave them in fact every time ahmadi-nejad opened his mouth without thinking twice before it was a gift to Israel

There have been numerous cases of Iranians whom western regimes and their media mouthpieces tried to portray as "heroes" supposedly wronged by the Iranian government. The zionist regime however did not offer them asylum. In this regard the person in question does stand out.

again conspiracy theory and blaming others unjustly
thats how our media own goal us

You asked the question if he was guilty, why would he wait until media began publishing critical reports about him, and flee only afterwards? I provided a possible explanation to that. The fact that he didn't leave the country earlier, does not prove his innocence.

but what about she ate poison , or her body was filled with drugs while in fact she only had a benign tumor surgery at the age of 6-7 and probably she only used anticonvulsant drugs and even that was probably wes being tapered at this time.
what about her being komoleh member ? how about claiming her cover was in another form , her older photos are available can tell us about how she was wearing clothes more importantly how you think a kurd girl wear clothes while accompanied by his brother

Neither of us knows about any of that.

well why if her clothes was so strange and out of norm , wouldn't publishing them showed police was right on arresting her and not what i called another case executing law based how the law enforcer feel , thats one of our chronic problem
another explanation i came with is she was with her brother , probably they were walking side by side and were talking and laughing , the police didn't consider they may be brother and sister and taught the nature of their relation is different they went to arrest them and when they understood their relation , they didn't want to step back (this happens in fact the exact thing happened with me and my mother when i was 14 in Shiraz amusement park ) they probably say let not admit we were wrong that make us look bad, we will take her to station and get a keep here 2 hours there let she sit at one of those useless class and release her whats the harm .

I prefer not to speculate too much in the absence of concrete evidence, because at the end of the day it'll merely amount to that, speculation, no matter how probable or improbable.
Whatever the f-u-c-k does a 15 year old have to do with job market, pray tell? I used to play video games endlessly at that age.
a 18 year old have many thing to do , also consider this don't in usa a 15 year old take part-time job flipping burger or serving tables in local cofeeshop to get some extra pocket money

Can't a local masjid help out by sheltering someone in need? A religious organization or building ought to assist. Besides, they can also serve as intermediaries with the student housing in such cases.
local Mosque are usually closed after evening prayer.
and the role of Mosque has become so limited in recent year . they are now limited to 3 time prayer and if there is a ceremony to be held or somebody died and they have a two hour program for the guy , pretty much that , there are very few mosques now that participate with the community more than that
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There have been numerous cases of Iranians whom western regimes and their media mouthpieces tried to portray as "heroes" supposedly wronged by the Iranian government. The zionist regime however did not offer them asylum. In this regard the person in question does stand out.
maybe that person didn't asked them
You asked the question if he was guilty, why would he wait until media began publishing critical reports about him, and flee only afterwards? I provided a possible explanation to that. The fact that he didn't leave the country earlier, does not prove his innocence.
did any of those report provide any evidence and if those media include national TV , I assure you it's time to pack your bag and find another place .. the newspapers usually write rubbish , who care but if national TV make 40 min program and repeat those claims again without evidence do you still attribute it to newspapers blabbering ?
Neither of us knows about any of that.
why this part of we don't now can be promoted , but the other parts of we don't know can't ?
local Mosque are usually closed after evening prayer.
and the role of Mosque has become so limited in recent year . they are now limited to 3 time prayer and if there is a ceremony to be held or somebody died and they have a two hour program for the guy , pretty much that , there are very few mosques now that participate with the community more than that
They should be more proactive in feeding the poor and having a section of the compound dedicated to temporary night shelters for people in need.

Simply offering namaaz isn't enough - Amr bil Ma'ruf is what wins hearts.

Anyway, there should at least be a caretaker after Ish'a prayers are concluded.
maybe that person didn't asked them

If zionists saw it as such an opportunity to score PR points, surely they wouldn't hesitate to reach out to those people themselves.

did any of those report provide any evidence and if those media include national TV , I assure you it's time to pack your bag and find another place .. the newspapers usually write rubbish , who care but if national TV make 40 min program and repeat those claims again without evidence do you still attribute it to newspapers blabbering ?

How does this prove the individual's innocence? Him leaving after national television aired those reports could mean he understood his cover was starting to crumble and thus he fled the country precipitously. It's just doesn't necessarily imply that everything said about him in that program was strictly made up. That onto itself is not proof.

why this part of we don't now can be promoted , but the other parts of we don't know can't ?

Believe what you wish, just don't confuse speculative thoughts with established facts.
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They should be more proactive in feeding the poor and having a section of the compound dedicated to temporary night shelters for people in need.
the feeding happen but not the poor as its more donation and nazr by let say higher echelon of the society it happen more in north of the city than southern part of it .
Anyway, there should at least be a caretaker after Ish'a prayers are concluded.
in good old times right now if you want to pray at night there is no one to open the door until its morning prayer
local Mosque are usually closed after evening prayer.
and the role of Mosque has become so limited in recent year . they are now limited to 3 time prayer and if there is a ceremony to be held or somebody died and they have a two hour program for the guy , pretty much that , there are very few mosques now that participate with the community more than that

Other places are open at night, like Harame Emam, and they offer shelter to the needy.
If zionists thought they'd gain from it, they'd get in touch with these people themselves.
well maybe they find it won't help them portray themselves as protector of oppressed if they support that particular person , name one person for me so i can talk about it more precisely
How does this prove the individual's innocence? Him leaving after national television aired those reports could mean he understood authorities were beginning to see through his cover and thus he fled the country precipitously. It's just doesn't necessarily imply that everything said about him in that program was strictly made up, that onto itself is not proof.
not reports making a documentary and blame him for everything , do national TV do that without some order from higher management of TV ?
and no till today the authority didn't provide any proof for that and you again are threading the field that ask others not thread, make accusation without evidence
Believe what you wish, just don't confuse speculative thoughts with established facts.
you also can hear that advice.
the feeding happen but not the poor as its more donation and nazr by let say higher echelon of the society it happen more in north of the city than southern part of it .
Not good by any metric. Even $1 worth of donation by a single person once a week would go a long way.
in good old times right now if you want to pray at night there is no one to open the door until its morning prayer
Astaghfir-Allah, why? Have you all collectively become infidels?
Iranian Kamikaze drones and Russian missiles DEVASTATE the city of Zaporizhia

Just look at the sheer level of destruction. This is why the Ukrainians are now denying bombing the Kursk bridge, claiming that the Russians did it themselves. Ah yes just like the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, Russia loves bombing its own soldiers and assets. Of course. Why didn't I think of that.

Or maybe it's because rail traffic and vehicle traffic has already been partially restored on the bridge and the Ukrainians know that they might truly regret the payback if the Russians are not so forgiving ?

I mean realistically if the Russians wanted to, they could destroy every major bridge, every major train station and power station in Ukraine. And they could do that with a fraction of their conventional ICBMs for example. That's just one option Russia could use for payback. We'll have to wait and see.
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