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Iranian Chill Thread

I mean protesting for your rights is good but saying we don't want the Islamic Republic? Is beyond absurd maybe some Iranians can clarify.
Not much to clarify, a large portion of the population do not like Islamic law in politics and general social rules, they want it gone, and they are not a small force in the country. Even more important than that, alot of this is due to government corruption, and past actions, bad politics and poor decisions internally.
Poor dumb bastard, they think the Americans will save them, not understanding that the events ongoing in the Caucasus is achieved and supported with the help of the USA, they fly American flag while America gives 500$ million a year to Azerbaijan. Of course Russia is useless.

They only have us, and look at us lol.

When your so-called Orthodox ally (Russia) doesn't lift a finger when your territory is under Azerbaijani attack, don't be surprised when Armenians turn their hopes to the Americans. By the way, Pelosi's visit was unprecedented and probably bolstered Armenia's position more than all these Russian soldiers stationed in Armenia. In addition, the Armenian lobby is strong in the US so they can pressure American politicians into supporting their cause.

I don't understand how anyone can vote for someone who lost the war, and has also lost some more land in the Armenia proper. These Armenians can't even help themselves to think, and that is mostly because their media (foreign funded) has influenced them to self-destruct

Pashinyan came to power because the people were tired of the old political elite that excelled in corruption and negligence. And the war wasn't lost because of Pashinyan but because previous administrations before him failed to modernize the Armenian army. I'm not saying he is a great leader but he was dealt with extremely bad cards.
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Petition to nuke Italy off the map, so we can stop hearing this shit from Iranian girls/boys. 8-)
It's not bad I mean I had a great Iranian friend as well in College a bit on the chubby side but overall a good guy he used to say Astagfirullah at every turn but some Iranians don't even remember their culture well at least here anyways kind of sad.
I mean protesting for your rights is good but saying we don't want the Islamic Republic? Is beyond absurd maybe some Iranians can clarify.
Okay I get what your getting at but instead of beating people and shooting them the Iranian officials should have had a real transparent investigation and guarantee 💯 they have have video inside those vans to keep track of “troublemakers”

I promise You if they had done that from the beginning and there wouldn’t be these protests
Okay I get what your getting at but instead of beating people and shooting them the Iranian officials should have had a real transparent investigation and guarantee 💯 they have have video inside those vans to keep track of “troublemakers”

I promise You if they had done that from the beginning and there wouldn’t be these protests
Well am not versed on what goes on inside those vans but in Pakistan, there are women's police who are given the responsibility of arresting female genders. Also to guarantee their safety.
Pashinyan came to power because the people were tired of the old political elite that excelled in corruption and negligance. And the war wasn't lost because of Pashinyan but because previous administrations before him failed to modernize the Armenian army. I'm not saying he is a great leader but he was dealt with extremely bad cards.
He also played bad cards, by taking an anti-Russia stance, he lost the support of Russia during the war.
When your so-called Orthodox ally (Russia) doesn't lift a finger when your territory is under Azerbaijani attack, don't be surprised when Armenians turn their hopes to the Americans. By the way, Pelosi's visit was unprecedented and probaly bolstered Armenia's position more than all those Russian soldiers stationed in Armenia. In addition, the Armenian lobby is strong in the US so they can pressure American politicians into supporting their case.
Pelosi's visit was interesting, I am not sure of the purpose, was it support? or convincing them to give up land to support the NATO backed Pan-turkic project designed to counter Russia, China and Iran in Central Asia and the Caspian. I am still up in the air on that. The Armenia lobby has influence, but I follow the actions and all the actions indicate military and financial support for Azerbaijan. Still on going
Well am not versed on what goes on inside those vans but in Pakistan, there are women's police who are given the responsibility of arresting female genders. Also to guarantee their safety.
The problem it was female religious police like here in America women police officers tend to be more aggressive and let’s be honest if this woman “disrespected” anyone they could have ended it quickly by telling her to fix her hijab instead of sending her to “reeducation center”
He also played bad cards, by taking an anti-Russia stance, he lost the support of Russia during the war.

I don't think he took an anti-Russia stance, but probably sensed Russian weakness and indifference, so he hedged his bets by moving closer to the West.

Armenia would be wise to turn away from Russia. You shouldn't forget that the Russians pressured Armenia for years to not import more Iranian gas, making them dependent on their own exports.

Pelosi's visit was interesting, I am not sure of the purpose, was it support? or convincing them to give up land to support the NATO backed Pan-turkic project designed to counter Russia, China and Iran in Central Asia and the Caspian. I am still up in the air on that. The Armenia lobby has influence, but I follow the actions and all the actions indicate military and financial support for Azerbaijan. Still on going

Pelosi clearly came to support Armenia. It is the only place where Iranian and American interests at the moment are clearly alligned.
The problem it was female religious police like here in America women police officers tend to be more aggressive and let’s be honest if this woman “disrespected” anyone they could have ended it quickly by telling her to fix her hijab instead of sending her to “reeducation center”
What I have learnt over the years is Iran is a majority liberal nation but ruled by Shia extremists best model for Iran should be a democratically elected Gov but at least stick to your culture half of the Iranians are off their t*ts
We had a golden window of opportunity to do this when Armenians had attacked the parliament and the presidential palace after defeating in the Nagorno-Karabakh war. It's not too late now either.
Lets just go to a hypothetical situation where theirs is a conflict at the border, that continues to escalate into something wider with Azerbaijan proper.

I wonder even if you can explain to the Iranian people that their are serious reasons for it, and why it must be done, and whether or not people will even listen to the IR anymore. I don't mean a small amount of mashabi people, but getting the support from all the people overall.
I don't understand how anyone can vote for someone who lost the war, and has also lost some more land in the Armenia proper. These Armenians can't even help themselves to think, and that is mostly because their media (foreign funded) has influenced them to self-destruct
The Armenians are a bunch of wimps , They are still svcking his d!ck after he announced that he is going to do another capitulation a few days ago. Armenia needs to be invaded asap.
It's not bad I mean I had a great Iranian friend as well in College a bit on the chubby side but overall a good guy he used to say Astagfirullah at every turn but some Iranians don't even remember their culture well at least here anyways kind of sad.
One time I met this drunk Iranian guy at a party, he asked me where I was from and I said Pakistan, then he gave me a bro hug and said we gotta stick together. Never saw him again. Nice guy though.

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