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Iranian Chill Thread

Because of importance I am placing this in here also..executives in French TOTAL must be cursing Trump..:azn:
Russian Gazprom investing $40 billion dollars in Iranian oil and gas fields :cheesy: :cheesy:
  • Agreement signed today
  • Largest foreign investment in Iranian Oil/Gas history
  • $10 billion goes to the development of "North Pars" and "Kish" gas fields in the Persian Gulf (I covered that project in this thread)
  • $15 billion to the "south Pars" gas field pressure restoration and Completion of Iran's LNG project
  • balance of contract goes to revival of 6 older oil fields.
  • This contract is in addition to $4 billion dollars already in progress with Russia
North Pars Gas Field (Persian: میدان گازی پارس شمالی) is one of the biggest independent gas fields of the world. This field which was discovered in 1967 is located some 120 kilometers south east of Bushehr province in water depths of 2 to 30 meters in the Persian Gulf.


خبرگزاری فارس - تفاهم‌نامه سرمایه‌گذاری ۴۰ میلیارد دلاری گازپروم در میادین نفتی و گازی ایران امضا شد

امروز تفاهم‌نامه سرمایه‌گذاری ۴۰ میلیارد دلاری گازپروم در میادین نفتی و گازی ایران امضا شد.
How many times have we heard of these so called Russian investments?
How many times have we heard of these so called Russian investments?
The deciding factor here will be whether the requisite level of political support for these deals is forthcoming from the kremlin,as without the political pressure from the kremlin on russian banks to finance these deals they will likely remain as nothing more than just another mou that went nowhere.
This was always the big problem,the lack of political support for these sorts of economic deals on either one side or the other,however things have now radically changed on both sides and for the first time since the end of the cold war we now see both nations with real political incentives to try to work more closely together economically,so let us hope that they can do this,because its very clear that their mutual enemies are hoping that they cant.
Because of importance I am placing this in here also..executives in French TOTAL must be cursing Trump..:azn:
Russian Gazprom investing $40 billion dollars in Iranian oil and gas fields :cheesy: :cheesy:
  • Agreement signed today
  • Largest foreign investment in Iranian Oil/Gas history
  • $10 billion goes to the development of "North Pars" and "Kish" gas fields in the Persian Gulf (I covered that project in this thread)
  • $15 billion to the "south Pars" gas field pressure restoration and Completion of Iran's LNG project
  • balance of contract goes to revival of 6 older oil fields.
  • This contract is in addition to $4 billion dollars already in progress with Russia
North Pars Gas Field (Persian: میدان گازی پارس شمالی) is one of the biggest independent gas fields of the world. This field which was discovered in 1967 is located some 120 kilometers south east of Bushehr province in water depths of 2 to 30 meters in the Persian Gulf.


خبرگزاری فارس - تفاهم‌نامه سرمایه‌گذاری ۴۰ میلیارد دلاری گازپروم در میادین نفتی و گازی ایران امضا شد

امروز تفاهم‌نامه سرمایه‌گذاری ۴۰ میلیارد دلاری گازپروم در میادین نفتی و گازی ایران امضا شد.

Russian Arab enemy is Qatar. Due to gas

If they can put Qatar under low gas pressure, they have squeezed Qatar and also Europeans who are going to heavily invest in QR.
Russian Arab enemy is Qatar. Due to gas

If they can put Qatar under low gas pressure, they have squeezed Qatar and also Europeans who are going to heavily invest in QR.
Even without Ukraine war the demand for natural gas in the next decade was going up Exponential..now with the war and all the changes everyone needs to find cheap easy to extract gas ..This investment on North pars and kish gas fields is a big deal because Russia and Iran jointly will have 42% of this planets gas..lol
note: Iran reserve will exceed Russia if Iran's northern (Caspian) gas reserves become official,..

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What ? How ? why?

You did a deep analysis of Iranian GDP compared to brazil and you reached the conclusion that even output of Iran is 60-70% of Brazil and the GDP is somewhere between 1.6-1.7 Trillion USD.

Can you summarize that with links?



When I try to post something it says you reached maximum posts for 24 hours limit on your account? is there an actual limit or I am facing some sort of a penalty?
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You did a deep analysis of Iranian GDP compared to brazil and you reached the conclusion that even output of Iran is 60-70% of Brazil and the GDP is somewhere between 1.6-1.7 Trillion USD.

Can you summarize that with links?
That was not exactly a scientific method to evaluate Iran's economy it was something to prove Iran's position based on feelings compared to Brazil's economy.

Brazil :

Population 214 million (Iran 85 m)
GDP $1.44 T (Iran $200 b Worldbank data)
Exports $280 billion (Iran $180-200)
Foreign reserves $327 billion (Iran $85-230 b)

Brazil is self efficient in food production and exporter of food.

Similar characteristic (almost same numbers)


* They put infrastructure under category of industry (same 17% in Iran)

Oil production 3 million barrel of Brazil vs 2.5 million barrel of Iran
Gas production of Brazil is almost at 1/8 of Iran's.

brazil iran.jpg

Differences :
Iran's Gini coefficient is 42 vs Brazil's 53

iran hdii.jpg

Unemployment and HDI is almost same.

Fao Brazil.jpg

Fao Iran.jpg

It's strong section of Brazil (but numbers are not that much in favor of Brazil as it should be )

Agriculture Total @2020 Brazil $135 billion vs Iran $91 billion.

Fao value agriculture.jpg

FAO sheep goat duck chicken.jpg

Fao meat total.jpg

Brazil produces ~9.5 times more meat compared to Iran.

Brazil agriculture output:

worldbank view of Iran's agriculture $23 billion:no:

Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (current US$) - Iran, Islamic Rep.

worldbank 23 bill.jpg

As you may know Brazil shines in agriculture and they have 4.9 more land compared to Iran.
Brazil is ahead of Iran in livestock production and number of products.

Even with all their advantages, there are fields in agriculture that Iran is doing very well like :
vegetables, fruits and wheat production :D
Fao veg fruit wheat.jpg

Brazil had ~$223 billion agriculture and Iran had ~$99 B.(2020 data)



In steel industry, Brazilian crude steel production was 32.2 million tons in 2019.

According to the World Steel Association (WSA), Iran produced over 28 million metric tons of steel in 2021, putting it just behind Brazil.


In 2011, Brazil had the 6th largest chemical industry in the world.Since then their installed capacity didn't change that much.
at year 2017 they had $120 billion revenues.(chemical and petrochemical industries 2.5% of brazil's GDP)

Iran's petrochemical industry currently has 90m tonnes/year of production capacity.


In the paper and cellulose sector, Brazilian pulp production was 19.691 million tons in 2019.

Reserved space for Iran's data.


Brazil was considered the sixth largest pharmaceutical market in the world. Drug sales in pharmacies reached around R $57 billion (US $17.79 billion) in the country.

Total healthcare spending is expected to rise from $24.3 billion in 2008, to $96 billion by 2017, reflecting the increasing demand on medical services.[3] Total health spending was equivalent to 6% of GDP in Iran in 2017


In the leather-footwear sector (Footwear industry), in 2019 Brazil produced 972 million pairs. Exports were around 10%, reaching almost 125 million pairs. Brazil is in the 4th position among the world producers, behind China (who produces more than 10 billion pairs), India and Vietnam, and in 11th place among the biggest exporters.

"An estimated 185 to 210 million pairs of footwear were produced in the country last year (March 2016-17)," Iran


In Textile industry, Brazil, despite being among the 5 largest producers in the world in 2013, and being representative in the consumption of textiles and clothing, has very little insertion in global trade.
Brazil's participation in the world trade in textiles and clothing is only 0.3%, due to the difficulty of competing in price with producers in India and mainly in China.

There are a lot of small companies related to textile industries in Iran which they had $100-200 million exports.



Brazil, In Electronics industry, In 2019, about 3% of the national GDP. Exports were US $5.6 billion, and the country's imports were US $32.0 billion. Installed capacity (2021) 181,532 MW.

TEHRAN – Iran’s total installed electricity generation capacity has reached 83,350 megawatts (MW) @2020.



In the household appliances industry, sales of so-called "white line" equipment (refrigerator, air conditioning and others) were 12.9 million units in 2017.Brazil

TEHRAN – Iran’s Acting Industry, Mining, and Trade Minister Hossein Modares Khiabani says the country’s home appliance manufacturers currently have the capacity to produce 20 million units every year, IRIB reported. @2020


The most popular cars usually have small engines like 1.0 or 1.4 and are of flexible fuel using ethanol and gasoline.
All manufacturers on the list have assembling facilities in Brazil:
Fiat (22,56%)
Volkswagen (22,13%)
GM (19,97%)
Ford (9,21%)
Renault (6,7%)
Honda (2,89%)
Peugeot (2,75%)
Citröen (2,67%)
Hyundai (2,35%)
Nissan (2,02%)
Toyota (2,02%)
Kia (1,8%)
production 2.2 million cars per year@ 2020.

Based on the OICA data, Iranian automakers produced 894,298 vehicles in 2021 to register a two percent increase compared to 2020, IRNA reported.(quality is much lower compared to cars that made in Brazil).


In 2021, approximately 164.95 thousand trucks were produced in Brazil, a significant increase of more than 73 percent in comparison to the previous year.

Iran, capacity is at ~6000 but no report on actual production in recent years.


Brazil cement production were around 50Mt during 2020.

Iran: National cement production increased to 68.3Mt in the 2021 financial year, which ended on 20 March 2021.

Brazil,Container port throughput for 2021 was 10,130,740 tonnes, an increase of 10.71 per cent in comparison to 2020.

Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Sweden, Vietnam, Oman, Malaysia, Qatar, and Nigeria also have smaller shipping fleets than Iran.
The Islamic Republic currently has 246 vessels carrying the national flag and eight foreign flag vessels with a total capacity of 19,251,146 tons. The total capacity of the Iranian shipping fleet has increased by 5.5 percent in 2021.



Brazil rail.jpg


Iran rail.jpg

(if there is a mistake in data and numbers or you have better source close to year of 2020/2021 related to these sections , tell me)

Industry part 2

Travel (domestic)

Number of passengers carried by railways of Brazil improved by 1.02 % from 15,648.0 million passenger-km in 2016 to 15,807.0 million passenger-km in 2017.

Number of passengers carried by railways of Iran jumped by 14.84 % from 13,270.0 million passenger-km in 2017 to 15,239.0 million passenger-km in 2018.


Roadways: total: 2 million km (2018)
paved: 246,000 km (2018)
unpaved: 1.754 million km (2018)

Iran has long paved road system linking most of its towns and all of its cities. In 2016 the country had 221,000 km (137,323) of roads , of which 73% were paved

Domestic air travel

The country’s domestic passengers notched up 0.7% year-on-year in the 8M ending Aug-2019, to 62 million. Traffic was up 0.1% as Brazil ’s domestic capacity fell by 2.2% year-on-year.

Iran - Air transport,21,641,450 passengers carried (before Covid)

Brazil - Embraer
Commercial aircraft deliveries 130 @2020
Commercial aircraft deliveries 0 @2020 (maybe few trainers/VIP aircraft)

Brazil 366 vehicles per 1000 people
Iran 175 vehicles per 1000 people




Brazil tire market is expected to grow from USD5.92 billion in 2020 to USD8.63 billion by 2026. (I could not find anything about production in Brazil)
The production of tire in Iran has reached to 38.475 million tires during the first 11 months of the current Iranian year (March 21, 2019-February 19, 2020).

Demand for tire in Brazil is higher.


The crude oil refining capacity in Brazil amounted to 2.41 million barrels per day in 2020.
Iran’s refining capacity reaches 2.3m bpd. (oil)



In 2020, Brazil produced an average of 2.94 million barrels per day (b/d) of crude oil and condensate, an increase of more than 150,000 b/d on average compared with 2019.
In its Monthly Oil Market report in February, the OPEC put Iran's average production in 2021 at slightly over 2.4 million bpd, an increase from an average of 2 million bpd in 2020.

Natural Gas


Natural gas production in Brazil has more than doubled in one decade, reaching over 43.6 billion cubic meters in 2020.

In 2020, natural gas production in Iran amounted to around 250.8 billion cubic meters
Some 65 percent of fuel consumption in Iran belongs to gas; thus, the daily gas consumption in the country is equivalent to consuming five million barrels of crude oil per day.

If we assume Iran's industry is 60% of Brazil's industry.based on agriculture data plus industry it will make Iran's GDP ~$1.62 T and ~$3.06 T for Brazil.(mostly 2020 data)

And I think 60% is not fair for Iran !
That was not exactly a scientific method to evaluate Iran's economy it was something to prove Iran's position based on feelings compared to Brazil's economy.

Brazil :

Population 214 million (Iran 85 m)
GDP $1.44 T (Iran $200 b Worldbank data)
Exports $280 billion (Iran $180-200)
Foreign reserves $327 billion (Iran $85-230 b)

Brazil is self efficient in food production and exporter of food.

Similar characteristic (almost same numbers)


* They put infrastructure under category of industry (same 17% in Iran)

Oil production 3 million barrel of Brazil vs 2.5 million barrel of Iran
Gas production of Brazil is almost at 1/8 of Iran's.

brazil iran.jpg

Differences :
Iran's Gini coefficient is 42 vs Brazil's 53

iran hdii.jpg

Unemployment and HDI is almost same.

Fao Brazil.jpg

Fao Iran.jpg

It's strong section of Brazil (but numbers are not that much in favor of Brazil as it should be )

Agriculture Total @2020 Brazil $135 billion vs Iran $91 billion.

Fao value agriculture.jpg

FAO sheep goat duck chicken.jpg

Fao meat total.jpg

Brazil produces ~9.5 times more meat compared to Iran.

Brazil agriculture output:

worldbank view of Iran's agriculture $23 billion:no:

Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (current US$) - Iran, Islamic Rep.

worldbank 23 bill.jpg

As you may know Brazil shines in agriculture and they have 4.9 more land compared to Iran.
Brazil is ahead of Iran in livestock production and number of products.

Even with all their advantages, there are fields in agriculture that Iran is doing very well like :
vegetables, fruits and wheat production :D
Fao veg fruit wheat.jpg

Brazil had ~$223 billion agriculture and Iran had ~$99 B.(2020 data)



In steel industry, Brazilian crude steel production was 32.2 million tons in 2019.

According to the World Steel Association (WSA), Iran produced over 28 million metric tons of steel in 2021, putting it just behind Brazil.


In 2011, Brazil had the 6th largest chemical industry in the world.Since then their installed capacity didn't change that much.
at year 2017 they had $120 billion revenues.(chemical and petrochemical industries 2.5% of brazil's GDP)

Iran's petrochemical industry currently has 90m tonnes/year of production capacity.


In the paper and cellulose sector, Brazilian pulp production was 19.691 million tons in 2019.

Reserved space for Iran's data.


Brazil was considered the sixth largest pharmaceutical market in the world. Drug sales in pharmacies reached around R $57 billion (US $17.79 billion) in the country.

Total healthcare spending is expected to rise from $24.3 billion in 2008, to $96 billion by 2017, reflecting the increasing demand on medical services.[3] Total health spending was equivalent to 6% of GDP in Iran in 2017


In the leather-footwear sector (Footwear industry), in 2019 Brazil produced 972 million pairs. Exports were around 10%, reaching almost 125 million pairs. Brazil is in the 4th position among the world producers, behind China (who produces more than 10 billion pairs), India and Vietnam, and in 11th place among the biggest exporters.

"An estimated 185 to 210 million pairs of footwear were produced in the country last year (March 2016-17)," Iran


In Textile industry, Brazil, despite being among the 5 largest producers in the world in 2013, and being representative in the consumption of textiles and clothing, has very little insertion in global trade.
Brazil's participation in the world trade in textiles and clothing is only 0.3%, due to the difficulty of competing in price with producers in India and mainly in China.

There are a lot of small companies related to textile industries in Iran which they had $100-200 million exports.



Brazil, In Electronics industry, In 2019, about 3% of the national GDP. Exports were US $5.6 billion, and the country's imports were US $32.0 billion. Installed capacity (2021) 181,532 MW.

TEHRAN – Iran’s total installed electricity generation capacity has reached 83,350 megawatts (MW) @2020.



In the household appliances industry, sales of so-called "white line" equipment (refrigerator, air conditioning and others) were 12.9 million units in 2017.Brazil

TEHRAN – Iran’s Acting Industry, Mining, and Trade Minister Hossein Modares Khiabani says the country’s home appliance manufacturers currently have the capacity to produce 20 million units every year, IRIB reported. @2020


The most popular cars usually have small engines like 1.0 or 1.4 and are of flexible fuel using ethanol and gasoline.
All manufacturers on the list have assembling facilities in Brazil:
Fiat (22,56%)
Volkswagen (22,13%)
GM (19,97%)
Ford (9,21%)
Renault (6,7%)
Honda (2,89%)
Peugeot (2,75%)
Citröen (2,67%)
Hyundai (2,35%)
Nissan (2,02%)
Toyota (2,02%)
Kia (1,8%)
production 2.2 million cars per year@ 2020.

Based on the OICA data, Iranian automakers produced 894,298 vehicles in 2021 to register a two percent increase compared to 2020, IRNA reported.(quality is much lower compared to cars that made in Brazil).


In 2021, approximately 164.95 thousand trucks were produced in Brazil, a significant increase of more than 73 percent in comparison to the previous year.

Iran, capacity is at ~6000 but no report on actual production in recent years.


Brazil cement production were around 50Mt during 2020.

Iran: National cement production increased to 68.3Mt in the 2021 financial year, which ended on 20 March 2021.

Brazil,Container port throughput for 2021 was 10,130,740 tonnes, an increase of 10.71 per cent in comparison to 2020.

Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Sweden, Vietnam, Oman, Malaysia, Qatar, and Nigeria also have smaller shipping fleets than Iran.
The Islamic Republic currently has 246 vessels carrying the national flag and eight foreign flag vessels with a total capacity of 19,251,146 tons. The total capacity of the Iranian shipping fleet has increased by 5.5 percent in 2021.



Brazil rail.jpg


Iran rail.jpg

(if there is a mistake in data and numbers or you have better source close to year of 2020/2021 related to these sections , tell me)

Industry part 2

Travel (domestic)

Number of passengers carried by railways of Brazil improved by 1.02 % from 15,648.0 million passenger-km in 2016 to 15,807.0 million passenger-km in 2017.

Number of passengers carried by railways of Iran jumped by 14.84 % from 13,270.0 million passenger-km in 2017 to 15,239.0 million passenger-km in 2018.


Roadways: total: 2 million km (2018)
paved: 246,000 km (2018)
unpaved: 1.754 million km (2018)

Iran has long paved road system linking most of its towns and all of its cities. In 2016 the country had 221,000 km (137,323) of roads , of which 73% were paved

Domestic air travel

The country’s domestic passengers notched up 0.7% year-on-year in the 8M ending Aug-2019, to 62 million. Traffic was up 0.1% as Brazil ’s domestic capacity fell by 2.2% year-on-year.

Iran - Air transport,21,641,450 passengers carried (before Covid)

Brazil - Embraer
Commercial aircraft deliveries 130 @2020
Commercial aircraft deliveries 0 @2020 (maybe few trainers/VIP aircraft)

Brazil 366 vehicles per 1000 people
Iran 175 vehicles per 1000 people




Brazil tire market is expected to grow from USD5.92 billion in 2020 to USD8.63 billion by 2026. (I could not find anything about production in Brazil)
The production of tire in Iran has reached to 38.475 million tires during the first 11 months of the current Iranian year (March 21, 2019-February 19, 2020).

Demand for tire in Brazil is higher.


The crude oil refining capacity in Brazil amounted to 2.41 million barrels per day in 2020.
Iran’s refining capacity reaches 2.3m bpd. (oil)



In 2020, Brazil produced an average of 2.94 million barrels per day (b/d) of crude oil and condensate, an increase of more than 150,000 b/d on average compared with 2019.
In its Monthly Oil Market report in February, the OPEC put Iran's average production in 2021 at slightly over 2.4 million bpd, an increase from an average of 2 million bpd in 2020.

Natural Gas


Natural gas production in Brazil has more than doubled in one decade, reaching over 43.6 billion cubic meters in 2020.

In 2020, natural gas production in Iran amounted to around 250.8 billion cubic meters
Some 65 percent of fuel consumption in Iran belongs to gas; thus, the daily gas consumption in the country is equivalent to consuming five million barrels of crude oil per day.

If we assume Iran's industry is 60% of Brazil's industry.based on agriculture data plus industry it will make Iran's GDP ~$1.62 T and ~$3.06 T for Brazil.(mostly 2020 data)

And I think 60% is not fair for Iran !

Amazing work!

We need a more proper form of this like with proper headings and sections. I will try to create it even though you are the expert of this area. This is the textbook answer to WB's funny figures and confirmation of IMF figures.
Amazing work!

We need a more proper form of this like with proper headings and sections. I will try to create it even though you are the expert of this area. This is the textbook answer to WB's funny figures and confirmation of IMF figures.
I'm not expert.

We can add other countries capabilities ( agriculture , industry ...) then compare it to Iran/Brazil it will make things clear.

Public issues :
1.A country like Brazil has been top 10 economy for a long time but Iran is new top 20 (10 years or so ).
2.Iran has been implementing some of globalization schemes under Mr Ruhani yet we are still in the middle of that road.this process usually transfers GDP PPP into GDP nominal.I think Poland went through same process in 5 years and Iran is doing it even under sanctions.
I'm not expert.

We can add other countries capabilities ( agriculture , industry ...) then compare it to Iran/Brazil it will make things clear.

Public issues :
1.A country like Brazil has been top 10 economy for a long time but Iran is new top 20 (10 years or so ).
2.Iran has been implementing some of globalization schemes under Mr Ruhani yet we are still in the middle of that road.this process usually transfers GDP PPP into GDP nominal.I think Poland went through same process in 5 years and Iran is doing it even under sanctions.

Thats great, a table and plot based data is much better. Turkey, Egypt, and Vietnam can be candidates based upon population size.
Brazil has three times the population but we will include it.
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