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Iranian Chill Thread

So after their initial attempt to cripple Russia's economy backfired, after much brainstorming, the Americans have come up with a brand new scheme. Basically they want to impose a "price cap" on Russian oil. In essence limiting how much Russia can sell its oil for on the global market. They believe that they can do this since most of the worlds institutions which provide maritime insurance are based in the west. But why can't the Russians simply establish their own institutions to insure their own oil shipments ? What prevents them from doing so ? I don't see this scheme working.

This was another one of those great ideas of Jannet Yellen.... when she was the head of the Fedral Reserve, she said that there will never be another economis recission...... lets not take her ideas too seriouesly....
Agha, it seems to me this is quite probable. If I remember correctly, even amerikwans struggled in the F-14's initial days due to the TF-30 being underpowered to support the aircraft and had a series of crashes until Pratt & Whitney came up with a replacement.

Given the nature of the crash, it seems to be completely in line with the occurrence. Plus @Mr Iran Eye has also talked about a new engine being fit on F-4 airframe for testing and posted photos of those as well.

@WudangMaster What point in the video does he speak of the new engine? Post timestamp please and give us the gist of what was said (I don't speak the old tongue, sadly 😿).
It was in the interview with Azarmehr I posted earlier. I listened to the section again from 01:22:50 to 1:25:00 and He stated a home made engine was installed after extensive testing and combined with an American original on a tomcat but then crashed when I guess two indigenous engines but maybe not identical to each other. Also the aircraft had been down for a decade and was being cannibalized for parts before being refitted and fly.

So after their initial attempt to cripple Russia's economy backfired, after much brainstorming, the Americans have come up with a brand new scheme. Basically they want to impose a "price cap" on Russian oil. In essence limiting how much Russia can sell its oil for on the global market. They believe that they can do this since most of the worlds insurance providers for commercial shipping are based in the west. But why can't the Russians simply establish their own institutions to insure their own oil shipments ? What prevents them from doing so ? I don't see this scheme working.

One would have to look at how Iran did the insurance problem.

The issue is insurance on these freighters is a risky business. If oil leaks into the waters you are talking about hundreds of millions possibly billions in fines/damages/plus cost of cargo. Not exactly something private sector wants to take on.

The oil cap is mostly to take away the few Western countries still buying Russian oil. I am not sure if China or India (the other major buyers) will go along with the oil cap. Technically it is in their favor as they are buying oil at bargain prices.

We will see what happens.
Iranians and our friends/allies need to unite in this world. The first and foremost need of the hour is that.

We Iranians (and our friends) have huge egos. We get triggered like Karens and tussle with each other on political ideas and points of view. This stone-headed clash mentality needs to stop. Support each other wherever you are, religious or not, shahi loyalist or mullah lover, 15 or 70 years old, you are azeri, persian or a kurd etc. You have an identity because of Iran, If Iran goes weak we will become an identity-less refugee. Its same for persecuted Shiites in the region for whom our strength is a hope for survival. They would face persecution if we go weak. These paper nationalities passports we get abroad do not change the fact that we are not natives of that place. We are Iranians and will always be seen as that. I am a citizen of Europe for decades. People still do kebab and Persian carpet jokes on me. They do that in a friendly way but it shows how people see us.

Biden is in Israel, right now. There will be a united Israel-led alliance of hordes of regional countries standing at Irans face. To them we are the problem that needs to be eradicated. If we get a Rep. president again in 2024 in whitehouse, we will see this alliance getting more aggressive. If we do not get more united, organized, we will see another 1980s war imposed upon us. Yes, this is happening. I will say we are in the last 20 years, facing for the first time a combined enemy. We are much much ... much more prepared this time but why even let this happen. Peace comes from power and power is nothing without projection/perception build up.

-We suck at information war, perception buildup, media PR campaigns. Look at the amount of stupid BS propoganda Turkish, Israelis do. Persian Gulf Arabs are learning this trick as well while our media records videos with 720p Cameras and does everything possible to hide the achievements. Why was Kowsar presentation destroyed? Why is there no proper information of Dowran upgrade of F-4E? Why did not they tell us that they have an indigenous Tolou inside Hoveyzeh Cm that can drag it to MRCM ranges? Why there is no Iranian forum where we can talk freely? Although pakistani mods are very good at dealing with trolls in our section, we need to have our platforms as well.

-We need to organize our defense information, this is a must. We need to gather information on slides like webpages. Our wiki pages are ruined. As an example Kowar's page is full of disinformation, someone even put a crash report of an F-5E there to connect it to a "possible" Kowsar crash like a troll. Karrar's wiki page is qouting Iran intel (Saudi propoganda channel) and Kyle Mizokami (Fish faced Japo Ameriki propogandist). Who is to blame here ? WE ourselves! Which is why I always suggest to post information on threads as much as possible in an organized way. This is the least we can do to help those men standing at borders in 50 deg or -20 C or those who are in ventless underground bases trying to save the flag of Iran.

-Our Islamic simpleton upbringing makes us expect best from our adversaries. That needs to stop as well. Remember that while the majority populations around us do not dislike us but there are pockets of Anti-iranian radicalism around us as well. An example, out of a bunch of 10 you get 7 good Turkish people but 3 will be azzholes against Iran. We need to understand that people hate us for different reasons, for being shiites, for being iranians, even for having cross continetal empires. I met an Assyrian man at an Austrailia airport once, an educated man who literally called me a colonialist because "thousands of years ago Persians destroyed Assyrian empire". Thats the level of effect anti-Iraniian Propoganda has on these pockets. Only trust Iranians or friends. Like look at our own section here, we have iranians and we have honorary Iranians/friends. We stick together as a family so look at how tables have turned. 2-3 years ago we could not even post a single topic here without getting that thread destroyed by an army of hate-trolls. Just because we got a little organized, only a little with more information, slides, videos and started supporting eachother, we kick the trolls *** now. Iranian section is clean, trolls do not even show up or even if they do they are kicked bad. Information beats propoganda. Thats what we need to follow.

I will write more on this.

Iranian Flag Raised Over Key Kurdish-Held Town In Syria’s Aleppo In Message To Turkey​


On July 13, an Iranian flag was raised over a communication tower in the key town of Tell Rifaat in the northern countryside of Syria’s Aleppo.

Tell Rifaat is held by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). However, the Syrian Arab Army is known to be deployed inside and around the town. Iranian-backed Syrian forces are also present near Tell Rifaat, mainly in the Shiite towns Nubl and al-Zahraa.

It remains unclear who exactly raised the Iranian flag over Tell Rifaat. Yet, the move must have been approved by the SDF.

German media is increasingly worried about Iranian drones being deployed in Ukraine, largely due to Israel's warning that they are "as dangerous as ballistic missiles" Germany being a bona fide vassal to the USA and zionist regimes and its streamlined media repeating unproven claims to make Iran seem like an immediate threat to masses of misled German citizens, in the context of Iranian steadfastness about its legal rights at the nuclear negotiation table accompanied by increased frustration and helplessness in Washington and Tel Aviv.

Fixed. ✅
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@ahaider97 Thought I'd inform you that a certain forum member you believed to be Pakistani, is likely a serially banned one claiming to be Saudi with their multiple former accounts. If it's indeed the umpteenth handle of the user in question (no doubt in my mind), then they're definitely not Pakistani since they made disrespectful remarks against Pakistan with former accounts.

Some giveaways: thinking Velayate Faqih itself (not just its interpretation by the Islamic Republic) is a recent concept (not that the IR's interpration is, but this is even more peculiar a thought); references to the Iranian emigrant community in the UAE being the most numerous of its kind in the region; contrasting southern and northern Iran as to their alleged cultural proximity to the Arabian peninsula and evoking frequent intermarriages; usually posting walls of texts with full article citations in discussions; etc.

There are many more such hints. Using key words related to the above mentioned ones, the user's former identities could probably be found through the search function (shall refrain from mentioning them for now).
@ahaider97 Thought I'd inform you that a certain forum member you believed to be Pakistani, is likely a serially banned one claiming to be Saudi with their multiple former accounts. If it's indeed the umpteenth handle of the user in question (no doubt in my mind), then they're definitely not Pakistani since they made disrespectful remarks against Pakistan with former accounts.

Some giveaways: thinking Velayate Faqih itself (not just its interpretation by the Islamic Republic) is a recent concept (not that the IR's interpration is, but this is even more peculiar a thought); references to the Iranian emigrant community in the UAE being the most numerous of its kind in the region; contrasting southern and northern Iran as to their alleged cultural proximity to the Arabian peninsula and evoking frequent intermarriages; usually posting walls of texts with full article citations in discussions; etc.

There are many more such hints. Using key words related to the above mentioned ones, the user's former identities could probably be found through the search function (shall refrain from mentioning them for now).

Yeah, that's a very stupid pakistani simp/azzlicker for Saudis operating from some 4-5 accounts with zero knowledge of anything related to the Middle east but tries to come across as some 5 minute-wikipedia graduate scholar on Arabs, Iranians, and Turks LOL

Some gems from him from 4-5 accounts:

-Iranians are a new arrival in the Middle east
-Iranians (and by extensions Turkish) are proto Elamites
-Indus valley has nothing to do with Iran but is an indigenous entity.
-Arab world and Israelis are one product that will take on Iran as per some Hadith ROFL
-Saudis ruled Iran for 1000 years
-Some Iranian empires were actually Turkic (he didnt even know the word Oghuz and that Azeris live in Iran)
-Iranians and Arabs intermarry (despite that genetic studies disagree)
-8000 years old Levant gene was Saudi.
-Saudis air defense is the best in the world (wtf, they got their fields, and bases burnt)
-Iran sends "cannon fodder" pakistanis and arabs to its wars.
-He has been calling for war on Iran like Biden and Lappid listen to him directly here.

I countered him on a topic with published articles on Indus valley genetics proving that it was atleast 87 % Iranian neolithic farmers and he ran away from there, posting just a laugh like a sore beaten child. Pakistanis are good people in general, but some of these stupid internet scholars raised in isolation in the west are the most stupid weirdos on the internet who start simping for other countries. Self-haters with massive identity crises may be I guess. They usually talk against their own military too. Another one of these guys in our section was cursing Pakistani military the other day like their commanders owe him something or whatever.
A wiki style website for Iranian defense industry in English sounds like a good idea.

That's a much further stage.

1) What can be done by us is to gather data in one place. This section and our own hard drives so that if this forum ever crashes we have the data. Another IMF does not happen.

2) ONLY AUTHENTIC sources published in high-impact peer-reviewed journals or coming from authentic western magazines.

3) Organization of data into sections. Equipment gets its physical parameters, subsystems (propulsions, warheads), electronics (radar or guidance), the accuracy of weapon, numbers built, etc.

4) Sections:
Slides on new unveilings and Equipment of Artesh branches, IRGC in detail with citations.
Iranic and Iranian Turkoman genetic/empires/war history.
Best starting point would be to download and organize as much data and pictures as possible on personal systems as well as organize the info and focus efforts more in this forum; similar to how Roodast and MehrAein coordinate their efforts on youtube.
Yeah, that's a very stupid pakistani simp/azzlicker for Saudis operating from some 4-5 accounts with zero knowledge of anything related to the Middle east but tries to come across as some 5 minute-wikipedia graduate scholar on Arabs, Iranians, and Turks LOL

Some gems from him from 4-5 accounts:

-Iranians are a new arrival in the Middle east
-Iranians (and by extensions Turkish) are proto Elamites
-Indus valley has nothing to do with Iran but is an indigenous entity.
-Arab world and Israelis are one product that will take on Iran as per some Hadith ROFL
-Saudis ruled Iran for 1000 years
-Some Iranian empires were actually Turkic (he didnt even know the word Oghuz and that Azeris live in Iran)
-Iranians and Arabs intermarry (despite that genetic studies disagree)
-8000 years old Levant gene was Saudi.
-Saudis air defense is the best in the world (wtf, they got their fields, and bases burnt)
-Iran sends "cannon fodder" pakistanis and arabs to its wars.
-He has been calling for war on Iran like Biden and Lappid listen to him directly here.

I countered him on a topic with published articles on Indus valley genetics proving that it was atleast 87 % Iranian neolithic farmers and he ran away from there, posting just a laugh like a sore beaten child. Pakistanis are good people in general, but some of these stupid internet scholars raised in isolation in the west are the most stupid weirdos on the internet who start simping for other countries. Self-haters with massive identity crises may be I guess. They usually talk against their own military too. Another one of these guys in our section was cursing Pakistani military the other day like their commanders owe him something or whatever.

Correct, but I believe we're not referring to the same multi-account user. There are two distinct ones here, not to be confused with each other.

The member you are thinking of, indeed seems to be a Pakistani holding the PGCC and their military forces in particularly high esteem. Some random trademarks: spelling Tehran as "Tehren" (first time I had seen anyone doing this) and seemingly believing that the PGCC is capable of invading the entire territory of Iran in more or less 24 hours. Also having some fixation on the "need" to eradicate Houthis even if it supposes to commit mass killings of civilians. Has been much less active these past weeks and months.

The one I'm thinking of however is presumably Arab - at least that's how they used to present themself under every one of their former handles, namely as a staunch pan-Arab nationalist from the Hijaz (with corresponding usernames). Also described as the "500 million" man by some Turkish participants, if you remember or can see what I mean. When things didn't go their way, this user got into verbal confrontations with Pakistanis on several occasions, disrespecting Pakistan and getting banned in the process (trademark exclamations under those kind of circumstances: "only on PDF", "this is a low IQ forum", and even "mods, please ban me"). Calls non-Arab Muslims "Arabized", refers to Iranian seyyed clerics as "Arab wannabes". Often mentions the Netufian culture in debates about history. Uses the term "cluster closely with" in genome-related discussions, argues that of all people Arabs are closest to white Europeans. Contrasts northern and southern Iran, trying to portray her as an artificial nation cobbled together from unrelated "ethnicities". Now is the first time, to my knowledge, that they're false-flagging as a Pakistani. But the similarities I listed are compelling enough to lower the probability of a mere coincidence to close to zero.

The latter user is displaying a tighter, less casual writing style than the former, marked as it is by a more disciplined spelling, syntax and punctuation. And has also been around for much longer. In fact visits this site periodically nowadays, often with a new account, in between longer periods of absence.

I could name several past handles of both, but this is more subtle. However, if by now it's not clear who the two users I'm distinguishing are, I may disclose some of the respective ID's upon request.
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Correct, but I believe we're not referring to the same multi-account user. There are two distinct ones here, not to be confused with each other.

The member you are thinking of, indeed seems to be a Pakistani holding the PGCC and their military forces in particularly high esteem. Some random trademarks: spelling Tehran as "Tehren" (first time I had seen anyone doing this) and seemingly believing that the PGCC is capable of invading the entire territory of Iran in more or less 24 hours. Also having some fixation on the "need" to eradicate Houthis even if it supposes to commit mass killings of civilians. Has been much less active these past weeks and months.

The one I'm thinking of however is presumably Arab - at least that's how they used to present themself under every one of their former handles, namely as a staunch pan-Arab nationalist from the Hijaz (with corresponding usernames). Also described as the "500 million" man by some Turkish participants, if you remember or can see what I mean. When things didn't go their way, this user got into verbal confrontations with Pakistanis on several occasions, disrespecting Pakistan and getting banned in the process (trademark exclamations under those kind of circumstances: "only on PDF", "this is a low IQ forum", and even "mods, please ban me"). Calls non-Arab Muslims "Arabized", refers to Iranian seyyed clerics as "Arab wannabes". Often mentions the Netufian culture in debates about history. Uses the term "cluster closely with" in genome-related discussions, argues that of all people Arabs are closest to white Europeans. Contrasts northern and southern Iran, trying to portray her as an artificial nation cobbled together from unrelated "ethnicities". Now is the first time, to my knowledge, that they're false-flagging as a Pakistani. But the similarities I listed are compelling enough to lower the probability of a mere coincidence to close to zero.

The latter user is displaying a tighter, less casual writing style than the former, marked as it is by a more disciplined spelling, syntax and punctuation. And has also been around for much longer. In fact visits this site periodically nowadays, often with a new account, in between longer periods of absence.

I could name several past handles of both, but this is more subtle. However, if by now it's not clear who the two users I'm distinguishing are, I may disclose some of the respective ID's upon request.
Khan "bist haft bist haft" va Titanium both... I think both are Kun lees arab hastand..lol..
Correct, but I believe we're not referring to the same multi-account user. There are two distinct ones here, not to be confused with each other.

The member you are thinking of, indeed seems to be a Pakistani holding the PGCC and their military forces in particularly high esteem. Some random trademarks: spelling Tehran as "Tehren" (first time I had seen anyone doing this) and seemingly believing that the PGCC is capable of invading the entire territory of Iran in more or less 24 hours. Also having some fixation on the "need" to eradicate Houthis even if it supposes to commit mass killings of civilians. Has been much less active these past weeks and months.

The one I'm thinking of however is presumably Arab - at least that's how they used to present themself under every one of their former handles, namely as a staunch pan-Arab nationalist from the Hijaz (with corresponding usernames). Also described as the "500 million" man by some Turkish participants, if you remember or can see what I mean. When things didn't go their way, this user got into verbal confrontations with Pakistanis on several occasions, disrespecting Pakistan and getting banned in the process (trademark exclamations under those kind of circumstances: "only on PDF", "this is a low IQ forum", and even "mods, please ban me"). Calls non-Arab Muslims "Arabized", refers to Iranian seyyed clerics as "Arab wannabes". Often mentions the Netufian culture in debates about history. Uses the term "cluster closely with" in genome-related discussions, argues that of all people Arabs are closest to white Europeans. Contrasts northern and southern Iran, trying to portray her as an artificial nation cobbled together from unrelated "ethnicities". Now is the first time, to my knowledge, that they're false-flagging as a Pakistani. But the similarities I listed are compelling enough to lower the probability of a mere coincidence to close to zero.

The latter user is displaying a tighter, less casual writing style than the former, marked as it is by a more disciplined spelling, syntax and punctuation. And has also been around for much longer. In fact visits this site periodically nowadays, often with a new account, in between longer periods of absence.

I could name several past handles of both, but this is more subtle. However, if by now it's not clear who the two users I'm distinguishing are, I may disclose some of the respective ID's upon request.

The 500 million saudi troll has long gone. He was hard dealt by pakistani mods after he called Pakistanis as ugly compared to Saudis or something in one thread I remember. Mods just kept banning his every attempt to come back so he gave up on this forum. Pakistanis mods here are brutally disciplined if you report a troll to them they won't leave him be.

What you are refering to is a Pakistani azzlicker of Saudis (living in Denmark I think ??) He has these known accounts Titanium, Qutub aldin Aibak, Battalion, Khan27 (may be more) ... He is one of those simp-weirdos who start boosting about other ethnicities than their own because of some inherent self insecurity. He keeps boosting about Saudis (actual saudis like SC does not even talk to him LOL). He is very ill informed sock who will post something after reading two lines from Wikipedia yet tries to come across as some scholar.

Here is something amusing, on IMF I remember there was once a troll with Danish flag who came and started calling Iranian missiles as Chinese imports etc. If this man is 27 now, that troll could be him at the start of this guy's internet career. ROFL.
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