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Iranian Chill Thread

The time has arrived for Russia and China to walk out of the current UN arrangement and create a UN of free nations..many nations will follow...UN is now 100% a tool in the service of Empire and Israel...being used against any one who dares to question their actions..
I believe it’s best to stay in all of these shell games and make a mockery out of them by making them moot.
First of all it wasn’t a “huge mistake” not going big LNG given that Iran has zero experience building that tech, it would have to be foreign supplied including LNG ships. No foreign company wanted to invest in LNG after sanctions started over 15 years ago.

Second of all, Iran doesn’t have enough natural gas production to make sense of having LNG. Most of its natural gas is consumed by its own citizens with the rest exported via pipeline to Iraq/Turkey as the main customers. It exports a FRACTION of the natural gas that a giant like the USA or Russia does.

So the real issue is Iran never invested in getting its natural gas production up even though it has the biggest reserves in the world. Again that comes to sanctions, you would need 100B+ to revitalize Iran’s natural gas industry. Without foreign capital it is not realistic, Iranian private markets and the government don’t have that type of cash.
Iran payed $1-2 billion for Pakistan gas pipeline.
Armenia , Azerbaijan and Iraq are connected to Iran's gas network.
Two lawsuites in gas deals against Iran with billion dollar damages from these so called "brother neighbors".

Iraq owes billions of dollars for Iranian gas for years.

Pipelines were nothing but disaster for Iran.

#3 gas producer 2020

Listen I know critical thinking is not your strong suite.

There is a difference between PRODUCER and EXPORTER

Here you go:


Iran isn’t even a BLIMP on the radar as an exporter. Because like everything else it citizens consume everything like it’s a black hole of never endless supply. Then complain.

Back to production, even with #1 natural gas reserves Iran only produces 1/4 natural gas that US produces and 40% of what Russia produces. This shows you the lack of development in the gas industry in Iran.
Listen I know critical thinking is not your strong suite.

There is a difference between PRODUCER and EXPORTER

Here you go:


Iran isn’t even a BLIMP on the radar as an exporter. Because like everything else it citizens consume everything like it’s a black hole of never endless supply. Then complain.

Back to production, even with #1 natural gas reserves Iran only produces 1/4 natural gas that US produces and 40% of what Russia produces. This shows you the lack of development in the gas industry in Iran.
That's how logic works these days :no:

Number 3 producer in the world and you still need more gas ?!

with $10 billion Iran could put 230,000 people with 400$ per month for 10 years to work on ships and related technologies for LNG.
Listen I know critical thinking is not your strong suite.

There is a difference between PRODUCER and EXPORTER

Here you go:


Iran isn’t even a BLIMP on the radar as an exporter. Because like everything else it citizens consume everything like it’s a black hole of never endless supply. Then complain.

Back to production, even with #1 natural gas reserves Iran only produces 1/4 natural gas that US produces and 40% of what Russia produces. This shows you the lack of development in the gas industry in Iran.
IRAN is no3 gas producer and yes not much spare capacity for export . But keep in mind that being no3 in production is a very important achievement for Iran..the domestic pricing of the gas in Iran is so low that I have heared stories about people opening their windows in the winter to cool the house down instead of turning the thermostat lower..!!!! That kind of excess must be stopped and prices become more realistic..crazy things happen when government subsidies electricity, gasoline and natural gas..
Listen I know critical thinking is not your strong suite.

There is a difference between PRODUCER and EXPORTER

Here you go:


Iran isn’t even a BLIMP on the radar as an exporter. Because like everything else it citizens consume everything like it’s a black hole of never endless supply. Then complain.

Back to production, even with #1 natural gas reserves Iran only produces 1/4 natural gas that US produces and 40% of what Russia produces. This shows you the lack of development in the gas industry in Iran.

From your top 5 exporters 4 of them are LNG exporters.
That kind of excess must be stopped and prices become more realistic..crazy things happen when government subsidies electricity, gasoline and natural gas..

There is no reason in world a country of 90M should be consuming 200+ CU/M of natural gas. Wasteful use is all time highs. You try to raise prices and people riot and burn down buildings like savages.

Iran is losing 100B a year in lost income by being a socialist country and subsidizing everything under the sun to the point it encourages wasteful spending.

Number 3 producer in the world and you still need more gas ?!

When your citizens consume more than 90% of it at dirt cheap prices....yes

Iran’s technology is so old that it still resorts to flaring natural gas in oil recovery fields instead of having a recapture system in place to capture the natural gas during oil extraction. That’s billions lost per year in flaring alone.

with $10 billion Iran could put 230,000 people with 400$ per month for 10 years to work on ships and related technologies for LNG.

Please cite proof of your absurd calculations. What engineer or weldsman will work for $400 a month in Iran? You guys think Iran is like magical labor and parts are built for free. It’s not Santa’s workshop, go see the price of a MANPA gas turbine as an example.

But even if in this magical world of yours the solution to everything was throwing money at it then everyone would be making their passenger planes and fighter jets and jet engines.

From your top 5 exporters 4 of them are LNG exporters.

LNG is for gas exportering countries to reach distant markets. Like US to Europe or Qatar to South Korea. You can’t build pipelines that long. Hence LNG was a solution. Iran doesn’t have excess capacity to ship. I do not understand why your brain cannot comprehend this.

Lastly you criticize Iraq and Turkey for withholding funds when South Korea (major LNG importer) has been withholding 7B+ in Iranian oil funds, along with China, Japan, and India. LNG isn’t some magical solution to get your money back or have a more reliable customer.
LNG also costs several times more than purchasing gas through pipelines. Mark my words after this war the EU will be get on their hands and knees to buy Russian energy. It's not sustainable to pay 4 or 5x more for natural gas. Right now the prime minister of Poland went on a mad rant, complaining about paying Norway 5x more than they were paying Russia for natural gas. When you don't have options, your only supplier can essentially milk you.

From your top 5 exporters 4 of them are LNG exporters.
So according to analysts, Russia is pounding Ukraine with 50,000 shells a day. Ukraine is outnumbered 10 to 1 or 20 to 1 in some places when it comes to artillery. Right now Ukraine is sustaining 800-1000 casualties daily. At that rate, in 2 months, that's Canada or Australia's entire professional army. That is no joke. Ukraine is basically finished.

Now the US wants to send them 4x HiMARS systems and 4 Grey Eagle drones. WTF is that going to do against Russia ? Ukraine at the start of the war had 80x SMERCH MLRS and they have all been annihilated. Russia has 5000x pieces of artillery and MLRS. I admire Ukrainians for fighting but they're basically toast at this point.

The only reason Ukraine had any success at the start is because the Russians went soft on them initially. Think about it Russia bombed Ukraine for a few hours essentially before sending in ground forces. The US bombed Iraq for 20 days before going in and that was after more than 10 years of constantly bombing Iraq after the 1st Gulf War.
The thing preventing Iran from exporting gas is sanctions and geography. A combination of both. What options does Iran have ? Sell natural gas to Pakistan or China via Pakistan ? No way because of the heavy US/foreign influence over Pakistan.

What is the other option ? Sell natural gas to China via Afghanistan ? The Taliban need the $ too but you can't trust them and they don't have the necessary IQ.

So there you go, Iran is stuck and because of heavy Israeli influence over the US, Americans won't drop the sanctions or even give Iran any sort of guarantees. Now the US Congress even passed a bill trying Iranian sanctions relief to the Uighuur issue, which Iran has ZERO control over.

So it's never going to happen unless Iran changes its entire foreign policy, which isn't going to happen because the Islamic Republic cares more about the Palestinian cause than the economy.

Then there's a potential gas pipeline directly to India but Indians are too unreliable and heavily influenced by foreign interests. So there you go a combination of sanctions and geography.

Basically in this situation Iran might as well go nuclear. I mean at this point Iran has nothing to lose right ?

Iran payed $1-2 billion for Pakistan gas pipeline.
Armenia , Azerbaijan and Iraq are connected to Iran's gas network.
Two lawsuites in gas deals against Iran with billion dollar damages from these so called "brother neighbors".

Iraq owes billions of dollars for Iranian gas for years.

Pipelines were nothing but disaster for Iran.

#3 gas producer 2020
View attachment 854222

Is it realistically that bad though ? I mean the minimum wage is something like $400-$500 a month and nominal GDP per capita is over $600 a month, PPP GDP per capita is $1100 according to latest data. I'm just wondering because the minimum wage in Iran and Turkey right now are almost on par but in Turkey gasoline costs $1.60 and cars are more expensive than the west with over 70% inflation, some economists say its really over 100%.

One thing is for sure, Iran is definately not living up to its economic potential under the Islamic Republic with their current policies.

I mean realistically Iran should be selling 2 or 3x as much crude. With foreign investment Iran could also be making just as much money off of natural gas, not to mention mining. Iran has 7% of the worlds precious metals but only 1% of the worlds population. Without foreign investment its not possible. Then there's tourism. Iran could make a fortune off tourism and then Alcohol. Iran could make just as much from Alcohol exports as from oil sales. I mean under those circumstances Iran should easily be in the top 10 GDPs in the world. Maybe number 6-8 easily.

Yet majority of Iranians living with minimum wages (180 $ per month )

You can't have it both ways.
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There is no reason in world a country of 90M should be consuming 200+ CU/M of natural gas. Wasteful use is all time highs. You try to raise prices and people riot and burn down buildings like savages.
we use natural gas for many thing , they don't . we even use it to run our cars ,
One thing is for sure, Iranians are very ungrateful for the massive subsidies they receive. 5 cents a liter for gasoline ? That's unheard of in the world. electricity prices are also subsidized in Iran and way below global standards, even below regional standards compared to much poorer nations. People just always want to complain and then there's that saying "Everything looks greener on the other side"

we use natural gas for many thing , they don't . we even use it to run our cars ,
One thing is for sure, Iranians are very ungrateful for the massive subsidies they receive. 5 cents a liter for gasoline ? That's unheard of in the world. electricity prices are also subsidized in Iran and way below global standards, even below regional standards compared to much poorer nations. People just always want to complain and then there's that saying "Everything looks greener on the other side"
wages also subsidized in Iran so you can't blame it on Iranian , also the one who call ungrateful are the people who are employee and have fixed wages.
you knew some interesting fact about such employees ? they are at most 3-4 million but are paying more than 65% of the taxes that Iran collect , so instead of calling them ungrateful you must fix fundamental problem with Iran economy first and then complain about subsidiaries
right now do you knew how many Iranian live under poverty line and how many under absolute poverty line ? and I don't want you to use foreign data to answer that , just use data published by Iran itself , then come and talk of being grateful and ungrateful .
So it's never going to happen unless Iran changes its entire foreign policy, which isn't going to happen because the Islamic Republic cares more about the Palestinian cause than the economy.

Slight correction though if I may. The quoted sentence ought to read as follows:

So it's never going to happen unless Iran changes its entire foreign policy, which isn't going to happen because the Islamic Republic cares more about Iran's existence than the economy.

Indeed, the zionist entity's hostility towards Iran is of an existential nature. That's why they do not simply aim for so-called "regime" change, but for "regime" change cum disintegration and balkanization of the Iranian nation-state.

See: https://besacenter.org/dismantle-iran-now/

It wouldn't make a difference if Iran stopped supporting the Palestinian cause. Hence, this very support is decisive given that it's one of the main ways through which Iran can counter zionist pressure and exercise deterrence against escalation.

I mean realistically Iran should be selling 2 or 3x as much crude. With foreign investment Iran could also be making just as much money off of natural gas, not to mention mining. Iran has 7% of the worlds precious metals but only 1% of the worlds population. Without foreign investment its not possible.

If such massive investments were made only to extraction of raw materials and sell more crude oil, it'd have a negative adverse effect on non-oil industries via currency overevaluation and the dilemma of the Dutch Disease. Forty three years of colossal and highly successful efforts to do away with the dependence on oil exports would go down the drain and economic development would take a serious hit.

Then there's tourism. Iran could make a fortune off tourism and then Alcohol. Iran could make just as much from Alcohol exports as from oil sales. I mean under those circumstances Iran should easily be in the top 10 GDPs in the world. Maybe number 6-8 easily.

Uprooting age-old fundamental values of society to open thousands of brothels for foreign tourists is also a theoretical means of earning money. So is investing in the blood diamonds business in Africa along with militias exterminating the populations of entire villages around mining areas. Simply put, not every source of income is admissible. Ethics, religion, decency come first, economy and money second.
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I honestly think that Iran has done more than enough for the Palestinians. The question is what have the Palestinians done for Iran ? If the tables were turned would the Palestinians give a ra.ts a.ss about Iranians ? I highly doubt it. Realistically there are oppressed peoples and oppressed Muslims everywhere but why so much emphasis on Palestine but not so much on Kashmir ? Uighurs ? Rohinga ?

The only reason the Zionists want to balkanize Iran is because of Iran's support for the Palestinian cause. During the Shah era the Israelis wanted to hand Iran nuclear reactors and weapons on a silver platter.

Who said anything about brothels ? Iran has a tradition of alcohol production since ancient times. The oldest alcohol in the world has been found in Iran. Yet now in the west they sell Shiraz branded wine and make billions off the name alone.

In any case Iran should easily have the 7th largest GDP in the world. Iran should have a dynamic and prosperous economy. but unfortunately because of repeated attempts by foreign elements to control Iranian sovereignty throughout previous decades, now we are where we are today.

Slight correction though if I may. The quoted sentence ought to read as follows:

So it's never going to happen unless Iran changes its entire foreign policy, which isn't going to happen because the Islamic Republic cares more about Iran's existence than the economy.

Indeed, the zionist entity's hostility towards Iran is of an existential nature. That's why they do not simply aim for so-called "regime" change, but for "regime" change cum disintegration and balkanization of the Iranian nation-state.

See: https://besacenter.org/dismantle-iran-now/

It wouldn't make a difference if Iran stopped supporting the Palestinian cause. Hence, this very support is decisive since it's one of the main ways through which Iran can counter zionist pressures and exert deterrence against escalation.

If such massive investments were made only to extraction of raw materials and sell more crude oil, it'd have a negative adverse effect on non-oil industries via currency overevaluation and the dilemma of the Dutch Disease. Forty three years of colossal and highly successful efforts to do away with the dependence on oil exports would go down the drain and economic development would take a serious hit.

Uprooting age-old fundamental values of society to open thousands of brothels for foreign tourists is also a theoretical means of earning money. So is investing in the blood diamonds business in Africa along with militias exterminating the populations of entire villages around mining areas. Simply put, not every source of income is admissible. Ethics, religion, decency come first, economy and money second.
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