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Iranian Chill Thread

Okay but even in some central Asian countries where people on average make much less than Iran, gasoline prices can be 10x higher than what Iranians pay.

Also look at Turkey. Iran and Turkey's minimum wage is currently on par, but in Turkey gasoline costs $1.60 a liter and inflation is realistically above 70%.

Even in the USA there are many billionaires who pay less tax than high school teachers. Go figure, that's just life I guess.

wages also subsidized in Iran so you can't blame it on Iranian , also the one who call ungrateful are the people who are employee and have fixed wages.
you knew some interesting fact about such employees ? they are at most 3-4 million but are paying more than 65% of the taxes that Iran collect , so instead of calling them ungrateful you must fix fundamental problem with Iran economy first and then complain about subsidiaries
right now do you knew how many Iranian live under poverty line and how many under absolute poverty line ? and I don't want you to use foreign data to answer that , just use data published by Iran itself , then come and talk of being grateful and ungrateful .
Global democracy index. This is a new study released by Denmark and the "alliance of democracies". The Data is based on polls which were conducted in each respective nation. This graph basically shows what peoples perceptions are regarding how democratic their nation is.

The questions that was asked

"Think about your country today. How democratic is it on a scale of 1 to 10 ?"

Very interesting results indeed. Look at China compared to the USA. Then look at Iran, Venezuela. Ouch. Now look at Saudi Arabia. Somewhat confusing. Look Japan is leaning more towards the red as well, whereas South Korea is as green as Taiwan and China.

What do you guys make of this ? It seems to me that many peoples perceptions of democracy are shaped by whether their respective governments are living up to their expectations or not as opposed to whether they can actually vote or not.

democracy perception index.jpg

Here's another one: My government usually acts in the interest of a minority ? or the entire country ?

Pretty remarkable. In eastern Europe, south America, Spain, the USA and in Iran people believe that the government only serves a minority. Again in Saudi Arabia, China people think the government serves the country. In Japan neutral.

government serves minority.jpg
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I honestly think that Iran has done more than enough for the Palestinians. The question is what have the Palestinians done for Iran ? If the tables were turned would the Palestinians give a ra.ts a.ss about Iranians ? I highly doubt it. There are oppressed peoples and oppressed Muslims everywhere but why so much emphasis on Palestine but not so much on Kashmir ? Uighurs ? Rohinga ?

You missed the point. It's not about whether others have done as much for the Palestinians, nor whether Iran's help has been reciprocated by its recipients. It's about holding in check a dangerous hegemonist foe whose strategic objective it is to dismantle Iran's territorial integrity and end Iranian nationhood for all times, and the Palestinian card just happens to be the most immediate counter to this (one among several, but essential nonetheless).

Who said anything about brothels ? Iran has a tradition of alcohol production since ancient times. The oldest alcohol in the world has been found in Iran. Yet now in the west they sell Shiraz branded wine and make billions off the name alone.

Alcoholic drinks including wine used to be consumed in other Muslim nations too including the Arabs themselves before they embraced Islam. Iran isn't an exception in this regard. But the prohibition on alcoholic drinks in Islam really doesn't stand to debate from the theological point of view.

In any case Iran should easily have the 7th largest GDP in the world. Iran should have a dynamic and prosperous economy. but unfortunately because of repeated attempts by foreign elements to control Iranian sovereignty, now we are where we are today.

We have a better developed economy and better human development indicators than we would if Iran was fully integrated into the global economy and heavily dependent on foreign trade and investment. It may be hard to believe at first glance, but it's true.
But again the only reason the Zionists want to balkanize Iran is because of Iran's support for the Palestinians. Again during the Shah era did they want to balkanize Iran ? The answer is obvious.

In regards to Iran's economy being better off under sanctions than if it were integrated into the global economy, I think my post right above this one makes it clear that many if not most Iranians are not satisfied with the government and feel that they only serve a minority.

After the passing of the current supreme leader I think that Iranians should have a very serious and open discussion about whether the system should be reformed, in the same way that people in the UK are debating dismantling the monarchy after the queen.

You missed the point. It's not about whether others have done as much for the Palestinians, nor whether Iran's help has been reciprocated by its recipients. It's about holding in check a dangerous hegemonist foe whose strategic objective it is to dismantle Iran's territorial integrity and end Iranian nationhood for all times, and the Palestinian card just happens to be the most immediate counter to this (one among several, but essential nonetheless).

Alcoholic drinks including wine used to be consumed in other Muslim nations too including the Arabs themselves before they embraced Islam. Iran isn't an exception in this regard. But the prohibition on alcoholic drinks in Islam really doesn't stand to debate from the theological point of view.

We have a better developed economy and better human development indicators than we would if Iran was fully integrated into the global economy and heavily dependent on foreign trade and investment. It may be hard to believe at first glance, but it's true.
There is no reason in world a country of 90M should be consuming 200+ CU/M of natural gas. Wasteful use is all time highs. You try to raise prices and people riot and burn down buildings like savages.

Iran is losing 100B a year in lost income by being a socialist country and subsidizing everything under the sun to the point it encourages wasteful spending.

When your citizens consume more than 90% of it at dirt cheap prices....yes
Does Iran have enough gas to export or not ?
Iran’s technology is so old that it still resorts to flaring natural gas in oil recovery fields instead of having a recapture system in place to capture the natural gas during oil extraction. That’s billions lost per year in flaring alone.
Low energy prices helps fast way to automation ( more machines)
Please cite proof of your absurd calculations. What engineer or weldsman will work for $400 a month in Iran? You guys think Iran is like magical labor and parts are built for free. It’s not Santa’s workshop, go see the price of a MANPA gas turbine as an example.
Glad you asked :
Current minimum wage is 57,000,000 Rial(according to government statements) and current value of USD is ~ 320,000 Rial(according to bazar).
57,000,000/320,0000= ~178 USD

Right now you may find an engineer that works for biggest employer in Iran (government) with less than minimum wage :rolleyes: .

1. you can pay 80% of lower skilled workers -20% (320 USD which is still ~80% higher than minimum wage) and 20% of high skilled workers 640 USD per month. or in a similar pattern.

2. give these two worker requests to Hamshahri newspaper requirement (few years ago it had 100 pages of job requirements)
2.1 low skilled worker with monthly wage of 64,000,000 Rial (~200 USD) for a work of 10 hours shift needed.
2.2 high skilled worker with monthly wage of 96,000,000 Rial for work of 10 Hour per day.
Report the results here.

If you have found low skilled workers for 200$ and Higher skilled workers for 300$ it means you may also pick and choose among all workers in Iran for higher wages (320-640 USD).

1 USD in Iran's hands is not 1 USD in US hands.

But even if in this magical world of yours the solution to everything was throwing money at it then everyone would be making their passenger planes and fighter jets and jet engines.
Another example, few billions of Iran's investments and few millions of India's investments made Chabahar port.

LNG is for gas exportering countries to reach distant markets. Like US to Europe or Qatar to South Korea. You can’t build pipelines that long. Hence LNG was a solution. Iran doesn’t have excess capacity to ship. I do not understand why your brain cannot comprehend this.

Lastly you criticize Iraq and Turkey for withholding funds when South Korea (major LNG importer) has been withholding 7B+ in Iranian oil funds, along with China, Japan, and India. LNG isn’t some magical solution to get your money back or have a more reliable customer.
In pipe vs port battle, Port has been the winner.
Okay but even in some central Asian countries where people on average make much less than Iran, gasoline prices can be 10x higher than what Iranians pay.

Also look at Turkey. Iran and Turkey's minimum wage is currently on par, but in Turkey gasoline costs $1.60 a liter and inflation is realistically above 70%.

Even in the USA there are many billionaires who pay less tax than high school teachers. Go figure, that's just life I guess.

If you don't live in Iran, you have no right to speak about this issue ... and im not in mood to answer you
LNG also costs several times more than purchasing gas through pipelines. Mark my words after this war the EU will be get on their hands and knees to buy Russian energy. It's not sustainable to pay 4 or 5x more for natural gas. Right now the prime minister of Poland went on a mad rant, complaining about paying Norway 5x more than they were paying Russia for natural gas. When you don't have options, your only supplier can essentially milk you.
In 2019, the world’s top exporters of natural gas were Australia ($34bn), Qatar ($27.5bn), Russia ($24.5bn), Norway ($21bn) and the US ($16bn).

Before Covid-19 and Ukraine conflict. 1.LNG 2.LNG 3.Pipe 4.LNG and pipe 5.LNG

But again the only reason the Zionists want to balkanize Iran is because of Iran's support for the Palestinians. Again during the Shah era did they want to balkanize Iran ? The answer is obvious.

No, that isn't the reason. At the end of the day, the zionists won't tolerate any potentially powerful nation-state in their neighborhood capable of challenging their hegemony. Heck, they don't have tolerance for any historically rooted nation and religious faith system outside the region either, hence why so many zionists can be found among the main influential advocates of pro-immigration policies in the west. And this is related to zionist messianism, which supposes the dissolution of all existing nation-states into a unitary one world regime as well as the replacement of every religion by ecumenical Noahidism.

When it comes more specifically to West Asia and North Africa, in fact the Islamic Revolution in Iran strongly cemented the already held belief among zionist decision makers that a local government (dictator back in the days) beholden to the zionists will not offer enough of a guarantee for continued loyalty, because such a regime may be overthrown and replaced by an adversarial one - which is exactly what happened in Iran in 1979.

That's why zionist pundits and think tanks firmly opted for a policy of methodical balkanization of regional nation-states, one by one. Hence why Syria, Iraq, Libya, Sudan and Somalia were split into separate parts. It's no accident that Oden Yinon published his infamous paper in that vein in the early 1980's, although Bernard Lewis had expressed similar views in the 1970's already (if I'm not mistaken).

Also here's a simple question: in fixing their strategic objectives vis à vis Iran, why would they not settle for so-called "regime" change, to have someone like the shah back in power? Where does this blatantly obsessive focus on empowering "ethno"-separatist grouplets stem from, in addition to the massive cultural aggression and psy-ops taking aim at the foundations of the Iranian nation, as well as at Iran's societal cohesion (attempting to undermine the nuclear family structure, to turn generations against each other, females against males, etc)?

So I'd recommend parting with the erroneous notion that if Iran ended her support for the Palestinian cause, zionists would stop their plots against Iranian nationhood. They definitely wouldn't, and in fact they'd have it easier since a friendly regime can be infiltrated and made to implement their agenda more readily.

In regards to Iran's economy being better off under sanctions than if it were integrated into the global economy, I think my post right above this one makes it clear that many if not most Iranians are not satisfied with the government and feel that they only serve a minority.

But this hardly disproves my point now, does it.

After the passing of the current supreme leader I think that Iranians should have a very serious and open discussion about whether the system should be reformed, in the same way that people in the UK are debating dismantling the monarchy after the queen.

I'm perfectly confident that the Supreme Leader has laid down the rails for ensuring that after him Islamic Iran will stay the revolutionary, anti-imperial, anti-zionist and staunchly independence-oriented and self-sufficient course characteristic of her foreign policy to date.
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Brazil = Bolsnaro's outing in the next election will turn BRAZIL again into an American fold.

Actually it's the opposite.

Bolsonaro is a Trumpist as well as a staunch national-zionist.

Here's Bolsonaro supporting the terrorist murder of shahid Soleimani, and siding with Trump's anti-Iranian policies:

January 7, 20202:18 PM Updated 2 years ago

Iran summons Brazil's charge d'affaires in Tehran after Soleimani comments


Here are Bolsonaro's sons proudly wearing t-shirts with "Mossad" lettering and "I"DF emblem imprints:



The only two reasons why you see Bolsonaro sometimes finding issue with Washington these days are that:

1) A Democrat is in the White House. Hence Trumpists across the world will tend to criticize certain US policies.

2) Trumpists and their Kissingerian masterminds are much less hostile towards Russia than US lib-hawks and Brzezinskians happen to be (more precisely, Kissinger advocates rapprochement with Russia in order to detach Moscow from Beijing because he sees China as the more pressing issue to address, whereas Brzezinski, in a manner typical of eastern European russophobes, was promoting the reverse formula i.e. to cajole China and even Iran to some extent in order to use them as assets against Russia).

Whereas Brazil's Labor Party has shown to be interested in much more constructive relations with Iran. It did not even fear antagonizing the US regime.

This could be observed under the presidency of the Labor Party's Lula da Silva, who not only participated in the 2010 Iran-Brazil-Turkey initiative for a resolution of the Iranian nuclear dossier through a nuclear fuel swap deal, but quite incredibly defended the Iranian government in public interviews against the 2009 "Green movement" "color revolution". US dissatisfaction with Brazilian Labor administrations led to the removal of Lula's successor Dilma Rousseff after corruption charges were mounted against her with Washington's help.


Apart from socialist Cuba, there are in essence three types of left wing movements in Latin America:

1) Those which openly or implicitly accept and are subservient to the global system of dominance including the zio-American empire. This group includes major social-democratic parties, as well as some Troskyist formations on the ultra-left (in Venezuela, local Troskyists happen to be very hostile to the Bolivarian revolutionary government).

2) True revolutionaries operating not only groundbreaking domestic social reforms when in power, helping improve the plight of the masses of poor citizens, but resisting US imperialism and establishing contacts with like-minded forces in other regions of the world. The governments of presidents Chavez and Maduro in Venezuela belong to this category, and so do others such as Evo Morales of Bolivia, Rafael Correa of Ecuador, Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua etc. These are natural partners and allies to Iran.

3) Remnants of armed guerillas of the bipolar era, above all the Colombian FARC in addition to less significant ones such as Sendero Luminoso in Peru.

Brazil's Labor Party, although not revolutionary like those cited under the second group, does tend towards the latter.
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The thing preventing Iran from exporting gas is sanctions and geography. A combination of both. What options does Iran have ? Sell natural gas to Pakistan or China via Pakistan ? No way because of the heavy US/foreign influence over Pakistan.

What is the other option ? Sell natural gas to China via Afghanistan ? The Taliban need the $ too but you can't trust them and they don't have the necessary IQ.

So there you go, Iran is stuck and because of heavy Israeli influence over the US, Americans won't drop the sanctions or even give Iran any sort of guarantees. Now the US Congress even passed a bill trying Iranian sanctions relief to the Uighuur issue, which Iran has ZERO control over.

So it's never going to happen unless Iran changes its entire foreign policy, which isn't going to happen because the Islamic Republic cares more about the Palestinian cause than the economy.

Then there's a potential gas pipeline directly to India but Indians are too unreliable and heavily influenced by foreign interests. So there you go a combination of sanctions and geography.

Basically in this situation Iran might as well go nuclear. I mean at this point Iran has nothing to lose right ?
Iran sold oil during Trump's era even to North Korea and Venezuela.

Russia had problems with her pipelines which most famous ones are going through Ukraine to reach EU.To solve these problems they build direct pipelines to Germany (without proxy states in between). the moment their last pipeline completed they got backstabbed by their so called "brotherly nations".

From IRNA report today:
"Iraqi officials have previously said that their country should pay the debt, which amounts to $1.750 billion, in order to be able to import more gas from Iran."

Compared to Russia, Iran doesn't have that military,political and economical power/will to make the scene balanced.

Is it realistically that bad though ? I mean the minimum wage is something like $400-$500 a month and nominal GDP per capita is over $600 a month, PPP GDP per capita is $1100 according to latest data. I'm just wondering because the minimum wage in Iran and Turkey right now are almost on par but in Turkey gasoline costs $1.60 and cars are more expensive than the west with over 70% inflation, some economists say its really over 100%.

One thing is for sure, Iran is definately not living up to its economic potential under the Islamic Republic with their current policies.

I mean realistically Iran should be selling 2 or 3x as much crude. With foreign investment Iran could also be making just as much money off of natural gas, not to mention mining. Iran has 7% of the worlds precious metals but only 1% of the worlds population. Without foreign investment its not possible. Then there's tourism. Iran could make a fortune off tourism and then Alcohol. Iran could make just as much from Alcohol exports as from oil sales. I mean under those circumstances Iran should easily be in the top 10 GDPs in the world. Maybe number 6-8 easily.
for most food and personal need Items Iranians almost pay similar to other people around the world.
huge difference is energy and somehow healthcare (for most of people it's good but for cancer or rare diseases patients and their families Iran is hell ).

Turkiye is a smaller country compared to Iran (no offense , Turkiye is much better than Iran in a lot of things )so going from point A to point B in Turkiye is easier for most of people in that sense with you need less fuel to do similar things compare to Iran and they can sell fuel at higher prices.

I think inflation issues in Turkiye are results of copying Iran's models.

After all who doesn't like to pay 180$ wages and going for having top 10 economy ?
Actually it's the opposite.

Bolsonaro is a Trumpist as well as a staunch national-zionist.

Here's Bolsonaro supporting the terrorist murder of shahid Soleimani, and siding with Trump's anti-Iranian policies:

January 7, 20202:18 PM Updated 2 years ago

Iran summons Brazil's charge d'affaires in Tehran after Soleimani comments


Here are Bolsonaro's sons proudly wearing t-shirts with "Mossad" lettering and "I"DF emblem imprints:



The only two reasons why you see Bolsonaro sometimes finding issue with Washington these days are that:

1) A Democrat is in the White House. Hence Trumpists across the world will tend to criticize certain US policies.

2) Trumpists and their Kissingerian masterminds are much less hostile towards Russia than US lib-hawks and Brzezinskians happen to be (more precisely, Kissinger advocates rapprochement with Russia in order to detach Moscow from Beijing because he sees China as the more pressing issue to address, whereas Brzezinski, in a manner typical of eastern European russophobes, was promoting the reverse formula i.e. to cajole China and even Iran to some extent in order to use them as assets against Russia).

Whereas Brazil's Labor Party has shown to be interested in much more constructive relations with Iran. It did not even fear antagonizing the US regime.

This could be observed under the presidency of the Labor Party's Lula da Silva, who not only participated in the 2010 Iran-Brazil-Turkey initiative for a resolution of the Iranian nuclear dossier through a nuclear fuel swap deal, but quite incredibly defended the Iranian government in public interviews against the 2009 "Green movement" "color revolution". US dissatisfaction with Brazilian Labor administrations led to the removal of Lula's successor Dilma Rousseff after corruption charges were mounted against her with Washington's help.

View attachment 854294

Apart from socialist Cuba, there are in essence three types of left wing movements in Latin America:

1) Those which openly or implicitly accept and are subservient to the global system of dominance including the zio-American empire. This group includes major social-democratic parties, as well as some Troskyist formations on the ultra-left (in Venezuela, local Troskyists happen to be very hostile to the Bolivarian revolutionary government).

2) True revolutionaries operating not only groundbreaking domestic social reforms when in power, helping improve the plight of the masses of poor citizens, but resisting US imperialism and establishing contacts with like-minded forces in other regions of the world. The governments of presidents Chavez and Maduro in Venezuela belong to this category, and so do others such as Evo Morales of Bolivia, Rafael Correa of Ecuador, Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua etc. These are natural partners and allies to Iran.

3) Remnants of armed guerillas of the bipolar era, above all the Colombian FARC in addition to less significant ones such as Sendero Luminoso in Peru.

Brazil's Labor Party, although not revolutionary like those cited under the second group, does tend towards the latter.

Here is where you are wrong. Bolsnaro was pro trump not pro US or the current Biden administration. In fact, he abhors them to the point that recently Biden's diversity chief (a black woman) landed in brazil and called Bolsnaros Brazil a "white state". She was not eve recieved officially by Bolsnaro's government. TBH, they are insignificant for us, too far and too different. We do not have any significant trade or relationships.
Here is where you are wrong. Bolsnaro was pro trump not pro US or the current Biden administration. In fact, he abhors them to the point that recently Biden's diversity chief (a black woman) landed in brazil and called Bolsnaros Brazil a "white state". She was not eve recieved officially by Bolsnaro's government. TBH, they are insignificant for us, too far and too different. We do not have any significant trade or relationships.

Yes because Bolsonaro and the US Democrats dislike each other. It's not the case of Bolsonaro and right wing Americans or of Bolsonaro and the zionists. If his friends in Tel Aviv start protesting, he will not insist on improving relations with Iran.

A Labor administration in Brazil would be more likely to show interest in expanding bilateral ties, like during the Lula years. There's some potential, Brazil being a major economy and quite advanced. I'd say if Venezuela turns out to be of importance to Iran, then so can Brazil if conditions are met.

At any rate, the point was simply that if Bolsonaro is replaced by a Labor candidate, Brazil will pursue relatively independent policies. The Brazil-Iran-Turkey nuclear initiative of 2010 wasn't welcomed by the Democrat occupant of the White House back then either.
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Iran sold oil during Trump's era even to North Korea and Venezuela.

Russia had problems with her pipelines which most famous ones are going through Ukraine to reach EU.To solve these problems they build direct pipelines to Germany (without proxy states in between). the moment their last pipeline completed they got backstabbed by their so called "brotherly nations".

From IRNA report today:
"Iraqi officials have previously said that their country should pay the debt, which amounts to $1.750 billion, in order to be able to import more gas from Iran."

Compared to Russia, Iran doesn't have that military,political and economical power/will to make the scene balanced.

for most food and personal need Items Iranians almost pay similar to other people around the world.
huge difference is energy and somehow healthcare (for most of people it's good but for cancer or rare diseases patients and their families Iran is hell ).

Turkiye is a smaller country compared to Iran (no offense , Turkiye is much better than Iran in a lot of things )so going from point A to point B in Turkiye is easier for most of people in that sense with you need less fuel to do similar things compare to Iran and they can sell fuel at higher prices.

I think inflation issues in Turkiye are results of copying Iran's models.

After all who doesn't like to pay 180$ wages and going for having top 10 economy ?

you can repeat that 180$ claim a 100 more times, and it still wont make it true. its soo absurd, that it doesnt even deserve a response as anyone with 2 brain cells and 10 minutes of googling can find out on their own..

try harder "cancerous tumour" which is what imam khomeini famously labled the zionist entity as.... I am getting zionist vibes from you, and its not just your username
you can repeat that 180$ claim a 100 more times, and it still wont make it true. its soo absurd, that it doesnt even deserve a response as anyone with 2 brain cells and 10 minutes of googling can find out on their own..
Can you read and understand Farsi ?
Minimum wage.jpg

For those who don't understand Farsi,last line is minimum wage 56,797,500 Rial for current year (1401).


320,220 Rial for 1 USD.
try harder "cancerous tumour" which is what imam khomeini famously labled the zionist entity as.... I am getting zionist vibes from you, and its not just your username

I'm glad you know Mr Khomeini and encourage you to know more about him.

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