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Iranian Chill Thread

Here's another interesting fact, relative to sexual harassment of women: a study shows that 100% (yes, a hundred percent) of respondent females in Paris declare having been sexually harassed in public transportation.


Paris : 100 % of women harassed in public transportation​



One would need to be utterly disconnected from reality to imagine that the situation is even remotely comparable in Tehran.

On a sidenote, thank God for the existence in Iran of women-only bus sections and metro wagons. This has doubtlessly helped reduce these sorts of offenses by a few percentage points. Of course adequate preservation of Islamic and Iranian cultural norms (compared to the general loss of values in secular liberal "democracies" of the west), as well as modesty and other such laws remain the key factors here.


Just look at this... The true face of your delusional western "paradise". Then come tell me something similar would be thinkable in Tehran.

Behold these cowards afraid to stop the man or careless to the point of refraining from calling law enforcement. For two full hours, the subject roamed the metro system pushing to the ground or harassing several women. Even when he tried to rape one in full sight of passersby, nobody called for help. You can literally see how scared several male eyewitnesses were to intervene, how they turned back. The woman had been stripped half naked already when she managed to escape. It was her who finally phoned the police.

In Iran, we all know what would have happened to this person straight away. Thank God for namus and gheyrat.
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Do we need to remind how crime levels are vastly superior in the USA?

Kindly show us examples of young adult Iranians going on a rampage at schools, using guns, machetes or whatever, irregardless of how many are killed. Which would be on another level and of an entirely different nature than a frustrated former employee taking it out on ex-colleagues, a phenomenon far more common and widespread internationally.

It happens in military barracks of Iran not infrequently. Where this is access to guns, we have seen shootings.

Again, you cannot directly compare USA (a western society) vs Iran (Islamic society). It would be like comparing Japan to Philippines.

What's saving Iran from this category of crimes is that people are saner on average than in the USA, and in part because they are governed by a saner system.

No proof of this. It is your opinion that they governed by a “saner” system. Whatever that even means.

Canada has similarly liberal gun ownership laws as the USA, yet it is largely spared from this type of recurrent madness.

Liberal gun ownership does not mean you can carry guns into public places without license or training like you can in USA. Nor are there hundreds of millions of firearms in Canada. It becomes statistics at that point.

If Iran had the same proportion of guns as the USA that would mean 108 million guns in hands of Iranian citizens. It’s not “opinion” to say there would in fact be more violent crime and shootings in that case.

Also one should look at ability to seek mental health treatment in Iran vs USA. A lot of the countries you cite are highly socialist with government provided healthcare. Thus someone can seek treatment at a relative cheap cost. Not so in the USA where the healthcare system is broken and expensive. Thus mental health goes left untreated.

That too is of the US regime's own doing

US constitution wasn’t founded in 1979. It was found over 200 years earlier. At the time gun ownership was more accepted around the world for various legitimate activities as well as a valid deterrence against tyranny of government. Not to mention outside of major cities, police or government provided security was very little if not none existent.

Thus the founding fathers enshrined that right in the constitition. They couldn’t imagine a world where automatic rifles capable of firing hundred plus rounds per min would be as easy to buy like bread on the street. At the time, it was muskets and rifles that had to be filled with gun powder, a very laborious task and time consuming.

So hindsight is 20/20, but allowing government to change constitutional rights of citizens is a slippery slope as we have seen throughout history. Thus there has been significant pushback on adopting limitations and restrictions (of which I support) by the conservative base.
It happens in military barracks of Iran not infrequently. Where this is access to guns, we have seen shootings.

Far less frequently than in the USA though.

Now the question remains, why are people not going on a rampage at schools in Iran? Why is nobody grabbing a machete on a weekly or monthly basis, entering the premises of a school, and hacking to pieces say one or two school kids before getting neutralized? Answer: because nutcases of that caliber are extremely numerous in America, but extremely rare in Islamic Iran.

Again, you cannot directly compare USA (a western society) vs Iran (Islamic society). It would be like comparing Japan to Philippines.

It just shows how an Islamic society has its advantages over a western one.

No proof of this. It is your opinion that they governed by a “saner” system. Whatever that even means.

There's plenty of evidence alright. Shall endeavor to share as many pieces as feasible here for Iranians to see, especially those living in Iran who are deliberately kept in the dark about the realities of liberal and secularized western society.

Liberal gun ownership does not mean you can carry guns into public places without license or training like you can in USA. Nor are there hundreds of millions of firearms in Canada. It becomes statistics at that point.

It's not as if criminals carrying and using guns in the USA systematically have a license and appropriate training.

22% of households own at least one firearm in Canada, versus 42% in the USA. Yet, homicide rate in the USA is 6,3 versus 2,0 for Canada. Thus, homicide is disproportionately more frequent in the USA. This is while Canada itself is quite affected by the mental pathology-inducing environment characteristic of a sick society such as the USA.

Now if we examine a somewhat more civilized place such as Finland, we will notice that although 50% of households are in possession of one or more guns, their homicide rate stands at 1,36.



If Iran had the same proportion of guns as the USA that would mean 108 million guns in hands of Iranian citizens. It’s not “opinion” to say there would in fact be more violent crime and shootings in that case.

Just as probable is the assumption that violent crime and shooting would nonetheless remain far less frequent than they are in the USA.

Also one should look at ability to seek mental health treatment in Iran vs USA. A lot of the countries you cite are highly socialist with government provided healthcare. Thus someone can seek treatment at a relative cheap cost. Not so in the USA where the healthcare system is broken and expensive. Thus mental health goes left untreated.

Well, another flaw of the US system, which is added to the mix and is worsening the outcome.

US constitution wasn’t founded in 1979. It was found over 200 years earlier. At the time gun ownership was more accepted around the world for various legitimate activities as well as a valid deterrence against tyranny of government. Not to mention outside of major cities, police or government provided security was very little if not none existent.

Thus the founding fathers enshrined that right in the constitition. They couldn’t imagine a world where automatic rifles capable of firing hundred plus rounds per min would be as easy to buy like bread on the street. At the time, it was muskets and rifles that had to be filled with gun powder, a very laborious task and time consuming.

So hindsight is 20/20, but allowing government to change constitutional rights of citizens is a slippery slope as we have seen throughout history. Thus there has been significant pushback on adopting limitations and restrictions (of which I support) by the conservative base.

The US constitution has been amended 27 times. However the lives of 20.000 of their own citizens apparently aren't worth the hassle.

Assuming that it's essentially a consequence of lax firearms regulations, to let homicides exceed the 20.000 mark under the pretext that constitutional revision is a complex issue, is nothing but another indicator of all that's wrong with the US ruling system.

Bottom line, it all boils down to issues inherent to the USA's political order. Which basically is what I've been pointing to all along. And a political system is no fatality, it can be toppled and replaced. Regime change America, now.
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Ever heard of "rubbers"? This is how they call men in France and Belgium who have a rather nasty habit of riding buses, tramways, metro and other commuter trains during busy rush hours with the sole purpose of sticking their bodies to those of random females they encounter, and rubbing their private parts against the bottoms of said females.

The phenomenon is so frequent, that police forces in Paris had to set up a specialized department to tackle it.

Now brace yourselves: last February, it was a female police officer who fell victim to a "rubber" in the Paris subway!

In this agglomeration of some 11 million (smaller than Greater Tehran, population-wise) some 1159 sexual offenses inside public transportation were declared in 2018 (the real total being higher since many cases go unreported).


Paris : A "Rubber" Attacks a Policewoman in the Metro​

February 4, 2022



Paris : Immersion at the Heart of an Anti-Rubber Brigade in the Metro​

Olivier Boy - Edited by Cassandre Jeannin
Published on 08/03/2019 at 21:00


Who's okay with their daughter, sister, mother running the risk of getting treated in this manner every time they take the metro? Those who are can keep turning on Manoto and Saudi International, keep consuming "regime change" propaganda on Instagram and Telegram, keep entertaining the comical fantasy that in Iran "it's all so much worse" compared to the mythical image they are fed of the west.

Everyone else should come to the realization how lucky they are with the existing governing system in Iran, thanks to which a serious deviance such as this is practically unheard of (in addition to many, many other such issues). Not least thanks to the Islamic Republic's efforts to keep national culture and religious beliefs intact, including through legal instruments (modesty laws, severe punishment for sexual offenders etc), through the implementation of optional compartments reserved for women in public transportation, and so on.

TV report about "rubbers" in the "paradise" named France:

The man arrested is 62 years of age, and individuals with his profile have been seen harassing up to 20 women per day in this fashion. Wonder how long they'd last in Iran.

Oh and other countries namely eastern ones which imported western-style liberal "democracy" are hardly spared from these luminous landmarks of "progress". Japan as an example. So I'd advise against falsely assuming that "our culture will be enough to contain these things" if a secular liberal form of government was adopted.


In Kyoto, Female Students Against the Metro "Rubbers"​

Female students of the University for women of Kyoto contributed to the conception of new posters against sexual offenses committed in the metro. Their goal: to alert about the severity of the facts while asserting the viewpoint of victims.

Mainichi Shimbun

Published on April 03, 2022 at 09h11


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Far less frequently than in the USA though.

Now the question remains, why are people not going on a rampage at schools in Iran? Why is nobody grabbing a machete on a weekly or monthly basis, entering the premises of a school, and hacking to pieces say one or two school kids before getting neutralized? Answer: because nutcases of that caliber are extremely numerous in America, but extremely rare in Islamic Iran.

It just shows how an Islamic society has its advantages over a western one.

There's plenty of evidence alright. Shall endeavor to share as many pieces as feasible here for Iranians to see, especially those living in Iran who are deliberately kept in the dark about the realities of liberal and secularized western society.

It's not as if criminals carrying and using guns in the USA systematically have a license and appropriate training.

22% of households own at least one firearm in Canada, versus 42% in the USA. Yet, homicide rate in the USA is 6,3 versus 2,0 for Canada. Thus, homicide is disproportionately more frequent in the USA. This is while Canada itself is quite affected by the mental pathology-inducing environment characteristic of a sick society such as the USA.

Now if we examine a somewhat more civilized place such as Finland, we will notice that although 50% of households are in possession of one or more guns, their homicide rate stands at 1,36.



Just as probable is the assumption that violent crime and shooting would nonetheless remain far less frequent than they are in the USA.

Well, another flaw of the US system, which is added to the mix and is worsening the outcome.

The US constitution has been amended 27 times. However the lives of 20.000 of their own citizens apparently aren't worth the hassle.

Assuming that it's essentially a consequence of lax firearms regulations, to let homicides exceed the 20.000 mark under the pretext that constitutional revision is a complex issue, is nothing but another indicator of all that's wrong with the US ruling system.

Bottom line, it all boils down to issues inherent to the USA's political order. Which basically is what I've been pointing to all along. And a political system is no fatality, it can be toppled and replaced. Regime change America, now.

You touch upon a very tender point of contention here in the United States, that being the absolutely sordid levels of rampant mental illness (in all its forms) affecting tens of millions of Americans everyday.

My own University degree was in Psychology and we had to go through many different peer-reviewed articles on the size/scope of different mental ailments affecting America and the usual conclusion between most articles is that, it's a pervasive issue. This problem is compounded with a sad reality in which many regular American citizens can't easily access mental health counseling or treatment due to drug costs, costs for visiting a professional, etc. And the system itself disincentivizes finding a "cure" and would much rather have people on drugs until they die. Mostly due to profits (Big Pharma) and partly due to the general high-level of difficulty dealing with mental illness at a practical level.

That being said, one cannot excuse such abject atrocious behavior from America by chalking it all up to mental illness and mental illness alone. The very "soul", character and principals of America itself have been thoroughly and utterly corrupted in totality. People here hate one another, they cannot process their emotions like regular human beings, they far too often shelter themselves away on online echo-chambers that only amplify their own demons/delusions. Leading to an eventual "breaking point" in which they go and massacre or commit crimes. America also has a very VERY prominent sub-culture (usually inner-city) that glorifies open sexuality, violence (often random), crime and criminality, etc. We steal from one another, lie about our neighbors, scheme to destroy each other in a (often vain) bid to get ahead. And the end result is this sick, dying, decaying society that barely resembles a nation. In reality it's a collection of fair-weather citizens that simply want to survive until tomorrow for the most part. There is no national goal, no unifying purpose as a people. No broad ambition other than the hollow words our President reads off of a teleprompter.

... Look, I'm exaggerating a little bit here but the take away point stays the same. These "United States" of America are rotten and the people are suffering immense physical and spiritual (if you're into that sort of thing) damage because of it.

I've got no other words to explain away the actions of that 18-year old who butchered ~18 children and some adults. There needs be none for such a heinous act. It's a symptom of a much greater problem...
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You touch upon a very tender point of contention here in the United States, that being the absolutely sordid levels of rampant mental illness (in all its forms) affecting tens of millions of Americans everyday.

My own University degree was in Psychology and we had to go through many different peer-reviewed articles on the size/scope of different mental ailments affecting America and the usual conclusion between most articles is that, it's a pervasive issue. This problem is compounded with a sad reality in which many regular American citizens can't easily access mental health counseling or treatment due to drug costs, costs for visiting a professional, etc. And the system itself disincentivizes finding a "cure" and would much rather have people on drugs until they die. Mostly due to profits (Big Pharma) and partly due to the general high-level of difficulty dealing with mental illness at a practical level.

That being said, one cannot excuse such abject atrocious behavior from America by chalking it all up to mental illness and mental illness alone. The very "soul", character and principals of America itself have been thoroughly and utterly corrupted in totality. People here hate one another, they cannot process their emotions like regular human beings, they far too often shelter themselves away on online echo-chambers that only amplify their own demons/delusions. Leading to an eventual "breaking point" in which they go and massacre or commit crimes. America also has a very VERY prominent sub-culture (usually inner-city) that glorifies crime and criminality. We steal from one another, lie about our neighbors, scheme to destroy each other in a (often vain) bid to get ahead. And the end result is this sick, dying, decaying society that barely resembles a nation. In reality it's a collection of fair-weather citizens that simply want to survive until tomorrow for the most part. There is no national goal, no unifying purpose as a people. No broad ambition other than the hollow words our President reads off of a teleprompter.

... Look, I'm exaggerating a little bit here but the take away point stays the same. These "United States" of America are rotten and the people are suffering immense physical and spiritual (if you're into that sort of thing) damage because of it.

I've got no other words to explain away the actions of that 18-year old who butchered ~18 children and some adults. There needs be none for such a heinous act. It's a symptom of a much greater problem...

Very nicely put, thank you.

Indeed, it's clear that the availability of guns, insufficient or inappropriate treatment of mental illness and so on are boosting violent crime and homicide in America. And if Iran came to legalize guns tomorrow, she'd be worse off. Who will deny it? Although of course these factors too are a consequence of policital choices, so they won't absolve the US regime of its responsibility.

However, as you stressed, when an 18-year old decides to go out and blindly slaughter multiple other kids at a school, and when this sort of thing happens every few weeks, then there's something more to it, something that points to a serious dysfunction, to an unusual crack at a much deeper layer of the social fabric. The violent sub-culture (gang "culture"), but also violence in films and other forms of entertainment are both symptoms and causes of this phenomenon.

Fundamentally though, these are all expressions of a social, political and economic system that has reached a dead end and has entered its ultimate phase of decline.

I truly hope that at least a few compatriots back home in Iran are going to read and ponder this excellent first hand account and analysis of yours.
Very nicely put, thank you.

Indeed, it's clear that the availability of guns, insufficient or inappropriate treatment of mental illness and so on are boosting violent crime and homicide in America. And if Iran came to legalize guns tomorrow, she'd be worse off. Who will deny it? Although of course these factors too are a consequence of policital choices, so they won't absolve the US regime of its responsibility.

However, as you stressed, when an 18-year old decides to go out and blindly slaughter multiple other kids at a school, and when this sort of thing happens every few weeks, then there's something more to it, something that points to a serious dysfunction, to an unusual crack at a much deeper layer of the social fabric. The violent sub-culture (gang "culture"), but also violence in films and other forms of entertainment are both symptoms and causes of this phenomenon.

Fundamentally though, these are all expressions of a social, political and economic system that has reached a dead end and has entered its ultimate phase of decline.

I truly hope that at least a few compatriots back home in Iran are going to read and ponder this excellent first hand account and analysis of yours.


It can be easily argued that one of the hallmarks of American culture in general is the glorification of violence itself and the use of it to solve most problems. Every problem looks like a nail when the only tool you have to deal with it is a hammer...
In Canada purchasing a firearm is not a simple matter. First the government conducts a background check and then you have to take a class which covers the topics of gun safety and storage. Also you can't buy fully automatic rifles.

In the US, it's much easier and there's the "gunshow loophole" where you can basically attend a gunshow and buy whatever you want, no questions asked, including a fully automatic rifle. I think some states conduct background checks, but some are more liberal and all you do is show your ID and that's it.

In the US there are so many guns that it's basically impossible for the government to retrieve them all even if they tried. The prevalence of firearms leads to a mentality of paranoia, where even people who are not inclined to purchase a gun end up doing so just for protection. The proliferation of firearms basically works like a domino effect.

Do we need to remind how crime levels are vastly superior in the USA?

Kindly show us examples of young adult Iranians going on a rampage at schools, using guns, machetes or whatever, irregardless of how many are killed. Which would be on another level and of an entirely different nature than a frustrated former employee taking it out on ex-colleagues, a phenomenon far more common and widespread internationally.

People are far safer in Iran, that's a fact which no amount of debating can change.

What's saving Iran from this category of crimes is that people are saner on average than in the USA, and in part because they are governed by a saner system.

Canada has similarly liberal gun ownership laws as the USA, yet it is largely spared from this type of recurrent madness.

Besides, the widespread availability of firearms in the USA is part of the problem, it doesn't really offer a valid excuse. That too is of the US regime's own doing, it is just another symptom of its anomaly and Americans will have nothing else to blame for that than their regime.


Honestly no. Because it's one representative aspect of a broader reality.

In Japan the issue of men groping women on the subway or in public is HUGE. It's extremely common, to the point where most women have either directly experienced it or know someone who has. I'm not joking. Here's a video on it. In Japan it's called "Chikan"

Btw I'm not sure if this could ever become common place in Iran, even in a liberal society. Japanese women in general tend have a very shy demeanor. Iranian women would probably attack the perpetrator and start screaming at the top of their lungs for their friends to join in LOL

Ever heard of "rubbers"? This is how they call males in France and Belgium who have a rather nasty habit of riding buses, tramways, metro and other commuter trains during busy rush hours with the sole purpose of sticking their bodies to those of random females they encounter, and rubbing their private parts against the bottoms of said females.

The phenomenon is so frequent, that police forces in Paris had to set up a specialized department to tackle the issue.

Now brace yourselves: last February, it was a female police officer who fell victim to a "rubber" in the Paris subway!


Paris : A "Rubber" Attacks a Policewoman in the Metro​

February 4, 2022



Paris : Immersion at the Heart of an Anti-Rubber Brigade in the Metro​

Olivier Boy - Edited by Cassandre Jeannin
Published on 08/03/2019 at 21:00


You are okay with your daughter, sister, mother running the risk of getting treated in this manner whenever they take the metro? Then keep turning on Manoto and Saudi International, keep consuming "regime change" propaganda on Instagram and Telegram, keep entertaining the comical fantasy that "it's all so much worse" in Iran compared to the mythical and horrendously distorted image they feed you of the west.

Else, come to the realization how lucky you are with the existing governing system in Iran, thanks to which a serious deviance such as this is practically unheard of where you live (in addition to many, many other such issues). Not least thanks to the Islamic Republic's efforts to keep intact national culture and religious beliefs, including through the legal instrument (modesty laws, severe punishment for sexual offenders etc), through the implementation of optional compartments reserved for women in public transportation, and so on.

TV report about "rubbers" in "paradise" France:

The man arrested is 62 years old, and individuals with his profile can harass up to 20 women per day in this fashion. Wonder how long they'd last in Iran.

Oh and other countries namely eastern ones which imported western-style liberal "democracy" are hardly spared from these luminous landmarks of "progress". Japan as an example. So I'd advise against falsely assuming that "our culture will be enough to contain these things" if a secular liberal form of government was adopted.


In Kyoto, Female Students Against the Metro "Rubbers"​

Female students of the University for women of Kyoto contributed to the conception of new posters against sexual offenses committed in the metro. Their goal: to alert about the severity of the facts while asserting the viewpoint of victims.

Mainichi Shimbun

Published on April 03, 2022 at 09h11


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Houthis really have to be careful where they shoot down enemy aircraft. They basically shot this down over a crowded, public area. But who knows, maybe the drone was about to hit a target around the same place anyways ? Maybe a hospital or mosque ? It's not like the Saudis haven't done it before.

CH-4 Chinese Made paper weight

Houthi’s single handly destroying China’s marketing for Drones :omghaha:

But Iran's GDP contacted for 3 years because of the sanctions. 2018, 2019, 2020. In 2021 it finally recovered and is now growing. Yeah 1.7 trillion is a bit excessive. That's why I think the PPP measure is more accurate. $800-$900 billion makes more sense.

I mean look at the graph. Since 1990, Iran’s GDP a has fluctuated between 200B and 500B.

But suddenly during the worst sanctions period (2016-2022) its economy tripled in size?

I mean come on guys that’s physically impossible.

I don’t know how any rational logical thinking minded person can look at that graph and say that it’s legitimate data.

My comment about this turning into imposed war is The lack of major advancements by both sides and Ukraine being supported by most of the Western world militarily and economically. Not a direct comparison.
We'll talk again about this in 10 years enshAllah. And then in 20, 30, 50 and so on.

On a sidenote, one year into the Raisi administration, are you still of the belief that Iran is "desperate" for a revival of the JCPOA?
Has it only been one year? Feels like it's been a while.

Personally, I'm sick of this Parliamentary system Iran has. Dissolve it and make Yahya Rahim Safavi the Shahenshah...he even has a claim by way of his descent from the Safavid Dynasty 😻

I think we learned long ago, Iran won’t be “matching” Israel tic for tac. Wether that is the right or wrong decision, I think I made my views clear so won’t rehash it.

The colonel was not a hit protection list. So clearly he wasn’t critical enough to get any sort of protection.

Interesting if true.

I mean I think it goes without saying that Iranian Intelligence cannot match against Mossad or even CIA in terms of scope and operation capability. They are not on the same level. Plus Iran’s intelligence are divided between government intelligence and IRGC intelligence and then Quds Force Intelligence.

Tens if not hundreds of Israeli military officials go to work everyday without protection detail. So what is stopping Iran from doing the same? We hear about “attempts” in the news. Hard to believe what is real genuine attempt and just Iranian boogeyman propaganda. I assume at least some attempts have been made in the last 10 years or so.
The reason why Iranian secret services can't match mossad pound for pound can be attributed to (a) a lack of good signals intelligence - there is no global satellite navigation system available while tel aviv has open access to GPS and GLONASS and (b) significant collaboration with intelligence services of other nations/militant organizations and (c) Iran has active insurgencies in Kurdistan, Balochestan and Khuzestan which makes for a fertile recruiting pool for enemies.

Iran can infiltrate "oy vey, muh yisroel"; druze and Circassian minorities are an excellent way to embed moles within but it will take time, effort and a lot of trials and bitter failures.
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In the US there are so many guns that it's basically impossible for the government to retrieve them all even if they tried. The prevalence of firearms leads to a mentality of paranoia, where even people who are not inclined to purchase a gun end up doing so just for protection. The proliferation of firearms basically works like a domino effect.

Well, it's still primarily because of the US regime that there are so many guns circulating in the first place. Lack of regulation is also a political choice. Call it mismanagement, call it systemic or cultural flaw, call it malice, at the end of the day the US regime bears most of the responsibility for the unspeakable mess America finds itself in.


In Japan the issue of men groping women on the subway or in public is HUGE. It's extremely common, to the point where most women have either directly experienced it or know someone who has. I'm not joking. Here's a video on it. In Japan it's called "Chikan"

But liberals and daily Manoto watchers / Telegram addicts are preaching that everything's worse in Iran. That women are groped just as often on the streets and subways of Tehran as they are in Tokyo, New York, Paris, Johannesburg, São Paulo etc.

In the conditioned minds of these individuals, facts of this world are literally turned on their head. They give a whole new meaning to the phrase "not to know what one's talking about". وای خارج بهشته, فقط ما اینجا بدبختیم :crazy::lol:

There was this crazy Iranian filmmaker who explained in an interview that one of the reasons he sent his offspring to school in America was the "security" prevailing there! Not kidding. Maybe Chinese-style reeducation camps ought to be introduced in Iran.

Btw I'm not sure if this could ever become common place in Iran, even in a liberal society. Japanese women in general tend have a very shy demeanor. Iranian women would probably attack the perpetrator and start screaming at the top of their lungs for their friends to join in LOL

Pre-1945 conditions weren't quite as dire in Japan either. Ironically the video seems to be rehashing feminist tropes, according to which "gender inequality" is the fundamental reason behind the phenomenon. However, this is debunked by the simple fact that when the whole range of these traditional values was in force, there was no widespread groping of Japanese women either.

But to reference nations that are culturally closer, Turkey and Egypt in many ways are faring worse than Iran.

So I'd say liberalization would definitely magnify these issues. I mean, serial rapes of women were taking place in broad daylight on and around Cairo's Tahrir Square during the so-called Arab Spring demonstrations. Unimaginable in Iran, where not a single case was ever reported in the framework of larger mobilizations (Green fitna and massive counter-demonstration in 2009, and so on).

Difference is they are governed by secular regimes unlike Iran, and sentences for offenders are much tougher in Iran.
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Iran can infiltrate "oy vey, muh yisroel"; druze and Circassian minorities are an excellent way to embed moles within but it will take time, effort and a lot of trials and bitter failures.

Iran has infiltrated the zionist regime at even higher levels in the past.


Gonen Segev: Israel ex-minister admits spying for Iran​

Published 9 January 2019



Israel Prisoner X: Ben Zygier 'leaked Mossad secrets'​

Published 18 February 2013


They claimed he "hanged himself" in a high security prison. Yes, sure.


Israel Releases Prisoner X2, Former Senior Mossad Official Secretly Imprisoned for Betraying Israel​

May 7, 2018 by Richard Silverstein



Chances are Iran has more of these.
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I'm looking to global crude oil prices index and when you scroll down to the section that covers Iran it says "deliveries to North Western Europe", "deliveries to Mediterranean", "deliveries to South Africa" etc. Wouldn't sanctions be preventing Iran from selling to some of these regions openly ?

Also notice how Russia is selling some of their crude for $77. Even if it's heavy crude, Canada is selling it for $95. That's a 20% discount. I've heard that they're selling large amounts of oil to India and China at that price.

Anyways can someone explain the part about Iran ?

crude prices May 25, 2022.jpg
crude prices May 25, 2022 - 2 .jpg
crude prices May 25, 2022 - 3 .jpg
crude prices May 25, 2022 - 4.jpg
crude prices May 25, 2022 - 5.jpg
Iran has infiltrated the zionist regime at even higher levels in the past.


Gonen Segev: Israel ex-minister admits spying for Iran​

Published 9 January 2019



Israel Prisoner X: Ben Zygier 'leaked Mossad secrets'​

Published 18 February 2013


They claimed he "hanged himself" in a high security prison. Yes, sure.


Israel Releases Prisoner X2, Former Senior Mossad Official Secretly Imprisoned for Betraying Israel​

May 7, 2018 by Richard Silverstein



We can be sure there are others.
These are good but there's a need to exploit entire demographics that become a security issue inside the kikeroach state (aside from Palestinians who're doing an excellent job by putting pressure both from West Bank and Gaza).
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