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Iranian Chill Thread

Who are they fighting though ghosts ? Any captured ? any corpses ? anything ? It's easy to look good against nothing.
You are exaggerating.

Can you tell us how you see the map on April 2023?

1. War long over. Russia grabs border cities or less.

2. War continues and Russia has annexed the East of the river plus main west cities including Kharkiv, Dnipro, Zaporizhzha, and Odesa.

3. Your third scenario???

Plus :

-War slips over to other countries (Y/N)
-Tactical weapons will be used (Y/N)

@sha ah

What is you opinion about the war and my question above on April 2023?
God, watching Iranian media cover military parades (especially TV) is the most infuriating thing in the world. Each time an important piece of equipment comes the director jumps to the crowd or some nonsense. But if a stupid jeep crosses the camera will be glued to it.
OK, I don't expect the camera people to be experts on military equipment (although they should be), but how hard is it to understand that big=probably important.
Sorry for the rant
Man , wait till you watch a volleyball game in Iran's TV. Specially when games are in Brazil or somewhere hot ....:partay:
During parade I think I heard Zulfighar 6 but camera was showing something else ....

6?? We jumped 3 generations? Looks like the same old Z-3

You are exaggerating.

Can you tell us how you see the map on April 2023?

1. War long over. Russia grabs border cities or less.

2. War continues and Russia has annexed the East of the river plus main west cities including Kharkiv, Dnipro, Zaporizhzha, and Odesa.

3. Your third scenario???

Plus :

-War slips over to other countries (Y/N)
-Tactical weapons will be used (Y/N)

Most likely Russia will capture Donbass and Luchnask, the land bridge between them and Crimea. Failure to do this would result it complete failure of Russian main objective prior to war. I don’t think failure is an option here.

Barring a complete collapse in Ukraine front lines I don’t think option 2 is realistic. Kharkv is an city of 1M+ and Odessa would need a lot more manpower then currently available, it would be Mariupol 2.0. I think the Kherson line is as far as Russia can go in the south in regards to pushing to the West.

No to War spreading
No to tactical nukes

If tactical nukes happen then the world goes into a dark place.

It all will be clear after Donbass offensive. Both sides know this is the key battle of the future of the war.

I compare it to Battle of Qusayr and Battle of Qalamoun by Hezbollah which represented the turning of the war in favor of Assad in 2013. They were momentum changers.
6?? We jumped 3 generations? Looks like the same old Z-3

Most likely Russia will capture Donbass and Luchnask, the land bridge between them and Crimea. Failure to do this would result it complete failure of Russian main objective prior to war. I don’t think failure is an option here.

Barring a complete collapse in Ukraine front lines I don’t think option 2 is realistic. Kharkv is an city of 1M+ and Odessa would need a lot more manpower then currently available, it would be Mariupol 2.0. I think the Kherson line is as far as Russia can go in the south in regards to pushing to the West.

No to War spreading
No to tactical nukes

If tactical nukes happen then the world goes into a dark place.

It all will be clear after Donbass offensive. Both sides know this is the key battle of the future of the war.

I compare it to Battle of Qusayr and Battle of Qalamoun by Hezbollah which represented the turning of the war in favor of Assad in 2013. They were momentum changers.

I disagree here.

Option 2 or maybe option 2 without Odesa and Dnipro is my choice.

We will see war spill over, I believe.

I hope we do not see tactical nukes but there is at least 20 percent chance. More likely not.

Let’s see on April 2023.

گزینه ۱ داو جونز سرمایه گذاری میکنی

گزینه ۲ انرژی و گاز
Russia has not even launched their new eastern push (offensive) yet which has been receiving alot of hype. Despite this they currently control 95% or more of Lugansk. The only areas of the Donbas that remain in Ukrainian hands are western Donetsk.

Regardless the Russians forces on the ground are gaining, slowly but surely in a pincer like movement towards Kramatorsk (After they take it Zelensky will probably refer to it as a new massacre since it sounds like Crematorium, just like Bucha sounds like butcher in English)

In any case after Kramatorsk, the Donbas and Mariupol are fully liberated the Russians have 3 options

1) Go for Odessa to connect a land bridge to Transnistria (Moldova) where the people are majority extremely pro Russian. This way Ukraine will be completely physically cut off from the ocean

2) If the Ukrainians still don't want to stop fighting after that, the Russians can take the highways up north and surround Kharkiv from all sides

3) Take the highways from Donetsk west and surround Dnipro

Keep in mind the Russians don't have to necessarily take any of the above cities, they just have to surround them and then defend against any major Ukrainian attempt to retake lost territory

Anyways n the next few weeks the Ukrainians will be receiving an assortment of random weapons, new MRAPS from the UK and Australia (Mastiffs, Bushmasters), more MANPADS, ATGMs, small drones, etc as well as hand me down EU weapons from storage brought back to life: Leopard 1s, BMP-1s built in the 1960s and T-72s build in the 70s and 80s.

Apparently the Ukrainians are demanding that the USA give them 500 Javelins everyday however the Americans have stated that very soon they will no longer be able to supply the Ukrainians since their stocks are so depleted that it will take years for them to replenish. I smell something fishy.

I'm guessing that the Ukrainians are selling some of their weapons on the black market. Keep in mind the Ukrainians had a large stockpile of ATGMs even before the west began giving them weapons. Also they build their own ATGMs as well. On top of that they are receiving even more MANPADS and ATGMs form European countries. Why do they need so many ? LOL

In any case some of these weapons will be destroyed on route. Yesterday Russia hit 300+ targets in Ukraine, but regardless it seems as if the Ukrainians will not be satisfied until they've exhausted every option, including actually trying to take back territory from Russia with assortment of new (used) weapons


Ukraine current situation as explained above. For a larger, more detailed map go to https://southfront.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/16april2022_Ukraine_map.jpg?x41789


Mariupol current situation. The Azov battalion (neo-Nazis) at the Azovstal plant are refusing the surrender, mostly hiding in underground tunnels. The Russians will most likely flood the tunnels to force them out.


You are exaggerating.

Can you tell us how you see the map on April 2023?

1. War long over. Russia grabs border cities or less.

2. War continues and Russia has annexed the East of the river plus main west cities including Kharkiv, Dnipro, Zaporizhzha, and Odesa.

3. Your third scenario???

Plus :

-War slips over to other countries (Y/N)
-Tactical weapons will be used (Y/N)
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Russia has not even launched their new eastern push (offensive) yet. Despite this they currently control 95% or more of Lugansk. The only areas of the Donbas that remain in Ukrainian hands are western Donetsk. However the Russians forces on the ground are gaining ground, slowly but surely in a pincer like movement towards Kramatorsk (After they take it Zelensky will probably refer to it as as new massacre since it sounds like Crematorium, just like Bucha sounds like butcher in English)

In any case after Kramatorsk, the Donbas and Mariupol are fully liberated the Russians have 3 options

1) Go for Odessa to connect a land bridge to Transnistria (Moldova) where the people are majority extremely pro Russian. This way Ukraine will be completely physically cut off from the ocean

2) If the Ukrainians still don't want to stop fighting after that, they can take the highways up north and surround Kharkiv from all sides

3) Take the highways from Donetsk west and surround Dnipro

In the next few weeks the Ukrainians will be receiving an assortment of random weapons, new MRAPS from the UK and Australia (Mastiffs, Bushmasters), more MANPADS, ATGMs, small drones, etc as well as hand me down EU weapons from storage brought back to life: Leopard 1s, BMP-1s built in the 1960s and T-72s build in the 70s and 80s.

Of course some of these weapons will be destroyed on route. Yesterday Russia hit 300+ targets in Ukraine, but in any case it seems that the Ukrainians will not be satisfied until they've exhausted every option, including actually trying to take back territory from Russia with assortment of new (used) weapons


Ukraine current situation as explained above. For a larger, more detailed map go to https://southfront.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/16april2022_Ukraine_map.jpg?x41789

View attachment 835579

Mariupol current situation. The Azov battalion (neo-Nazis) at the Azovstal plant are refusing the surrender, mostly hiding in underground tunnels. The Russians will most likely flood the tunnels to force them out.

View attachment 835576

Putin miscalculated but now recalculating. I don’t think Russia will end this war without Kharkiv and a land bridge to Moldova can be well on their agenda.

I think long war.
These fools in the west seem to love destroying the world and turning prosperous, decent nations into sh#tholes. Europeans also have no backbone. They're nothing but vassals and tools of the USA. Libya was it beneficial for the EU ? Syria ? No look at all the refugees. but they went along with the US anyways. Tools.

Now it's Ukraines turn. Unfortunately there is a MASSIVE propaganda push behind Ukraine making Ukrainians believe that they are winning the war and that they can ultimately win the war. They've installed a puppet who's actually a good actor and they've shut down all alternative or opposition voices. Even opposition politicians are not allowed to say a word or they could face prison or persecution.

All alternative voices in the west and in Ukraine have been shut out and labeled as Russian disinformation. It's gotten so bad that anyone with an alternative voice on social media is being BANNED. This is why Elon Musk wants to buy Twitter and this is why the mainstream media in the west is demonizing Musk.

Also in Ukraine, anyone that shows pictures of damage or casualties inflicted by Russia will be labeled a Russian agent and promptly persecuted and imprisoned. Ukraine is no democracy but rather an authoritarian state run by neo-Nazis (the head of the police force is a proud neo-Nazi) and the evil Khazar midget Zelensky who yaps everyday flip flopping on his policies like a pancake. According to the Pandora Papers (which everyone is conveniently ignoring) Zelensky and his cronies are worth more than 1 billion and he owns a $30 million dollar villa in Florida. Not bad for a clown/comedian turned actor, turned politician, turned messiah of Ukraine.

This is a huge scheme by the military industrial complex (defense contractors) and energy conglomerates in the west. They're forcing the EU to dump all of their older weapons and weapons they had in storage onto Ukraine. They've also turned Russia into a huge boogeyman. Germany is now boosting its defense spending to $100 billion a year. Dozens of F-35s will be purchased even though Russia is no threat to the EU at large. Finland and Sweden joining NATO will also encourage weapons sales and all of the weapons being given to Ukraine will need to be replenished. That means more $$$$ for the USA.

Not only that but to their own detriment EU nations will now be shunning cheap Russian gas for American LNG which is several times more expensive. This is what happens when a government is hijacked by greedy interest groups (bankers, elitists, defense contractors, military industrial complex) who don't have the peoples best interest in mind. 10% of Americans don't have healthcare. US is the only industrialized country without Universal healthcare. Atleast 2 trillion spent on Afghanistan and now they're dumping more money into Ukraine.

After the Cold War there was a huge buffer between Russia and NATO. Rather than keeping this buffer in place the NATO countries seem to be hellbent on surrounding and eventually devouring Russia. Even after WW2 the Americans and British were discussing how they could split the pie, referring to the USSR. After all Russia is rich with energy resources and unlimited land that can be colonized. During the last few hundred years several empires from the west have attempted to take Russia for themselves but failed. It seems as if the Americans have not learned for history and are determined to weaken and eventually break Russia into pieces for consumption.

Putin miscalculated but now recalculating. I don’t think Russia will end this war without Kharkiv and a land bridge to Moldova can be well on their agenda.

I think long war.
6?? We jumped 3 generations? Looks like the same old Z-3

Most likely Russia will capture Donbass and Luchnask, the land bridge between them and Crimea. Failure to do this would result it complete failure of Russian main objective prior to war. I don’t think failure is an option here.

Barring a complete collapse in Ukraine front lines I don’t think option 2 is realistic. Kharkv is an city of 1M+ and Odessa would need a lot more manpower then currently available, it would be Mariupol 2.0. I think the Kherson line is as far as Russia can go in the south in regards to pushing to the West.

No to War spreading
No to tactical nukes

If tactical nukes happen then the world goes into a dark place.

It all will be clear after Donbass offensive. Both sides know this is the key battle of the future of the war.

I compare it to Battle of Qusayr and Battle of Qalamoun by Hezbollah which represented the turning of the war in favor of Assad in 2013. They were momentum changers.
Presumably Kharkiv is a fraction of its pre-war population, but I just find it hard to believe Russia does not consider Kharkiv as a important objective. I presume they will want it, but it will not be easy and could take 1-2 months just to capture the city if it is really as entrenched as they say it is.

I’m actually impressed by this Turkish military operation. Professionally done and incorporating many elements of armed forces.

This is the type of showing we would have expected out of Russia...
It helps that it is a very small operation in a small km^2 area.
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These fools in the west seem to love destroying the world and turning prosperous, decent nations into sh#tholes. Europeans also have no backbone. They're nothing but vassals and tools of the USA. Libya was it beneficial for the EU ? Syria ? No look at all the refugees. but they went along with the US anyways. Tools.

Now it's Ukraines turn. Unfortunately there is a MASSIVE propaganda push behind Ukraine making Ukrainians believe that they are winning the war and that they can ultimately win the war. They've installed a puppet who's actually a good actor and they've shut down all alternative or opposition voices. Even opposition politicians are not allowed to say a word or they could face prison or persecution.

All alternative voices in the west and in Ukraine have been shut out and labeled as Russian disinformation. It's gotten so bad that anyone with an alternative voice on social media is being BANNED. This is why Elon Musk wants to buy Twitter and this is why the mainstream media in the west is demonizing Musk.

Also in Ukraine, anyone that shows pictures of damage or casualties inflicted by Russia will be labeled a Russian agent and promptly persecuted and imprisoned. Ukraine is no democracy but rather an authoritarian state run by neo-Nazis (the head of the police force is a proud neo-Nazi) and the evil Khazar midget Zelensky who yaps everyday flip flopping on his policies like a pancake. According to the Pandora Papers (which everyone is conveniently ignoring) Zelensky and his cronies are worth more than 1 billion and he owns a $30 million dollar villa in Florida. Not bad for a clown/comedian turned actor, turned politician, turned messiah of Ukraine.

This is a huge scheme by the military industrial complex (defense contractors) and energy conglomerates in the west. They're forcing the EU to dump all of their older weapons and weapons they had in storage onto Ukraine. They've also turned Russia into a huge boogeyman. Germany is now boosting its defense spending to $100 billion a year. Dozens of F-35s will be purchased even though Russia is no threat to the EU at large. Finland and Sweden joining NATO will also encourage weapons sales and all of the weapons being given to Ukraine will need to be replenished. That means more $$$$ for the USA.

Not only that but to their own detriment EU nations will now be shunning cheap Russian gas for American LNG which is several times more expensive. This is what happens when a government is hijacked by greedy interest groups (bankers, elitists, defense contractors, military industrial complex) who don't have the peoples best interest in mind. 10% of Americans don't have healthcare. US is the only industrialized country without Universal healthcare. Atleast 2 trillion spent on Afghanistan and now they're dumping more money into Ukraine.

After the Cold War there was a huge buffer between Russia and NATO. Rather than keeping this buffer in place the NATO countries seem to be hellbent on surrounding and eventually devouring Russia. Even after WW2 the Americans and British were discussing how they could split the pie, referring to the USSR. After all Russia is rich with energy resources and unlimited land that can be colonized. During the last few hundred years several empires from the west have attempted to take Russia for themselves but failed. It seems as if the Americans have not learned for history and are determined to weaken and eventually break Russia into pieces for consumption.

Even some Iranian veteran militarists think Russia will not gain much of land in this war.

I cannot blame average people.
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