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Iranian Chill Thread

Big mistake if Putin agrees to withdraw without securing most of Ukraine and full demilitarization. Makes the whole “military operation” a bit pointless.

JCPOA showed the West will tear up any agreement. The second Russia pulls out of Ukraine, West will rebuild Ukraine up and supply them with even more devastating weapons to deter Russia.

What is Russia going to do then? Re-Invade against a fully equipped Ukraine military with experience fighting Russians? Doubtful especially with how Risk adverse Russia has been last 20 years.

Putin has one chance, after that reinvasion of Ukraine is untenable. So this agreement is not worth the paper it is written on for Russia.

Big mistake if Putin agrees to withdraw without securing most of Ukraine and full demilitarization. Makes the whole “military operation” a bit pointless.

JCPOA showed the West will tear up any agreement. The second Russia pulls out of Ukraine, West will rebuild Ukraine up and supply them with even more devastating weapons to deter Russia.

What is Russia going to do then? Re-Invade against a fully equipped Ukraine military with experience fighting Russians? Doubtful especially with how Risk adverse Russia has been last 20 years.

Putin has one chance, after that reinvasion of Ukraine is untenable. So this agreement is not worth the paper it is written on for Russia.

Not true bro.

Russia will not release Novorossiya nor will it exit without securing that and they have already announced a new mayor in Kherson and does that look like someone whos withdrawing from these areas.

I don't think Russia would have issues with neutrality and other guraantor states coming in between them once they have seized a good junk of Ukraine which is basically Novorossiya. They wanna carve out a new nation out from Ukraine and the whole Kiev attack was just a faint attack to divert their resources to kiev and sumy areas but Russia has no desire of these areas but just using them as negotiation tool but it wants everthing from Odessa to Luhansk
According to my very reliable sources, Russia will hit very hard and Chechen forces are ready to get into force in kyiv.


US/NATO spy satellites giving away Russian positions. I’m not sure how much Russian High Command took that into account. Tactics of leaving equipment within artillery range and not establishing a safety perimeter are Just head scratching.

US now giving Ukraine pre production models to test in live combat to tweak their own production.

War is a great area to test experimental weaponry and fine tune your production model. Iran has used its proxy theaters to test various equipment.
There's a book on reverse engineering called Reverse Engineering for Beginners, it was self published by Dennis Yurichev a Russian computer scientist. When I came upon this book I was amazed to find that it had already been translated into Persian and was available in an Iranian govt library. A pretty obscure book in a pretty obscure field and the Iranians had already translated it into Persian.

Now I am not surprised by Iranian cyber capabilities. Furthermore this is a field which requires the practitioner to be extremely passionate for what they are doing. It can be extremely boring to read thousands of lines of assembly code with no guarantee of reward. Iran must have a pretty active hacker culture, you can't just force these results out of a bunch of coders.

Culturally speaking, anything involving patience will tend to appeal to Iranians. Just look at the detailed intricacy of Iranian carpets, or the mural decorations of Iranian mosques.
They bungled every aspect of this invasion from minute-zero till now and have only recently changed tactics.

- SEAD/DEAD nonexistent
- unencrypted communications
- Soviet Style warfare in a modern setting
- Paltry opening strike (like seriously, wtf were they thinking lmfao)
- Weird tactics on the battlefield
- Entire armor columns left exposed to enemy hit&run operations
- For the love of **** the TB2s are still in the air....
- Going in light and fast thinking Ukraine will just "fold" (lol)
- Not utilizing their massive air-force due to surviving higher-tier Ukrainian AD assets

I think this war will change Russia's military for the better but the old Soviet style thinking NEEDS to be replaced.
What is the most strangest is the Russians have not been massively bombing Kiev and other major cities.
Ukrainian air force was not even bombed properly in the opening stages of the Russian operation.
Mind boggling really.
More information on critical and widespread Russian progress somehow cutting through the cheap mass propaganda that is unfortunately posted here:

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