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Iranian Chill Thread

We are all pissed with this Baku thug Aliev..some things Iran should consider long term:
1- Iran needs to revive the claim to lost Azarbiajan land and start a process to bring it back to motherland (reunification process).
2- Iran should offer unconditional citizenship to the Azarbiajan populaion. Three generation ago their parents were all Iranian so they should be considered expat Iranians.
3- Help Armenia to turn the direct road from Iran into a grade one road for transport and designate that as part of the North-South corridor.
4- conduct hit and run ops on Israeli targets inside Baku republic..let Aliev and Erdogan scream up and down.
5- put a prize on alievs head through unofficial channels.
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I like to invest in major indices because you know that they're not going anywhere. Your investment is safe. Or Gold/Silver. You will not become wealthy overnight however your money is safe and you will prosper in time. You can also choose a higher level of leverage for more risk.

Certain stocks are also a good option. Look at Mastercard for example. It has increased 7000% since its inception. Personally I like to invest in things I can interact with on a daily basis, but that's just me. I know alot of people who invest in crypto exclusively.

What is the major index now?

CocaCola and Walmart were good 30 years ago.
IBM was good 20 years ago.
Visa was good 10 years ago.

What is the Eigen stock of this decade?
Can it be ADA, Ether or BTC?
Tesla? Nio?
I like this discussion. :)

I hold major alts for long and also I day trade to the point that I have multiple trading softwares and I still receive warning of day trading pattern from them.

I bought shib last week and I am still holding for personal reasons. Of course shib is a shitcoin.

لانگ ترم من ادا و اتر و بیت دارم با کمی چین، دات، سولانا
شیت کوین هم تاکتیکی میخرم

شانسی اخیرا روی شیبا سود کردم
میدونستم بالا میره اما نمیدونستم اینقدر زود

من ای سی پی، اتم، سی گلد، اکسی اینفینیتی و خیلی های دیگه رو تاکتیکی میخرم

ضرر هم دادم
مثلا روی ای سی پی
فوندامنتالش رو اشتباه برآورد کردم

پول میاد و میره
آدم خوش باشه و تنها خوری نکنه
which softwares you use
In Canada it's TSX (Toronto Stock Exchange). In the US there's Nasdaq, Dow Jones and the S&P (Standard and Poor's) 500

Of course in Europe and Asia they have their own. Even from last year until now or from the the last few years until now Indices have performed generally well.

When in comes to developed countries, in general, the index of a country is generally on the way up. Now if you have a recession or economic downturn / bubble bursting (which happens ever 10 years or so) or a general downtrend for a few months, those are not hard to see coming and you can simply pull your money out of better yet SHORT the market and make a fortune.

Today and for the future computer chips are going to power everything. Therefore investing in companies which produce such products like ASML (Netherlands) or TSMC (Taiwan) is not a bad idea.

The thing about Gold/Silver, Indices is that even over the next few decades, they're going up. It's like investing in property, it's always going to increase over time, with inflation more or less.

As far as Crypto goes. I know people that have made millions. Honestly I believe that in the near future banks will absorb and make use of blockchain technology. It's inevitable. Banks are showing an interest in Ethereum for example.

However if cryptocoins actually get to the point where they can challenge fiat money, they will be banned. We've already seen this in China, where they've essentially banned crypto and have instead encrypted and digitized their own currency. The Chinese are doing this for a very specific reason.

Last time there was a recession (2008) China bought up lots of USD in order to salvage the US economy. Back then China wasn't strong enough. This time if there's a recession in the USA, China will instead ask importers of Chinese goods to pay with various currencies.

Currently you can only pay in USD for Chinese goods from China or any other country. But imagine China tells the EU, pay in Euro, North and South America pay in USD and the rest of the world pay in Yuan (RMB) China's own currency.

The fact that China's currency will be digital will definitely make it easier for people to be able to pay them in Yuan since there won't be any shortage of printed currency. They can simply exchange their funds online, perhaps even on a Chinese platform and then proceed to send it to their supplier of their choice.

Poof just like that the world goes from functioning as a unipolar world to a multipolar world. During the Cold war it was a bipolar world. However after this happens, there is a good chance that the US will find an excuse to declare war on and attempt to destroy China.

China is already more industrialized than the USA. They're the worlds factory. In the next 6 years or so China's economy is set to bypass that of the United States. China has already bypassed the US in several key fields, including education, healthcare, transportation, mega projects. All that's left is for China's GDP to surpass the US and for China to pull the carpet from under America's feet.

What is the major index now?

CocaCola and Walmart were good 30 years ago.
IBM was good 20 years ago.
Visa was good 10 years ago.

What is the Eigen stock of this decade?
Can it be ADA, Ether or BTC?
Tesla? Nio?
In Canada it's TSX (Toronto Stock Exchange). In the US there's Nasdaq, Dow Jones and the S&P (Standard and Poor's) 500

Of course in Europe and Asia they have their own. Even from last year until now or from the the last few years until now Indices have performed generally well.

When in comes to developed countries, in general, the index of a country is generally on the way up. Now if you have a recession or economic downturn / bubble bursting (which happens ever 10 years or so) or a general downtrend for a few months, those are not hard to see coming and you can simply pull your money out of better yet SHORT the market and make a fortune.

Today and for the future computer chips are going to power everything. Therefore investing in companies which produce such products like ASML (Netherlands) or TSMC (Taiwan) is not a bad idea.

The thing about Gold/Silver, Indices is that even over the next few decades, they're going up. It's like investing in property, it's always going to increase over time, with inflation more or less.

As far as Crypto goes. I know people that have made millions. Honestly I believe that in the near future banks will absorb and make use of blockchain technology. It's inevitable. Banks are showing an interest in Ethereum for example.

However if cryptocoins actually get to the point where they can challenge fiat money, they will be banned. We've already seen this in China, where they've essentially banned crypto and have instead encrypted and digitized their own currency. The Chinese are doing this for a very specific reason.

Last time there was a recession (2008) China bought up lots of USD in order to salvage the US economy. Back then China wasn't strong enough. This time if there's a recession in the USA, China will instead ask importers of Chinese goods to pay with various currencies.

Currently you can only pay in USD for Chinese goods from China or any other country. But imagine China tells the EU, pay in Euro, North and South America pay in USD and the rest of the world pay in Yuan (RMB) China's own currency.

The fact that China's currency will be digital will definitely make it easier for people to be able to pay them in Yuan since there won't be any shortage of printed currency. They can simply exchange their funds online, perhaps even on a Chinese platform and then proceed to send it to their supplier of their choice.

Poof just like that the world goes from functioning as a unipolar world to a multipolar world. During the Cold war it was a bipolar world. However after this happens, there is a good chance that the US will find an excuse to declare war on and attempt to destroy China.

China is already more industrialized than the USA. They're the worlds factory. In the next 6 years or so China's economy is set to bypass that of the United States. China has already bypassed the US in several key fields, including education, healthcare, transportation, mega projects. All that's left is for China's GDP to surpass the US and for China to pull the carpet from under America's feet.

By index I meant, super performing stock.
Tesla vs Nio

My point is that crypto can be seen as an investment in a software and in an idea.

BTW, China has been banning crypto every year since 5 years ago. It is a not new development.

Crypto is based on an unmet need. It exists as long as there is a need.
من به شخصه هیچوقت روی چیزی که قابل لمس نباشه و دستم نرسه سرمایه گذاری نمیکنم.

بهترین نوع سرمایه گذاری هم سرمایه گذاری در بخش تولیده حالا چه کشاورزی چه صنعتی. پول کم باشه کشاورزی زیاد باشه صنعتی

با اون پولی که شما از دست دادی میشد کارخانه تولید الکل از چغندر یا گونی راه انداخت. یک اکسترودر و بقیه ماشین آلات مورد نیاز با سرمایه در گردش و جذب کارگرهای مورد نیاز

گرچه مهمترین چیز در بخش تولید بازار مصرف و توانایی رقابت با محصولات دیگره اما با پشتکار همه چیز قابل حل هست.

سرمایه گذاری روی ارز و طلا و بقیه این موارد باعث تولید ثروت نیست بلکه نوعی سود آوری کاذب هست که معمولا با کاهش قدرت ارز ملی همراهه. انباشت طلا یا نقره یا هر فلز گرانبهای دیگر به نوعی انباشت ارز واقعی و در نتیجه ضربه به ارز کاغذی یا همان پول ملی است.

سرمایه گذاری در بورس و بقیه موارد اگر به تولید منجر نشه به همان روش به شکل دیگر به ارز ملی ضربه میزنه. الان تولید بیتکوین هدر دادن انرژی ملی به ازای ارزی است که دیجیتالی بوده و به هیچ وجهی به صورت فیزیکی قابل لمس نیست بنابراین هر لحظه امکان فروپاشی دارند حتی اگر در مقطعی بسیار سود آور باشند اما در دراز مدت سرمایه گذاری روی هواست. بورس خودش نوعی قمار بیشتر نیست. شاید بعضی ها با این نگرش مخالف باشند اما این عقیده منه، اگر بورس در خدمت تولید واقعی و فیزیکی نباشه وجودش مضر و مخل جامعه است.

اگر سرمایه ای دارید هزاران ایده میشه مطرح. کرد. از سرمایه گذاری روی تولید ماشین آلات صنعتی گرفته تا کشاورزی و دام و طیور. فقط اراده لازمه و سرمایه که شما داشتید ولی متاسفانه از دست رفته
طبق فتوای آقای خامنه‌ ای خرید و فروش ارزدیجیتال حرام نیست

تجارت هم فقط تولید نیست

من میلیون ها تومن از فروش اکانت بازی تو سایتای خارجی به دست آوردم
which softwares you use
Has there been any more news regarding the recent explosion inside the IRGC linked military facility?

Seems strange no one is talking about or what the purpose of the facility was.
طبق فتوای آقای خامنه‌ ای خرید و فروش ارزدیجیتال حرام نیست

تجارت هم فقط تولید نیست

من میلیون ها تومن از فروش اکانت بازی تو سایتای خارجی به دست آوردم


منظور محمد اینه اونچه مشکل جامعه رو حل میکنه تولیده در نهایت

کریپتو و سود وسیله است

به قول پدربزرگم پول با برکت توی کشاورزیه

خیلی سخته در نظام اقتصادی نوین و آنالیز تکنیکال جایی برای برکت پول پیدا کنیم
یا جایی برای قرض حسنه به نیازمند

و این کمبود رو باید خودمون پر کنیم​
منظور محمد اینه اونچه مشکل جامعه رو حل میکنه تولیده در نهایت

کریپتو و سود وسیله است

به قول پدربزرگم پول با برکت توی کشاورزیه

خیلی سخته در نظام اقتصادی نوین و آنالیز تکنیکال جایی برای برکت پول پیدا کنیم
یا جایی برای قرض حسنه به نیازمند

و این کمبود رو باید خودمون پر کنیم​
انشالله کرونا کمتر بشه میخام یه تولیدی بزنم
Seriously, not built it but they've suffocated the country under sanctions anyways. As TheImmortal said, What do we have to lose at this point. Alavi said the same thing, that if Iran is pushed into a corner it may act in a different way. Are we not pushed into a corner yet? I hope theirs a plan in place in case talks fail, how much longer does this nuclear issue need to go on.
I'm pretty certain that 99% of people who possess crypto currencies do so strictly as an investment. I mean who uses crypto on a day to day basis ? Other than criminals making purchases on the dark net or hackers ? I mean you can use crypto to make some legitimate purchases but very few people actually do right ?

I see blockchain and encryption being incorporated by banks but I don't see even 10% of society using crypto on a day to day basis to pay for groceries, purchases or daily needs.

By index I meant, super performing stock.
Tesla vs Nio

My point is that crypto can be seen as an investment in a software and in an idea.

BTW, China has been banning crypto every year since 5 years ago. It is a not new development.

Crypto is based on an unmet need. It exists as long as there is a need.
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