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Iranian Chill Thread

Even if true, these wouldn't be self-developed ones. Quite obviously.

Eaxactly that was my point.. I meant in the pattern where things will follow. Get it first, test it, join the club officially and belt out as you please thru out the next decade or so
Former CIA Duane Clarridge
U.S. CIA Reveals Saudi Arabia Has Nukes

Clarridge wouldn’t even know, he left the region for Latin America long before Pakistan nuclear program was taking off. His field of expertise was Iran contra and Turkey ironically.

The whole “Saudi Arabia bought a few nukes from Pakistan in exchange for funding the program” rumor is a fable. Just like Iran bought nuclear weapons from post Soviet states or North Korea.

So a long retired CIA officer babbling to stay relevant is hardly “the CIA as a organization” saying SA has a nuclear weapons program. This crap belongs in the tabloids in the grocery store.

Neither does this “source” say SA has a nuclear weapons program, but merely bought some warheads. Again a joke either way.
With the situation in southern Syria finally resolved, the Syrian military can now focus exclusively on Idlib. Recently there have been more and more airstrikes on the Idlib enclave.

Clarridge wouldn’t even know, he left the region for Latin America long before Pakistan nuclear program was taking off. His field of expertise was Iran contra and Turkey ironically.

The whole “Saudi Arabia bought a few nukes from Pakistan in exchange for funding the program” rumor is a fable. Just like Iran bought nuclear weapons from post Soviet states or North Korea.

So a long retired CIA officer babbling to stay relevant is hardly “the CIA as a organization” saying SA has a nuclear weapons program. This crap belongs in the tabloids in the grocery store.

Neither does this “source” say SA has a nuclear weapons program, but merely bought some warheads. Again a joke either way.

His not the only one who said this but this is the census opinion in the CIA but alas lets leave it at that shall we
His not the only one who said this but this is the census opinion in the CIA

There hasn’t been a single report (to my knowledge) of Saudi Arabian nuclear weapons program published by the CIA or any credible intelligence agency outside of rehashed “may seek nuclear weapons in the future” type line. There have been many published on Iran and Iraq since the early 1990’s.

Right now (last 10 years) Chinese have been assisting nuclear program of Saudi Arabia in various fields. Saudi Arabia has asked the US for enrichment on its soil and been rebuffed. That is the latest where we are at. So for you to claim the CIA thinks Saudi Arabia has a nuclear weapons program or has nukes goes against the basic history of the Saudi nuclear program that is clearly visible for everyone to see.

Even in the unlikihood that Saudi Arabia had bought in the late 80’s some nuclear weapons by Pakistan. Those would have been 1st Gen low yield weapons whose shelf lived in 2021 is questionable.

Also Saudi Arabia would have to take said 1st Gen nuclear bombs and some how fit them inside a DF missile AND build a heat shield to have it survive.

This is Easier said than done. Back in 1980’s Pakistan wasn’t building nukes to fit DF missiles that didn’t exist..so why would Saudi Arabia buy a bomb with no missile to deliver It?

It’s like buying bomb to be put into something you don’t know you will have....in 25 years. As for using 1970-1990’s SCUDs. That’s a terrible delivery vehicle in 2021. High interception rate type missile with high failure rate. Not something you want a nuke inside at the moment of truth.

Like I said when you go thru the motions it doesn’t make sense. Same rumors were said about Iran and Saddam. And we know Saddam didnt Have any in the end...even though Iran thought he was nuclear capable as soon as ‘98.

اگه بهت بگم ترکیه سالی ۱.۳ میلیارد دلار به سوریه صادرات داره در حالیکه این عدد برای ایران حتی به ۱ میلیارد دلار هم نمی‌رسه اون وقت چی می‌گی؟ باورت بشه یا نه، حجم صادرات ترکیه به سوریه در این چند سال بالای ۱ میلیارد دلار بوده و برای ما زیر ۲۰۰ میلیون دلار

اگه بهت بگم ترکیه و حتی عربستان در جایگاه بالاتری از حجم تجارت خارجی با سوریه نسبت به ما هستند چی می‌گی؟

این در حالی هست که ترکیه اصلی‌ترین بازیگر در جنگ داخلی در کشور سوریه و علیه حاکمیت سوریه و اسد بوده و عربستان هم جز حامیان اصلی شبه نظامیان و القاعده و داعش در سوریه بوده

چرا باید روابط رو به اقتصاد ربط داد؟ مشکل افرادی مثل شما این هست که متوجه اهمیت نارضایتی داخلی در امنیت ملی نمی‌شید. فکر می‌کنید سقوط یه کشور چند صد کیلومتر دورتر از ایران بیشتر از حجم گسترده نارضایتی داخلی مهم هست در حالی که مشروعیت هر نظامی در درون هست نه از بیرون و اگه مردم احساس نارضایتی کنند اثرش به مراتب بدتر از سقوط سوریه هست​

I couldn't find any viable figures. But I wonder how much of this Turkish-Syrian trade concerns the Idlib enclave and other Turkish-occupied zones?

When it comes to the domestic fallout in Iran, a billion USD of additional exports wouldn't make that much of a difference. And I will have to disagree on the security aspect: if Syria fell and Hezbollah in its wake, then the enemy would feel secure enough to conduct much more aggressive operations on Iranian mainland. This was averted by Iran's successful intervention.

چرا باید از خداشون باشه؟ فکر می‌کنی اگه فردا روزی عراق علیه ما بشه مثلاً حشدالشعبی میاد برای ما می‌جنگه؟ این از دست همون اندیشه‌های پان ترکی هست که فکر می‌کنند آذری‌های ایرانیبرای اون‌ها خواهند جنگید. حدالشعبی امروز که داعشی بوده و آمریکا اشغالگری هست به عنوان یه ابزار برای ایران هست که تازه همون ابزار هم خیلی منافع ما رو تأمین نتونسته بکنه​
For the time being Iraq is not going to turn against Iran any more than this. Thanks to Hashd al-Shaabi.

شاید اگه کمی روابط بین‌المللی ما بهتر بود هزینه‌ای که خرج حشدالشعبی کرده بودیم رو خرج یک نیروهوایی قوی می‌کردیم و اون وقت خیلی بهتر می‌شد امنیت مرزهامون رو تأمین کنیم تا اینکه گروه‌های شبه نظامی بسازیم
Well, I am with PeeD on this one: no matter how much Iran would have invested in its air force, its effective deterrence value could not have matched the missile force developed by Iran.

فایده‌ تظاهرات براشون این بود که امروز کاظمی سر کار هست که روابط عراق با ایران رو داره از همه نظر کاهش می‌ده و حتی صادرات برق ایران به عراق رو هدف گرفته که یکی از وابستگی‌های اصلی عراق به ما هست. داره وابستگی عراق در هر زمینه‌ای به ایران رو کمتر می‌کنه. حتی صادرات خودروهای ایرانی به عراق رو کاهش داده. این فایده‌اش

آقا ما خیلی جاها داریم از خودی ضربه می‌خوریم. دشمن‌ها به کنار، خودی‌ها رو چه کنیم؟ دلیل ضربه خوردن ما از خودی‌ها هم بحث مفصلی داره
And tomorrow Kadhimi is going to be replaced by someone else... the joys of "democracy", isn't it? But even if anti-Iranian candidates were to be systematically elected, at this rate, it's going to take a century until Iraq reaches Saddam levels of hostility. Which is not going happen anyway. Again thanks to Hashd al-Shaabi and certain other factors.

Dar morede zarabāt tavasote khodihā, khob bale, bande ke in rā enkār nakardam. Vali bahs sare ine ke manzuremun az khodihāye kharābkār che kasānist. Shakhsan tashkhis midam ke az vaghti ke jenābe āghāye Raisi umadan sare kār, taghriban hamechiz ru be pishrafte va kharābkārāye asli hazf shodan. Natijetan be nazare man alān vaghte khoshhālie, na nā-omidi.
Also Saudi Arabia would have to take said 1st Gen nuclear bombs and some how fit them inside a DF missile AND build a heat shield to have it survive.

This is Easier said than done. Back in 1980’s Pakistan wasn’t building nukes to fit DF missiles that didn’t exist..so why would Saudi Arabia buy a bomb with no missile to deliver It?

It’s like buying bomb to be put into something you don’t know you will have....in 25 years. As for using 1970-1990’s SCUDs. That’s a terrible delivery vehicle in 2021. High interception rate type missile with high failure rate. Not something you want a nuke inside at the moment of truth.

Like I said when you go thru the motions it doesn’t make sense. Same rumors were said about Iran and Saddam. And we know Saddam didnt Have any in the end...even though Iran thought he was nuclear capable as soon as ‘98.

You are not looking at it right someone whos capable of having it will not have issues storing or the capability to deliver it. I can share with you multiple sources on it. It is called the Saudi-Pak pact search for it you will find extensive articles written on it and from different angles. The news itself has been sort of circulating since the 90s around foreign intelligence agnecies and news it is nothing new I could share links but it is time consuming.

Gary Samore served as President Barack Obama's WMD staff back in 2013 Said the exact same thing as Duane Clarrigde..
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I couldn't find any viable figures. But I wonder how much of this Turkish-Syrian trade concerns the Idlib enclave and other Turkish-occupied zones?

When it comes to the domestic fallout in Iran, a billion USD of additional exports wouldn't make that much of a difference. And I will have to disagree on the security aspect: if Syria fell and Hezbollah in its wake, then the enemy would feel secure enough to conduct much more aggressive operations on Iranian mainland. This was averted by Iran's successful intervention.
این هم یکی از هزاران منابعی که با یه سرچ ساده به دست میاد. تازه تو ۲۰۱۹ شده بوده ۱/۶ میلیارد دلار و گویا همچنان هم در حال رشد هست. کلاً صادرات ترکیه به سوریه حتی در زمان جنگ داخلی سوریه همواره رو به رشد بوده
غم انگیزترین بخش این آمار اون قسمت ۱۰۰ میلیون دلار نفت تصفیه شده که ترکیه به سوریه صادر می‌کنه هست. واقعاً به اندازه یه عاشورا باید براش اشک ریخت
مگه فرقی می‌کنه با کدوم قسمت سوریه هست؟ ما هم عرضه داشته باشیم بریم خاک این کشورها رو اشغال کنیم با اون قسمت تجارت کنیم

اصلاً موافق نیستم. ۱ میلیارد دلار پول کمی نیست. ما برای ۴۰۰ میلیون دلار محکومان امنیتی آمریکایی رو آزاد کردیم
واردات ایران نزدیک ۳۰ میلیارد دلار هست. ما اگه مثل ترکیه به عراق و سوریه نزدیک ۳ میلیارد دلار صادرات داشتیم یعنی نزدیک به ۱۰٪ از نیاز واردات خودمون رو از همین دو کشور که کلی هم به ما مدیون هستند تأمین کرده بودیم. بیشتر شدن کالا درون کشور یعنی خنثی کردن نقدینگی بدون پشتوانه و کمتر شدن تورم

زمانی که فروش نفت ما به جایی رسید که یه سری می‌گفتن نزدیک ۱۵ میلیارد دلار شده همین ۳ میلیارد دلار معادل ۲۰٪ فروش نفت بوده

سه میلیارد دلار در سال اصلاً عدد کمی نیست و اصلاً قابل چشم پوشی نیست

بعد نکته اصلی رو داری ازش عمداً چشم پوشی می‌کنی. نکته اصلی این هست که سوریه و عراقی که مدیون ما هستند و ضربات بسیار شدیدی از ترکیه و عربستان دیدن ارتباطات اقتصادی بیشتری با اون ۲ کشور دارن تا مایی که اگه نبودیم امروز باید مثل افغانستان کشورشون دست یه مشت وحشی داعشی بود. این نکته اصلی هست
For the time being Iraq is not going to turn against Iran any more than this. Thanks to Hashd al-Shaabi.
عراق رو آمریکا طوری با خاک یکسان کرد که حشد الشعبی هم نباشه حالا حالاها خطری نیست. کردیت‌اش به آمریکا می‌ره نه ما
Well, I am with PeeD on this one: no matter how much Iran would have invested in its air force, its effective deterrence value could not have matched the missile force developed by Iran.
بازدارندگی در مقابل کی؟ این در مقابل کی خیلی مهم هست. در مقابل آمریکا؟ بله، صد در صد درست هست
ما نزدیک به ۳۰ میلیارد دلار طبق صحبت‌ها و تخمین‌های مختلف از جمله صحبت نماینده مجلس خودمون در منطقه به ویژه سوریه هزینه کردیم. با ۳۰ میلیارد دلار می‌شه ۳۰۰ جنگنده نسل پنجم با مهمات خرید. ما اگه ۳۰۰ جنگنده نسل پنجم داشتیم و همین جنگنده‌های امروز خودمون رو هم داشتیم امروز به معنای واقعی یک ابرقدرت منطقه‌ای بودیم نه فقط در حد حرف و چرت و پرت
دلیل اینکه مجبور شدیم سوریه رو دو دستی تقدیم سوریه کنیم همین نداشتن نیروی هوایی بود. وگرنه اگه ۳۰۰ جنگنده به روز داشتیم بدون نیاز به روسیه خودمون داعش رو تو عراق و سوریه شخم می‌زدیم
And tomorrow Kadhimi is going to be replaced by someone else... the joys of "democracy", isn't it? But even if anti-Iranian candidates were to be systematically elected, at this rate, it's going to take a century until Iraq reaches Saddam levels of hostility. Which is not going happen anyway. Again thanks to Hashd al-Shaabi and certain other factors.
در مورد کاظمی هم این حرف‌ها زده می‌شد که بهش اجازه نمی‌دیم علیه ما کاری کنه اما با چشم داریم چیز دیگه‌ای رو می‌بینیم
Dar morede zarabāt tavasote khodihā, khob bale, bande ke in rā enkār nakardam. Vali bahs sare ine ke manzuremun az khodihāye kharābkār che kasānist. Shakhsan tashkhis midam ke az vaghti ke jenābe āghāye Raisi umadan sare kār, taghriban hamechiz ru be pishrafte va kharābkārāye asli hazf shodan. Natijetan be nazare man alān vaghte khoshhālie, na nā-omidi.
من هم به رئیسی امیدوار هستم. البته نه به خاطر خود شخص رئیسی (چون افرادی که سر کار گذاشته رو کارآمد نمی‌دونم) بلکه به خاطر اینکه بالاخره تیم و دار و دسته روحانی که از دید من بیشترشون جاسوس و نفوذی بودن کنار رفتن
روحانی خیلی روشن و مشخص در حال خیانت به منافع ملی ما بود و کسی هم جلوش رو نگرفت متاسفانه
البته همین که کسی جلوش رو نگرفت خودش نشون دهنده ژرفای فاجعه هست​
این هم یکی از هزاران منابعی که با یه سرچ ساده به دست میاد. تازه تو ۲۰۱۹ شده بوده ۱/۶ میلیارد دلار و گویا همچنان هم در حال رشد هست. کلاً صادرات ترکیه به سوریه حتی در زمان جنگ داخلی سوریه همواره رو به رشد بوده
غم انگیزترین بخش این آمار اون قسمت ۱۰۰ میلیون دلار نفت تصفیه شده که ترکیه به سوریه صادر می‌کنه هست. واقعاً به اندازه یه عاشورا باید براش اشک ریخت
مگه فرقی می‌کنه با کدوم قسمت سوریه هست؟ ما هم عرضه داشته باشیم بریم خاک این کشورها رو اشغال کنیم با اون قسمت تجارت کنیم​

I wouldn't consider acceptable for Iran to illegally occupy other countries' lands like Turkey is more or less doing. Dige injā bahse orze nis, mozu osule.

اصلاً موافق نیستم. ۱ میلیارد دلار پول کمی نیست. ما برای ۴۰۰ میلیون دلار محکومان امنیتی آمریکایی رو آزاد کردیم
واردات ایران نزدیک ۳۰ میلیارد دلار هست. ما اگه مثل ترکیه به عراق و سوریه نزدیک ۳ میلیارد دلار صادرات داشتیم یعنی نزدیک به ۱۰٪ از نیاز واردات خودمون رو از همین دو کشور که کلی هم به ما مدیون هستند تأمین کرده بودیم. بیشتر شدن کالا درون کشور یعنی خنثی کردن نقدینگی بدون پشتوانه و کمتر شدن تورم
This billion USD, Iran is exporting it to Afghanistan. Iran is the biggest exporter to that country, surpassing even China, beating Turkey by a great margin.

Also bear in mind that much of this is due to Rohani's policies. His administration deliberately neglected trade with neighbors and allies, instead putting all its eggs in the basket of normalization with the west. This is bound to change under Raisi, who has announced that he will focus on boosting trade with neighbors.

بعد نکته اصلی رو داری ازش عمداً چشم پوشی می‌کنی. نکته اصلی این هست که سوریه و عراقی که مدیون ما هستند و ضربات بسیار شدیدی از ترکیه و عربستان دیدن ارتباطات اقتصادی بیشتری با اون ۲ کشور دارن تا مایی که اگه نبودیم امروز باید مثل افغانستان کشورشون دست یه مشت وحشی داعشی بود. این نکته اصلی هست
Well, I'm not obfuscating anything on purpose. Just mention it and I'll respond. Here I will reiterate my previous point about the Rohani government's deliberate negligence in this regard.

Plus, some of it is due to competitivity. And Turkey generally speaking exports more non-oil commodities than Iran.

Even if Iran saved them from "I"SIS, economy is sometimes treated as a separate matter from politics and some governments have little qualms trading with their political adversaries. All of this doesn't imply that Iranian decision makers are fools. But as I said, it is almost a matter of certainty that Iran's exports to Syria and Iraq are going to increase under Raisi.
عراق رو آمریکا طوری با خاک یکسان کرد که حشد الشعبی هم نباشه حالا حالاها خطری نیست. کردیت‌اش به آمریکا می‌ره نه ما
I wasn't referring to the military threat Iraq would pose to Iran, but to its degree of hostility. In both cases though, Hashd al-Shaabi will function as a shield for Iran. It is an irreplaceable and valuable asset.

بازدارندگی در مقابل کی؟ این در مقابل کی خیلی مهم هست. در مقابل آمریکا؟ بله، صد در صد درست هست
ما نزدیک به ۳۰ میلیارد دلار طبق صحبت‌ها و تخمین‌های مختلف از جمله صحبت نماینده مجلس خودمون در به ویژه سوریه هزینه کردیم. با ۳۰ میلیارد دلار می‌شه ۳۰۰ جنگنده نسل پنجم با مهمات خرید. ما اگه ۳۰۰ جنگنده نسل پنجم داشتیم و همین جنگنده‌های امروز خودمون رو هم داشتیم امروز به معنای واقعی یک ابرقدرت منطقه‌ای بودیم نه فقط در حد حرف و چرت و پرت
دلیل اینکه مجبور شدیم سوریه رو دو دستی تقدیم سوریه کنیم همین نداشتن نیروی هوایی بود. وگرنه اگه ۳۰۰ جنگنده به روز داشتیم بدون نیاز به روسیه خودمون داعش رو تو عراق و سوریه شخم می‌زدیم​
The IRIAF's current inventory would have been enough to take care of "I"SIS in Syria. It's not as if they had anything to negate it. Russia itself didn't transfer 300 fighter jets to Syria, it relied on barely more than 30 or so... But the issue for Iran was not technical, it was of a political nature.

Anything else we assume an air force could achieve, Iran's missile force can achieve more and better, including against potential regional adversaries.

Considering Iran a regional power is not nonsensical. Iran is still the most influential outside player in both Iraq and Syria, not to mention Lebanon and Palestine, whether or not it ranks as the main trade partner of these countries. For all its economic forays, Turkey lags behind Iran in terms of geopolitical clout in the region.
در مورد کاظمی هم این حرف‌ها زده می‌شد که بهش اجازه نمی‌دیم علیه ما کاری کنه اما با چشم داریم چیز دیگه‌ای رو می‌بینیم

Kadhimi cannot seriously compromise Iran's standing let alone Iran's security. The minute he tries, he is going to be politically dead. And he knows it. The rest is good for the usual psy-ops show and media war waged on Iran, but not much more. The end result needs to be contemplated. I don't see any considerable setback for Iran in this regard. Frankly, if this is the best the enemy can come up with, especially under favorable circumstances which aren't going to be permanent (like a PM who is beholden to them), then there's no reason to trigger the alarm.

من هم به رئیسی امیدوار هستم. البته نه به خاطر خود شخص رئیسی (چون افرادی که سر کار گذاشته رو کارآمد نمی‌دونم) بلکه به خاطر اینکه بالاخره تیم و دار و دسته روحانی که از دید من بیشترشون جاسوس و نفوذی بودن کنار رفتن
روحانی خیلی روشن و مشخص در حال خیانت به منافع ملی ما بود و کسی هم جلوش رو نگرفت متاسفانه
البته همین که کسی جلوش رو نگرفت خودش نشون دهنده ژرفای فاجعه هست​

It would not have been politically astute to overthrow Rohani or shorten his mandate. The backlash, fueled by Iran's foreign enemies and by the influence liberals enjoy over domestic public opinion, would have been too hazardous. Now however things will be going in the right direction. And I believe Raisi is fit for the job.
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Why is it that all the pictures related to this scandal turn out to be pink ? I believe that pink must truly suit Aliyev


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Guys believe me or not I have lost around 0.3 billion tomans on hellish crypto

What I have gained is:

Never invest on shitcoins

Never do futures
I'm sorry to hear that. :( This is the reason why I don't engage in trading and just invest in stocks or crypto currencies I believe in succeeding after researching them. The majority of traders do worse in the long-term compared to investors according to many empirical studies. Just sticking to Bitcoin and some quality Altcoins that actually could solve real world problems and that have a strong ecosystem instead of trading risky hype coins seems more sustainable to me. No financial advice of course. :smart:
I'm sorry to hear that. :( This is the reason why I don't engage in trading and just invest in stocks or crypto currencies I believe in succeeding after researching them. The majority of traders do worse in the long-term compared to investors according to many empirical studies. Just sticking to Bitcoin and some quality Altcoins that actually could solve real world problems and that have a strong ecosystem instead of trading risky hype coins seems more sustainable to me. No financial advice of course. :smart:

Or just buy some gold and silver.... this way you know you will always have wealth, instead of losing it all over night
Some lesser known but magnificent architectural wonders in Iran :

1- Mirror works in Imam Reza shrine.



2- Silk house..in Tabriz


3-World's Largest underground city: city of Tafresh


4-Diamond Mansion.. Tehran


5- The Imam or Soltani Mosque in Semnan city ( simple but elegant and 200 years old):



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