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Iranian Chill Thread

Like I said, Pakistan by itself is at a severe military disadvantage vs India

India has more manpower, a larger military, a more powerful navy. As many if not more missiles, more industrial base, a larger landmass, etc

Sorry but your 1980's F-16s cannot stand up to brand new Rafale fighter jets.

The JF-17 was a joint production between Pakistan and China. China has offered JF-17s to Iran in exchange for oil. Iran has refused, opting instead for the superior J-10. The JF-17 is basically a poor mans F-16, great for the price but not in comparable to the best 4th generation fighters of today.

Comparing MIG-21 (which India will be retired within 4 years) to newer, upgraded SU-30MKIs or even cutting edge Rafales, is not a fair comparable. Again skirmishes are meaningless in the big picture, although I must admit that the entire incident where the shot down Indian pilot was given tea, was quite amusing.

Anyways geographically Pakistan is at a massive disadvantage vs India. Pakistan's capital and industrial hubs are extremely close to the Indian border. Whereas Indian capital and industry are NOT close to the Pakistani border.

Without China and other strong allies, Pakistan is simply outmatched militarily. that's simply the harsh reality. With strong allies, like China, Turkey, Iran, etc, Pakistan can win. Without them Pakistan will either face a costly stalemate, or lose again.

Like I stated earlier. Kashmir is merely a distraction. the real goal is for China to break the Indian chickens neck (Siliguri corridor)

These were not western consensus opinions you first came forward saying flat out they won all wars without actully bothering checking it and I was the one who provided western opinions which is different from yours.

You said India gained 2/3 Kashmir but that is not true because Kashmir and Gilgit belonged to the Indians as per UN charter and border agreement signed between the two states hence Pakistan seized 1/3 of North reigon Indian territories by force.. You never took these into account.

As for the Ceasefire it happened while Pakistani forces were inside Indian territories..

We are not at disadvantage against India not in a million years. Rafale will not change the occasion whatsoever we have that under control if they were to procure 5th generation that could become an issue but airforce wise Rafale grants them nothing over our F-16s and other systems we have in use that can render them useless.

Conventionally including tactical nukes plus stragetic weapons we have advantage. India is not the one going up but we are also going up. We will soon introduce surprising elements from Turkey stealth unmanned fighter jets. The Indians won't be able to outdo us from now until the next 3 decades.

Imagine how they were hyping SU something plus MIG before they ate dust and said publically we have vintage airforce and panic bought but still Rafale won't be able to grant them any form of safety. If they wanted that they should have gone for F-22
Bhai if Iran rejected JF 17 (which I don't know if you were really offered) it does not mean JF 17 is not a good jet for us.what air war experience they have to judge any jet.with 4 BVR 2 WVR, missiles,JF 17 is very good fighter against Indian Mig 29 ,LCA Tejas, mig 21,jaguars,su 30,etc.
For Rafael we have F16 ( its upgraded my friend) block 3 thunder ( with AESA radar) and J10c delta wing for strike roles.

Again i will repeat they have no technological superiority.

You are saying their infra is very far away,you should know that our missiles cover whole of Indian subcontinent we can strike them no matter how far they are.

Allies are helpful but first you should prepare on your own.we are in wars from day one so we know their capabilities and also know what harm we can do to them.
EXCLUSIVE: Resistance Axis killed two US and Israeli operatives involved in Soleimani/Muhandes assassinations
The Axis will retaliate: A senior Resistance Axis official reveals to The Cradle that the deaths of US Lt. Col. James C. Willis and Israeli Col. Sharon Asman were in retaliation for the assassinations of Iranian Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi Hashd al-Shaabi Deputy Commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes.
By News Desk - September 20 2021

A senior Resistance Axis security official says US Lt. Col. James C. Willis and Israeli Col. Lt. Col. James C. Willis were killed in Erbil for their involvement in the assassinations of Soleimani and Muhandes.
Photo Credit: The Cradle

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A senior Resistance Axis* security official has told The Cradle that the Axis is responsible for the deaths of an American and Israeli commander in retaliation for the assassinations of Iranian Quds Force General Qassem Soleimani and Iraq’s Deputy Commander of the Hashd al-Shaabi Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes.
According to The Cradle’s security source:
“An operation in Erbil killed two high-ranking American and Israeli commanders: Lt. Col. James C. Willis, 55, of Albuquerque and of the Red Horse Unit, is an American commander who was killed in an operation in Erbil, although according to a Pentagon report he died in a non-combat incident at Qatar’s Al-Udeid base. This person was involved in the assassination operations of Soleimani and Abu Mahdi. Also (Israeli) Col. Sharon Asman of the Nahal Brigade, said to have died of heart failure, was another person killed in Erbil.”
This is the first time a Resistance Axis official has claimed responsibility for retaliatory measures against the killers of the Iranian and Iraqi generals.
On June 27, a day after his death, the US Defense Department released a brief statement saying Lt. Col. Willis died in a non-combatant incident at Udeid base, without providing any further details other than “the incident is under investigation.”
The military newspaper Stars and Stripes describes Willis as “commander of the 210th Red Horse Squadron,” a 130-member unit that “provides civil engineering with rapid response capabilities to conduct operations in remote, high threat environments” – a description inconsistent with Qatar’s environs.
Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Colonel Sharon Asman, who, according to Israeli media, had only days before he assumed command of the Nahal Infantry Brigade, is alleged to have died on 1 July after collapsing during a training run. Asman was a combatant who fought in both Gaza and Lebanon. The IDF said the incident was under investigation.
The Cradle’s security source says both Willis and Asman were killed in Erbil, Iraq, during an operation against those involved in the assassinations of Soleimani and Muhandis.
There have been at least two separate reported attacks this year on Mossad targets in Iraq by unknown parties.
The first incident, in mid-April, followed Israel’s sabotage attack on Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility, several strikes against each other’s maritime vessels in regional waters, and the Israeli assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh last November. The pro-US Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) denied reports of the incident.
Willis’ squadron arrived in the region in spring. The Resistance Axis source did not elaborate on the timing of the attacks that killed Willis and Asman.
The security official also spoke of Iran’s new assertive stance in response to ongoing Israeli attacks. “Iran has changed the equation of dealing with the (Israeli) regime.”
“From now on,” the official explained, in reference to a raft of Israeli attacks on Iranian vessels, “a ship will be attacked after any action of the (Israeli) regime against the interests of Iran.”
A lesson in military ‘proportionality’ ensued: “The (Israeli) regime has claimed to have hit 12 Iranian ships so far, while Iran has not hit more than five. So far, seven other Iranians ships are in need of work. If any other attack on Iranian positions is carried out, Iran will respond by targeting the (Israeli) regime’s ships.”
“The (Israeli) regime conducts more than 80 percent of its trade by sea, which is forced to pass through areas under Iran’s control – which means being exposed to Iran’s fire,” warned the official.
Early last month, the US, UK and Israel threatened retaliation against Tehran, alleging that Iran had conducted drone strikes on an oil tanker, Mercer Street, off the coast of Oman. Iran vigorously denied any role in the attack.
According to the Associated Press, the troika “have yet to show physical evidence from the strike or show intelligence information on why they blame Tehran.”
These bold rules of engagement being drawn by the Axis of Resistance can reach well beyond the region’s borders.
It’s a new dynamic: the notion that middle states and their militia alliances are prepared to confront the most heavily militarized states in the world, and inflict a 1:1 ratio of damage – “in retaliation,” and therefore legal under the rules of war and international law.
The Axis’ new ‘eye for an eye’ doctrine has the potential to deter and limit the maneuverability of the US and its allies in West Asia.
On Saturday, a New York Times (NYT) investigation breathlessly described how Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was assassinated by the Mossad, using a remote-controlled Artificial Intelligence machine gun operated from Israel.
Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh denied the NYT’s version of events on Sunday, saying that Iranian intelligence had all the details of the incident, including information on the operatives involved.
*The Resistance Axis is an alliance of states and organizations in West Asia that fundamentally opposes Western imperialism, zionism, and foreign intervention, and demands the total withdrawal of all Western military forces and bases in the region. The Axis consists of Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Yemen’s Ansarallah, a number of Iraqi political and military groups, and a smattering of smaller organizations.

I dedicate the article above to the PDF members who still believe Iran hasnt done crap to retaliate for Soleimani's murder. MOssad also recently secretly confessed to multiple Mossad agents dying in the Persian gulf on a ship that was docked by UAE...IYKYK!
Even if you want to believe that the F-16 is actually par with Rafale, which many analysts doubt, India has more of everything. A larger industrial base, more manpower, more weapons and most crucially Islamabad and Pakistan's industrial base are close to their border but not vise versa.

Pride is one thing but realistically, on paper, Pakistan is at a severe disadvantage militarily vs India. Pakistan can have short term success, but in the long run, if it's just India vs Pakistan, India should prevail 9 times out of 10.

Like I said, India and Pakistan, are more or less on par in terms with technology, but India has several other advantages. In Kashmir Pakistan's only hope is for China to chip in. This should effectively distraction India while China can launch a surprise attack and close down the Siliguiri corridor (Indian chickens neck)

that is the only hope of knocking out India out of the war quickly, The Siliguri corridor is a narrow stretch of land which connects western, greater India to north eastern India.

Personally I believe that Kashmir should be allowed to choose its own fate. The elections/referendum should be UN supervised. If Kashmir wants to be a member of India then fine, if they want to be an independent state then fine, if they want to join Pakistan than so be it. Really that would avoid so much pointless war and bloodshed. Unfotunately neither side are willing to let go of their pride.

Bhai if Iran rejected JF 17 (which I don't know if you were really offered) it does not mean JF 17 is not a good jet for us.what air war experience they have to judge any jet.with 4 BVR 2 WVR, missiles,JF 17 is very good fighter against Indian Mig 29 ,LCA Tejas, mig 21,jaguars,su 30,etc.
For Rafael we have F16 ( its upgraded my friend) block 3 thunder ( with AESA radar) and J10c delta wing for strike roles.

Again i will repeat they have no technological superiority.

You are saying their infra is very far away,you should know that our missiles cover whole of Indian subcontinent we can strike them no matter how far they are.

Allies are helpful but first you should prepare on your own.we are in wars from day one so we know their capabilities and also know what harm we can do to them.
Even if you want to believe that the F-16 is actually par with Rafale, which many analysts doubt, India has more of everything. A larger industrial base, more manpower, more weapons and most crucially Islamabad and Pakistan's industrial base are close to their border but not vise versa.

Pride is one thing but realistically, on paper, Pakistan is at a severe disadvantage militarily vs India. Pakistan can have short term success, but in the long run, if it's just India vs Pakistan, India should prevail 9 times out of 10.

Like I said, India and Pakistan, are more or less on par in terms with technology, but India has several other advantages. In Kashmir Pakistan's only hope is for China to chip in. This should effectively distraction India while China can launch a surprise attack and close down the Siliguiri corridor (Indian chickens neck)

that is the only hope of knocking out India out of the war quickly, The Siliguri corridor is a narrow stretch of land which connects western, greater India to north eastern India.

Personally I believe that Kashmir should be allowed to choose its own fate. The elections/referendum should be UN supervised. If Kashmir wants to be a member of India then fine, if they want to be an independent state then fine, if they want to join Pakistan than so be it. Really that would avoid so much pointless war and bloodshed. Unfotunately neither side are willing to let go of their pride.

Bhai if Iran rejected JF 17 (which I don't know if you were really offered) it does not mean JF 17 is not a good jet for us.what air war experience they have to judge any jet.with 4 BVR 2 WVR, missiles,JF 17 is very good fighter against Indian Mig 29 ,LCA Tejas, mig 21,jaguars,su 30,etc.
For Rafael we have F16 ( its upgraded my friend) block 3 thunder ( with AESA radar) and J10c delta wing for strike roles.

Again i will repeat they have no technological superiority.

You are saying their infra is very far away,you should know that our missiles cover whole of Indian subcontinent we can strike them no matter how far they are.

Allies are helpful but first you should prepare on your own.we are in wars from day one so we know their capabilities and also know what harm we can do to them.
The same can be said about Iran and the US, despite these differences, with the correct doctrine and approach you can establish sufficient deterrence. You should try to see a bit more into the Pak point of view.
Even if you want to believe that the F-16 is actually par with Rafale, which many analysts doubt, India has more of everything. A larger industrial base, more manpower, more weapons and most crucially Islamabad and Pakistan's industrial base are close to their border but not vise versa.

Pride is one thing but realistically, on paper, Pakistan is at a severe disadvantage militarily vs India. Pakistan can have short term success, but in the long run, if it's just India vs Pakistan, India should prevail 9 times out of 10.

Like I said, India and Pakistan, are more or less on par in terms with technology, but India has several other advantages. In Kashmir Pakistan's only hope is for China to chip in. This should effectively distraction India while China can launch a surprise attack and close down the Siliguiri corridor (Indian chickens neck)

that is the only hope of knocking out India out of the war quickly, The Siliguri corridor is a narrow stretch of land which connects western, greater India to north eastern India.

Personally I believe that Kashmir should be allowed to choose its own fate. The elections/referendum should be UN supervised. If Kashmir wants to be a member of India then fine, if they want to be an independent state then fine, if they want to join Pakistan than so be it. Really that would avoid so much pointless war and bloodshed. Unfotunately neither side are willing to let go of their pride.

These are not ground realities and not even in the Indian generals calculus only you nor any military experts calculus when it comes to Pakistan-India scenario. The higher military Indian experts don't agree with you neither.

You mentioned Islamabad being close to india being a handicap but to tell you the truth we have found a solution long time ago and in order to know that you must know our doctrines we have an answer for that called ''Tactical nukes'' meaning an Indian storm will be short lived.

The Indians view this conflict as existential hazard from their point of view which is the correct scenario and the 9 out of 10 scenario is not only realistic but Shakespeare fantasy and I will explain to you in details why from the conventional tactical level.

Lets just assume India throws in the sink from the get go with all her forces (Which they won't do in reality but example reasons) 1.3m forces thrown in to storm Pakistan and you must understand Pakistan command itself is set up in offensive doctrine hence the collision will occur in the bordering north territory they will run into 1.17m Pakistani forces which is almost the same numbers as they are throwing in and with Pakistani tactical nukes destroying majority of their forces within 2-3 days the battle will be inside India because Pakistan's doctrine is offensive and has comparable manpower. Plus fire power all Indian population centers will be targetted with Nuclear strike and the Indian will do like wise meaning the intensity of the battle will increase will become quickly existential level.

Pakistan's terrain is cancerous for any advancement which is also one of the reasons when India threw in everything in 1965 they were surprisingly ambushed and Pakistan managed to quickly and aggressively advanced inside India and advancing towards Delhi. In this all out scenario Delhi will fall within a week or 2 max in the heat of the battle. Plus Pakistan has stragetic depth in Afghanistan if need be we can also throw in Afghan forces later on in the battle with endless amount of forces going on our advantage plus Pakistan has millions of militants something India doesn't have.

After India's offensive fails in the first few days and their population centers targetted including El-Grid destroyed across the country and Pakistani including Afghan forces will advance inside India within 2 weeks time. The battle will not be over just yet but from there on the result and how this is gonna end will be already known.

This is the scenario in their calculus which is the probablity of losing everything. Plus they will be fielding extremely indisciplined forces who are worse than ANA like Tamilis, Keralites, and other southern ragtags who are not martial at all meaning war is not for them nor do they have the stomach for it ones the battle intensifies most of their forces will fold morally against the durable wall they will run into who will not waver.

With a newly found stragetic depth India loses this battle 70% of the times. All your calculus doesn't able here in truth because there is alot of micro-reality within this conventional battle you can't comprehend or understand the dynamics of it. As far as fighting force go we will have overwhelming advantage both in manpower and capable fighters.

The scenario between Pakistan-India is balanced and has ever been like this since the last 32 years. The scale between them is two equal powers that has the ability to end each other and it will come down to who out-foxes the other on the frontline but if I have to give anyone the advantage it is pakistan because it has stragetic depth now and the better terrain and tactically better because it has addressed all the Indian advantages in their doctrine plus the more stubborn fighters. Despite completely detering each other Pakistan holds crucial advantages over India and these are significiant.
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Agreed,iran should send the south koreans a very clear message,in that owing to their continued failure to return irans funds,their persian gulf entry privileges are now being put at risk.
Ultimately,for obvious reasons this extremely unsatisfactory situation cannot be allowed to continue as it is.Iran needs to start imposing real costs on those who are following the us sanctions regime,indeed one could consider this as the iranian equivalent of sanctions,call it seizures,as effectively that is what the south koreans are doing by failing to release iranian funds.
ooorrrr....Iran might have to actually start selling some of its potent toys to the likes of North Korea...."eye for an eye" logic here is needed, because it obviously works, because its hard to prove its unfair.
@Battlion25 - why are you trolling the Iranian chill thread with your revisionism? please do not be like those Pakistanis who will come to this thread, start engaging in topics they arent emotionally mature enough to handle, then when the awkward truth comes out they go and call a mod to ban Iranians here. Please carry your anti-INdia, obsessive, "LETTING INDIA LIVE RENT FREE IN YOUR HEAD" agenda to another thread, i'm sure other Pakistanis on PDF would like to feast on this sort of topic.

I am a bit puzzled by some of the western media.

Radiofarda, that is funded by US government and Iran international have exactly the same line of thought.

Radiofarda is funded by Biden. Yet it is headed by Mehdi Parpanchi, who also directs Iran international. He is more a Trumpist, especially when added to Jason Brodsky.

Interesting that the US media against Iran is Bipartisan if not right wing, and supports maximum pressure campaign.
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EXCLUSIVE: Resistance Axis killed two US and Israeli operatives involved in Soleimani/Muhandes assassinations
The Axis will retaliate: A senior Resistance Axis official reveals to The Cradle that the deaths of US Lt. Col. James C. Willis and Israeli Col. Sharon Asman were in retaliation for the assassinations of Iranian Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi Hashd al-Shaabi Deputy Commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes.
By News Desk - September 20 2021

A senior Resistance Axis security official says US Lt. Col. James C. Willis and Israeli Col. Lt. Col. James C. Willis were killed in Erbil for their involvement in the assassinations of Soleimani and Muhandes.
Photo Credit: The Cradle

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A senior Resistance Axis* security official has told The Cradle that the Axis is responsible for the deaths of an American and Israeli commander in retaliation for the assassinations of Iranian Quds Force General Qassem Soleimani and Iraq’s Deputy Commander of the Hashd al-Shaabi Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes.
According to The Cradle’s security source:

This is the first time a Resistance Axis official has claimed responsibility for retaliatory measures against the killers of the Iranian and Iraqi generals.
On June 27, a day after his death, the US Defense Department released a brief statement saying Lt. Col. Willis died in a non-combatant incident at Udeid base, without providing any further details other than “the incident is under investigation.”
The military newspaper Stars and Stripes describes Willis as “commander of the 210th Red Horse Squadron,” a 130-member unit that “provides civil engineering with rapid response capabilities to conduct operations in remote, high threat environments” – a description inconsistent with Qatar’s environs.
Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Colonel Sharon Asman, who, according to Israeli media, had only days before he assumed command of the Nahal Infantry Brigade, is alleged to have died on 1 July after collapsing during a training run. Asman was a combatant who fought in both Gaza and Lebanon. The IDF said the incident was under investigation.
The Cradle’s security source says both Willis and Asman were killed in Erbil, Iraq, during an operation against those involved in the assassinations of Soleimani and Muhandis.
There have been at least two separate reported attacks this year on Mossad targets in Iraq by unknown parties.
The first incident, in mid-April, followed Israel’s sabotage attack on Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility, several strikes against each other’s maritime vessels in regional waters, and the Israeli assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh last November. The pro-US Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) denied reports of the incident.
Willis’ squadron arrived in the region in spring. The Resistance Axis source did not elaborate on the timing of the attacks that killed Willis and Asman.
The security official also spoke of Iran’s new assertive stance in response to ongoing Israeli attacks. “Iran has changed the equation of dealing with the (Israeli) regime.”
“From now on,” the official explained, in reference to a raft of Israeli attacks on Iranian vessels, “a ship will be attacked after any action of the (Israeli) regime against the interests of Iran.”
A lesson in military ‘proportionality’ ensued: “The (Israeli) regime has claimed to have hit 12 Iranian ships so far, while Iran has not hit more than five. So far, seven other Iranians ships are in need of work. If any other attack on Iranian positions is carried out, Iran will respond by targeting the (Israeli) regime’s ships.”
“The (Israeli) regime conducts more than 80 percent of its trade by sea, which is forced to pass through areas under Iran’s control – which means being exposed to Iran’s fire,” warned the official.
Early last month, the US, UK and Israel threatened retaliation against Tehran, alleging that Iran had conducted drone strikes on an oil tanker, Mercer Street, off the coast of Oman. Iran vigorously denied any role in the attack.
According to the Associated Press, the troika “have yet to show physical evidence from the strike or show intelligence information on why they blame Tehran.”
These bold rules of engagement being drawn by the Axis of Resistance can reach well beyond the region’s borders.
It’s a new dynamic: the notion that middle states and their militia alliances are prepared to confront the most heavily militarized states in the world, and inflict a 1:1 ratio of damage – “in retaliation,” and therefore legal under the rules of war and international law.
The Axis’ new ‘eye for an eye’ doctrine has the potential to deter and limit the maneuverability of the US and its allies in West Asia.
On Saturday, a New York Times (NYT) investigation breathlessly described how Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was assassinated by the Mossad, using a remote-controlled Artificial Intelligence machine gun operated from Israel.
Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh denied the NYT’s version of events on Sunday, saying that Iranian intelligence had all the details of the incident, including information on the operatives involved.
*The Resistance Axis is an alliance of states and organizations in West Asia that fundamentally opposes Western imperialism, zionism, and foreign intervention, and demands the total withdrawal of all Western military forces and bases in the region. The Axis consists of Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Yemen’s Ansarallah, a number of Iraqi political and military groups, and a smattering of smaller organizations.

I dedicate the article above to the PDF members who still believe Iran hasnt done crap to retaliate for Soleimani's murder. MOssad also recently secretly confessed to multiple Mossad agents dying in the Persian gulf on a ship that was docked by UAE...IYKYK!







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if people think Iran not "responded" hard enough, guys, there were plenty of attacks, and its not over....as they said, everyone who was involved in killing Soleimani will be punished, it may take weeks, months, years, Iran is setting the timeline, not this forum...everyone who was involved will get the medicne

Dont forget the CIA plane who was shot down in Afghanistan, many high ranking CIA officers killed
Many attacks at Er







Their is no doubt Iran doesn't forgive, nor does it forget and their is empirical proof of reprisals/assassination's that happen many years after a event or issue. That being said, the issue is that countries like Israel still many not feel that any consequences for their actions will be heavy enough to stop them from carrying out a mission. When observing the cost/benefit analysis of each action, I see no reason for Israel to fear any reprisal of Iran, because they do not believe that Iran will do a direct attack against it in the event of another bad news event occurring.

If they truly felt their would be a direct response from Iran, they may not do any covert action, but at the moment, I see little reason for them not to do any covert action if they are not stopped by counter-intel.
In the event of a air attack against Iran's nuclear facilities, Iran will do a massive retaliation and we can see that this has deterred them from any attack.
ooorrrr....Iran might have to actually start selling some of its potent toys to the likes of North Korea...."eye for an eye" logic here is needed, because it obviously works, because its hard to prove its unfair.
Yes,I agree.
The most obviously apparent one would be drones and drone tech,as this is an area where the dprk does seem to lag well behind in,not to mention that the south koreans are making no secret of their plans to develop a modern drone force.
The same can be said about Iran and the US, despite these differences, with the correct doctrine and approach you can establish sufficient deterrence. You should try to see a bit more into the Pak point of view.

True enough,however you then have to have the correct doctrine.
Imagine if for a moment iran had never developed its missile based deterrence capabilities,imagine if it had continued with the orthodox manned air power doctrine as the basis for its military deterrence,its not a nice thought....
I for one,have always been rather surprised that pakistan,once it had the technology for the indigenous production of the ghauri and shaheen,did not develop a large conventionally armed ballistic missile force as a powerful force multiplier for its manned air power.
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I am a bit puzzled by some of the western media.
Radiofarda, that is funded by US government and Iran international have exactly the same line of thought.
Radiofarda is funded by Biden. Yet it is headed by Mehdi Parpanchi, who also directs Iran international. He is more a Trumpist, especially when added to Jason Brodsky.

Interesting that the US media against Iran is Bipartisan if not right wing, and supports maximum pressure campaign.
Yeah....Funny that,eh?:sarcastic:
In real terms there is little to NO difference between a democratic or republican regime,the only difference is that a biden regime is more politically acceptable to the rest of the world than a trump regime,just as an obama regime was more acceptable than a bush jr regime.Yet both these democratic regimes by and large continued the anti iranian policies that their republican predecessors had set in motion.
The only real difference is that when it comes to iran,the democratic regimes think that they can achieve thru diplomacy,what the republican regimes could not achieve thru threats,blackmail and warfare.
Even if you want to believe that the F-16 is actually par with Rafale, which many analysts doubt, India has more of everything. A larger industrial base, more manpower, more weapons and most crucially Islamabad and Pakistan's industrial base are close to their border but not vise versa.

Pride is one thing but realistically, on paper, Pakistan is at a severe disadvantage militarily vs India. Pakistan can have short term success, but in the long run, if it's just India vs Pakistan, India should prevail 9 times out of 10.

Like I said, India and Pakistan, are more or less on par in terms with technology, but India has several other advantages. In Kashmir Pakistan's only hope is for China to chip in. This should effectively distraction India while China can launch a surprise attack and close down the Siliguiri corridor (Indian chickens neck)

that is the only hope of knocking out India out of the war quickly, The Siliguri corridor is a narrow stretch of land which connects western, greater India to north eastern India.

Personally I believe that Kashmir should be allowed to choose its own fate. The elections/referendum should be UN supervised. If Kashmir wants to be a member of India then fine, if they want to be an independent state then fine, if they want to join Pakistan than so be it. Really that would avoid so much pointless war and bloodshed. Unfotunately neither side are willing to let go of their pride.

Bhai if Iran rejected JF 17 (which I don't know if you were really offered) it does not mean JF 17 is not a good jet for us.what air war experience they have to judge any jet.with 4 BVR 2 WVR, missiles,JF 17 is very good fighter against Indian Mig 29 ,LCA Tejas, mig 21,jaguars,su 30,etc.
For Rafael we have F16 ( its upgraded my friend) block 3 thunder ( with AESA radar) and J10c delta wing for strike roles.

Again i will repeat they have no technological superiority.

You are saying their infra is very far away,you should know that our missiles cover whole of Indian subcontinent we can strike them no matter how far they are.

Allies are helpful but first you should prepare on your own.we are in wars from day one so we know their capabilities and also know what harm we can do to them.
Bhai you think Pakistan can't fight its wars you on its own.ok carry on thinking so. You think they can hit our infra,I said our missiles cover whole Indian subcontinent so we can also hit them.

Rafael is very capable fighter jet no doubt but it doesn't mean we can't counter it.our F 16 is very capable also.J10c is also on its way to PAF, JF 17 has been equiped with AESA radar.

Check our war history we have fought all our wars on our own.so we are constantly upgrading our abilities.do not know why it's hard for you to get it.
Bhai you think Pakistan can't fight its wars you on its own.ok carry on thinking so. You think they can hit our infra,I said our missiles cover whole Indian subcontinent so we can also hit them.

Rafael is very capable fighter jet no doubt but it doesn't mean we can't counter it.our F 16 is very capable also.J10c is also on its way to PAF, JF 17 has been equiped with AESA radar.

Check our war history we have fought all our wars on our own.so we are constantly upgrading our abilities.do not know why it's hard for you to get it.
He`s certainly not doubting pakistans ability to fight a war,I dont think anyone does,merely its ability to WIN a war,or failing that,at least to achieve a stalemate where neither side could claim a clear win.

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