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Iranian Chill Thread

You're obviously getting extremely emotional. No need to be rude. I merely mentioned statements which are considered FACT in western academic circles. Just like the last air skirmish, where the Indians refuse to believe they lost, yet they DID lose that skirmish as far as the world is concerned.

The truth is what it is. try to be more objective instead of getting emotional and acting childish using cuss words.

You are suking really hard on that Indian dick.

- Kargil was truly a skirmish and not a war over a hilltop.

- Also how can you lose 2/3rds of a territory that was never yours? You read to much into Indian fantasy when the partition deal was signed all of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan was Indian territory it was Pakistan that took these places by force and cut them off from the Eurasian contintent

- How can they have the upper hand in 1965 when Pakistani forces were inside deep into Indian territories?

Pakistan will not need anyones help against Vegetarians and pacifists.. 2019 was not just a media stunt but mentally trying to Alpha the Indians.

Indians may fool others but not us. We are the solo power in the region aside from China.. They will fall faster than the ANA mark my words
You're obviously getting extremely emotional. No need to be rude. I merely mentioned statements which are considered FACT in western academic circles. Just like the last air skirmish, where the Indians refuse to believe they lost, yet they DID lose that skirmish as far as the world is concerned.

The truth is what it is. try to be more objective instead of getting emotional and acting childish using cuss words.

These were not western consensus opinions you first came forward saying flat out they won all wars without actully bothering checking it and I was the one who provided western opinions which is different from yours.

You said India gained 2/3 Kashmir but that is not true because Kashmir and Gilgit belonged to the Indians as per UN charter and border agreement signed between the two states hence Pakistan seized 1/3 of North reigon Indian territories by force.. You never took these into account.

As for the Ceasefire it happened while Pakistani forces were inside Indian territories..

We are not at disadvantage against India not in a million years. Rafale will not change the occasion whatsoever we have that under control if they were to procure 5th generation that could become an issue but airforce wise Rafale grants them nothing over our F-16s and other systems we have in use that can render them useless.

Conventionally including tactical nukes plus stragetic weapons we have advantage. India is not the one going up but we are also going up. We will soon introduce surprising elements from Turkey stealth unmanned fighter jets. The Indians won't be able to outdo us from now until the next 3 decades.

Imagine how they were hyping SU something plus MIG before they ate dust and said publically we have vintage airforce and panic bought but still Rafale won't be able to grant them any form of safety. If they wanted that they should have gone for F-22
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Gas pipeline project was between Pakistan and Russia, I will see later if there is any such project with Iran.
Honestly,I`m frankly astonished that you haven heard about the IP gas pipeline...:what:
I mean the agreement dates back almost 9 years ffs.

IP gas pipeline: Iran issues notice to Pakistan on moving arbitration court
Top Story
Khalid Mustafa
May 09, 2019

Both the countries during the two-day visit of Prime Minister Imran Khan to Iran on April 21-22 discussed the issues related to IP gas line particularly the scenario after the formal notice to Pakistan from Iran.


ISLAMABAD: Tehran formally gave notice to Islamabad in February 2019 for moving the arbitration court for not laying down the pipeline in Pakistan’s territory in stipulated time under the IP gas line project and threatened to invoke the penalty clause of Gas Sales Purchase Agreement (GSPA).

Spokesman of Petroleum Division Additional Secretary Sher Afgan also confirmed the development that Iran in February 2019 gave a formal notice to Pakistan mentioning it will move the arbitration court. Both the countries during the two-day visit of Prime Minister Imran Khan to Iran on April 21-22 discussed the issues related to IP gas line particularly the scenario after the formal notice to Pakistan from Iran.

Earlier in 2018, according to official sources, the authorities in Iran had conveyed to Pakistan that it may move the arbitration court against Pakistan for unilaterally shelving IP gas line project invoking penalty clause of the GSPA. However, this time Iran formally gave the notice to Pakistan in February 2019 threating to move the arbitration court for delaying the project.

The official sources said that during the visit of Prime Minister Imran to Iran, the top leadership took up the issue of IP gas line and told Pakistan leadership it will take back the notice only if the government of Pakistan extends the construction period of pipeline of 781 kilometres from Iranian border to Nawabshah under signed GSPA. ‘After coming back to Pakistan, prime minister asked the petroleum division to stay in touch with authorities in Iran and resolve the issue.’

The agreement was signed in 2009 for 25 years, but since then the project could not get the shape. Also most 9-10 years have elapsed since the signing of the agreement and the construction period for pipeline in Pakistan territory which comprises three years has been wasted. The Iranian authorities want Pakistan to mutually extend this period under GSPA. Iran has already asked Pakistan to review the price of gas under IP, but no talks on this issue have been held so far.

Before the formal notice from Iran in February 2019, Pakistan’s legal firm had sent about 15 legal questions to the legal team in Iran asking in the presence of renewed US sanctions against Iran on its nuclear programme how it is possible to materialise the gas transactions. Iran was of the view that there are no sanctions on gas transactions, as it is exporting gas to some EU countries and importing gas from Turkmenistan. However, Pakistan legal firm had asked for mechanism under which EU and Turkmenistan are materialising the gas transactions.

However, instead of reply on the legal questionnaire, Iran in February 2019 sent a formal notice to Pakistan, saying it is going to move arbitration court. Pakistan wants Iran to take back the notice as Pakistan tried its best for arranging funds required to lay down the pipeline in its territories, but in the presence of the US sanctions it failed to get financing from any international agency.

Under existing GSPA, Pakistan is bound to pay $1 million per day to Iran from January 1, 2015 under the penalty clause. An in case Iran moves arbitration court, then Pakistan will have to pay billions of dollars as penalty. This is the very reason that Pakistan is trying from pillar to post to persuade Iran to take back the notice.

Under the agreement with Iran, the project was to be implemented under segmented approach meaning by that Iran had to lay down the pipeline on its side and Pakistan had to build the pipeline in its territory. The project was to be completed by December 2014 and come on stream from January 1, 2015. Under the penalty clause it was agreed by both sides that if Pakistan fails to have intake of Iranian gas from January 1, 2015, it will have to pay $1 million per day as penalty.
The fact that the South Koreans will not release the funds, even in exchange for food and medicine is UNACCEPTABLE. Iran MUST ACT in a firm and decisive manner at an opportune moment to teach this US vassal a harsh lesson.

Yes Iran must capture a South Korean tanker and other ships to seize its $7 billion by force. Iranian oil tankers to China should then be escorted by Iranian submarines and heavily armed destroyers.

South Koreans are woefully unaware in regards to Iran's capabilities in the Persian. After last time Iran captured a South Korean ship, the South Koreans responded by sending a destroyer into the Persian Gulf. One South Korean pundit actually tried telling me that Iran had absolutely nothing that should match South Korea's destroyer.

I laughed and explained to hit that in the Persian Gulf region, Iran has a network of underground bunkers, hidden underneath mountain ranges, filled with anti ship missiles. Iran has also thousands of drones, 200 fighter jets, many of which can launch cruise missiles. Iran also has hundreds of drones and Iran also has destroyers, submarines, cruisers and potent air defenses, mostly armed with newer, modern technology.

Iran shouldn't be in a hurry, Simply take it's time and then unexpectedly strike and capture several South Korean ships, including dozens of their personnel.
Agreed,iran should send the south koreans a very clear message,in that owing to their continued failure to return irans funds,their persian gulf entry privileges are now being put at risk.
Ultimately,for obvious reasons this extremely unsatisfactory situation cannot be allowed to continue as it is.Iran needs to start imposing real costs on those who are following the us sanctions regime,indeed one could consider this as the iranian equivalent of sanctions,call it seizures,as effectively that is what the south koreans are doing by failing to release iranian funds.
In 1947 India gained control of 2/3rds of Kashmir. Pakistan 1/3rd
You are forgetting whole region of GB.
In 1971 Pakistan lost east Pakistan
Yeah it was major defeat.
In 1999 Pakistan lost 4000 troops and the conflict war a major military defeat for Pakistan
Kargil was a small scale border conflict,we even not used air force.initially it was going in our favour.they were not even aware of attack due to absence of intel. later on india got upper hand due to artillery which was provided by its well know friend.
Pakistan had launched a major offensive to take back large swaths of Kashmir over the line of actual control. India took back 77-80% of the intruded areas by the end of the conflict.
Yeah we attacked them but it went wrong and we pulled back latter on.we didn't lost any valuable territory in that conflict.
The international community then pressured Pakistan to withdraw from the rest of the territory. Pakistani troops suffered massive casualties and suffered badly from low morale.
Yeah even China was not supporting us in that conflict.but morale was not low.our single soldier stopped their whole battalion when we were withdrawing from there.
Again against India Pakistan is simply outmatched and both in terms of manpower, industry, weaponry, firepower, you name it.
But technologically they are not superior to us.
Also since then India has procured advanced Rafale jets which are more potent and effective than anything Pakistan has in its arsenal. the JF-17 is a budget fighter and cannot hope to compare. No way.
They have Rafael,su 30, marages,we have F16 ,JF 17 and J 10c is also on its way to Pakistan.
How JF 17 is inferior to their fighters.it has a AESA radar,long range BVR, very capable wvr missiles.its very capable jet for us little short range but again our enemy is at front door.
if Pakistan and China focus a coordinated attack in Kashmir
We planned attack on Kashmir back in 60s but now this is not possible.they have Quad behind them.so we will have to fight them alone.we can't take risk to fight QUAD because here we will be at major technological disadvantage.
Don't even mention the recent air skirmish last time
Where I mentioned that air skirmish.but the advantage we had there was major tactically .now today if someone attacks India ,they will not attack us.becuase they know Pakistan will retaliate.
Again back to my previous point. Pakistan needs strong and reliable allies to win
Yes we need alllies but allies cannot be permanent.so at the end of day we will have to fight our wars on our own.so better we tell our nation, fight your wars on your own instead of thumping them that China is your ally,iran is your ally, turkey is your ally.

I'm talking about the gas pipeline between Iran and Pakistan. Iran finished its part of the line, Pakistan buckled to US pressure.
I think no one know here about this deal.But if it has been signed then Pakistan should work on it.we bought expensive LNG few months ago,if it is available from neighborhood,then why not.Our leaders have proved corrupts,they will not complete this anytime soon and carry on wasting money on expensive things.USpressure may be little factor here,it has more to do with our leaders Own ignorance.
the JF-17 is a budget fighter and cannot hope to compare
You are wrong here.project JF 17 has built our whole aviation industry.it is very good fighter against our regional enemies.
Like I said, Pakistan by itself is at a severe military disadvantage vs India

India has more manpower, a larger military, a more powerful navy. As many if not more missiles, more industrial base, a larger landmass, etc

Sorry but your 1980's F-16s cannot stand up to brand new Rafale fighter jets.

The JF-17 was a joint production between Pakistan and China. China has offered JF-17s to Iran in exchange for oil. Iran has refused, opting instead for the superior J-10. The JF-17 is basically a poor mans F-16, great for the price but not in comparable to the best 4th generation fighters of today.

Comparing MIG-21 (which India will be retired within 4 years) to newer, upgraded SU-30MKIs or even cutting edge Rafales, is not a fair comparable. Again skirmishes are meaningless in the big picture, although I must admit that the entire incident where the shot down Indian pilot was given tea, was quite amusing.

Anyways geographically Pakistan is at a massive disadvantage vs India. Pakistan's capital and industrial hubs are extremely close to the Indian border. Whereas Indian capital and industry are NOT close to the Pakistani border.

Without China and other strong allies, Pakistan is simply outmatched militarily. that's simply the harsh reality. With strong allies, like China, Turkey, Iran, etc, Pakistan can win. Without them Pakistan will either face a costly stalemate, or lose again.

Like I stated earlier. Kashmir is merely a distraction. the real goal is for China to break the Indian chickens neck (Siliguri corridor)

These were not western consensus opinions you first came forward saying flat out they won all wars without actully bothering checking it and I was the one who provided western opinions which is different from yours.

You said India gained 2/3 Kashmir but that is not true because Kashmir and Gilgit belonged to the Indians as per UN charter and border agreement signed between the two states hence Pakistan seized 1/3 of North reigon Indian territories by force.. You never took these into account.

As for the Ceasefire it happened while Pakistani forces were inside Indian territories..

We are not at disadvantage against India not in a million years. Rafale will not change the occasion whatsoever we have that under control if they were to procure 5th generation that could become an issue but airforce wise Rafale grants them nothing over our F-16s and other systems we have in use that can render them useless.

Conventionally including tactical nukes plus stragetic weapons we have advantage. India is not the one going up but we are also going up. We will soon introduce surprising elements from Turkey stealth unmanned fighter jets. The Indians won't be able to outdo us from now until the next 3 decades.

Imagine how they were hyping SU something plus MIG before they ate dust and said publically we have vintage airforce and panic bought but still Rafale won't be able to grant them any form of safety. If they wanted that they should have gone for F-22
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Like I said, Pakistan by itself is at a severe military disadvantage vs India

India has more manpower, a larger military, a more powerful navy. As many if not more missiles, more industrial base, a larger landmass, etc

Sorry but your 1980's F-16s cannot stand up to brand new Rafale fighter jets.

The JF-17 was a joint production between Pakistan and China. China has offered JF-17s to Iran in exchange for oil. Iran has refused, opting instead for the superior J-10. The JF-17 is basically a poor mans F-16, great for the price but not in comparable to the best 4th generation fighters of today.

Comparing MIG-21 (which India will be retired within 4 years) to newer, upgraded SU-30MKIs or even cutting edge Rafales, is not a fair comparable. Again skirmishes are meaningless in the big picture, although I must admit that the entire incident where the shot down Indian pilot was given tea, was quite amusing.

Anyways geographically Pakistan is at a massive disadvantage vs India. Pakistan's capital and industrial hubs are extremely close to the Indian border. Whereas Indian capital and industry are NOT close to the Pakistani border.

Without China and other strong allies, Pakistan is simply outmatched militarily. that's simply the charge reality. With strong allies, like China, Turkey, Iran, etc, Pakistan can win. Without them Pakistan will either face a costly stalemate, or lose again.

Like I stated earlier. Kashmir is merely a distraction. the real goal is for China to break the Indian chickens neck (Siliguri corridor)

BTW the USA will never sell the F-22 to anyone, not even Israel or its closest allies. India is completely out of the question for this.

post: 13345906 said:
These were not western consensus opinions you first came forward saying flat out they won all wars without actully bothering checking it and I was the one who provided western opinions which is different from yours.

You said India gained 2/3 Kashmir but that is not true because Kashmir and Gilgit belonged to the Indians as per UN charter and border agreement signed between the two states hence Pakistan seized 1/3 of North reigon Indian territories by force.. You never took these into account.

As for the Ceasefire it happened while Pakistani forces were inside Indian territories..

We are not at disadvantage against India not in a million years. Rafale will not change the occasion whatsoever we have that under control if they were to procure 5th generation that could become an issue but airforce wise Rafale grants them nothing over our F-16s and other systems we have in use that can render them useless.

Conventionally including tactical nukes plus stragetic weapons we have advantage. India is not the one going up but we are also going up. We will soon introduce surprising elements from Turkey stealth unmanned fighter jets. The Indians won't be able to outdo us from now until the next 3 decades.

Imagine how they were hyping SU something plus MIG before they ate dust and said publically we have vintage airforce and panic bought but still Rafale won't be able to grant them any form of safety. If they wanted that they should have gone for F-22
Like I said, Pakistan by itself is at a severe military disadvantage vs India

India has more manpower, a larger military, a more powerful navy. As many if not more missiles, more industrial base, a larger landmass, etc

Sorry but your 1980's F-16s cannot stand up to brand new Rafale fighter jets.

The JF-17 was a joint production between Pakistan and China. China has offered JF-17s to Iran in exchange for oil. Iran has refused, opting instead for the superior J-10. The JF-17 is basically a poor mans F-16, great for the price but not in comparable to the best 4th generation fighters of today.

Comparing MIG-21 (which India will be retired within 4 years) to newer, upgraded SU-30MKIs or even cutting edge Rafales, is not a fair comparable. Again skirmishes are meaningless in the big picture, although I must admit that the entire incident where the shot down Indian pilot was given tea, was quite amusing.

Anyways geographically Pakistan is at a massive disadvantage vs India. Pakistan's capital and industrial hubs are extremely close to the Indian border. Whereas Indian capital and industry are NOT close to the Pakistani border.

Without China and other strong allies, Pakistan is simply outmatched militarily. that's simply the charge reality. With strong allies, like China, Turkey, Iran, etc, Pakistan can win. Without them Pakistan will either face a costly stalemate, or lose again.

Like I stated earlier. Kashmir is merely a distraction. the real goal is for China to break the Indian chickens neck (Siliguri corridor)

These were not western consensus opinions you first came forward saying flat out they won all wars without actully bothering checking it and I was the one who provided western opinions which is different from yours.

You said India gained 2/3 Kashmir but that is not true because Kashmir and Gilgit belonged to the Indians as per UN charter and border agreement signed between the two states hence Pakistan seized 1/3 of North reigon Indian territories by force.. You never took these into account.

As for the Ceasefire it happened while Pakistani forces were inside Indian territories..

We are not at disadvantage against India not in a million years. Rafale will not change the occasion whatsoever we have that under control if they were to procure 5th generation that could become an issue but airforce wise Rafale grants them nothing over our F-16s and other systems we have in use that can render them useless.

Conventionally including tactical nukes plus stragetic weapons we have advantage. India is not the one going up but we are also going up. We will soon introduce surprising elements from Turkey stealth unmanned fighter jets. The Indians won't be able to outdo us from now until the next 3 decades.

Imagine how they were hyping SU something plus MIG before they ate dust and said publically we have vintage airforce and panic bought but still Rafale won't be able to grant them any form of safety. If they wanted that they should have gone for F-22

You are talking out of your arse not even the Indians believe in that grab you are spewing such as severe military disadvantage are you drunk or something. The F-16s are upgraded and on par with 4 generation rafale's you don't know anything about the military hardwares and you just spew stuff thinking this is reality. F16s and Rafale are comparable and pretty much even it depends on the upgrade and build-ins. This ain't F-22. Whenever they buy something Pakistan works on how to crack it this has been the tradition from nuclear to small arms.

This is simply not true my mann. I know China is on the other side but forget about China India can't offset Pakistan militarily so all this severe disadvantage makes you look extremely silly and someone whos not well versed in the military arena.

They Don't have airforce advantage not with the rafale's write this down in case you forget it. Where is this supposed advantage coming from. Just because they are close to our border doesn't mean much we have taken all that into consideration and the main doctrine is offensive against India. Plus we have stragetic depth now but even before our stragetic depth they couldn't offset us both tactically and technologically.

India's military is pretty average and vintage with low morale fighters who can't really contain Pakistan whos the more aggressive of the two.

India has 1.3m active personnel whereas Pakistan has 1.17m active personnel manpower is not much different plus as I said they are none-militant civilians if their military is defeated India is entirely open from top to bottom.

Pakistan's doctrine against them is purely offensive and won't be able to hold us if the intention is there. It was not just skirmish they were jammed and fell into deception and felt so vintage. Their conventional ground forces are also vintage they are rusty
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You're just letting your emotions get the better of you. Looking at objective facts, there's no doubting the fact that India has a significant military advantage over Pakistan. Geographically, in terms of resources, industry, manpower, etc.

Like I said if Pakistan allies with China in Kashmir, distracting India sufficiantly so that China can break the Indian chickens neck (siliguri pass) then that will knock India out of the war. Otherwise, if it's just India vs Pakistan, from un unbiased and objective point of view it's impossible to imagine a scenario where Pakistan can effectively overcome all of India's military advantages. It's just wishful thinking and idealism at best.

You are talking out of your arse not even the Indians believe in that grab you are spewing such as severe military disadvantage are you drunk or something. The F-16s are upgraded and on par with 4 generation rafale's you don't know anything about the military hardwares and you just spew stuff thinking this is reality. F16s and Rafale are comparable and pretty much even it depends on the upgrade and build-ins. This ain't F-22.

This is simple not true my mann. I know China is on the other side but forget about China India can't offset Pakisan militarily so all this severe disadvantage makes you look extremely silly and someone whos not well versed in the military arena.

Don't have airforce advantage not with the rafale's write this down in case you forget it. Where is this oppose advantage coming from. Just because they are close doesn't mean much we have taken all that into considerate and a main doctrine is offensive against India. Plus we have stragetic now but even before our stragetic depth they couldn't offset us both tactically and technologically.

India's military is pretty average and vintage with low morale fighters who can't really contain Pakistan whos the more aggressive country of the two.

India has 1.3m active personnel whereas Pakistan has 1.17m active personnel manpower is not much different plus as I said they are none-militant civilians if their military is defeated India is entirely open from top to bottom.

Pakistan's doctrine against them is purely offensive and won't be able to hold us in an all-out scenario. It was not just skirmish they were jammed to kingdoms come and felt so vintage. Their conventional ground forces are also vintage they are rusty.

India won't miscalculate against us we have checkmated them completely and won't dare to lift a finger because they could lose everything as consequence
You are talking out of your arse not even the Indians believe in that grab you are spewing such as severe military disadvantage are you drunk or something. The F-16s are upgraded and on par with 4 generation rafale's you don't know anything about the military hardwares and you just spew stuff thinking this is reality. F16s and Rafale are comparable and pretty much even it depends on the upgrade and build-ins. This ain't F-22.

This is simple not true my mann. I know China is on the other side but forget about China India can't offset Pakisan militarily so all this severe disadvantage makes you look extremely silly and someone whos not well versed in the military arena.

Don't have airforce advantage not with the rafale's write this down in case you forget it. Where is this oppose advantage coming from. Just because they are close doesn't mean much we have taken all that into considerate and a main doctrine is offensive against India. Plus we have stragetic now but even before our stragetic depth they couldn't offset us both tactically and technologically.

India's military is pretty average and vintage with low morale fighters who can't really contain Pakistan whos the more aggressive country of the two.

India has 1.3m active personnel whereas Pakistan has 1.17m active personnel manpower is not much different plus as I said they are none-militant civilians if their military is defeated India is entirely open from top to bottom.

Pakistan's doctrine against them is purely offensive and won't be able to hold us in an all-out scenario. It was not just skirmish they were jammed to kingdoms come and felt so vintage. Their conventional ground forces are also vintage they are rusty.

India won't miscalculate against us we have checkmated them completely and won't dare to lift a finger because they could lose everything as consequence
Like I said if Pakistan allies with China in Kashmir, distracting India sufficiantly so that China can break the Indian chickens neck (siliguri pass) then that will knock India out of the war. Otherwise, if it's just India vs Pakistan, from un unbiased and objective point of view it's impossible to imagine a scenario where Pakistan can effectively overcome all of India's military advantages. It's just wishful thinking and idealism at best.

I am not being emotional you are saying stuff that is not correct my mann and wild stuff such as the Rafale case which is redundant.

You don't know the sub-continent and it's people if you think the Indians have manpower advantage as in fighting force than you don't know the region. I told you in clear langauge India has the world's largest bystanders and I meant literally. Pakistan doesn't need help and can put India out of it's existence it has the logistics, firepower and will-power.

Pakistan can single handily and solely take all of India from a conventional point of view and has the punching power to do so and has the willpower to execute it if need be. They have no technological or conventional advantage of any sort to say whatsoever. They have vintage and rusty army from the horses own mouth and we also know what they have from top to bottom.

All you need to know how India is subdued they are not confident in their chances against Pakistan and will not miscalculate it is existential hazard. effectively caged inside the sub-continent and can't get out of it with no links to Eurasia. With Iron fist with a miscalculation India knows it can lose everything to Pakistan this is ground reality and within their command calculus.
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Women's canoe racing competitions in Iran (love to see iranian women active in all fields of sport ..more glory for Iran in olympics..no accident that Iran was the no1 islamic country in this year's olympics):










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One of the reasons why Evergrande is facing a crisis now is because the Chinese government set 3 red lines and effectively put the brakes on Evargrande's plans to expand further and attain further financing. Home ownership in China is at 90%, whereas in the US it's at 60% and a large portion of homeowners in China own 2 homes.

The Chinese government will most likely confiscate Evergrande and its assets along with the assets and funds of the greedy tycoons who caused this mess to prevent a massive meltdown. In China everything is planned, nothing happens by accident. With Lehman Brothers, everyone was in the dark until the last minute. This is not the case with Evergrande.

The Chinese reaction to this crisis will be the exact opposite of the American reaction to the recession, which was to use taxpayers money to bailout large corporations. The people behind the 2008 crisis not only got away with it, they all got their bonuses as well, funded for by the US taxpayer. In China, the Communist party reigns supreme, whereas in the US, capitalists reign supreme.

Yes in the last 2 years the USA has printed more money than in the last 100 years. Many western countries have reacted to Covid by borrowing a ton of money and have been giving out money to their citizens like candy. This has led to higher prices and inflation on many household items / staples.

Honestly if the US economy does end up facing some kind of great depression scenario then surely China will take the opportunity to ask export consumers for various kinds of currency instead of only USD as they do now. I'm predicting they might ask Europe for Euros, North America for USD and Asia/Africa for their own RMB (Yuan).

Of course in that case, the USA will feel enraged seeing China as an existential threat to it's position as the worlds sole super power. US war hawks and defense contractors, after Afghanistan, are also clamoring for a war with China and if you recall last time there was a depression in the US it was followed by WW2, which got the US to bounce back from the depression if you recall.

The US will seek a war with China to get out of its slump and retain global hegemony. That is simply their natural instinct. They will fabricate something, anything to ignite a war with China. I expect some sort of provocation or false flag operation, like the chemical weapons attacks in Syria or Gulf of Tonkin incident.

However only time will tell if history will repeat itself, or if this century the unipolar American world order will give way to a new multipolar global order.

ALSO oil prices will most likely rise during a global conflict rather than go down. A depression would cause prices to fall but again I believe that any depression will be quickly followed by a major conflict between the US and China.

Fully agree, time will tell exactly what the plan is. But nothing happens by accident, China has needed to reset the housing market for a while and this is one way to do it. There is a lot of doomsday talk surrounding Evergrande but I think reality is average people in China will benefit from lower housing prices. How the government will manage this is an open question. China has been a seller's market for a while, seems like it may now become a buyer's market. China will benefit either way, US media always likes to create panic.
Evergrande has been crashing since 2017. It is not new.

There is problem in the Chinese construction market but fear in the US market related Evergrande to the stock market downturn.

People love to think about the “Crash” idea.

The weak days of global market were not relevant to Evergrande.

One week from now, they will say I wish I had bought more. It was a pul back only.
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