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Iranian Chill Thread

I agree with your point but also being WASP matters. White Anglo Saxon Protestant.
Canada, Aussie, UK: same blood

Iran and Russia are not like that. Heck Russia has not even done that for Belarus.

When Britts were making ships and having 10 kids each in their faraway colonies, guess what we were doing?
Sectarian and tribal fights
Chances are the Axis of Resistance will follow the same 'Five Eyes' pattern -- as it should.
نیروهای پاکستانی اخیرا به طرز مشکوک وارد قرقیزستان شدند. امیدوارم ربطی به تاجیکستان نداشته باشه

مرز قرقیزستان و تاجیکستان میتونه جنگی بشه و اردوغان ممکنه در فکرش باشه و نباید مثل قفقاز غافلگیر شد
باید در عراق و سوریه غافگیرشون کرد

حرفهای بایدن علیه تاجیکها و سفر رییسی رو کنارش بگذارید

Please watch him if y'all can, he is my favorite vlogger and I am sure y'all will like his Iran vlogs

He tries to go in depth in to the places he visits, thier culture, attitudes way of life

Did a great job with Pakistan series
truly explored the country as much as a foreigner can
The cia trolls on twitter locked my account after I used that to expose bitcoin as a cia operation to the Gravel Institute which is anti-bitcoin. I posted about 8-10 facts proving bitcoin was a cia operation. Account was shut down by cia twitter trolls.

One cia troll said of the Gravel Institute was "How did these nobodies get 300K followers". Was livid that the liberal left was opposed to cia bitcoins. I have been on twitter for years, and my phone number to verify, that worked for years as verifiable, is not being accepted, when in the past it was accepted. And the cia site of twitter promoted bitcoin cryptocurrency.

I was going to send a message to:

about my idea of backing the Iranian currency with copper.

That Lebanon should get Iranian copper and value their currency at pre-crash levels and back the LBP currency with copper coins.

Same idea, only on a smaller scale because Lebanon is a tiny fraction of the population of Iran.

Lebanon has decoupled from the dollar. Now Lebanon needs to value their currency against a stable asset. Copper coins are a sound way to keep Lebanon from hyperinflation and reverse every last bit of hyper inflation.
There are lots of work to make a United judeochristian entity.

However that Ashkenazi would not find similar beliefs out in the farms in redneck counties.

If you don’t believe in Jesus Christ, son of god, the Lord; it is over.
Zionists infiltrated the Evangelical Christians in the U.S in the early 1900s when the Scofield "bible" was first published by the Stanford publishing house. This fraudulent bible is full of lies that claim that those who stand with Israel, will be blessed by God and those who stands against Israel will be cursed by God. This is were all the "Christian Zionists" come out of.
Zionists infiltrated the Evangelical Christians in the U.S in the early 1900s when the Scofield "bible" was first published by the Stanford publishing house. This fraudulent bible is full of lies that claim that those who stand with Israel, will be blessed by God and those who stands against Israel will be cursed by God. This is were all the "Christian Zionists" come out of.
Even more interesting is what happened in the early 1980s when Ariel Sharon was the prime minister of Israel.

In those days there was an offer by the "Evangelical Christians" to the israeli Jews....the offer was simple...accept the "Evangelical Christians" money and political support in return for allowing them to operate freely in the holy land to fulfill the prophesy of the "End Times".

Israelis had a hard time accepting all that free gifts!!!.because the "End Times" prophesy concludes with all the Jews either to be slaughtered or converted... so they debated and debated....and at the end they accepted (surprise ..surprise!!).. and that is how "Christian Zionists" came to being....
. .

After all these years, finally accepted BUT (a big but) the “application” process will likely take “several” years thus until Iran’s application and acceptance is fully approved....it’s still not done.
Amazing. But then again, I expect nothing less from you, borther.

Iranian people can ONLY count on themselves. If they count on this b.s. that calls itself international order, or NPT, or IAEA, or global trade, global banking and transaction processing, etc. etc. - we will ONLY be disappointed or even worse, humiliated.

Lotf darin shoma, baradar.

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Here is a Video to go with the Topic

The brother has in fact read out my full PDF post in this video (even included a link to it). Special thanks to him for the great work. The more people get to hear the news, the better.

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The US protects its major allies and promotes tech transfers to the “white ones”. Meanwhile Russia and China have yet to build a similar alliance.

If they ever want to effectively challenge a US led world order they need to embrace countries like Iran and NK just as US embraces France and England and Australia.

I doubt Russia will ever get to that point, their philosophy since Soviet Union has ensured it is alone and lost almost all of its former client states (Libya, Iraq, etc) while being enricled by NATO and losing former satellite states of the Soviet Union. This lone wolf policy by Russia has been nothing short of a disaster for its long term prospects.

That leaves China and all indications are China thinks it can challenge the US and it’s led world order all by itself by economically enslaving poor countries as part of its Silk Road project. Unfortunately, while China has done many things right to reach the point it is today. I feel this is a critical flaw (call it arrogance) on its part if it thinks it can challenge the US and it’s allies all by itself. Imperial Japan tried this and failed miserably

If China is binding countries along the Silk Road to itself through economic interaction, is this policy not already creating a geostrategic bloc of sorts? Formal military alliance could follow in the future. I don't think China is indifferent to it, but it is probably waiting for the right moment ie for the gap between it and the US to narrow a little more. Because officially forming and announcing such an alliance represents a considerable challenge to the NATO-dominated global order.

While American vassal states and client regimes in the developing world are worse than enslaved in practice, the US hasn't exactly been treating its western allies in ideal ways either. German chancellor Merkel had her phone tapped by the NSA, the fact got public and there was strictly nothing Berlin could do about it. If Washington requests something from its western allies that goes against their interests, they'll oblige without asking questions. Occasional nagging and official protests are only there to placate public opinion. But the thing is that these NATO regimes are no sovereign entities and their ruling oligarchies aren't working in the interest of their own nations but rather are serving the globalist mafia as well as the US regime.

While China today is magnitudes more powerful than Imperial Japan was. So too is the US + NATO + Asia alliance.

In relative terms, the differential between China and the US-led bloc has been narrowing for two to three decades.

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Zionists infiltrated the Evangelical Christians in the U.S in the early 1900s when the Scofield "bible" was first published by the Stanford publishing house. This fraudulent bible is full of lies that claim that those who stand with Israel, will be blessed by God and those who stands against Israel will be cursed by God. This is were all the "Christian Zionists" come out of.

Publication of the Scofield Bible is an important chapter in the history of Christian zionism, but its actual genesis goes back a few more centuries. It is in fact rooted in the early Reformation period ie in the 16th century, when radical currents of Protestantism began focusing more on the Old Testament, expressing zionist views (return of Jews to Palestine) and generally enhancing Hebraic cultural references in their version of Christianism. Martin Luther himself started on a philo-Judaic position but as we know he later completely revised this standpoint and authored a book in which he harshly attacked Jews.

Soon afterwards, eschatological justifications for this philo-Judaic outlook were devised by some Protestants, especially the Puritans, who would also play an important role in the colonization of North America and the foundation of the United States regime. And so, millennialist Christian zionism was born, which attributes a particular significance to Jewish people and to Palestine in the specific context of end times eschatology. Among the proponents Christian zionism, one will find individuals who dabbled in the Talmud but also in the Kabbalah.

And guess where this millennialist zionist strain of Protestantism got to develop first? Unsurprisingly, in England... Its religious influence began increasing under Edward VI, but it was after the English civil war and the execution of king Charles I, under the dictatorship of Oliver Cromwell that it gained political influence at the upper levels of the English state.

Interestingly, some non-zionist Protestants accuse the Catholic church of being a vector of zionist influence and subversion. While it is true that the Vatican too has been infiltrated by zionists and other deviationist currents (including (proto-)masonic ones) at various stages of history and in different forms - certain questionable individuals being chosen as Popes, markedly liberal / globalist / secularist reorientation of the Roman Catholic Church after the Second Vatican Council in 1965, as well as the latest avatar, Catholic zionism which is being cultivated by Likudnik agents among right wing fundamentalist and nationalist movements in Catholic communities, it was nonetheless the Protestant world in which Christian zionism florished initially and with relatively greater ease. This of course doesn't mean that any of the branches of Christianity is determined by its very essence to be supportive of zionism. Whether Protestantism, Catholicism or especially Orthodox Christianity, all of these do include people opposed to the global agendas of zionism and freemasonry.

With regards to the US regime, this means that the latter is zionist at its very foundational and ideological core, in addition to being fundamentally masonic as well. Factor in its sheer material power and it becomes clear why the American regime and its zionist and masonic masters represent the biggest threat to traditional faith systems and to nations across the world. Therefore, religious people including Muslims and patriots all over the planet ought to concentrate on the US and on zionism first. Those who redirect the attention towards different actors instead, are doing the bidding of the zionists.

Some useful links if interested in the topic:


(The two latter papers are in French but can be translated online if needed. The third one deconstructs the bogus notion of "Judeo-Christianism", which is promoted by zionists.)

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Even more interesting is what happened in the early 1980s when Ariel Sharon was the prime minister of Israel.

In those days there was an offer by the "Evangelical Christians" to the israeli Jews....the offer was simple...accept the "Evangelical Christians" money and political support in return for allowing them to operate freely in the holy land to fulfill the prophesy of the "End Times".

Israelis had a hard time accepting all that free gifts!!!.because the "End Times" prophesy concludes with all the Jews either to be slaughtered or converted... so they debated and debated....and at the end they accepted (surprise ..surprise!!).. and that is how "Christian Zionists" came to being....

The contemporary alliance between Evangelical preachers and the zionist regime precedes the 1980's and Ariel Sharon's cabinet by a few years. For example, famous televangelist pastor Jerry Falwell was gifted a private jet by the government of Menachem Begin in 1979, in return for his active support for zionist occupation of Palestine.
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If China is binding countries along the Silk Road to itself through economic interaction, is this policy not already creating a geostrategic bloc of sorts? Formal military alliance could follow in the future. I don't think China is indifferent to it, but it is probably waiting for the right moment ie for the gap between it and the US to narrow a little more. Because officially forming and announcing such an alliance represents a considerable challenge to the NATO-dominated global order.

Some good points made. But a military alliance made up of a various 3rd world countries that China has created an economic integration alliance with (Africa, South America, etc) will never challenge a US + NATO+ Asia from a military alliance POV.

Take SCO for example, relatively useless as the basis of a future NATO-esque military alliance when you have Pakistan and India in the “alliance”....two sworn enemies. It’s like if Israel joined SCO.

Currently the US led military order is as follows:
Arab banana countries (Egypt, Saudi, PGCC)

No superpower on Earth could hold up against this front. Nazi attempted Empire made a similar mistake and paid the price.

Thus it makes sense for the following

-(HZ-Iraqi militias, Syrian militias, Hamas, Houthi Resistance alliance)

Wildcards (potential to flip to axis side)

Realistically this is the only way to provide military deterrence and allow Chinese led world order to emerge. Or else building only a economic deterrence by ways of Silk Road Integration of various countries will not provide suffice deterrence from an attack.

Remember the white man “acts” civilized because social norms calls for it. But when it’s security and livelihood are challenged they will not hesitate to turn back into savages in order to protect their way of life.
Zionists infiltrated the Evangelical Christians in the U.S in the early 1900s when the Scofield "bible" was first published by the Stanford publishing house. This fraudulent bible is full of lies that claim that those who stand with Israel, will be blessed by God and those who stands against Israel will be cursed by God. This is were all the "Christian Zionists" come out of.

There is a big effort to make a Judeochristian unith which is not historically and religiously correct.
It is beyond just evangelicals. There are lots of groups for that.

Average Joe the farmer does not believe in it. I know it because I have lived with Joe the farmer and Joe the NYer.

Some good points made. But a military alliance made up of a various 3rd world countries that China has created an economic integration alliance with (Africa, South America, etc) will never challenge a US + NATO+ Asia from a military alliance POV.

Take SCO for example, relatively useless as the basis of a future NATO-esque military alliance when you have Pakistan and India in the “alliance”....two sworn enemies. It’s like if Israel joined SCO.

Currently the US led military order is as follows:
Arab banana countries (Egypt, Saudi, PGCC)

No superpower on Earth could hold up against this front. Nazi attempted Empire made a similar mistake and paid the price.

Thus it makes sense for the following

-(HZ-Iraqi militias, Syrian militias, Hamas, Houthi Resistance alliance)

Wildcards (potential to flip to axis side)

Realistically this is the only way to provide military deterrence and allow Chinese led world order to emerge. Or else building only a economic deterrence by ways of Silk Road Integration of various countries will not provide suffice deterrence from an attack.

Remember the white man “acts” civilized because social norms calls for it. But when it’s security and livelihood are challenged they will not hesitate to turn back into savages in order to protect their way of life.

I see your point but there is a point to learn from Yemen or Afghanistan:

Patience and perseverance wins armor.
Some good points made. But a military alliance made up of a various 3rd world countries that China has created an economic integration alliance with (Africa, South America, etc) will never challenge a US + NATO+ Asia from a military alliance POV.

Take SCO for example, relatively useless as the basis of a future NATO-esque military alliance when you have Pakistan and India in the “alliance”....two sworn enemies. It’s like if Israel joined SCO.

There's Russia in the SCO, a developed country. But the SCO isn't exactly a NATO-type military alliance.

NATO includes Turkey and Greece, two traditional enemies whose forces have continued to skirmish even after joining the alliance.

Currently the US led military order is as follows:
Arab banana countries (Egypt, Saudi, PGCC)

The Philippines is an interesting example. Although they do have a mutual defence pact with Washington, President Duterte has tried to distance his country from the US. Also, in the face of Chinese intrusion into territory claimed by the Philippines, not only have the latter's armed forces proven to lack any sort of deterrence power, but their American allies equally failed to keep China out despite treaty obligations.

Washington and its Arab allies aren't bound by mutual defence accords. The militaries of these states are of regional relevance at best and as such would not really count as a deterrence force against China.

Nor would the zionist regime participate in a serious operation against China. It'd most likely sit on the fences, play both sides and draw benefit from their clash. In fact, zionists are busy sending out their pawns into China as we speak. In a very methodical and discrete manner, as per their habits. There are also significant links between the globalist oligarchy and China's economic elites.

Some hints are visible here and there... For instance, China may be in the process of moving towards the legalization of homosexual unions and child adoptions by same sex couples. Likewise, it seems like the groundwork for extra-continental mass immigration is slowly being laid in certain Chinese urban areas such as the Guangdong / Pearl River Delta megalopolis - along with the same engineered theatrics of racism vs anti-racism, which we know western oligarchies are busying their populations with, in order to redirect the revolutionary energy of the working class towards futile intra-class struggles along "ethnic" instead of social-economic lines. We are also witnessing a subtle encroachment by the Haifan Bahai organization in China, with a particular view to targeting successful and wealthy business people for conversion and recruitment. In the same way, marriages between influential zionist and Chinese figures have sharply increased over the past years. But, this is a complex topic of its own.



India, for its part, is indeed being groomed by the US in a frontline role against China. However face to face with China, India has amply demonstrated its vulnerabilities.

No superpower on Earth could hold up against this front. Nazi attempted Empire made a similar mistake and paid the price.

Germany during WW2 had allies, collectively referred to as the so-called Axis Powers:

- Germany
- Italy
- Japan
- Finland
- Hungary
- Slovakia
- Romania
- Bulgaria

Many of these countries having in fact annexed swaths of territory from their neighbors, ie they were larger and relatively speaking more populous than they are in their present form. Of course, France and the UK had much more extensive colonial possessions; but these colonies experienced quasi non-stop demographic expansion at much faster pace than the west since the end of the war, thus they weren't so densely populated back in the day (with the exception of the British Raj in India).

From England to India and from the Baltic states to Croatia and Serbia, a few hundred thousand volunteers joined moreover the ranks of the Waffen-SS. Quite unbelievably, there were even some Russians fighting alongside the Third Reich against the USSR (see Kaminiski Brigade).

Thus it makes sense for the following

-(HZ-Iraqi militias, Syrian militias, Hamas, Houthi Resistance alliance)

Wildcards (potential to flip to axis side)

Realistically this is the only way to provide military deterrence and allow Chinese led world order to emerge. Or else building only a economic deterrence by ways of Silk Road Integration of various countries will not provide suffice deterrence from an attack.

Remember the white man “acts” civilized because social norms calls for it. But when it’s security and livelihood are challenged they will not hesitate to turn back into savages in order to protect their way of life.

I'm not against the above suggested idea of an alliance between China and the mentioned countries and movements. This said, on the other side there's a considerable imbalance between the US and its allies. So I don't know how much of a difference it would make for a country the size of China. For example, France and the UK put together have only slightly more than 500 nuclear weapons officially vs America's over 5500, in other terms they add less than 10% compared to the US regime's nuclear capability. In terms of defence budgets, in 2020 other NATO countries spent about a third of America's over 780 billion USD. Add south Korea, Japan and Australia, and that "only" amounts to some additional 120 billion.
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There's Russia in the SCO, a developed country. But the SCO isn't exactly a NATO-type military alliance.

NATO includes Turkey and Greece, two traditional enemies whose forces have continued to skirmish even after joining the alliance.

The Philippines is an interesting example. Although they do have a mutual defence pact with Washington, President Duterte has tried to distance his country from the US. Also, in the face of Chinese intrusion into territory claimed by the Philippines, not only have the latter's armed forces proven to lack any sort of deterrence power, but their American allies equally failed to keep China out despite their treaty obligations.

Washington and its Arab allies aren't bound by mutual defence accords. The militaries of these states are of regional relevance at best and as such would do not really count as a deterrence force against China.

Nor would the zionist regime participate in a serious operation against China. It'd most likely sit on the fences, play both sides and draw benefit from their clash. In fact, zionists are busy sending out their pawns into China as we speak. In a very methodical and discrete manner, as per their habits. There are also significant links between the globalist oligarchy and China's economic elites.

Some hints are visible here and there... For instance, China may be in the process of moving towards the legalization of homosexual unions and child adoptions by homosexual couples. Likewise, it seems like the groundwork for extra-continental mass immigration is slowly being laid in certain Chinese urban areas such as the Guangdong / Pearl River Delta megalopolis - along with the same engineered theatrics of racism vs anti-racism, which we know western oligarchies are busying their populations with, in order to redirect the revolutionary energy of the working class towards futile intra-class struggles on an "ethnic" instead of an economic basis. We also have the subtle encroachment of the Haifan Bahai organization in China, with a particular view to targeting successful and wealthy business people for conversion and recruitment. In the same way, marriages between influential zionist and Chinese individuals have sharply increased over the past years. But, this is a complex topic of its own.



India, for its part, is indeed being groomed by the US in a frontline deterrence role against China. However face to face with China, India has amply demonstrated its vulnerabilities.

Germany during WW2 had allies, collectively referred to as the so-called Axis Powers:

- Germany
- Italy
- Japan
- Finland
- Hungary
- Slovakia
- Romania
- Bulgaria

Many of these countries having in fact annexed large swaths of territory from their neighbors, ie they were larger and relatively speaking more populous than in their present form. Of course, France and the UK had far more extensive colonial possessions; but then again, these colonies experienced quasi non-stop demographic expansion at much faster pace than the west since the end of the war, thus they weren't particularly populous back in the day (with the exception of the British Raj in India).

From England to India and from the Baltic States to Croatia and Serbia, some hundreds of thousands of volunteers joined moreover the ranks of the Waffen-SS. Quite unbelievably, there were even Russian volunteers fighting against the USSR (see Kaminiski Brigade).

Thus it makes sense for the following

-(HZ-Iraqi militias, Syrian militias, Hamas, Houthi Resistance alliance)

Wildcards (potential to flip to axis side)

Realistically this is the only way to provide military deterrence and allow Chinese led world order to emerge. Or else building only a economic deterrence by ways of Silk Road Integration of various countries will not provide suffice deterrence from an attack.

Remember the white man “acts” civilized because social norms calls for it. But when it’s security and livelihood are challenged they will not hesitate to turn back into savages in order to protect their way of life.

I'm not against the above suggested idea of an alliance between China and the mentioned countries and movements. This said, on the other side there's a considerable imbalance between the US and its allies. So I don't know how much of a difference it would make for a country the size of China. For example, France and the UK put together have only slightly more than 500 nuclear weapons officially vs America's over 5500, in other terms they add less than 10% to the US regime's nuclear power. In terms of defence budgets, in 2020 other NATO countries spent about a third of America's over 780 billion USD. Add south Korea, Japan and Australia, and that's "only" some additional 120 billion.

Do not look at military budget as power status or else Iran would look like a pushover at merely $20B defense budget annually.

Look at manpower, navy ships, air power.

Manpower alone between India, SK, Japan could muster = 1-1.5M soldiers.

NATO = 750K-1M soldiers (Turkey alone could supply 400K)

US 1-1.5M soldiers

So an allied force could muster 4M soldiers including reservists. Where as China would be at about 1M or so before having to draft regular civilians.

Again this is a “world war” scenario aka a “all hands on decks”

Between the Allied forces alone, allies could muster at least 5000+ military aircraft to China’s 1500.

Another issue is China like Imperial Japan has an oil problem. (Indeed one reason for Pearl Harbor was oil sanctions had crippled Japanese war machine). While China does have an emergency reserve (exact amount is state secret) securing additional oil to not crash its local economy during a prolonged war effort would be very difficult. Not to mention allies would attack onshore oil storage in the beginning of conflict knowing energy is its weakest link.

Thus we arrive at my original point. Removing nuclear weapons out of the equation (even tactical would open a Pandora’s box that China may be hesitant to do in the beginning). China will need allies, alone it cannot hope to stand against the United effort of the world.

Like I said individually US allies pose not a major threat to China, however together with addition of US the swarm alliance becomes much more lethal in unison and synergistic effect.

Thus until China develops alliances it will never reach world order leader status. Merely economic superpower status which does not exactly translate to world order leader status. It will have big say at the table, but not the FINAL say and that right there is key.
Do not look at military budget as power status or else Iran would look like a pushover at merely $20B defense budget annually.

Look at manpower, navy ships, air power.

Manpower alone between India, SK, Japan could muster = 1-1.5M soldiers.

NATO = 750K-1M soldiers (Turkey alone could supply 400K)

US 1-1.5M soldiers

So an allied force could muster 4M soldiers including reservists. Where as China would be at about 1M or so before having to draft regular civilians.

Again this is a “world war” scenario aka a “all hands on decks”

Between the Allied forces alone, allies could muster at least 5000+ military aircraft to China’s 1500.

Another issue is China like Imperial Japan has an oil problem. (Indeed one reason for Pearl Harbor was oil sanctions had crippled Japanese war machine). While China does have an emergency reserve (exact amount is state secret) securing additional oil to not crash its local economy during a prolonged war effort would be very difficult. Not to mention allies would attack onshore oil storage in the beginning of conflict knowing energy is its weakest link.

Thus we arrive at my original point. Removing nuclear weapons out of the equation (even tactical would open a Pandora’s box that China may be hesitant to do in the beginning). China will need allies, alone it cannot hope to stand against the United effort of the world.

Like I said individually US allies pose not a major threat to China, however together with addition of US the swarm alliance becomes much more lethal in unison and synergistic effect.

Thus until China develops alliances it will never reach world order leader status. Merely economic superpower status which does not exactly translate to world order leader status. It will have big say at the table, but not the FINAL say and that right there is key.

Numbers, numbers, numbers

Did you watch Yemen or Afghanistan war?

Patience, perseverance and faith trumps armor, airforce and odds.

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