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Iranian Chill Thread

Well that is his opinion and he has right to it. The only intellectual deficiency I see is you didn't you say that you were studying the vile Kabbalah

Well, I'm not the only person who studied the vile Kabbalah. The man who studied the vile Kabbalah most was a certain individual named David (pbuh). I'm sure you know who he is. The vile Kabbalah was also studied by another individual named Moses (pbuh) during his 40 yrs of wondering thru the deserts. The vile Kabbalah is not the matter of discussion in the Iranian chill thread. Here , us Iran lovers chill and do gossip. If you wanna decide if the Kabbalah is vile or not I can send you a kabbalistic book that you can read. ReAd nd know abt sumthing before jumping on the Bandwagon of illiterates.

This is not the place to discuss those things. Here, those who love Iran hang out and chat around. Are u sure u rare not lost ? Maybe u were looking for YANKEE CHILL THREAD instead. I can't help u find that I'm afraid

As i said before ,really did not want to have this debate on the Iranian chill thread , where as it's name , is where members come to chill.

But since some are unable to contain themselves , i am obliged to answer.

how the hell some kid killer

I remember indeed that some of the first cases Nasrin Sotoudeh defended ,where juveniles about to be executed.

Prominent Iranian lawyer Sotoudeh meets children in jail

Nasrin Sotoudeh, human rights lawyer who defended juvenile offenders and political activists, shown speaking to her children

A video has emerged today of a prominent Iranian lawyer, Nasrin Sotoudeh, showing her meeting her two children in Tehran's notorious Evin prison for the first time in several months.

Sotoudeh who defended several political activists arrested in the aftermath of Iran's 2009 disputed presidential elections and juvenile offenders joined her clients in jail in September 2010 when the authorities took offence to her high profile work as a lawyer. In Evin, she is spending time with some of the prisoners she defended in court.

She was initially sentenced to 11 years for a series of charges including "acting against the national security" and "propaganda against the regime" but had her prison term reduced to six year last September.

In the video which only shows few moments of the lawyer's recent meeting with her children, Sotoudeh is speaking through a partition to her son, Nima, while her daughter, Mehraveh, stands nearby sobbing quietly.

It's not clear what was exchanged between the two but despite all pressure, Sotoudeh appears to be showing a joyful face of a mother to her son.

Like Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma, Sotoudeh, 45, has become a symbol of resistance for not retreating from her human rights ideals despite claims of mistreatment in jail and restrictions on meeting her two young children and her husband.

In Her Own Words: Nasrin Sotoudeh talks about juvenile executions in Iran

Well, I'm not the only person who studied the vile Kabbalah. The man who studied the vile Kabbalah most was a certain individual named David (pbuh). I'm sure you know who he is. The vile Kabbalah was also studied by another individual named Moses (pbuh) during his 40 yrs of wondering thru the deserts. The vile Kabbalah is not the matter of discussion in the Iranian chill thread. Here , us Iran lovers chill and do gossip. If you wanna decide if the Kabbalah is vile or not I can send you a kabbalistic book that you can read. ReAd nd know abt sumthing before jumping on the Bandwagon of illiterates.

This is not the place to discuss those things. Here, those who love Iran hang out and chat around. Are u sure u rare not lost ? Maybe u were looking for YANKEE CHILL THREAD instead. I can't help u find that I'm afraid

You are confusing the Kabalah with psalms which is the book David recieved from God.. However the Kabalah is entirely something else and of evil nature. It was written by a jewish guy in Baghdad in the 13th century who later on become some sort of sufi heretic in order to misguide the muslims of Baghdad performing some magical works and atributing that to saint-hood.. There is no such thing as good magic but all in all alas we will talk about this in another day on another topic.. My apologies for the off-topic convo
You are confusing the Kabalah with psalms which is the book David recieved from God.. However the Kabalah is entirely something else and of evil nature. It was written by a jewish guy in Baghdad in the 13th century who later on become some sort of sufi heretic in order to misguide the muslims of Baghdad performing some magical works and atributing that to saint-hood.. There is no such thing as good magic but all in all alas we will talk about this in another day on another topic.. My apologies for the off-topic convo

Wow what a bunch of misleading nonsense.

Kabalah translation is : to receive.

The purpose of Kaballah is to turn the ego upside down - from the desire to receive for one own pleasure , to a will to receive in order to give to others.

The funding principle of Kaballah is : " love thy neighbor as you love yourself "

and it is thorough love that the world will reach its final redemption.

Or in short : LOVE

through love we can connect to one another and to the creator.

The most similar example to Kabbalah in Islam is Sufism , and there is nothing evil about that too.

As for origin :

According to traditional belief, early kabbalistic knowledge was transmitted orally by the Patriarchs, prophets, and sages (hakhamim in Hebrew), eventually to be "interwoven" into Jewish religious writings and culture. According to this view, early kabbalah was, in around the 10th century BCE, an open knowledge practiced by over a million people in ancient Israel.[19] Foreign conquests drove the Jewish spiritual leadership of the time (the Sanhedrin) to hide the knowledge and make it secret, fearing that it might be misused if it fell into the wrong hands.[20]

Do read some background before posting misleading info. It did not start in the 13 centaury , there was actually no leading kabalistic scholar in Bagdad ( don't know where you pulled that one from )

“Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn't matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, yet again , come , come.”

Jelaluddin Rumi


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Wow what a bunch of misleading nonsense.

Kabalah translation is : to receive.

The purpose of Kaballah is to turn the ego upside down - from the desire to receive for one own pleasure , to a will to receive in order to give to others.

The funding principle of Kaballah is : " love thy neighbor as you love yourself "

and it is thorough love that the world will reach its final redemption.

Or in short : LOVE

through love we can connect to one another and to the creator.
The most similar example to Kabbalah in Islam is Sufism , and there is nothing evil about that too.

As for origin :

According to traditional belief, early kabbalistic knowledge was transmitted orally by the Patriarchs, prophets, and sages (hakhamim in Hebrew), eventually to be "interwoven" into Jewish religious writings and culture. According to this view, early kabbalah was, in around the 10th century BCE, an open knowledge practiced by over a million people in ancient Israel.[19] Foreign conquests drove the Jewish spiritual leadership of the time (the Sanhedrin) to hide the knowledge and make it secret, fearing that it might be misused if it fell into the wrong hands.[20]

Do read some background before posting misleading info. It did not start in the 13 centaury , there was actually no leading kabalistic scholar in Bagdad ( don't know where you pulled that one from )

“Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn't matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, yet again , come , come.”

Jelaluddin Rumi



There is evil magic within kabbalah bro. The details will be to graphic If I go in depth into it currently lets say another day for that. This thing started by a Jewish based in Baghdad but somehow the jews find a nice word for it by saying the Popularization instead and also found a nice way to put it by saying Kabbalah is to recieve but the question is by whom? It is Jewish mysticism and by saying it was from 10th century BC it means you are attributing this to Solomon's era which is a major fallacy. He was strictly a monotheist only worshipped Elohim ḥayyim without associations.. He was granted a divine power over animals, the wind and Jinn he was not a magician nor practice it ever..

There is even a verse in the quran clearing his name of this specific blame on his name which is completely in correct to use him as an excuse to do magic because it wants to justify magic by saying look one of our great prophets really did this so we can also do it but the truth is he never practiced that stuff he was given a divine power that is entirely different just like how Moses could spread the ocean or being as strong as 10-20 men which is one of the reasons why he killed that guy unintentionally when he punched him he died instantly due to the blow it was not from a regular mans strength..

The ancient israelites believed in Elohim alone and lived by the 10 commedments to a fault and forbade magic and mysticism.. They had different shariah (heavenly jurisdiction) suited for their timeline
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There is evil magic within kabbalah bro. The details will be to graphic If I go in depth into it currently lets say another day for that. This thing started by a Jewish based in Baghdad but somehow the jews find a nice word for it by saying the Popularization instead and also found a nice way to put it by saying Kabbalah is to recieve but the question is by whom? It is Jewish mysticism and by saying it was from 10th century BC it means you are attributing this to Solomon's era which is a major fallacy. He was strictly a monotheist only worshipped Elohim ḥayyim without associations.. He was granted a divine power over animals, the wind and Jinn he was not a magician nor practice it ever..

There is even a verse in the quran clearing his name of this specific blame on his name which is completely in correct to use him as an excuse to do magic because it wants to justify magic by saying look one of our great prophets really did this so we can also do it but the truth is he never practiced that stuff he was given a divine power that is entirely different just like how Moses could spread the ocean or being as strong as 10-20 men which is one of the reasons why he killed that guy unintentionally when he punched him he died instantly due to the blow it was not from a regular mans strength..

The ancient israelites believed in Elohim alone and lived by the 10 commedments to a fault and forbade magic and mysticism.. They had different shariah (heavenly jurisdiction) suited for their timeline

So much mixture of truth and false I would not know where to begin to correct you.

Lets start at the basic :

Kabballah is to receive but the question is by whom ? - everything receive from God the source of all things . The question is what you do with what you receive ? Is it to draw pleurae to yourself ( being egoistic ) ? or to give to others - God does not receive anything from others , he only gives.

The ambition of those who practice Kabballah is to come closer to God by copying this quality , receiving only in order to give to others , or as written in the bible :

" love thy neighbor as you love yourself "

True , some who practiced Kabballah have been said to be able to perform what we call today miracles , but that was a byproduct of their practice not the goal. Those who reached such level main concern and desire , was not to do cheap tricks , but to share their knowledge with others.

True there where some who practiced Kabballah who ended up straying from the right pass. Some died , some went insane , some became heretics. The explanation was that too much light was for some too much to handle.

This is why until not long ago , if you wanted to study Kabballah you had to be over 40 years old , have already studied all the other available scriptures and where married with children

That was to ensure that you had sound grounding before ascending to higher realms.

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So much mixture of truth and false I would not know where to begin to correct you.

Lets start at the basic :

Kabballah is to receive but the question is by whom ? - everything receive from God the source of all things . The question is what you do with what you receive ? Is it to draw pleurae to yourself ( being egoistic ) ? or to give to others - God does not receive anything from others , he only gives.

The ambition of those who practice Kabballah is to come closer to God by copying this quality , receiving only in order to give to others , or as written in the bible :

" love thy neighbor as you love yourself "

True , some who practiced Kabballah have been said to be able to perform what we call today miracles , but that was a byproduct of their practice not the goal Those who reached such level main concern and desire , was not to do cheap tricks , but to share their knowledge with others.

True there where some who practiced Kabballah who ended up straying from the right pass. Some died , some went insane , some became heretics. The explanation was that too much light was for some too much to handle.

This is why until not long ago , if you wanted to study Kabballah you had to be over 40 years old , have already studied all the other available scriptures and where married with children

That was to ensure that you had sound grounding before ascending to higher realms.


I gave you a detailed reply but deleted on second thought this is the iranian chill thread not the right place for it. The subject itself is to heavy material
Just look at the "Hutzpah" of this filthy Zionist RAT who defends a country that likes to imprison children on a regular basis when not shooting unarmed men, women and children who they illegally occupy for fun coming here passing judgment on "human Rights" in Iran. You are the last people on the face of this earth fit to talk about Human Rights!!!

Have you noticed the huge contrast in their trolling behaviour depending on whether a liberal or a revolutionary is in charge in Iran? Since Ebrahim Raisi's democratic election, they are all over the place versus during the Rohani years.

This will be a major discouraging factor against voting for liberal candidates in future elections, because Iranian readers will take note that those who support their country's existential enemy on this forum clearly favor a liberal in power over a revolutionary. In fact zionists are nicely shooting themselves in the foot with this sort of trolling.
I gave you a detailed reply but deleted on second thought this is the iranian chill thread not the right place for it. The subject itself is to heavy material

good call

if you wish you are welcome to open a separate thread about it.
Have you noticed the huge contrast in their trolling behaviour depending on whether a liberal or a revolutionary is in charge in Iran? Since Ebrahim Raisi's democratic election, they are all over the place versus during the Rohani years.

This will be a major discouraging factor against voting for liberal candidates in future elections, because Iranian readers will take note that those who support their country's existential enemy on this forum clearly favor a liberal in power over a revolutionary. In fact zionists are nicely shooting themselves in the foot with this sort of trolling.

This is a great sight. It really shows their desperation because they know what is coming and they realize they have to throw everything they have until something sticks. Luckily things are not going as they planned and they are confronted with one failure after another. They are floundering like a fish out of water!
Iran's Afghanistan policy. What is Iran's reaction to recent developments and future prospects in its eastern neighbor?

@Cthulhu, this might be of interest to you. It pretty much reflects the points I made before.
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Bazi vaghtā, nemidonam cherā inā ro komak mikonim. Mā mitonim ye kāri konim ke to hamoon otagh ke mikhoran boyad berinan.

As i said before ,really did not want to have this debate on the Iranian chill thread , where as it's name , is where members come to chill.

But since some are unable to contain themselves , i am obliged to answer.

I remember indeed that some of the first cases Nasrin Sotoudeh defended ,where juveniles about to be executed.

Prominent Iranian lawyer Sotoudeh meets children in jail

Nasrin Sotoudeh, human rights lawyer who defended juvenile offenders and political activists, shown speaking to her children

A video has emerged today of a prominent Iranian lawyer, Nasrin Sotoudeh, showing her meeting her two children in Tehran's notorious Evin prison for the first time in several months.

Sotoudeh who defended several political activists arrested in the aftermath of Iran's 2009 disputed presidential elections and juvenile offenders joined her clients in jail in September 2010 when the authorities took offence to her high profile work as a lawyer. In Evin, she is spending time with some of the prisoners she defended in court.

She was initially sentenced to 11 years for a series of charges including "acting against the national security" and "propaganda against the regime" but had her prison term reduced to six year last September.

In the video which only shows few moments of the lawyer's recent meeting with her children, Sotoudeh is speaking through a partition to her son, Nima, while her daughter, Mehraveh, stands nearby sobbing quietly.

It's not clear what was exchanged between the two but despite all pressure, Sotoudeh appears to be showing a joyful face of a mother to her son.

Like Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma, Sotoudeh, 45, has become a symbol of resistance for not retreating from her human rights ideals despite claims of mistreatment in jail and restrictions on meeting her two young children and her husband.

In Her Own Words: Nasrin Sotoudeh talks about juvenile executions in Iran

thanks god all our enemy are stupid creature. nasrin person was some one like you we have other one proverb they ask of fox who is ur witness the fox says my tail is my witness .this traitor is one of ur side spy and we know how must behave with this shity insects ofcourse these insect have kid like themselves too
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